
I am trying to make the code below work so that when a member visits his/her own profile they can see the $bank_balance along with all the other details. However, when the member goes and visits someone elses profile I dont want them to be able to see the profile members $bank_balance.

I am only learning PHP so am not that great at knowing whats what. lol

The $userid and $username is a global setting that identify's the member and I have managed to get it to work so that when a member visits his/her own profile they can view their bank balance.

However, when that member goes to another members profile they still see their own bank balance which isnt what I require. Instead I want the field $bank_balance and the text to disappear when not at their own.

Can anyone help? It would be much appreciated

Thank you


Here is the snippet of code:

if ($membersprofiles[username]= $username)
$bank_balance = $bank[bank_balance];


This is the full document!



User Profile (user_profile.php)


$rank_check = 1;
$page_title = "User Profile";
include "header.inc.php";

$members = fetch("SELECT * FROM members2 WHERE username = '$user' AND game = '$game'");
$members_profiles = fetch("SELECT * FROM members_profiles2 WHERE username = '$user' AND game = 

$bank = fetch("SELECT * FROM bank WHERE owner_id ='$userid'");

$online = fetch("SELECT last_visit FROM online WHERE userid = '$members[id]' ORDER BY last_visit 


if ("$members_profiles[username] == '$members[username]'") { $change_profile .= "<p align=center><a 

<font size=4 face=Arial>Edit My Profile</font><font face=Arial color=#0000FF size=4>
</font></a><font face=Arial color=#0000FF size=4>&nbsp;|&nbsp; </font>
<font color=#000000 face=Arial><font size=4>
<a style=text-decoration: underline href=http://cyberpetworld.com/mystuff.php?game=1>
My Control Panel</a></font></font></p>  "; }

if ($rank >= "60")
        $iplog = fetch("SELECT ip_addr FROM ip_log WHERE userid = '$members[id]' ORDER BY id DESC 

LIMIT 1");
        $membersIP = " ($iplog[ip_addr])";
if (!$members[id])
        die("$openHTML<p align=center class=error><center><p><br>That is not a real 


if ($members[rank] <= 1)
        die("$openHTML<p align=center class=error><center><p><br>This user has been 


if ($membersprofiles[username]= $username)
$bank_balance = $bank[bank_balance];


$munny = $members[points];
 $experience2 = $members[exp_points];   
$gender = $members_profiles[gender];
$genderArray = array("<img src=images/icons/undecided.gif>", "<img src=images/icons/female.gif>", 

"<img src=images/icons/male.gif>");
$gender = $genderArray[$gender];

$mailSettings = $members_profiles[mail_settings];
$mailSettingsArray = array(
"<a href=mail_send.php?game=$game&send_to=$usersOn[username]><img src=images/icons/mail.gif></a>",
"<a href=mail_send.php?game=$game&send_to=$usersOn[username]><img src=images/icons/mail.gif></a>",
$mailSettings = $mailSettingsArray[$mailSettings];

$bud = "<a href=buds.php?game=$game&bud=$members[username]><img src=images/icons/bud.gif></a>";

$date_registered = date("M j, Y", $members_profiles[date_registered]);
$last_visited = date("H:i", $online[last_visit]);
$last_visited2 = date("M j, Y @ H:i", $online[last_visit]);

$exBday = explode("-", $members_profiles[birthday]);

$months = array("", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", 

"Septemeber", "October", "November", "December");

$bdayMonth = $exBday[0];
if ($bdayMonth < 10) { $bdayMonth = ereg_replace("0", "", $bdayMonth); }

$exBday[0] = $months[$bdayMonth];

$birthday = "$exBday[0] $exBday[1], $exBday[2]";

$userAge = $this_year - $exBday[2];
if ($this_month < $exBday[0])
        $userAge = $userAge - 1;
if (($this_month == $exBday[0]) AND ($today < $exBday[1]))
        $userAge = $userAge - 1;

if ($online[last_visit] >= ($timestamp - $secondsToKeepUsersOn))
        $onlineNow = "<b><font color=green>Yes! <i><br><font size=-1><font color=black>Last visit 

at</font color><font color=green>  $last_visited</font></i></font></b>";
        $onlineNow = "<B><font color=red>No <i><font size=-1><br><font color=black>Last visit 

on</font color><font color=green> $last_visited2</font></i></font></b></font></b>";

$yourNotes = fetch("SELECT bud_note FROM buds2 WHERE bud_me = '$userid' AND bud_you = '$members

$yourNotes = $yourNotes[bud_note];
if (!$yourNotes) { $yourNotes = "<i>You do not have any notes on the player, add them to your buddy 

list to add notes!</i>"; }

$find_shop = fetch("SELECT shop_name,shop_size FROM usershops2 WHERE owner = '$members[id]' AND 

game = '$game'");
if ($find_shop[shop_name])
        $usershop_line = "<b>Shop:</b> </b><a href=$base_url/usershop.php?

game=$game&user=$user>$find_shop[shop_name]</a> <font size=-1>(size $find_shop[shop_size])</font>";

$find_gallery = fetch("SELECT gallery_name,gallery_size FROM usergallerys WHERE owner = '$members

[id]' AND game = '$game'");
if ($find_gallery[gallery_name])
        $gallery_line = "<b>Gallery:</b> </b><a href=$base_url/usergallery.php?

game=$game&user=$user>$find_gallery[gallery_name]</a> <font size=-1><font color=black>(size 


$locationLine = $members_profiles[location];
if (!$locationLine)
        $locationLine = "<i>Middle of no where!</i>";

$getClub = fetch("SELECT position,club FROM club_members2 WHERE user = '$members[id]' AND game = 

$getclub = fetch("SELECT id,name FROM clubs2 WHERE id = '$getClub[club]' AND game = '$game'");
if ($getclub[id])
        $clubrank = $getClub[position];
        if ($clubrank == 1)
                $position = "Member";
        if ($clubrank == 2)
                $position = "Moderator";
        if ($clubrank == 3)
                $position = "Admin";
        $club_line = "<b>Club:</b><font color=black></b> $position in <a href=$base_url/club.php?


$findPets = mysql_query("SELECT id,name,level FROM user_pets2 WHERE owner = '$members[id]' AND 

adoption = '0' AND game = '$game'");
$numUserPets = mysql_num_rows($findPets);
$x = 1;
while ($getPets = mysql_fetch_array($findPets))
        if ($x < $numUserPets)
                $petList .= "<a href=user_pets.php?game=$game&id=$getPets[id]>$getPets[name]</a> 

(Lvl. $getPets[level]), ";
                $petList .= "<a href=user_pets.php?game=$game&id=$getPets[id]>$getPets[name]</a> 

(Lvl. $getPets[level])";

echo <<<END


<script type="text/javascript">
function BUDS() {
window.open( "http://www.cyberpetworld.com/buds.php", 

"status = 1, height = 500, width = 500, resizable = 0, scrollbars=1" )



<div align="center"> 
<table style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" 

width="770" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0"> 
<td width="757"> 
<p align="center"><font color="green" size="-1"><font color="green"><font style="font-size: 11pt" 

face="Verdana">$change_profile </font></font></font></p></td></tr> 
<td width="757"> 
<p><strong><br /> 
<font style="font-size: 20pt" face="Verdana" color="#006699"><img height="85" alt="" width="85" 

src="uploads/$members_profiles[avatar_selected]" /> <font size="+2"><strong>$members[display_name]'s House</strong></font></center> 
<hr width="75%" color="#00e000" /></center></font></strong></td></tr> 
<td width="757"><font size="-1"> 
<p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px">&nbsp;</p> 
<div align="left"> 
<table style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" height="1" cellspacing="0" 

cellpadding="0" width="764" border="0"> 
<td width="27" height="14"></td> 
<td width="133" height="14"><font face="Century Gothic" color="#006699"><strong><font style="font-

size: 11pt">Username:</font></strong></font><font style="font-size: 11pt" face="Century Gothic" 

color="green"></strong> </font></td> 
<td width="328" height="14"><font face="Tahoma">$members[display_name]</strong><font style="font-

size: 9pt">$membersIP</font></font></td> 
<td width="276" height="1" rowspan="7"> 
<div align="center"> 
<table style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#9999ff" height="59" cellspacing="0" 

cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#dfdfff" border="1"> 
<td align="middle" width="200" colspan="2" height="23"><strong><font face="Arial" 

<td align="middle" width="100" height="35"> 
<form method="post" action="mail_send.php?game=$game&amp;send_to=$members[username]"><input 

type="submit" value="Send Mail" /> </td> 
<td align="middle" width="100" height="35">&nbsp;<input type="button" value="Add Me" onClick="BUDS

()" /></td></tr></tbody></table></center></div></td></tr> 
<td width="27" height="15"></td> 
<td width="133" height="15"><font face="Century Gothic" color="#006699"><strong><font style="font-

size: 11pt">Real name:</font></strong></font><font style="font-size: 11pt" face="Century Gothic" 

<td width="328" height="15"><font face="Tahoma">$members_profiles[real_name]</font></td></tr> 
<td width="27" height="3"></td> 
<td width="133" height="3"><font style="font-size: 11pt" color="green"><strong><font face="Century 

Gothic" color="#006699">Birthday:</font></strong><font face="Century Gothic"> </font></font></td> 
<td width="328" height="3"><font face="Tahoma">$birthday </font></td></tr> 
<td width="27" height="3"></td> 
<td width="133" height="3"><font style="font-size: 11pt" color="green"><strong><font face="Century 

Gothic" color="#006699">Experience:</font></strong><font face="Century Gothic"> </font></font></td> 
<td width="328" height="3"><font face="Tahoma">$experience2</font></td></tr> 
<td width="27" height="11"></td> 
<td width="133" height="11"><strong><font face="Century Gothic" 

color="#006699">Location:</font></strong> </td> 
<td width="328" height="11"><font face="Tahoma">$locationLine </font></td></tr> 

<td width="27" height="5"></td> 
<td width="133" height="5"><font color="green"><strong><font style="font-size: 11pt" face="Century 

Gothic" color="#006699">Date Registered:</font></strong></font></td> 
<td width="328" height="5"><font face="Tahoma">$date_registered</font></td></tr> 
<td width="27" height="1"></td> 
<td width="133" height="1"><font color="green"><strong><font style="font-size: 11pt" face="Century 

Gothic" color="#006699">Total Referrals:</font></strong></font></td> 
<td width="328" height="1"><font face="Tahoma">$members_profiles[referrals] </font></td></tr> 
<td width="27" height="1"></td> 
<td width="133" height="1"><font color="green"><strong><font style="font-size: 11pt" face="Century 

Gothic" color="#006699">Total Posts:</font></strong></font></td> 
<td width="328" height="1"><font face="Tahoma">$members[post_count] </font></td></tr> 

<td width="27" height="1"></td> 
<td width="133" height="1"><font color="green"><strong><font style="font-size: 11pt" face="Century 

Gothic" color="#006699">Bank Balance:</font></strong></font></td> 
<td width="328" height="1"><font face="Tahoma"><font color= "red">$bank_balance <font color="black" 

<td width="27" height="12"></td> 
<td width="133" height="12"></td> 
<td width="328" height="12"></td> 
<td width="276" height="12"></td></tr> 
<td width="27" height="15"></td> 
<td width="737" colspan="3" height="15"> 
<table style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" height="43" cellspacing="0" 

cellpadding="0" width="740" border="0"> 
<td width="274" height="16"><font color="black"><font color="black" size="-1"><font size="-1"><font 

face="Tahoma" color="#006699" size="2"><strong>$numUserPets Pets:</strong> </font><font 

face="Tahoma" size="2">$petList</font></font></font></font></td> 
<td width="466" height="16"><strong><font color="black"><font face="Tahoma" color="#006699" 

<td valign="top" width="274" height="27"><font color="black"><font color="green" size="-

1"><strong><font face="Tahoma" color="#006699" size="2">$club_line 

<td valign="top" width="466" height="27"><font color="black"><font color="green" size="-

1"><strong><font face="Tahoma" color="#006699" 

<td width="27" height="1"></td> 
<td width="737" colspan="3" height="1"> 
<p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px"><font face="Tahoma" color="#006699" 

size="2"><strong>Your Notes:</strong> </font><font face="Tahoma" 

<td width="27" height="12"></td> 
<td width="737" colspan="3" height="12"></td></tr> 
<td width="27" height="19">&nbsp;</td> 
<td width="737" colspan="3" height="19"><font color="green" size="-1"><font face="Tahoma" 

color="#006699" size="2"><strong>Online Now? 

$onlineNow</strong></font></font></td></tr></tbody></table></div><font face="Tahoma" 

color="#006699" size="2"><strong> 
<table style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> 
<td align="middle" width="757"> 
<div align="center"> 
<table style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" height="56" cellspacing="0" 

cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0"> 
<td width="100%" height="37"> 
<p align="center">&nbsp; 
<p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px"> 
<iframe style="overflow: hidden" frameborder="0" width="650" height="300" src="ajax-chat-

<td width="100%" height="19">&nbsp;</td></tr></tbody></table></center></div></td></tr> 
<td width="778"> 
<p align="center"></p></td></tr></tbody></table></center></div> 
<div align="center"> 
<table style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" height="78" cellspacing="0" 

cellpadding="0" width="888" border="1"> 
<td width="886" height="78"> 
<p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px" align="left"><font color="green"><strong><font 

face="Century Gothic" color="#006699">&nbsp;About Me</font></strong>&nbsp; 
<div align="center"> 
<table style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" 

width="830" border="0"> 
<td width="100%"><font style="font-size: 11pt" face="Verdana">$members_profiles[profile] 
<p align="left">&nbsp;<strong><font face="Century Gothic" color="#006699">Interests &amp; 

Hobbies:</font></strong> </p> 
<p align="center"> 
<table style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" 

width="830" border="0"> 
<td width="100%"><font style="font-size: 11pt" face="Verdana">$members_profiles[interests] 
<p align="left">&nbsp;<strong><font face="Century Gothic" color="#006699">Likes and 

Dislikes:</font></strong> </p> 
<p align="center"> 
<table style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" 

width="830" border="0"> 
<td width="100%"><font style="font-size: 11pt" face="Verdana">$members_profiles[hobbies] 
<p align="left"><strong><font face="Century Gothic" color="#006699">&nbsp;Favourite Films / Books / 

Muisc:</font></strong> </p> 
<p align="center"> 
<table style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" 

width="830" border="0"> 
<td width="100%"><font style="font-size: 11pt" face="Verdana">$members_profiles[hobbies] 
<p align="center">$change_profile&nbsp; </p></td></tr></tbody></table></center></div></form>        


Member Avatar for langsor

I'm sorry but I don't have the time at the moment to give an in depth answer to your question ... but it looks like you need to use user sessions for what you're trying to do.

Here's a few links that might get you started, if it's not what you had in mind then come back here for more help.

// official PHP dot net site

// about dot com tutorial

// htmlgoodies dot com tutorial

// tizag dot com tutorial

// google search -- php session tutorial

It is rather a large subject for cutting your PHP teeth on, but you've got to start somewhere.

you must use sessions, take username into session and check it in memberprofile page
if not set then throw them into first page, check previous threads u will get the answer

I didn't go through your code. But this is wrong.

if ($membersprofiles[username]= $username)
$bank_balance = $bank[bank_balance];


You are comparing. so, you need ==.

if ($membersprofiles[username] == $username)
$bank_balance = $bank[bank_balance];


I'm also pretty sure that you need single or double quotations for your statements, i.e. $bank. Also, it would make it a lot easier if you you highlighting for the code (i.e. CODE[/ code]).[code=php]CODE[/ code]).

Also what I will do many times is create a file to include which would be the top of my template and then a file that would be the bottom of my template and use a function called register_shutdown_function, you can find documentation at php.net, to include my bottom half. This makes it really easy to exit the script with exit() at any time if security becomes an issue.

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