39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for scoobie

hi, i was wondering if anyone could help me. i'm new to php and i'm having problems setting up a session. i have a login page (page1) where the user inputs their username and password and when they click the submit button they are brought to another page (page2) where …

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Member Avatar for EPierre

Morning all, I don't know how to solve this problem Here it is: $price_unit = "20.45" $qty = 'qty'; $net = 'net'; $net = $qty * $price_unit ; as: 0<$qty<10 to parse in a textbox. I do that : if ($qty =0) { $net =0; } elseif ($qty =1) { …

Member Avatar for zippee
Member Avatar for BeyerCorpuz

[SIZE=3]PHP Saving[/SIZE] I just bought a book to learn PHP/My SQL. It does not thoroughly explain how to install PHP an SQL on my server( However I did use the accompanying cd to start download of files). My problem is , after I write source code in notepad and save …

Member Avatar for zippee
Member Avatar for frustratedkim

Somehow my code keeps getting extra spaces at the end after the last ?> No matter what I use, or what I do, I keep getting it and it is causing function errors. Any suggestions?? Thanks!

Member Avatar for zippee
Member Avatar for DiscJockey

Hello peeps i need some help for a template system. i want to make a script so when a user submits a article/tut it automaically sends me a email with a link in it + plus the submited article/tutorial when i click the link it automatically puts the tutorial into …

Member Avatar for zippee
Member Avatar for joey101

Ive created this awesome CMS, you see, but one problem... It reades every thing from the catch! NOT GOOD! Like that I have to refresh the page every time I wan't to see changes in it! Is there a way to make is so that the website doesn't read from …

Member Avatar for joey101
Member Avatar for seand10

I have a website that requires users to register. When they register their details (name, dob etc) go into an sql database. The form it goes into is called User_dtls. I want the users to be able to edit their own details through the website but im not sure how …

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for ep2002

Help ! Can someone help me quickly LOL I'm trying to switch over to a new server & all of the PHP & Javascript stuff is missing :( See, current server... [url]http://www.exoticpublishing.com[/url] New server... [url][/url] The left nav is missing, the right newscroller is missing & the last date & …

Member Avatar for joey101
Member Avatar for joey101

I have spent a great deal of time looking at how PHP-Nuke works. I have figured out just about all of how it works... exept for one thing. :( I can't find where it has the part about drawing out the body of the site :mad: Does any one know? …

Member Avatar for joey101
Member Avatar for alee

i'm making a website for a friend with his movies in, he wants users to login before being able to view these movies, i don't know how to stop them viewing it by typing in the address. Thanks, expect many more help requests as i am a noob ;) - …

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for AMulligan

Hello, ( Sorry I originally posted this on the wrong forum) I am trying to do a simple form (text fields only). The users enter, submit, then there is a confirmation page and information is sent to an email. When 'submit' is clicked there is no information returned from the …

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for viperman224

What program would I use to compile php codes? How would I then use them on my webserver? I have installed php (not sure which version) but how do I use the scripts after I compile them. I am using windows XP Pro and Apache 1.3. Also How do I …

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for voorheese

Hello. Can somebody help me with creating a .php template that querys a MySql DB for a simple report. I need 3 input fields: 1.Name: 2.Date From: 3.Date To: And a button "Submit" that presents the above data in some kind of easy understanding layout. database name is order table …

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for Dani

Which of the following is the proper syntax for the latest version of PHP? [code]echo "My name is $name. How are you?";[/code] [code]echo "My name is " . $name . ". How are you?";[/code]

Member Avatar for knight42
Member Avatar for nikez

Hi guys....newbie on the forums here :) I have developed a php form processor for a project i am working on. I am trying to validate the email address, however i want to add 1 more check the the default script. At the moment i have the following: [CODE]function if_email($staff) …

Member Avatar for nikez
Member Avatar for nikez

The form (form.htm) posts a value from a text box (id='first_name') into a script (test.php) that checks the data entered. The script takes an array of required fields from a config file (config.php) and uses these to validate the data that comes from form.htm. If the required fields ($required) are …

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Member Avatar for woodendart

I am so glad I found this forum because I dont have a clue about much .So I hope some one can help me out I have a directory on my website powered by Chipmunk Directory and I would like to add the following code so that the first three …

Member Avatar for knight42
Member Avatar for Samantha-girl

I want to find out if php can allow me to create whatever.homepage.com using my web address. I want to point the whatever.homepage.com to the folder homepage.com/whatever. Will php allow me to do this? O is there another script that will allow me to do this?

Member Avatar for ReDuX
Member Avatar for Sim

Ive built a script which allows me to add domains which have a name, expiration date and the date it was registered. However everytime i log into the admin panel i would like it to show me all domains which are about to expire in a supplied time. However im …

Member Avatar for HawkeVIPER
Member Avatar for Dani

I use Turck mmCache to optimize PHP running on my webserver. Someone informed me tonight that the project has been suspended or stopped or something? I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about this? Thanks :)

Member Avatar for Gary King
Member Avatar for nikez

Hey, Does anyone know how to pass a php variable into a form field? I want to reproduce what the user typed into a text box in another text box. Is this even possible? Thanks, JameZ ;)

Member Avatar for fpepito
Member Avatar for nikez

Hi guys, I have been looking at various form processing scripts, bascially to gain some understanding of how they work. I have managed to work through one section apart from one bit. I keep seeing the following: [CODE]$_POST[/CODE] I was just wondering what this was. I am using Dreamweaver MX …

Member Avatar for ReDuX
Member Avatar for nikez

Have a look at the following code. It is the only thing in the file...the following variables are defined outside the php file: [list] [*]$required [*]$first_name [/list] [CODE]require_once("config.php"); if ($required) { $require = explode(",",$required); for($n=0; $n<count($require); $n++); { $field = $require[$n]; print $first_name; print $_POST[$first_name]; } }[/CODE] When post data …

Member Avatar for nikez
Member Avatar for paradox814

I am going to lease out some bandwidth to a friend of mine on one of my accounts and I want to know what are typical PHP extensions so that I can disable them with htaccess files (as I dont trust this friend of mine). So far I can only …

Member Avatar for mikeSQL
Member Avatar for toxicSugar

OK im trying to make a script but I dont know how to do it exactally, what i want to make is a board for buttons where the visitor can come and put the url of their button and therir link and their button will be displayed. and once it …

Member Avatar for mikeSQL
Member Avatar for driverside

I'm trying to write a web application that will allow me to synchronize a folder in my PC with a folder in my website. Can I do this with PHP alone? Is there a script out there that can do this? Can you give me some pointers in how to …

Member Avatar for mikeSQL
Member Avatar for ringworm

Sorry very new to PHP I am currently working through a book and I am working on connect to a DB I use this command: $db = new mysqli('localhost', 'bookorama', 'bookorama123', 'books'); and I get this error Fatal error: Class 'mysqli' not found in c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\mystuff\chap11\results.php on line 26 from what …

Member Avatar for mikeSQL
Member Avatar for paradox814

is there a way to auto increment a value in a MySQL with PHP without having to lookup the value for instance: UPDATE SomeTable SET cell=cell++ WHERE row='some_row'

Member Avatar for SmoothDime
Member Avatar for sam1

i have created this web page with html and php where i need to set cookies to block users voting more then once i have used something like this code: if (isset($_COOKIE["x"])) { echo "You've already voted once!<br><br>"; } but it doesnt work can any one help plz :) :) …

Member Avatar for SmoothDime
Member Avatar for mvblhp

I'm looking for a small script that I can use to limit the number of downloads per day for a specified file, or limit the bandwidth for said file per day. Any Ideas? :D

Member Avatar for Comatose

The End.