39,388 Topics
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I work with joomla and i want to build a module for tourism field. Anyone have a relative module ? | |
How can I invoke a shell script with parameters from within a PHP script? For example, from within my web-based PHP script, I want to execute the command "/home/cscgal/script.sh -f foo" | |
Hello everyone, I am developing a virtual pet site that is based on PHP, CSS and MySQL. I am currently learning PHP and MySQL myself but require some genius minds to help me develop my community and ideas ready for a big launch in March/April. [B]Things I require help with … | |
Hello everyone and happy christmas, I have a virtual pet website which has multiple level users, or if you like, different ranks from 1 - 10. 1 is suspended and 10 is master admin. I have worked out how to give access to an admin page for users with the … | |
i have wamp server 2.0...iam new user of php..i wrote my script in notepad and saved it in the directory i created in www folder with extension php..but when i tried to run my script using wamp..the script file is with extension .php.txt and the server just displays my entire … | |
Dear All,, My php page having a search query is not displaying the result when it is loaded... But when i check this same query in php my admin it is working correctly... for ex: If i search with the field "Marital Status" Single... There are totol 3 records having … | |
hi in this app i have three pages from the first page id is passed to the second page.in the third page i am not able to get the value.............. [ICODE] if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0 ) { while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td><a href='detailjob.php?id=".$row[3]."'>".$row[0]."</td><td>".$row[1]."</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr><td … | |
Hi, I have tried creating a webpage but when i click on one of my links it gives me this ?> DATABASE ERROR Connecting to server ::<NO SERVER> What does this mean because i have checked my database and everything seems to be fine.. | |
i downloaded e-novative wamp server from the net and installed it...i tried to run my script...but i cannot get the output..it just displays the code which i typed in the notepad...i stored my script coding in www folder in wamp...can anyone guide me .. | |
how do i increase the size of file upload?. i have changed the value of upload_max_size to 300M and post_max_size=600M in php.ini and restarted the apache server. running php.info script i still get 2M to be the upload_max_size.now when i run my uploading script and try to upload file a … | |
hi, i have written a php script for uploading files into linux server. but when i try to run that script i get "UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR ". i even tried to changing upload_tmp_dir directive in php.ini and giving it a path to one of my created folders but it seems nothing is … | |
Until Microsoft released their security update to IE, I used an html form for the user to input his/her username/password which was passed to ‘username: [email]password@www.domain.com[/email]/restricted_directory’. The IE patch now restricts this. When AuthUserFile is in my .htaccess file and I try to access a restricted file, the browser brings … | |
I bought this website script from someone, it is a website that has free graphics for a popular social networking website. Since I do not know PHP/MYSQL I do not know how to upload my own layouts, graphics, etc, to my website. So I want someone to help me create … | |
Can someone please take a look at this and help me do one thing? I am uploading images to a directory and updating the users record with the photo they upload. Problem is, I could have someone upload a photo with the same name as a photo that is already … | |
Hi everyone This is sorta an open question. I have a message systems that allows any third party person to send messages to the administrators and is done via mysql. There is no real problem now but I was told what if someone wanted to abuse the system and bombard … | |
Hi, I'm very new to PHP. Any help is appreciated. I wrote a script that should create a flat file and store information in the flat file that was entered in a form on an earlier page. The script runs successfully and with no errors, and creates the file with … | |
hi i have been lookin in the net but i can t found anything help me. i want to sell Vodafone Code in my website like this page [url]http://networkcodes.co.uk/getcodes.php[/url] for exemple and i email user back with code after payment done via card credit or paypal its possible to do … | |
help me guys... I use it on my thesis entitled "ASC Marketing Information System" thanks in advance... | |
Hey my name's izzy and i have been around the web designing game for a while and i was trying to figure out how we can get the explode function to support javascript in a web page when splitting .. here's the code : <? function snp($str_to_look_for, $str_to_stop_at, $html) { … | |
1. $q="Select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * from post_resume where ind_type='$industype' and career='$careerlevel' limit $cps, $rpp"; 2.$q="Select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * from post_resume limit $cps, $rpp"; hi i am doing paging in php.the first query is not working.the second one is not working........please do tell me the error. [CODE=php] <html> <head> <title>Record Set Paging with … | |
Ok, I've had enough of looking at the same piece of code now. Someone please enlighten me as to what simple bloody thing it is I'm missing: [code=php] $pp2 = $_REQUEST["pp"]; $io2 = $_REQUEST["io"]; $sn2 = $_REQUEST["sn"]; $re2 = $_REQUEST["re"]; $sd2 = $_REQUEST["sd"]; $ed2 = $_REQUEST["ed"]; $dp2 = $_REQUEST["dp"]; $rn2 … | |
I spit out 4 photos across the screen, then I want to start a new row of the next 4 photos, then so on until done. This works fine expcet the first row shows only 3, then it goes to 4 across. Can someone help? <?php $ln = $_POST['lastname']; $ps … | |
Hello PHP experts how can you detect [B]'[/B] character in your search field? Because every time I input the word [B]hilgard's[/B] it returns an error I think because of the character [B]'[/B]. This is the error [CODE=php] Warning: odbc_exec() [function.odbc-exec]: SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) … | |
I am humbly requesting your opinions in an issue that is driving me crazy... I currently maintain a few "Financial" websites. This sites are simply used to display stock data from the day before. We get the prices in an Excel sheet. Is there a way to parse the spreadsheet's … | |
Hi, I will be making a small site (my first in php) that will be available in 3 languages (eng, jap, chinese). my idea is to have index.php page in the root, and then (also in the root) 3 folders (en, ja, zh) with a version for the site in … | |
Hi All, Please bare with me as I'm new to this forum and to web design. I was asked by my boss to design adn upload a new website via ftp, which I can do. I realised this morning that it is not as simple as just that! Basically, here's … | |
hi, I am web master and i would like to make search page in which it will find information from my site and display. So Please tell me how to do that? Regards. [URL="http://www.seoserviceworld.com"]seoserviceworld[/URL] | |
Hi everyone, I was hoping somebody could help me unravel this - i'm very new in programming in php and i'm teaching myself so bear with me. scenario: I have a website with 4 distinct section (all in seperate tables): 1. A header - where my menu buttons are, 2. … | |
can sumebody tell me whats wrong whis this code?? tried many times but still parse error..on line 53 and if i put validation on php,do i need to put the command at server side??? tq [CODE="PHP"] <table width="1000" height="95" border="1"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#0000FF"> </td> </tr> </table> <? include("connect.php"); //this is your … | |
Hi all,, My problem is that,,My query is not working correctly when the time of loading the page... But if we echo the query and try to run the same query in PHP MYAdmin then the query is running correctly... For example if i need all the records having sex … |
The End.