I will be making a small site (my first in php) that will be available in 3 languages (eng, jap, chinese).
my idea is to have index.php page in the root, and then (also in the root) 3 folders (en, ja, zh) with a version for the site in each language.
This should be work as the site is pretty small.
So, index.php will try to automatically detect what langauge to be used, and redirect he user to mysite/en(or ja or zh)/home.php.
What is the best way to detect what language to be used?
Of course, on each langauge version will be "flags" that will take you to another language.
Also, I probably also want to use a cookie, for in case say an english user in japan, use the site in english, and dont have to switch from japanese to english each time they come bac,
Any suggestions against this plan of mine is also welcome of course.