Hello !
I am a student of a university i and we are group into different categories in executing a project. The Template of the project was design by our lecturer and they want us to read , interprete and edit a website written in php and was givien to us to work on Now a setup my wampserver copy the own site into my www root folder and and try to run the site but the site complan that the databases setting have not been config now i found out that there is an include file on the first line of every pages and i trace is i got the code which will be pasted below. The instruction is that we should not redesign another site but use the one given to create another database and connect it and work perfectly...
but i dont know where to edit o reconfigure the site to give it another database path and name cause they all look to odd another PLS I NEED YOUR HELP

This is the code below


	sNews 1.6
	Release date: May 16, 2007
	Developers version: 1.6.0 Stable
	Copyright (C) Solucija.com
	sNews is licensed under a Creative Commons License


function db($variable) {
	$db = array();
	$db['website'] = 'http://www.nacossoau.org/news/';
	$db['dbhost'] = 'localhost'; //MySQL Host
	$db['dbname'] = 'nacoss_nacos'; //Database Name
	$db['dbuname'] = 'nacoss_opeawo'; //Database Username
	$db['dbpass'] = 'adeja'; //Database password
	$db['prefix'] = ''; //Database prefix
	$db['dberror'] = '<strong>There was an error while connecting to the database.</strong> <br /> Check your database settings.'; //Database error message
	return $db[$variable];

function l($variable) {
	if (s('language') != 'EN' && file_exists('snews_'.s('language').'.php')) {include('snews_'.s('language').'.php');} else {
	$l = array();

	$l['home'] = 'Newshome';
	$l['home_sef'] = 'home'; //default value is used only if "home_SEF" is not set in the database - allowed characters are [a-z] [A-Z] [0-9] [-] [_]
	$l['archive'] = 'Archive';
	$l['rss_feed'] = 'RSS Feed';
	$l['contact'] = 'Contact';
	$l['sitemap'] = 'Site Map';
	$l['month_names'] = 'January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December';
	$l['search_keywords'] = 'Find on NACOSSOAU';
	$l['search_button'] = 'Search';
	$l['search_results'] = 'Search results on NACOSSOAU';
	$l['charerror'] = 'At least 4 characters are needed to perform the search.';
	$l['noresults'] = 'There are no results for query ';
	$l['resultsfound'] = 'results were found for query';
	$l['addcomment'] = 'Write a comment';
	$l['comment'] = 'Comment';
	$l['comment_info'] = 'Comment posted in';
	$l['page'] = 'Page';
	$l['on'] = 'on'; // preposition word used in comments infoline
	$l['first_page'] = 'First';
	$l['last_page'] = 'Last';
	$l['previous_page'] = 'Previous';
	$l['next_page'] = 'Next';
	$l['name'] = 'Name';
	$l['comment_sent'] = 'Your comment has been sent';
	$l['comment_sent_approve'] = 'Your comment is waiting moderation.';
	$l['comment_error'] = 'Your comment was not sent';
	$l['comment_back'] = 'Back to your comment';
	$l['no_comment'] = 'This article hasn\'t been commented yet.';
	$l['no_comments'] = 'No comments at the moment';
	$l['ce_reasons'] = '<strong>Possible reasons:</strong> You left blank column, comment is too short or you haven\'t entered the right math captcha code.';
	$l['url'] = 'Website URL';
	$l['required'] = '* = required field';
	$l['email'] = 'Email';
	$l['message'] = 'Message';
	$l['math_captcha'] = 'Perform an addition of two integers to avoid spam';
	$l['contact_sent'] = 'Thank you, your message has been sent.';
	$l['contact_not_sent'] = 'Your message was not sent';
	$l['message_error'] = '<strong>Possible reasons:</strong> You left name or message field blank, or email address does not exist.';
	#generic links
	$l['backhome'] = 'Back home';
	$l['backarticle'] = 'Back to article';
	$l['read_more'] = 'Continue reading';
	#contents error
	$l['article_not_exist'] = 'No contents yet';
	$l['category_not_exist'] = 'Requested category does not exist';
	$l['not_found'] = 'Content not found';
	#rss links
	$l['rss_articles'] = 'RSS Articles';
	$l['rss_pages'] = 'RSS Pages';
	$l['rss_comments'] = 'RSS Comments';
	$l['rss_comments_article'] = 'RSS Comments for this article';

	$l['administration'] = 'Admin';
	$l['articles'] = 'Articles';
	$l['extra_contents'] = 'Extra contents';
	$l['pages'] = 'Pages';
	#basic buttons
	$l['view'] = 'View';
	$l['add_new'] = 'Add new';
	$l['admin_category'] = 'New Category';
	$l['article_new'] = 'New Article';
	$l['extra_new'] = 'New Extra Contents';
	$l['page_new'] = 'New Page';
	$l['edit'] = 'Edit';
	$l['delete'] = 'Delete';
	$l['save'] = 'Save';
	$l['submit'] = 'Submit';
	$l['settings'] = 'Settings';
	$l['site_settings'] = 'Site';
	$l['login_status'] = 'Login status';
	$l['login'] = 'Login';
	$l['username'] = 'Username';
	$l['password'] = 'Password';
	$l['login_limit'] = 'User/pass limitations: 4-8 alphanumeric characters only';
	$l['logged_in'] = 'You are Logged In';
	$l['log_out'] = 'Logging out';
	$l['logout'] = 'Logout';
	$l['categories'] = 'Categories';
	$l['category'] = 'Category';
	$l['appear_category'] = 'Appear only on Category';
	$l['appear_page'] = 'Appear only on Page';
	$l['add_category'] = 'New category';
	$l['category_order'] = 'Category order';
	$l['order_category'] = 'Reorder';
	$l['description'] = 'Description';
	$l['publish_category'] = 'Publish category';
	$l['status'] = 'Status:';
	$l['published'] = 'Published';
	$l['unpublished'] = '<span style="color: #FF0000">Unpublished</span>';
	$l['article'] = 'Article';
	$l['article_date'] = 'Article date (enter a higher date for future posting)';
	$l['preview'] = 'Preview';
	$l['no_articles'] = 'No articles at the moment';
	#customize article
	$l['customize'] = 'Customize';
	$l['display_title'] = 'Display title';
	$l['display_info'] = 'Display info line (read more/ comments/ date)';
	$l['server_time'] = 'Time on Server';
	$l['future_posting'] = '<span style="color: #FF9900;">Future posting</span>';
	$l['publish_date'] = 'Publish Date';
	$l['day'] = 'Day';
	$l['month'] = 'Month';
	$l['year'] = 'Year';
	$l['hour'] = 'Hour';
	$l['minute'] = 'Minute';
	$l['publish_article'] = 'Publish article';
	$l['operation_completed'] = 'Operation completed successfully!';
	$l['deleted_success'] = 'Succesfully deleted';
	$l['files'] = 'Files';
	$l['upload'] = 'Upload';
	$l['view_files'] = 'View files in';
	$l['file_error'] = 'File could not be copied!';
	$l['deleted'] = 'File deleted!';
	$l['comments'] = 'Comments';
	$l['enable_commenting'] = 'Enable comments';
	$l['edit_comment'] = 'Edit comment';
	$l['freeze_comments'] = 'Freeze comments';
	$l['unfreeze_comments'] = 'Unfreeze comments';
	$l['enable'] = 'Enable';
	$l['approved'] = 'Approved';
	$l['enabled'] = 'Enabled';
	$l['disabled'] = 'Disabled';
	$l['unapproved'] = 'Unapproved comments';
	$l['wait_approval'] = 'comments waiting approval';
	#article structure
	$l['title'] = 'Title';
	$l['sef_title'] = 'Search engine friendly title (will be used as link to the article)';
	$l['sef_title_cat'] = 'Search engine friendly title (will be used as link to the category)';
	$l['text'] = 'Text';
	$l['position'] = 'Position';
	$l['display_page'] = 'Page';
	$l['center'] = 'Center';
	$l['contents'] = 'Contents';
	$l['side'] = 'Extra contents';
	$l['error_404'] = 'Requested contents could not be found. Please go back or use the search feature.';
	$l['error_not_logged_in'] = 'You are not currently logged in and so are not allowed to do that.';
	$l['admin_error'] = 'Error';
	$l['back'] = 'Back';
	$l['err_TitleEmpty'] = 'The Title cannot be empty.';
	$l['err_TitleExists'] = 'The Title already exists.';
	$l['err_SEFEmpty'] = 'The SEF Title cannot be empty.';
	$l['err_SEFExists'] = 'The SEF Title already exists.';
	$l['err_SEFIllegal'] = 'The SEF title you entered contains illegal characters.<br />You can only use <strong>a-z 0-9_-</strong><br />A new SEF url has been selected from the title. Please check it.';
	$l['errNote'] = '<br /><strong>Be careful:</strong> Due to the fact that when something goes wrong most posting options are lost, please check them before posting again.';
	$l['warning_delete'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this?';
	$l['image_url'] = 'Enter Image URL';
	$l['image_alt'] = 'Enter Image Alt';
	$l['file_url'] = 'Enter File URL';
	$l['link_url'] = 'Enter Link URL';
	$l['link_title'] = 'Enter Link Title';
	#settings form
	$l['none'] = "None";
	$l['change_up'] = 'Change Username and Password';
	$l['newer_top'] = 'Newer on top';
	$l['newer_bottom'] = 'Newer on bottom';
	$l['err_Login'] = 'Wrong username and/or password and/or sum entered.';
	$l['pass_mismatch'] = 'Passwords are outside length limit or do not match';
	$l['a_username'] = 'Username';
	$l['a_password'] = 'Password';
	$l['a_password2'] = 'Repeat password';
	$l['a_display_page'] = "Use Page as Home Page";
	$l['a_display_new_on_home'] = 'Display new Articles on home';
	$l['a_display_pagination'] = 'Display Pagination on articles';
	$l['a_website_title'] = 'Website Title';
	$l['a_home_sef'] = 'Home SEF (used as link to <em>Home</em>)';
	$l['a_website_email'] = 'Email';
	$l['a_description'] = 'Default description META Tag (for search engines)';
	$l['a_keywords'] = 'Default keywords META Tag (keywords separated by comma)';
	$l['a_contact_info'] = 'Contact info';
	$l['a_contact_subject'] = 'Contact Form Subject';
	$l['a_word_filter_file'] = 'Badwords filter file';
	$l['a_word_filter_change'] = 'Badwords replacement word';
	$l['a_word_filter_enable'] = 'Enable Badwords filter';
	$l['error_file_name'] = '<br /><span style="color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold;">Include Error: Forbidden file name</span><br />';
	$l['error_file_exists'] = '<br /><span style="color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold;">Include Error: File doesn\'t exists</span><br />';
	$l['a_num_categories'] = 'Display number of articles next to a category';
	$l['charset'] = 'Default charset';
	$l['a_time_settings'] = 'Time and Locale settings';
	$l['a_date_format'] = 'Date Format';
	$l['a_comments_order'] = 'Comments Order';
	$l['a_comment_limit'] = 'Comment results per page';
	$l['a_rss_limit'] = 'RSS Articles Limit';
	$l['a_approve_comments'] = 'Approve comments before publishing';
	$l['a_article_limit'] = 'Articles per page limit';
	$l['a_language'] = 'sNews Language';
	$l['description_meta'] = 'Description META Tag (for search engines)';
	$l['keywords_meta'] = 'Keywords META Tag (keywords separated by comma)';
	$l['all'] = 'All';
	#SYSTEM VARIABLES (not to be translated)
	$l['home_sef'] = s('home_sef') == '' ? $l['home_sef'] : s('home_sef'); //reassign $l['home_sef'] to system home_sef if system is set.
	$l['cat_listSEF'] = $l['home_sef'].',archive,contact,sitemap,rss-articles,rss-pages,rss-comments,login,administration,admin_category,admin_article,article_new,extra_new,page_new,categories,articles,extra_contents,pages,settings,files,logout'; //SEF links of the hardcoded categories
	$l['divider'] = '&middot;'; //divider character
	$l['paginator'] = 'p_'; // used in article pagination links
	$l['file_include_extensions'] = 'php,txt,inc,htm,html'; // list of file types available for inclusion routine
	$l['allowed_files'] = 'php,htm,html,txt,inc,css,js,swf'; // list of file types available for upload/file list routine
	$l['allowed_images'] = 'gif,jpg,jpeg,png'; // list of image types available for upload/file list routine
	$l['ignored_items'] = '.,..,cgi-bin,.htaccess,Thumbs.db,snews.php,index.php,style.css'; // list of files&folders ignored by upload/file list routine

	} return $l[$variable];

// INFO LINE TAGS (readmore, comments, date)

function tags($tag) {
	$tags = array(); $tags['infoline'] = '<p class="date">,readmore,comments,date,edit,</p>';
	$tags['comments'] = '<div class="comment">,<p class="date">,name, '.l('on').' ,date,edit,</p>,<p>,comment,</p>,</div>';
	return $tags[$tag];

// SITE SETTINGS - grab site settings from database
function s($variable) {
	$query = "SELECT value FROM ".db('prefix')."settings WHERE name = '$variable'";
	$result = mysql_query($query);
	while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {$value = $r['value'];}
	return $value;

function token() {
	$a =  md5(substr(session_id(), 2, 7));
	$c = db('website');
	$token = md5($a.$b.$c);
	return $token;

function snews_startup() {
	$categorySEF = get_id('category');
	$articleSEF = get_id('article');
	if (false !== strpos($categorySEF, 'rss-')) {rss_contents($categorySEF, $articleSEF);}
	$homeSEF = l('home_sef');
	$categoryID = $categorySEF == $homeSEF ? 0 : retrieve('id', 'categories', 'seftitle', $categorySEF);
	$articleCatID = retrieve('category', 'articles', 'seftitle', $articleSEF);
	if (!empty($categorySEF) && $categorySEF != '404') {
		switch(true) {
			case ((!$categoryID || !is_numeric($categoryID)) && check_category($categorySEF) == false):
			case (!empty($articleSEF) && false === strpos($articleSEF,l('paginator')) && !is_numeric($articleCatID)):
			header('Location: '.db('website').'404/'); exit;
	if ($categorySEF == '404') {header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');}
	if (isset($_POST['Loginform'])) {
		$user = checkUserPass($_POST['uname']);
		$pass = checkUserPass($_POST['pass']);
		if (md5($user) === s('username') && md5($pass) === s('password') && mathCaptcha($_POST['calc'], $_POST['sum'])) {
			$_SESSION[db('website').'Logged_In'] = token();

function error404() {echo l('error_404');}

function title() {
	echo '<base href="'.db('website').'" />';
	$categorySEF = get_id('category'); $articleSEF = get_id('article');
	$categoryName = retrieve('name', 'categories', 'seftitle', $categorySEF);
	$articleTitle = retrieve('title', 'articles', 'seftitle', $articleSEF);
	if (!empty($articleTitle)) {$title = $articleTitle.' - ';}
	if (!empty($categoryName)) {$title .= $categoryName.' - ';}
	$title .= s('website_title');
	echo '<title>'.$title.'</title>';
	echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset='.s('charset').'" />';
	if (!empty($articleSEF)) {
		$query = "SELECT * FROM ".db(prefix)."articles WHERE seftitle = '$articleSEF'";
		$result = mysql_query($query);
		while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {$dmeta = $r['description_meta']; $kmeta = $r['keywords_meta'];}
	echo '<meta name="description" content="'.(!empty($dmeta) ? $dmeta : s('website_description')).'" />';
	echo '<meta name="keywords" content="'.(!empty($kmeta) ? $kmeta : s('website_keywords')).'" />';
	if ($_SESSION[db('website').'Logged_In'] == token()) {js();}

function breadcrumbs() {
	$link = '<a href="'.db('website').'';
	if ($_SESSION[db('website').'Logged_In'] == token()) {echo $link.'administration/" title="'.l('administration').'">'.l('administration').'</a> '.l('divider').' ';}
	$categorySEF = get_id('category'); $articleSEF = get_id('article'); $home = l('home_sef');
	echo (!empty($categorySEF) || $categorySEF == $home || !empty($articleSEF)) ? $link.'" title="'.l('home').'">'.l('home').'</a>' : l('home');
	$categoryName = retrieve('name', 'categories', 'seftitle', $categorySEF);
	if (!empty($categoryName)) {
		echo ' '.l('divider').' '.(!empty($articleSEF) ? $link.$categorySEF.'/" title="'.$categoryName.'">'.$categoryName.'</a>' : $categoryName);
	$articleTitle = retrieve('title', 'articles', 'seftitle', $articleSEF);
	if (!empty($articleTitle)) {echo ' '.l('divider').' '.$articleTitle;}
	if (check_category($categorySEF) == true && $categorySEF != $home && $categorySEF != 'administration') {echo ' '.l('divider').' '.l($categorySEF);}

function login_link() {
	$login = '<a href="'.db('website');
	$login .= $_SESSION[db('website').'Logged_In'] == token() ? 'administration/" title="'.l('administration').'">'.l('administration') : 'login/" title="'.l('login').'">'.l('login').'';
	$login .= '</a>';
	echo $login;

function categories() {
	$categorySEF = get_id('category');
	$class = $category_title == $categorySEF ? ' class="current"' : '';
	echo '<li><a'.$class.' href="'.db('website').'" title="'.l('home').'">'.l('home').'</a></li>';
	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".db('prefix')."categories WHERE published = 'YES' ORDER BY catorder ASC"; 
	$result = mysql_query($query);
	while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
		$calc_num_query = "SELECT * FROM ".db('prefix')."articles WHERE position = 1 AND category = $r[id] AND published = 1"; 
		$cm_result = mysql_query($calc_num_query);
		$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($cm_result);
		$category_title = $r['seftitle'];
		$class = $category_title == $categorySEF ? ' class="current"' : '';
		echo '<li><a'.$class.' href="'.db('website').$category_title.'/" title="'.$r['description'].'">'.$r['name'];
		echo (s('num_categories') == 'on' ? ' ('.$num_rows.')' : '').'</a></li>';

function pages() {
	$categorySEF = get_id('category'); $pageSEF = get_id('article'); $home = l('home_sef');
	$class = (empty($categorySEF) || $categorySEF == $home && empty($pageSEF)) ? ' class="current"' : '';
	echo '<li><a'.$class.' href="'.db('website').'" title="'.l('home').'">'.l('home').'</a></li>';
	$class = ($categorySEF == 'archive') ? ' class="current"' : '';
	echo '<li><a'.$class.' href="'.db('website').'archive/" title="'.l('archive').'">'.l('archive').'</a></li>';
	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".db('prefix')."articles WHERE position = 3 ORDER BY id"; 
	$result = mysql_query($query);
	while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
		$title = $r['title'];
		$class = ($pageSEF == $r['seftitle'])? ' class="current"' : '';
		if ($r['id'] != s('display_page')) {echo '<li><a'.$class.' href="'.db('website').l('home_sef').'/'.$r['seftitle'].'/" title="'.$title.'">'.$title.'</a></li>';}
	$class = ($categorySEF == 'contact') ? ' class="current"': '';
	echo '<li><a'.$class.' href="'.db('website').'contact/" title="'.l('contact').'">'.l('contact').'</a></li>';
	$class = ($categorySEF == 'sitemap') ? ' class="current"': '';
	echo '<li><a'.$class.' href="'.db('website').'sitemap/" title="'.l('sitemap').'">'.l('sitemap').'</a></li>';

function extra($styleit = 0, $classname = '', $idname= '') {
	$categorySEF = get_id('category');
	$categoryId = (check_category($categorySEF) == true || empty($categorySEF) || $categorySEF == l('home_sef')) ? 0 : retrieve('id', 'categories', 'seftitle', $categorySEF);
	$pageSEF = get_id('article');
	$pageId = (empty($categorySEF)) ? 0 : retrieve('id', 'articles', 'seftitle', $pageSEF);
	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".db('prefix')."articles WHERE SUBSTRING(position, 1, 1) = '2' AND published = 1 ORDER BY id DESC";
	$result = mysql_query($query);
	while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
		$pos = $r['position']; $pos_depend = substr($pos, 1, 1); $pos_artID = substr($pos, 2);
		switch (true) {
			case ($pos_depend == 0 && $categoryId == 0): $print = true; break;
			case ($pos_depend == 1 && $categoryId == $pos_artID): $print = true; break;
			case ($pos_depend == 2 && $pageId == $pos_artID): $print = true; $category = -1; break;
			case ($pos_depend != '2' && $r['category'] == -1): $print = true; break; default: $print = false;
		if ($print == true) {
			if ($styleit == 1) {
				$container ='<div';
				$container .= !empty($classname) ? ' class="'.$classname.'"' : '';
				$container .= !empty($idname) ? ' id="'.$idname.'"' : '';
				$container .= '>';
				echo $container;
			echo $r['displaytitle'] == 'YES' ? '<h3>'.$r['title'].'</h3>' : '';
			file_include($r['text'], 9999000);
			echo $_SESSION[db('website').'Logged_In'] == token() ? '<p><a href="'.db('website').'index.php?action=admin_article&amp;id='.$r['id'].'" title="'.l('edit').' '.$r['seftitle'].'">'.l('edit').'</a></p>' : '';
			if ($styleit == 1) {echo '</div>';}

function paginator($category, $pageNum, $maxPage, $article, $pagePrefix) {
	$link = ' <a href="'.db('website').$category.'/';
	if (!empty($article)) {$link .= $article.'/';}
	$prefix = !empty($pagePrefix) ? $pagePrefix : '';
	if ($pageNum > 1) {
		$goTo = (!empty($article) || (!empty($category) && $category != l('home_sef'))) ? $link : '<a href="'.db('website');
		$prev = (($pageNum-1)==1 ? $goTo : $link.$prefix.($pageNum - 1).'/').'" title="'.l('page').' '.($pageNum - 1).'">&lt; '.l('previous_page').'</a> ';
		$first = $goTo.'" title="'.l('first_page').' '.l('page').'">&lt;&lt; '.l('first_page').'</a>';
	else {$prev = '&lt; '.l('previous_page'); $first = '&lt;&lt; '.l('first_page');}
	if ($pageNum < $maxPage) {
		$next = $link.$prefix.($pageNum + 1).'/" title="'.l('page').' '.($pageNum + 1).'">'.l('next_page').' &gt;</a> ';
		$last = $link.$prefix.$maxPage.'/" title="'.l('last_page').' '.l('page').'">'.l('last_page').' &gt;&gt;</a> ';
	else {$next = l('next_page').' &gt; '; $last = l('last_page').' &gt;&gt;';}
	echo '<div class="paginator">'.$first.' '.$prev.' <strong>  ['.$pageNum.'</strong> / <strong>'.$maxPage.']  </strong> '.$next.' '.$last.'</div>';

// CENTER			
function center() {
	switch(true) {
		case isset($_GET['category']): $id = $action = get_id('category'); break;
		case isset($_GET['action']): $action = clean(cleanXSS($_GET['action'])); break;
		case isset($_GET['articleid']): $articleid = get_id('articleid'); break;
	switch(true) {
		case isset($_POST['search_query']): search(); return; break;
		case isset($_POST['comment']): comment('comment_posted'); return; break;
		case isset($_POST['contactform']): contact(); return; break;
		case isset($_POST['Loginform']): administration(); return; break;
		case isset($_POST['submit_text']):
			if ($_SESSION[db('website').'Logged_In'] == token()) {processing(); return;}
			else {echo notification(1,l('error_not_logged_in'),'home');} break;
	if ($_SESSION[db('website').'Logged_In'] == token()) {
		switch ($action) {
			case 'administration': administration(); return; break;
			case 'settings': settings(); return; break;
			case 'categories': admin_categories(); return; break;
			case 'admin_category': form_categories(); return; break;
			case 'articles': admin_articles('article_view'); return; break;
			case 'extra_contents': admin_articles('extra_view'); return; break;
			case 'pages': admin_articles('page_view'); return; break;
			case 'admin_article': form_articles(''); return; break;
			case 'article_new': form_articles('article_new'); return; break;
			case 'extra_new': form_articles('extra_new'); return; break;
			case 'page_new': form_articles('page_new'); return; break;
			case 'editcomment': edit_comment(); return; break;
			case 'files': files(); return; break;
			case 'process': processing(); return; break;	
			case 'logout': session_destroy();
			echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url='.db('website').'">';
			echo '<h2>'.l('log_out').'</h2>'; return; break;
	switch ($action) {
	case 'archive': archive(); break;
	case 'sitemap': sitemap(); break;
	case 'contact': contact(); break;
	case 'login': login(); break;
	case '404': error404(); break;
		$article = get_id('article');
		$title_not_found = '<h2>'.l('not_found').'</h2>';
		$currentPage = strpos($article, l('paginator')) === 0 ? str_replace(l('paginator'), '', $article) : '';
		$home = l('home_sef'); $categorySEF = get_id('category');
		$categorySEF = empty($categorySEF) ? $home : $categorySEF;
		$use_cat_id = $categorySEF == $home ? 0 : retrieve('id', 'categories', 'seftitle', $categorySEF);
		$query_articles = "SELECT * FROM ".db('prefix')."articles WHERE published = 1 AND SUBSTRING(position, 1, 1) != '2'";
  		if (!empty($article) && empty($currentPage)) {$query_articles .= " AND seftitle = '$article'";}
		else if ($categorySEF == $home && s('display_page') <> 0) {$id_page = s('display_page'); $query_articles .= " AND id = '$id_page'";}
  		else {
			if (s('display_new_on_home') == 'on') {$query_articles .= $use_cat_id != 0 ? " AND category = $use_cat_id" : '';}
			else {$query_articles .= " AND category = $use_cat_id";}
			$query_articles .= " AND position <> 3 ORDER BY date DESC";
			$result_articles = mysql_query($query_articles);
			$numrows_articles = mysql_num_rows($result_articles);
			if (!$result_articles || !$numrows_articles) {echo $title_not_found; return;}
			else {
				$articleCount = s('article_limit');
				$article_limit = (empty($articleCount) || $articleCount < 1) ? 100 : $articleCount;
				$totalPages = ceil($numrows_articles/$article_limit);
				if (!isset($currentPage) || !is_numeric($currentPage) || $currentPage < 1) {$currentPage = 1;}
				else if ($currentPage > $totalPages) {$currentPage = $totalPages;}
				$query_articles .= " LIMIT ".($currentPage - 1) * $article_limit.", ".$article_limit;
		$result = mysql_query($query_articles);
		$numrows = mysql_num_rows($result);
		if (!$result || !$numrows) {echo $title_not_found;}
		else {
			$link = '<a href="'.db('website');
			while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
				$infoline = $r['displayinfo'] == 'YES' ? true : false;
				$text = stripslashes($r['text']);
				if (!empty($currentPage)) {$short_display = strpos($text, '[break]'); $shorten = $short_display == 0 ? 9999000 : $short_display;}
				else {$shorten = 9999000;}
				$comments_query = "SELECT * FROM ".db('prefix')."comments WHERE articleid = $r[id] AND approved = 'True'";
				$comments_result = mysql_query($comments_query);
				$comments_num = mysql_num_rows($comments_result);
				$a_date_format = date(s('date_format'), strtotime($r['date']));
      			$position = $r['position'];
				$category = $r['category'] == 0 ? $home : retrieve('seftitle', 'categories', 'id', $r['category']);
				$title = $r['title'];
				if ($r['displaytitle'] == 'YES') {echo '<h2>'.(strlen($text) > $shorten ? $link.$category.'/'.$r['seftitle'].'/" title="'.$title.'">'.$title.'</a>' : $title).'</h2>';}
				file_include(str_replace('[break]', '', $text), $shorten);
				$commentable = $r['commentable'];
				$edit_link = $link.'index.php?action=admin_article&amp;id='.$r['id'].'" title="'.l('edit').' '.$title.'">'.l('edit').'</a>';
				if (!empty($currentPage)) {
					if ($infoline == true) {
						$tag = explode(',', tags('infoline'));
						foreach ($tag as $tag) {
							switch (true) {
								case ($tag == 'date'): echo $a_date_format; break;
								case ($tag == 'readmore' && strlen($r['text']) > $shorten):
									echo $link.$category.'/'.$r['seftitle'].'/" title="'.l('read_more').'">'.l('read_more').'</a> '; break;
								case ($tag == 'comments' && ($commentable == 'YES' || $commentable == 'FREEZ')):
									echo $link.$category.'/'.$r['seftitle'].'/#'.l('comment').'1" title="'.l('comments').'">'.l('comments').' ('.$comments_num.')</a> '; break;
								case ($tag == 'edit' && $_SESSION[db('website').'Logged_In'] == token()): echo ' '.$edit_link; break;
								case ($tag != 'readmore' && $tag != 'comments' && $tag != 'edit'): echo $tag; break;
					else if ($_SESSION[db('website').'Logged_In'] == token()) {echo '<p>'.$edit_link.'</p>';}
				else if (substr($position, 0, 1) != '2' && empty($currentPage)) {
					if ($infoline == true) {
						$tag = explode(',', tags('infoline'));
						foreach ($tag as $tag ) {
							switch ($tag) {
								case 'date': echo $a_date_format; break;
								case 'readmore':
								case 'comments': ; break;
								case 'edit': if ($_SESSION[db('website').'Logged_In'] == token()) {echo ' '.$edit_link;} break;
								default: echo $tag;
					else if ($_SESSION[db('website').'Logged_In'] == token()) {echo '<p>'.$edit_link.'</p>';}
			if (!empty($currentPage) && ($numrows_articles > $article_limit) && s('display_pagination') == 'on') {
				paginator($categorySEF, $currentPage, $totalPages, '', l('paginator'));
			if (!empty($article) && empty($currentPage) && $infoline == true) {
				if ($commentable == 'YES') {comment('unfreezed');}
				else if ($commentable == 'FREEZ') {comment('freezed');}

function comment($freeze_status) {
	$categorySEF = get_id('category'); $articleSEF = get_id('article');
	if (strpos($articleSEF, l('paginator')) === 0) {$articleSEF = str_replace(l('paginator'), '', $articleSEF);}
	$query = "SELECT id FROM ".db('prefix')."articles WHERE seftitle = '$articleSEF'";
	$result = mysql_query($query);
  	while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {$articleId = $r['id'];}
	$commentsPage = get_id('commentspage');
	if (!isset($commentsPage) || !is_numeric($commentsPage) || $commentsPage < 1) {$commentsPage = 1;}
	$comments_order = s('comments_order');
	if (isset($_POST['comment'])) {
		$comment = cleanWords(trim($_POST['text']));
		$comment = strlen($comment) > 4 ? clean(cleanXSS($comment)) : null;
		$name = trim($_POST['name']);
		$name = strlen($name) > 1 ? clean(cleanXSS($name)) : null;
		$url = trim($_POST['url']);
		$url = (strlen($url) > 8 && strpos($url, '?') === false) ? clean(cleanXSS($url)) : null;
		$now = is_numeric($_POST['time']) ? $_POST['time'] : null;
		$post_article_id = (is_numeric($_POST['id']) && $_POST['id'] > 0) ? $_POST['id'] : null;
		$ip = (strlen($_POST['ip']) < 16) ? clean(cleanXSS($_POST['ip'])) : null;
		$doublecheck = retrieve('id', 'comments', 'comment', $comment);
		if ($ip == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] && (time() - $now) > 4 && $comment && $name && $post_article_id && is_numeric($_POST['calc']) && mathCaptcha($_POST['calc'], $_POST['sum']) && !isset($doublecheck)) {
			$url = preg_match('/((http)+(s)?:(\/\/)|(www\.))([a-z0-9_\-]+)/', $url) ? $url : '';
			$url = substr($url, 0, 3) == 'www' ? 'http://'.$url : $url;
			$time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
			if(s('approve_comments') != 'on') {$approved = 'True';}
			$query = "INSERT INTO ".db('prefix')."comments(articleid, name, url, comment, time, approved) VALUES('$post_article_id', '$name', '$url', '$comment', '$time', '$approved')";
			$commentStatus = s('approve_comments') == 'on' ? l('comment_sent_approve') : l('comment_sent');
		else {$commentStatus = l('comment_error'); $commentReason = l('ce_reasons');}
		echo '<h2>'.$commentStatus.'</h2>';
		if (!empty($commentReason)) {echo '<p>'.$commentReason.'</p>';}
		$postCat = clean(cleanXSS($_POST['category']));
		$postArt = clean(cleanXSS($_POST['article']));
		$back_link = db('website').$postCat.'/'.$postArt.'/';
		echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url='.db('website').$postCat.'/'.$postArt.'/">';
	else {
		$commentCount = s('comment_limit');
		$comment_limit = (empty($commentCount) || $commentCount < 1) ? 100 : $commentCount;
		if(isset($commentsPage)) {$pageNum = $commentsPage;}
		$offset = ($pageNum - 1) * $comment_limit;
		$totalrows = "SELECT id FROM ".db('prefix')."comments WHERE articleid = $articleId AND approved = 'True'";
		$rowsresult = mysql_query($totalrows);
		$numrows = mysql_num_rows($rowsresult);
		if (!$numrows || !$rowsresult) {
			if ($freeze_status != 'freezed') {echo '<p>'.l('no_comment').'</p>';}
		else {
			$query = "SELECT * FROM ".db('prefix')."comments WHERE articleid = $articleId AND approved = 'True' ORDER BY id $comments_order LIMIT $offset, $comment_limit";
			$result = mysql_query($query) or die(db('dberror'));
			$ordinal = 1;
			$date_format = s('date_format');
			$edit_link = ' <a href="'.db('website').'index.php?action=';
			while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
				$date = date($date_format, strtotime($r['time']));
				$commentNum = $offset + $ordinal;
				$tag = explode(',', tags('comments'));
				foreach ($tag as $tag) {
					switch (true) {
						case ($tag == 'date'):
							echo '<a id="'.l('comment').$commentNum.'" name="'.l('comment').$commentNum.'" title="'.l('comment').' '.$commentNum.'"></a>'.$date;
						case ($tag == 'name'): $name = $r['name']; echo !empty($r['url']) ? '<a href="'.$r['url'].'" title="'.$r['url'].'" rel="nofollow">'.$name.'</a> ' : $name; break;
						case ($tag == 'comment'): echo $r['comment']; break;
						case ($tag == 'edit' && $_SESSION[db('website').'Logged_In'] == token()):
							echo $edit_link.'editcomment&amp;commentid='.$r['id'].'" title="'.l('edit').' '.l('comment').'">'.l('edit').'</a> ';
							echo $edit_link.'process&amp;task=deletecomment&amp;articleid='.$r['articleid'].'&amp;commentid='.$r['id'].'" title="'.l('delete').' '.l('comment').'" onclick="return pop()">'.l('delete').'</a>';
						break; case ($tag == 'edit'): ; break; default: echo $tag;
			$maxPage = ceil($numrows / $comment_limit); $back_to_page = ceil(($numrows + 1) / $comment_limit);
			if ($maxPage > 1) {paginator($categorySEF, $pageNum, $maxPage, $articleSEF, '');}
		if ($freeze_status != 'freezed') {
		echo '<div class="commentsbox"><h2>'.l('addcomment').'</h2>';
		echo '<p>'.l('required').'</p>';
		echo html_input('form', '', 'post', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'post', db('website'), '');
		echo html_input('text', 'name', 'name', '', '* '.l('name'), 'text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
		echo html_input('text', 'url', 'url', '', l('url'), 'text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
		echo html_input('textarea', 'text', 'text', '', '* '.l('comment'), '', '', '', '', '', '5', '5', '', '', '');
		echo mathCaptcha();
		echo '<p>';
		echo html_input('hidden', 'category', 'category', $categorySEF, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
		echo html_input('hidden', 'id', 'id', $articleId, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
		echo html_input('hidden', 'article', 'article', $articleSEF, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
		echo html_input('hidden', 'commentspage', 'commentspage', $back_to_page, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
		echo html_input('hidden', 'ip', 'ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
		echo html_input('hidden', 'time', 'time', time(), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
		echo html_input('submit', 'comment', 'comment', l('submit'), '', 'button', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
		echo '</p></form></div>';

function archive() {
	echo '<h2>'.l('archive').'</h2>';
	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".db('prefix')."articles WHERE position = 1 AND published = 1 ORDER BY date DESC"; 
	$result = mysql_query($query);
	echo '<p>';
	if (!$result || !mysql_num_rows($result)) {echo l('article_not_exist');}
	else {
		$home = l('home_sef');
		$home_name = l('home');
		$month_names = explode(', ', l('month_names'));
		while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
			$year = substr($r['date'], 0, 4);
			$month = substr($r['date'], 5, 2) -1;
			$month_name = (substr($month, 0, 1) == 0) ? $month_names[substr($month, 1, 1)] : $month_names[$month];
			$categorySEF = $r['category'] != 0 ? find_cat_sef($r['category']) : $home;
			$articleSEF = retrieve('seftitle', 'articles', 'id', $r['id']);
			$cat_name = $r['category'] != 0 ? retrieve('name', 'categories', 'seftitle', $categorySEF) : $home_name;
			$title = $r['title'];
			if ($last <> $year.$month) {echo '<strong>'.$month_name.', '.$year.'</strong><br />';}
			echo l('divider').' <a href="'.db('website').$categorySEF.'/'.$articleSEF.'/" title="'.$title.'">'.$title.'</a> ('.$cat_name.')<br />';
			$last = $year.$month;
	echo '</p>';

function sitemap() {
	echo '<h2>'.l('sitemap').'</h2>';
	echo '<p><strong>'.l('pages').'</strong></p>';
	$link = l('divider').' <a href="'.db('website');
	echo '<p>'.$link.'" title="'.l('home').'">'.l('home').'</a><br />';
	echo l('divider').' <a href="'.db('website').'archive/">'.l('archive').'</a><br />';
	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".db('prefix')."articles WHERE position = 3 AND published = '1' ORDER BY date"; 
	$result = mysql_query($query);
	$home = l('home_sef');
	while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
		$page_title = $r['title'];
		if ($r['id'] != s('display_page')) {echo l('divider').' <a href="'.db('website').$home.'/'.$r['seftitle'].'/" title="'.$page_title.'">'.$page_title.'</a><br />';}
	echo $link.'contact/">'.l('contact').'</a><br />';
	echo $link.'sitemap/">'.l('sitemap').'</a><br />';	
	echo $link.'rss/">'.l('rss_feed').'</a></p>';
	echo '<p><strong>'.l('articles').'</strong></p>';
	$art_query = "SELECT * FROM ".db('prefix')."articles WHERE position = 1 AND published = '1'";
	$query = $art_query." AND category = 0 ORDER BY date DESC"; 
	$result = mysql_query($query);
	echo '<p><strong><a href="'.db('website').'" title="'.l('home').'">'.l('home').'</a></strong><br />';
	while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
		$art_title = $r['title'];
		echo $link.find_cat_sef($r['category']).'/'.$r['seftitle'].'/" title="'.$art_title.'">'.$art_title.'</a><br />';
	echo '</p>';
	$cat_query = "SELECT * FROM ".db('prefix')."categories WHERE published = 'YES' ORDER BY catorder"; 
	$cat_result = mysql_query($cat_query);
	while ($c = mysql_fetch_array($cat_result)) {
		echo '<p><strong><a href="'.db('website').$c['seftitle'].'/" title="'.$c['description'].'">'.$c['name'].'</a></strong><br />';
		$catid = $c['id'];
		$query = $art_query." AND category = $catid ORDER BY id DESC";
		$result = mysql_query($query);
		while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
			$date = date(s('date_format'), strtotime($r['date']));
			echo $link.$c['seftitle'].'/'.$r['seftitle'].'/" title="'.$r['title'].'">'.$r['title'].'</a><br />';
		echo '</p>';

function notification($error=0, $note='', $link='') {
	$title = $error== 0 ? l('operation_completed') : l('admin_error');
	$note = (!$note || empty($note)) ? '' : '<p>'.$note.'</p>';
		case (!$link): $goto = ''; break;
		case ($link == 'home'): $goto = '<p><a href="'.db('website').'" title="'.l('backhome').'">'.l('backhome').'</a></p>'; break;
		case ($link != 'home'): $goto = '<p><a href="'.db('website').$link.'/" title="'.$link.'">'.l('back').'</a></p>'; break;
	$output = '<h2>'.$title.'</h2>'.$note.$goto;
	return $output;

function contact() {
	if (!isset($_POST['contactform'])) {
		echo '<div class="commentsbox"><h2>'.l('contact').'</h2>';
		echo '<p>'.l('required').'</p>';
		echo html_input('form', '', 'post', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'post', db('website'), '');
		echo html_input('text', 'name', 'name', '', '* '.l('name'), 'text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
		echo html_input('text', 'email', 'email', '', '* '.l('email'), 'text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
		echo html_input('text', 'weblink', 'weblink', '', l('url'), 'text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
		echo html_input('textarea', 'message', 'message', '', '* '.l('message'), '', '', '', '', '', '5', '5', '', '', '');
		echo mathCaptcha();
		echo '<p>';
		echo html_input('hidden', 'ip', 'ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
		echo html_input('hidden', 'time', 'time', time(), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
		echo html_input('submit', 'contactform', 'contactform', l('submit'), '', 'button', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
		echo '</p></form></div>';
		$_SESSION[db('website').'contact'] = 0;
	else {
		$to = s('website_email');
		$subject = s('contact_subject');
		$name = trim($_POST['name']);
		$name = strlen($name) > 1 ? clean(cleanXSS($name)) : null;
		$mail = trim($_POST['email']);
		$mail = trim($_POST['email']);
		$mail = (strlen($mail) > 7 && preg_match( '/^[A-Z0-9._-]+@[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9.-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9]\.[A-Z.]{2,6}$/i' , $mail)) ? clean(cleanXSS($mail)) : null;
		$url = trim($_POST['weblink']);
		$url = (strlen($url) > 8 && strpos($url, '?') === false) ? clean(cleanXSS($url)) : null;
		$message = trim($_POST['message']);
		$message = strlen($message) > 9 ? stripslashes(cleanXSS($message)) : null;
		$message = strip_tags($message);
		$now = is_numeric($_POST['time']) ? $_POST['time'] : null;
		$ip = (strlen($_POST['ip']) < 16) ? clean(cleanXSS($_POST['ip'])) : null;
		if($_SESSION[db('website').'contact'] == 0){
			if ($ip == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] && (time() - $now) > 4 && $name && $mail && $message && mathCaptcha($_POST['calc'], $_POST['sum'])) {
				$header = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
				$header .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=".s('charset')."\n";
				$header .= "From: $name <$mail>\r\nReply-To: $name <$mail>\r\nReturn-Path: <$mail>\r\n";
				$addUrl = isset($url) ? l('url').': '.$url."\n\n" : '';
				$body = "Message from: ".$name." <$mail>\n".$addUrl.l('message').":\n".$message;
				mail($to, $subject, $body, $header);
				echo notification(0,l('contact_sent'),'home');
				$_SESSION[db('website').'contact'] = 1;
			else {echo notification(1,l('contact_not_sent'),'contact');}

function menu_articles($start, $size) {
	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".db('prefix')."articles WHERE position = 1 AND published = 1 ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT $start, $size";
	$result = mysql_query($query);
	if (!$result || !mysql_num_rows($result)) {echo '<li>'.l('no_articles').'</li>';}
	else {
	$home = l('home_sef');
	while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
		$date = date(s('date_format'), strtotime($r['date']));
		$categorySEF = find_cat_sef($r['category']);
		$title = $r['category'] == 0 ? $home : retrieve('name', 'categories', 'seftitle', $categorySEF);
		echo '<li><a href="'.db('website').$categorySEF.'/'.$r['seftitle'].'/" title="'.$title.' ('.$date.')">'.$r['title'].'</a></li>';

function new_comments($number, $stringlen) {
	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".db('prefix')."comments WHERE approved = 'True' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $number";
	$result = mysql_query($query);
	if (!$result || !mysql_num_rows($result)) {echo '<li>'.l('no_comments').'</li>';}
	else {
	$comment_limit = s('comment_limit') < 1 ? 1 : s('comment_limit');
	$comments_order = s('comments_order');
	while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
		$art_query = "SELECT id FROM ".db('prefix')."comments WHERE articleid = '$r[articleid]' AND approved = 'True' ORDER BY id $comments_order";
		$art_result = mysql_query($art_query);
		$num = 1;
		while ($r_art = mysql_fetch_array($art_result)) {
			if ($r_art['id'] == $r['id']) {$ordinal = $num;}
		$name = $r['name'];
		$comment = strip_tags($r['comment']);
		$page = ceil($ordinal / $comment_limit);
		$ncom = $name.' ('.$comment;
		$ncom = strlen($ncom) > $stringlen ? substr($ncom, 0, $stringlen - 3).'...' : $ncom;
		$ncom.= strlen($name) < $stringlen ? ')' : '';
		$ncom = str_replace(' ...', '...', $ncom);
		$articleSEF = retrieve('seftitle', 'articles', 'id', $r['articleid']);
		$articleCat = retrieve('category', 'articles', 'seftitle', $articleSEF);
		$categorySEF = find_cat_sef($articleCat);
		if (!empty($articleSEF)) {
			$paging = $page > 1 ? '/'.$page : '';
			echo '<li><a href="'.db('website').$categorySEF.'/'.$articleSEF.$paging.'/#'.l('comment').$ordinal.'" title="'.l('comment_info').' '.retrieve('title', 'articles', 'id', $r['articleid']).'">'.$ncom.'</a></li>';

function searchform() { ?>
	<form id="search_engine" method="post" action="<?php echo db('website'); ?>" accept-charset="<?php echo s('charset');?>">
		<p><input class="searchfield" name="search_query" type="text" id="keywords" value="<?php echo l('search_keywords'); ?>" onfocus="document.forms['search_engine'].keywords.value='';" onblur="if (document.forms['search_engine'].keywords.value == '') document.forms['search_engine'].keywords.value='<?php echo l('search_keywords'); ?>';" />
		<input class="searchbutton" name="submit" type="submit" value="<?php echo l('search_button')?>" /></p>
<?php }

function search() {
	$search_query = clean(cleanXSS($_POST['search_query']));
	echo '<h2>'.l(search_results).'</h2>';
	if (strlen($search_query) < 4 || $search_query == l('search_keywords')) {echo '<p>'.l(charerror).'</p>';}
	else {
		$keywords = explode(' ', $search_query);
		$keyCount = count($keywords);
		$query = "SELECT * FROM ".db('prefix')."articles WHERE SUBSTRING(position, 1, 1) != '2' AND published = 1 AND";
		if ($keyCount > 1) {
			for ($i = 0; $i < $keyCount - 1; $i++) {$query = $query." (title LIKE '%$keywords[$i]%' || text LIKE '%$keywords[$i]%') &&";}
			$j = $keyCount - 1;
			$query = $query." (title LIKE '%$keywords[$j]%' || text LIKE '%$keywords[$j]%')";
		else {$query = $query." (title LIKE '%$keywords[0]%' || text LIKE '%$keywords[0]%')";}
		$query = $query." ORDER BY id DESC";
		$result = mysql_query($query);
		$numrows = mysql_num_rows($result);
		if (!$numrows) {echo '<p>'.l('noresults').' <strong>'.stripslashes($search_query).'</strong>.</p>';}
		else {
			echo '<p><strong>'.$numrows.'</strong> '.l('resultsfound').' <strong>'.stripslashes($search_query).'</strong>.</p>';
			while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
				$date = date(s('date_format'), strtotime($r['date']));
				echo '<p><a href="'.db('website').find_cat_sef($r['category']).'/'.$r['seftitle'].'/">'.$r['title'].'</a> - '.$date.'</p>';
	echo '<p><br /><a href="'.db('website').'">'.l('backhome').'</a></p>';
	$searched = true;

function rss_contents($rss_item, $artSEF=''){
	header('Content-type: text/xml; charset='.s('charset').'');
	$limit = s('rss_limit');
	switch($rss_item) {
		case 'rss-articles':
			$heading = l('articles');
			$query = "articles WHERE position = 1 AND published = 1 ORDER BY date";
		case 'rss-pages':
			$heading = l('pages');
			$query = "articles WHERE position = 3 AND published = 1 ORDER BY date";
		case 'rss-comments':
			$heading = l('comments');
			$artId = retrieve('id','articles','seftitle',$artSEF);
			$articleId = ($artId && is_numeric($artId)) ? "AND articleid = $artId" : '';
			$query = "comments WHERE approved = 'True' $articleId ORDER BY id";
	$header = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'.s('charset').'"?>';
	$header .= '<rss version="2.0">';
    $header .= '<channel>';
    $header .= '<title><![CDATA['.s('website_title').']]></title>';
    $header .= '<description><![CDATA['.$heading.']]></description>';
    $header .= '<link>'.db('website').'</link>';
    $header .= '<copyright><![CDATA[Copyright '.s('website_title').']]></copyright>';
    $header .= '<generator>sNews CMS</generator>';
    $footer = '</channel>';
    $footer .= '</rss>';
	echo $header;
	$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".db('prefix')."$query DESC LIMIT $limit");
	$numrows = mysql_num_rows($result);
	$comments_order = s('comments_order');
	$ordinal = $comments_order == 'DESC' ? 1 : $numrows;
	$comment_limit = s('comment_limit') < 1 ? 1 : s('comment_limit');
	$comments_order = s('comments_order');
	while ($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
		switch($rss_item) {
			case 'rss-articles':
			case 'rss-pages':
				$date = date('D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', strtotime($r['date']));
				$categorySEF = find_cat_sef($r['category']);
				$articleSEF = $r['seftitle'];
				$title = $r['title'];
				$text = $r['text'];
			case 'rss-comments';
				$subquery = "SELECT * FROM ".db('prefix')."comments WHERE articleid = $r[articleid] ORDER BY id $comments_order";
				$subresult = mysql_query($subquery);
				$num = 1;
				while ($subr = mysql_fetch_array($subresult)) {
					if ($subr['id'] == $r['id']) {$ordinal = $num;}
				$page = ceil($ordinal / $comment_limit);
				$articleSEF = retrieve('seftitle', 'articles', 'id', $r['articleid']);
				$articleCat = retrieve('category', 'articles', 'seftitle', $articleSEF);
				$articleTitle = retrieve('title', 'articles', 'id', $r['articleid']);
				$categorySEF = find_cat_sef($articleCat);
				if (!empty($articleSEF)) {
					$paging = $page > 1 ? $page.'/' : '';
					$comment_link = $paging.'#'.l('comment').$ordinal;			
				$date = date('D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', strtotime($r['time']));
				$title = $articleTitle.' - '.$r['name'];
				$text = $r['comment'];
		$link = db('website').$categorySEF.'/'.$articleSEF.'/'.$comment_link;
		$item  = '<item>';
		$item .= '<title><![CDATA['.strip($title).']]></title>';
		$item .= '<description><![CDATA['.strip($text).']]></description>';
		$item .= '<pubDate>'.$date.'</pubDate>';
		$item .= '<link>'.$link.'</link>';
		$item .= '<guid>'.$link.'</guid>';
		$item .= '</item>';
		echo $item;
	echo $footer;

function rss_links(){
	echo '<li>';
	echo '<a href="rss-articles/" title="'.l('rss_articles').'">'.l('rss_articles').'</a>';
	echo '</li>';
	$page_count = retrieve('COUNT(id)','articles','position',3);
	if ($page_count > 0) {
		echo '<li>';
		echo '<a href="rss-pages/" title="'.l('rss_pages').'">'.l('rss_pages').'</a>';
		echo '</li>';
	echo '<li>';
	echo '<a href="rss-comments/" title="'.l('rss_comments').'">'.l('rss_comments').'</a>';
	echo '</li>';
	$articleSEF = get_id('article');
	if ($articleSEF) {
		$articleId = retrieve('id','articles','seftitle',$articleSEF);
		$comment_count = retrieve('COUNT(id)','comments','articleid',$articleId);
		if ($comment_count > 0) {
			echo '<li>';
			echo '<a href="rss-comments/'.$articleSEF.'/" title="'.l('rss_comments_article').'">'.l('rss_comments_article').'</a>';
			echo '</li>';

function strip($text) {
	$search = array('/\[include\](.*?)\[\/include\]/', '/\[break\]/', '/</', '/>/');
	$replace = array('', '', ' <', '> ');
	$output = preg_replace($search, $replace, $text);
	$output = stripslashes(strip_tags($output));
	return $output;

function entity($item) {
	$item = htmlspecialchars($item, ENT_QUOTES, s('charset'));
	return $item;


function login() {
	if ($_SESSION[db('website').'Logged_In'] != token()) {
		echo '<h2>'.l('login').'</h2>';
		echo html_input('form', '', 'post', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'post', db('website').'administration/', '');
		echo '<p>'.l('login_limit').'</p>';
		echo html_input('text', 'uname', 'uname', '', l('username'), 'text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
		echo html_input('password', 'pass', 'pass', '', l('password'), 'text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
		echo mathCaptcha();
		echo '<p>';
		echo html_input('hidden', 'Loginform', 'Loginform', 'True', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
		echo html_input('submit', 'submit', 'submit', l('login'), '', 'button', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
		echo '</p></form>';
	else {echo '<h2>'.l('logged_in').'</h2><p><a href="'.db('website').'logout/" title="'.l('logout').'">'.l('logout').'</a></p>';}

function stats($field, $position) {
	if (!empty($position)) {$pos = $position == 2 ? " WHERE SUBSTRING(position, 1, 1)= '$position'" :" WHERE position = '$position'";}
	$query = 'SELECT id FROM '.db('prefix').$field.$pos;
	$result = mysql_query($query);
	$numrows = mysql_num_rows($result);
	return $numrows;

function html_input($type, $name, $id, $value, $label, $css, $script1, $script2, $script3, $checked, $rows, $cols, $method, $action, $legend) {
	$lbl = !empty($label) ? '<label for="'.$id.'">'.$label.'</label>' : '';
	$ID = !empty($id) ? ' id="'.$id.'"' : '';
	$style = !empty($css) ? ' class="'.$css.'"' : '';
	$js1 = !empty($script1) ? ' '.$script1 : '';
	$js2 = !empty($script2) ? ' '.$script2 : '';
	$js3 = !empty($script3) ? ' '.$script3 : '';
	$attribs = $ID.$style.$js1.$js2.$js3;
	$val = ' value="'.$value.'"';
	$input = '<input type="'.$type.'" name="'.$name.'"'.$attribs;
	switch($type) {
		case 'form': $output = (!empty($method) && $method != 'end') ? '<form method="'.$method.'" action="'.$action.'"'.$attribs.' accept-charset="'.s('charset').'">' : '</form>'; break;
		case 'fieldset': $output = (!empty($legend) && $legend != 'end') ? '<fieldset><legend'.$attribs.'>'.$legend.'</legend>' : '</fieldset>'; break;
		case 'text':
		case 'password': $output = '<p>'.$lbl.':<br />'.$input.$val.' /></p>'; break;
		case 'checkbox':
		case 'radio': $check = $checked == 'ok' ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $output = '<p>'.$input.$check.' /> '.$lbl.'</p>'; break;
		case 'hidden':
		case 'submit':
		case 'reset':
		case 'button': $output = $input.$val.' />'; break;
		case 'textarea': $output = '<p>'.$lbl.':<br /><textarea name="'.$name.'" rows="'.$rows.'" cols="'.$cols.'"'.$attribs.'>'.$value.'</textarea></p>'; break;
	return $output;

function administration() {
	if ($_SESSION[db('website').'Logged_In'] != token()) {echo notification(1,l('err_Login'),'login');}
	else {
		foreach ($_POST as $key) {unset($_POST[$key]);}
		echo html_input('fieldset', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '','<a href="http://snews.solucija.com/" title="sNews CMS">sNews</a> '.l('administration'));
		echo '<p>'.l('categories').': <a href="admin_category/" title="'.l('add_new').'">'.l('add_new').'</a>';
		$link = ' '.l('divider').' <a href="';
		if (stats('categories','') > 0) {echo $link.'categories/" title="'.l('view').'">'.l('view').'</a>';}
		echo '</p>';
		echo '<p>'.l('articles').': <a href="article_new/" title="'.l('add_new').'">'.l('add_new').'</a>';		
		if (stats('articles',1) > 0) {echo $link.'articles/" title="'.l('view').'">'.l('view').'</a>';}
		echo '</p>';
		echo '<p>'.l('extra_contents').': <a href="extra_new/" title="'.l('add_new').'">'.l('add_new').'</a>';
		if (stats('articles',2) > 0) {echo $link.'extra_contents/" title="'.l('view').'">'.l('view').'</a>';}
		echo '</p>';
		echo '<p>'.l('pages').': <a href="page_new/" title="'.l('add_new').'">'.l('add_new').'</a>';
		if (stats('articles',3) > 0) {echo $link.'pages/" title="'.l('view').'">'.l('view').'</a>';}
		echo '</p></fieldset>';
		$query_comm = "SELECT * FROM ".db('prefix')."comments WHERE approved <> 'True'";
		$result_comm = mysql_query($query_comm);
		$unapproved = mysql_num_rows($result_comm);
		if ($unapproved > 0) {
			echo html_input('fieldset', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', l('comments'));
			echo '<p><a onclick="toggle(\'sub1\')" style="cursor: pointer;" title="'.l('unapproved').'">'.$unapproved.' '.l('wait_approval').'</a></p>';
			echo '<div id="sub1" style="display: none;">';
			while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result_comm)) {
				$articleTITLE = retrieve(title, articles, id, $r['articleid']);
				echo '<p>'.$r['name'].' (<strong>'.$articleTITLE.'</strong>) '.l('divider').' <a href="'.db('website').'index.php?action=editcomment&amp;commentid='.$r['id'].'">'.l('edit').'</a></p>';
			echo '</div>';
		if ($unapproved > 0) {echo '</fieldset>';}
		echo html_input('fieldset', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', l('site_settings'));
		echo '<p><a href="settings/" title="'.l('settings').'">'.l('settings').'</a></p>';
		echo '<p><a href="files/" title="'.l('files').'">'.l('files').'</a></p></fieldset>';
		echo html_input('fieldset', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', l('login_status'));
		echo '<p><a href="logout/" title="'.l('logout').'">'.l('logout').'</a></p></fieldset>';

function settings() {
	echo html_input('form', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'post', 'index.php?action=process&amp;task=save_settings', '');
	echo html_input('fieldset', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '','<a title="'.l('settings').'" onclick="toggle(\'sub1\')" style="cursor: pointer;">'.l('settings').'</a>');
	echo '<div id="sub1" style="display: none;">';
	echo html_input('text', 'website_title', 'webtitle', s('website_title'), l('a_website_title'), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
	echo html_input('text', 'home_sef', 'webSEF', s('home_sef') == '' ? l('home_sef') : s('home_sef'), l('a_home_sef'), '', 'onkeypress="return SEFrestrict(event);"', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
	echo html_input('text', 'website_description', 'wdesc', s('website_description'), l('a_description'), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
	echo html_input('text', 'website_keywords', 'wkey', s('website_keywords'), l('a_keywords'), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
	echo '</div></fieldset>';
	echo html_input('fieldset', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '<a title="'.l('a_contact_info').'" onclick="toggle(\'sub2\')" style="cursor: pointer;">'.l('a_contact_info').'</a>');
	echo '<div id="sub2" style="display: none;">';
	echo html_input('text', 'website_email', 'we', s('website_email'), l('a_website_email'), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
	echo html_input('text', 'contact_subject', 'cs', s('contact_subject'), l('a_contact_subject'), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
	echo '</div></fieldset>';
	echo html_input('fieldset', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '<a title="'.l('a_time_settings').'" onclick="toggle(\'sub3\')" style="cursor: pointer;">'.l('a_time_settings').'</a>');
	echo '<div id="sub3" style="display: none;">';
	echo html_input('text', 'language', 'lang', s('language') == '' ? 'EN' : s('language'), l('a_language'), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
	echo html_input('text', 'charset', 'char', s('charset') == '' ? 'UTF-8' : s('charset'), l('charset'), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
	echo html_input('text', 'date_format', 'dt', s('date_format'), l('a_date_format'), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
	echo '</div></fieldset>';
	echo html_input('fieldset', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '','<a title="'.l('contents').'" onclick="toggle(\'sub4\')" style="cursor: pointer;">'.l('contents').'</a>');
	echo '<div id="sub4" style="display: none;">';
	echo html_input('text', 'article_limit', 'artl', s('article_limit'), l('a_article_limit'), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
	echo html_input('text', 'rss_limit', 'rssl', s('rss_limit'), l('a_rss_limit'), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
	echo '<p><label for="dp">'.l('a_display_page').':</label> <select name="display_page" id="dp">';
	echo '<option value="0"'.(s('display_page') == 0 ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.l('none').'</option>';
	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".db('prefix')."articles WHERE position = 3 ORDER BY id ASC"; 
	$result = mysql_query($query);
	while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { 
		echo '<option value="'.$r['id'].'"';
		if (s('display_page') == $r['id']) {echo ' selected="selected"';}					
		echo '>'.$r['title'].'</option>';
	echo '</select></p>';
	echo html_input('checkbox', 'display_new_on_home', 'dnoh', '', l('a_display_new_on_home'), '', '', '', '', (s('display_new_on_home') == 'on' ? 'ok' : ''), '', '', '', '', '');
	echo html_input('checkbox', 'display_pagination', 'dpag', '', l('a_display_pagination'), '', '', '', '', (s('display_pagination') == 'on' ? 'ok' : ''), '', '', '', '', '');
	echo html_input('checkbox', 'num_categories', 'nc', '', l('a_num_categories'), '', '', '', '', (s('num_categories') == 'on' ? 'ok' : ''), '', '', '', '', '');
	echo '</div></fieldset>';
	echo html_input('fieldset', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '<a title="'.l('comments').'" onclick="toggle(\'sub5\')" style="cursor: pointer;">'.l('comments').'</a>');
	echo '<div id="sub5" style="display: none;">';
	echo html_input('checkbox', 'approve_comments', 'ac', '', l('a_approve_comments'), '', '', '', '', (s('approve_comments') == 'on' ? 'ok' : ''), '', '', '', '', '');
	echo '<p><label for="co">'.l('a_comments_order').':</label><br /><select id="co" name="comments_order">';
	echo '<option value="DESC"'.(s('comments_order') == 'DESC' ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.l('newer_top').'</option>';
	echo '<option value="ASC"'.(s('comments_order') == 'ASC' ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.l('newer_bottom').'</option></select></p>';
	echo html_input('text', 'comment_limit', 'cl', s('comment_limit'), l('a_comment_limit'), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
	echo html_input('checkbox', 'word_filter_enable', 'wfe', '', l('a_word_filter_enable'), '', '', '', '', (s('word_filter_enable') == 'on' ? 'ok' : ''), '', '', '', '', '');
	echo html_input('text', 'word_filter_file', 'wff', s('word_filter_file'), l('a_word_filter_file'), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
	echo html_input('text', 'word_filter_change', 'wfc', s('word_filter_change'), l('a_word_filter_change'), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
	echo '</div></fieldset><p>';
	echo html_input('submit', 'save', 'save', l('save'), '', 'button', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
	echo '</p></form>';
	echo html_input('form', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'post', 'index.php?action=process&amp;task=changeup', '');
	echo html_input('fieldset', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '<a title="'.l('change_up').'" onclick="toggle(\'sub6\')" style="cursor: pointer;">'.l('change_up').'</a>');
	echo '<div id="sub6" style="display: none;">';
	echo '<p>'.l('login_limit').'</p>';
	echo html_input('text', 'uname', 'uname', '', l('a_username'), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
	echo html_input('password', 'pass1', 'pass1', '', l('a_password'), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
	echo html_input('password', 'pass2', 'pass2', '', l('a_password2'), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
	echo '<p>';
	echo html_input('hidden', 'task', 'task', 'changeup', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
	echo html_input('submit', 'submit_pass', 'submit_pass', l('save'), '', 'button', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
	echo '</p></div></fieldset></form>';

function form_categories() {
	if (isset($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id']) && !is_null($_GET['id'])) {
		$categoryid = $_GET['id'];
		$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".db('prefix')."categories WHERE id='$categoryid'");
		$r = mysql_fetch_array($query);
		$frm_action = db('website').'index.php?act
  1. Step 1: Use Code tags
  2. Step 2: Read the rules
  3. Step 3: Show effort

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