39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for vexer007

Hi, I've run into absolute brickwall and am really desprate for your help please. I have a MYSQL Database with two Tables called user_comment and the second user_table. When a user register with the site, their details are kept in the user_table. the second table user_comment is so that users …

Member Avatar for Roberdin
Member Avatar for billah_norm
Member Avatar for Roberdin
Member Avatar for Dani

I am using the local invocation code with phpAdsNew. However, I would like to make the code that it outputs XHTML compliant. Does anyone know where I could edit this in the code? Thanks!

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for wlhan

Hi All I' am a new pie in php I have finished with installing php5 and mysql and the apache server when ever I have tried to run php nuke portal I got this sample of errors Notice: Undefined variable: querystring in h:\apache group\Apache\htdocs\html\mainfile.php on line 28 Notice: Undefined variable: …

Member Avatar for wlhan
Member Avatar for typedef

Hi, im new to the forums and i hope you wont mind me launching in with a big question! Ii am currently prototyping a multimedia information system which holds wakeboarding images and videos, along with a comprehensive set of meta-data about the multimedia data. Users can query the metadata in …

Member Avatar for fpepito
Member Avatar for Sheriff Mole

I've uploaded a phpnuke site and it is working on a pc apparently, it is [I]mostly[/I] working on my mac, but when I visit the forum on my mac it has this displayed boldly at the top of my forum - ----------------------------------- Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already …

Member Avatar for Sheriff Mole
Member Avatar for billah_norm

Hi all I had a experience of a website coded in PHP. that was a student result database site. specially used for publishing national certications exam in my country. the results are used to publish at a fixed date that was pre-defined. So the site got a lot of access …

Member Avatar for billah_norm
Member Avatar for billah_norm

Hi all, I have a question. [B]How many clients can access a PHP script at a time?[/B] Suppose, I have a database site written in PHP. I have used MySQL. Then How many clients can access that database through PHP as a midlware?? Can anybody answer this or help or …

Member Avatar for billah_norm
Member Avatar for qazs

Hi, I'm trying to create some rows in a table using php code. Its like this: [code] <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width>some item</td> </tr> <?php echo drawRow(); // draw another similar row ?> </table> [/code] But it turns out that the row is drawn before the table. In …

Member Avatar for qazs
Member Avatar for vbjani

Hi all, I m new to php and I have a simple problem. I want to check whether a file exists or not using php. I used the file_exists function for that but it doesn't work while I m able to open the same file using fopen..I know its a …

Member Avatar for vbjani
Member Avatar for alexruimy

Hi guys, I'm Alex. I'm a complete n00b to the world of PHP and am glad that y'all have support available here. :) Anyway, I'm unofficially doing tech stuff for a magazine and I'm working on a code to order subscriptions. I'm having a problem with variables in a loop …

Member Avatar for fpepito
Member Avatar for girish

:?: i am having the problem with cookies.. when working in windows , i can only set a maximum of 20 cookie variables not more than that.. any one tell me , how to overcome it..

Member Avatar for billah_norm
Member Avatar for laurencetuck

Hello PHP coders from Knysna South Africa! I've come here looking for answers fellow programmers. Like how to correctly install PHP and Apache on Windows XP as a development environment. I want to play with things like the gd library and pdf lib etc... the fun, interactive stuff that makes …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for jos

I see when i put my cursor over your subject/title of your threads in many forums at daniweb (but not all), a transparent cream/yellow box comes up with the first few sentences (or is it the first few paragraphs?) of the thread/post. I have vb 3.0.3 installed for my group, …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for rudysplif

Hey, I have a USB barcode scanner and would like to make a php based program to interface with it. How can I read from the USB port using php (Mac OSX). thanks Dan

Member Avatar for fpepito
Member Avatar for aphex23

I am very, very new to this whole php thing, so i am sorry for being so dumb, i am trying to learn, and i am going crazy! I am trying to get several scripts working but keep getting similar errors for them.. looks something like this Warning: Division by …

Member Avatar for aphex23
Member Avatar for andyseaton2003

Hi all, This is my first post and first attempt at PHP so sorry if this sounds daft. I'm about a fifth of the way through the php bible and a quarter through php/mysql for dummies, so it can only get better. Anyway I'm getting this error when I try …

Member Avatar for billah_norm
Member Avatar for kamui

Im new to PHP so please be gentle... Im trying to make a script that allows a user to enter a user name and pass, but no path, the path should be hidden from the user. I want them to only be able to view whats in the folder I …

Member Avatar for kamui
Member Avatar for billah_norm

I am a beginer of PHP. Which Version of apache is compatible with php 5.0?? which one for php 4.0?? I want to setup manually php for apache both of these versions. How can i proceed?? :-|

Member Avatar for chunguy
Member Avatar for cuddlers89

Hi I came across this website, [url="http://www.brishi.com/football.htm"][u][color=#000000]http://www.brishi.com/football.htm[/color][/u][/url] and i saw the calender thing in the bottom right, i have seen that on other sites, but i can't fine the script to put it on mine. Does anyone know where i can get a calender script like that one? Thanks

Member Avatar for PoA
Member Avatar for cuddlers89

I have set up a phpbb2 forum and now want to add a galery to my site. Does anyone know a good gallery that will be compatible with the membership system of phpbb2. Thanks

Member Avatar for PoA
Member Avatar for qazs

Hi, I'm trying to connect to a database using MySQL. Very new at this. I already have an existing table consisting of 2 rows created using phpMyAdmin. The problem (not exactly) I'm facing is when i insert a new row, it seems to insert after the 2nd row, not at …

Member Avatar for ReDuX
Member Avatar for jyothicm

I have created a small application in PHP and MySQL. Could someone tell me what I need to do to add the appln. on an Apache Web server? Is there anything I need to take care of in the application to be a web app?

Member Avatar for jyothicm
Member Avatar for monicao

Hy, I made a php site that is a virtual shop. The problem appears when I want to add in the basket the second product. Then I receive the following error : "Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings in c:\apache\htdocs\cos.php on line...". I know that [] is an …

Member Avatar for billah_norm
Member Avatar for sammy1958

can someone please elaborate on code below that evaluates to 42! //$var is an integer = 42 $var = "3 mice" + 39;

Member Avatar for billah_norm
Member Avatar for Hendrinx

First excuse me for posting such a question, I'm sure it has a very simple answer. I am about to get to grips with PHP over the next few months and as such have no real experience. The problem I'm facing is with passing a variable declared at the top …

Member Avatar for Hendrinx
Member Avatar for Decency

hey, i've been in a middle of a problem about passing a php variable from one .php page to another? for example: if im in a middle of sign.php which has a variable called $username: this user name is to be known through all the rest .php pages in my …

Member Avatar for fpepito
Member Avatar for deepsand

Guys, soory for being so stupid but I need your help. I am creating a new site with a forum & need a portal installed. I have installed 3 themes (phpBB2) but am not getting much help from sources I have tried. PLease can anyone help? I also need a …

Member Avatar for Young Teck 06
Member Avatar for nahid

I run a php program which make a excel sheet. I like to know how can I add text on top of the excel sheet.

Member Avatar for Zachery
Member Avatar for Luckasoft

Dear friends! We are asking your opinion on our [url=http://www.enginsite.com/PHP.htm]PHP Editor[/url] . Some people ask what is the point of yet another editor. We see our niche as low cost solution-a set of several tools with everything a web-master might need. It is still a long way to our dream, …

Member Avatar for Gary King

The End.