39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for nizuya

I keep getting sent back and forth between the java and php forums so I'm not sure which language would be best for this anymore... Here's my original question: "I have a normal html document with an iframe pointed to a .php document (with links to other php documents). I …

Member Avatar for muthu raj

php mailing not working. any help me? i used the code to send mail is as follows: <?php $to = "someone@example.com"; $subject = "Test mail"; $message = "Hello! This is a simple email message."; $from = "someonelse@example.com"; $headers = "From: $from"; mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers); echo "Mail Sent."; ?> when i am executing …

Member Avatar for phpuser
Member Avatar for k2000

Hi , i am trying to retrieve a row of data from a SQL table,but i dont get the results,i just get the variable($stock_code) that i use to search for the row on the screen. <?php include "dbaccess.php"; $stock_code=$_POST["txtStock"]; // Insert the required SQL query here. $query = "SELECT STOCK_CODE …

Member Avatar for maydhyam
Member Avatar for servis

i am working on creating php templates for an application, but i am not understanding how to cover while loop in templates, my code is as follow, that is not right and of course not working at all, it is being posted just for example. Please any body give me …

Member Avatar for servis
Member Avatar for kained

I have deisgned a site. [url]http://intweb.tech.bcuc.ac.uk/~20318219/project/home.html[/url] and am trying to get my google map sorted. [url]http://intweb.tech.bcuc.ac.uk/~20318219/project/index.php[/url]. All the markers have disserpeared after i played about with my java script functions file [url]http://intweb.tech.bcuc.ac.uk/~20318219/project/map_functions.js[/url] and the php database [url]http://intweb.tech.bcuc.ac.uk/~20318219/project/map_data.php[/url]. Im sure its something really simple like i have left pout a comma …

Member Avatar for clh22793
Member Avatar for heels

Hi, I am a newbie to PHP and HTML and over here i am trying to display my sql results in a table format like this, ID. Name. Contact --------------------------------------------- ----ROW1---------------------------------- ----ROW2---------------------------------- any site recommendations where i can get help from? thanks alot.

Member Avatar for heels
Member Avatar for ellisman

I run a poker staking forum. Its brand new. What i want to know is how can i have the system calculate rates between players(50% for staker and 50 percent for horse)? Also, is there any way to have it calculate multiple people's investments into a player and also the …

Member Avatar for Ole Raptor
Member Avatar for almualim
Member Avatar for Ole Raptor
Member Avatar for ztwalsh

Is it possible to display the tables of my database in alphabetical order one letter at a time on a page? I am going to try to explain my situation as concisely as possible. Right now I have a page where I have a list of each letter in the …

Member Avatar for Ole Raptor
Member Avatar for websurfer

Hello, all: Say have 3 separate landing pages on my site (or more even), but they all end up at one common destination, how can i make it so each visitor can then go back to landing page they came from? here's the scenario: Say I have links from Google, …

Member Avatar for websurfer
Member Avatar for gptArun

somebody knows how to call mysql Procedure in PHP? i extract almost forum regarding procedure in php on google but didn't find solution. pls. reply ASAP. thanks in advance

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for arunkumarsrec

I have recently started free domain name service <snip>. I used turnkey redirection script. My script uses php with SQL 4 . My hosting Uses sql 5. I face problem while installing. Can anybody give a solution

Member Avatar for k2000
Member Avatar for jencinas69

I wote this code to this and it works the problem is that my csv file does not have the headers ID, Description , Category in the top of the file. I wrote this code [code] <?php $list = array ( "ID,Category,Description,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," ); $file = fopen("DS20080507.csv","r+", 1000); foreach ($list as …

Member Avatar for jencinas69
Member Avatar for creedalene

I am currently creating a quote form for my company website, and wanted to make it a little more friendly than the usual "thank you everyone who fills out that form over there, and who I really don't care about..." I've tried two variations of the code and I've included …

Member Avatar for creedalene
Member Avatar for kevin wood

i need to write a piece of code so that when the counter reaches 500 hundred the user is directed to a limit hit page. or if it is under 500 hundred it directs the user to the page they wanted to go to. i have used if statement to …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for nizuya

Could someone tell me how to make an iframe resize based on the content without having to refresh the parent frame. I have found some things that require java script in the frame document however i'm not sure how to integrate this, as the document my iframe links to is …

Member Avatar for nizuya
Member Avatar for itsense

Hi everyone I was wondering if there is a way to store data to a mysql db after it is screen scraped? Thanks

Member Avatar for mikki2

Hi, i am creating a website for a friend and she wants a blog added to it, which is no problem for me. but she also wants to be able to view/review peoples posts BEFORE she allows them to be posted. And thats where i have the problem. i haven't …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for websurfer

[url]www.sampelsite.com/workCategories.php?region=Florida&city=Hollywood&type=condo&button=Search%21#[/url] In turn the mysql select statatement I have is: SELECT * FROM item WHERE category = colname AND city = cityName OR type = typeProp ORDER BY price This is not filtering the data just right, cause I need to bring back, let's say all items under "Florida" if …

Member Avatar for Fungus1487
Member Avatar for bintang

I have made the code of php to Dreamweaver. that codes are containing of date and day. But Seems Dreamweaver can't identify the code of php... This is my php code that I put into Dreamweaver: <? print(Date("l F d, Y")); ?> Anyone knows what is the code of making …

Member Avatar for samarudge
Member Avatar for scottjk

Hi. My flash form that uses a php mail script is sending the text formatting along with the data making it impossible to read. How can I strip all the formatting and just have the data left over in a readable format? Here is how the email looks: Name : …

Member Avatar for hivenk
Member Avatar for ryy705

Hello, I have a page consisting of two frames. The top frame holds instructions, the bottom frame holds a form. I need the top frame to disappear after the form is submitted. Could someone kindly tell me how I can do this? Note: The frames are parts of the requirements. …

Member Avatar for ryy705
Member Avatar for maydhyam

How do I set the session on a page, so that if I were to type the direct link for the page into the address bar, it doesn't display, instead the user would be redirected to the homepage or login page?

Member Avatar for maydhyam
Member Avatar for Vai

I am confused as to display information from my contact table depending on who logged in. also, should I change my admin table name to users? Admin Table [code] `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment primary key `username` varchar(40) default NULL, `password` varchar(40) default NULL, `level` char(1) default NULL, `email` varchar(255) …

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Member Avatar for isomillennium

Just started practicing classes and boom my first try cant get it to work ... maybe im not seeing something ... can someone look and point out the thing that i might have misssed .. ?any help would be appreciated .. thanx here's the code : index.php <? include "page.class.php"; …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for james595832

Hello everyone, I'm currently building a cms system and have hit a brick wall in relation to the error I'm getting below. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks James. The error: Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\wamp\www\widget_corp\includes\functions.php on line 41 The functions.php: …

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for Suhacini

Hi, I have a table docque where I have 3 fields in it. Id,quest,answ.I will enter question and display it when I click on that question answer must be shown.Here is my code: [code] <?php include ("conn.php"); $str='SELECT * FROM docque '; $res=mysql_query($str); if($res) { while($data=mysql_fetch_array($res,MYSQL_ASSOC)) { echo '<tr>'; echo …

Member Avatar for Suhacini

Hi, Can anyone help me in writing a script for polls or voting.There are many scripts available,download them and use,but I wanted to write my own script.I have a question and 4 optins for that.I wanted to display the results in percentile and a color bar.Do I need to use …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for lifeworks

Hi I'm a bit confused but I think I know what Im missing. Story goes, I have a website which allows users to upload logos - I want them to be able to upload new logos if they want to... but the page that allows them to change their logo …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for Kraai

I am trying to get a script to work on a new server. The script was written by someone else, but it doesn't seem to work after I changed to another server. The script involves the submitting of articles, and uploading of a photo to each article written and submitted. …

Member Avatar for Kraai

The End.