Hi ,
i am trying to retrieve a row of data from a SQL table,but i dont get the results,i just get the variable($stock_code) that i use to search for the row on the screen.
include "dbaccess.php";
// Insert the required SQL query here.
$result = submitSQL($query, "read", 0, 0);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) {
// The for loop is used to display one result per row.
// Preferably use a key field for the count.
// Note: The fieldname must be UPPERCASE
// The next two lines are optional and are used only to help document the table structure
// in the resulting HTML code.
$row_number = $i + 1;
// For each row of SQL output, create a row in an HTML table and then
// add a data element for each field as required.
// Notes: 1. The \n additions are only to clean up the appearance of the HTML code
// but do not affect operation hence they are also optional.
// 2. The lines that contain $result need to have the appropriate field names
// in them in UPPERCASE.
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td>";
echo $result[$i];
echo "</td>\n<td>";
echo $result[$i];
echo "</td>\n<td>";
echo $result[$i];
echo "</td>\n";
echo $result[$i];
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
Any suggestions???