39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for stupidfly

I have a website ( [url]http://www.rhstrack.com[/url] ) and one of the features on the site is a bio of some of the runners on the team ( [url]http://www.rhstrack.com/?id=roster[/url] ). I have found that, the way I have it right now, it just takes to much time to do. Currently, athletes …

Member Avatar for barnamos
Member Avatar for Boat_2005

I recently purchased a software package that restricts access to one or many directories on my hosted server. The server is Unix based. The directory that is restricted contains an .htaccess file that uses Apache. Before I modified the below code, when I tried to access a restricted HTML file, …

Member Avatar for Boat_2005
Member Avatar for Secret Agent

Example: [url]http://www.virtuosonetsolutions.com/shop.php?cat=104&[/url] I am trying to make this an instant quote forum based on what I assign each item its price. Basically, say a person selects one item per field and it adds it calculates the total instantly including any setup fees. Then, I want them to have the ability …

Member Avatar for barnamos
Member Avatar for tony27

I need help. Does anyone have a script that will take info from a booking form that is used to select a particular course at a particular time on a partiular day and send it to the administrator as a text file and notify the administrator by email. Does anyone …

Member Avatar for barnamos
Member Avatar for TimmyRaa

I've got a query set up that generates a resultset of players and their statistics, and this is displayed back out in a table via PHP: [B]Query: [/B][php]$sql = 'SELECT nickname AS name, count( * ) AS played, sum( score ) AS agg, max( score ) AS highest, min( score …

Member Avatar for barnamos
Member Avatar for lady

[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Tahoma]Hi, I have a problem with solving a programming point. I tried to solve it in many ways but I couldn’t I have a system that each teacher has his username and password Inside his profile he need to choose some students to make some groups lets say they a …

Member Avatar for barnamos
Member Avatar for anandgagrawal

Hello Please help me out here i have a project and need to create an automated email system that mails a user form to a predefined email address I intend to use the mail() function of PHP for doing this but however encountered some problems in the SMTP installation... So …

Member Avatar for barnamos
Member Avatar for 12345letsgo

i know no php, but amexcellentwith javascript, html, and css. I need help adding a forum to my site. Would apprciate any help:)

Member Avatar for Hjcooke
Member Avatar for profitblaze

First of all thanks for all the helpful advice. It's great to have a site like this to turn to for help. My question is this (I think this idea would be valuable for many): I would like to have members of my affiliate program be able to promote a …

Member Avatar for PoA
Member Avatar for Stick

I have a web page that prints a number from a mysql database. Can anyone tell me how to show this number as a percent? Does it need to be formated that way in the database table? or Can I format it that way using the printf function at the …

Member Avatar for RamiroS
Member Avatar for new comer

:o [COLOR=Blue]undefined[/COLOR] hi i have just got PHP Desigener 2005 and put a PHP chat chat room on my website buy i carnt do nothing with it as i am new to any form of coding i am looking for a web site whare i can get some free stuff …

Member Avatar for DanceInstructor
Member Avatar for yni420

Hi there recently i decided to try my hand in php. but have not been successful in installing it. I have installed Apache and php but not able to get it working. I have php.ini file to the windows folder dll files to the system folder. made changes to php.ini …

Member Avatar for anandgagrawal
Member Avatar for tom2169

I purchased a pre-created website that was written in php. I changed hosting companies to 1&1. After that a conflict with phpMyAdmin started and I don't know where to go in my code to point to mysql correctly. If anyone knows php or mysql that can help me out it …

Member Avatar for DanceInstructor
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

Hey i am looking for a phpbb script/hack/mod whatever you call it that would allow the forum users to write posts in quick reply like on this forum. Does anyone know where i can get this. Also i have this problem where to login to the forums it won't recognize …

Member Avatar for mikeandike22
Member Avatar for Stick

I have a mysql database that has three tables. customers, orders, and order details. I want my customer to logon using a username and password that will show a list of his current orders. From there I want to be able to click on any given order and see the …

Member Avatar for RamiroS
Member Avatar for androstendione

hi im new to php/mysql i have developed a code in asp and converted it to php with asp2php programme. the original solution asp/sqlserver iis works fine..the new solution will be a iis php mysql. mysql server works fine iis works fine however the php wont let me connect to …

Member Avatar for androstendione
Member Avatar for choky

Hello, I would like to send a specific string of commands to a USB device connected to my computer. Is there a PHP function that allows this? Thanks, Choky

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for user12345

I have a .php file that reads an .rtf file on my server and uses str_replace() to replace certain variables within the document. I can do that fine, but I am having trouble writing more than one element to a single variable...i.e. I am pulling several products from a mysql …

Member Avatar for Gary King
Member Avatar for ruffy

I run a [COLOR=Blue][B]WIN2000[/B][/COLOR] box with [COLOR=Blue][B]MySql 4.0.23[/B][/COLOR]. I tried installing once and failed, but DID manage to get past the initial page. [B]The failure came when I tried to log in to configure phpBB2[/B]. So I tried some other forum software and failed there too. I decided to come …

Member Avatar for Zachery
Member Avatar for Zachery

For such scripts like IPB, vBulletin, and photopost. Basic questions and trouble shooting can be asked here. However, for help with importers or anything more serrious you should contact the offfical sites where you should have support for that product. Thanks

Member Avatar for Stick

Can anyone help me with an if statement? My script looks like this. $results= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM customers WHERE username='$user'and password='$pass'",$db); if ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($results)) { do { [COLOR=DarkOrange]I WANT THIS TO GO TO "details.php"[/COLOR]} while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($results)); } else { echo "Sorry, Incorrect Username or Password!"; } I'm …

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for Stick

Can anyone help me with the script to show records on a database based on the input of a text field on a form?

Member Avatar for Stick
Member Avatar for techie

hi, I have one doubt. i want to execute a PHP program at particular time for example for every evening at 8:00 how the code should be?

Member Avatar for DanceInstructor
Member Avatar for JonEdangerousli

Uber newbie here. Have downloaded three different form scripts but none of them will actually send the email. Using yahoo small business standard hosting which says they support php. The form appears to work, it refers to the correct page, but no email. I don't know how to enable logs …

Member Avatar for 1andyw
Member Avatar for junvalasek

I want to install my own php script into my server (shared) but the moment I test my page, the following errors occurs. [CODE]Warning: main(): Unable to access ../includes/global.php in /home/linkme2u/public_html/paidmail/site/index.php on line 3 Warning: main(../includes/global.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/linkme2u/public_html/paidmail/site/index.php on line 3 Warning: main(): Unable …

Member Avatar for DanceInstructor
Member Avatar for MCAmy

if(preg_match('`^[^@]*@{0,1}[^@]*$`',$string)) I had this written for me, but struggling to add in one other validation. I want to be able to also allow lowercase letters, but no special characters, numbers or uppercase letters. Can someone please help?

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for Robert Paulson

I looked through the forum listings and this seems to be the most appropriate place. Please be kind if it isn't...I'm new here. :) So here's my situation/problem: I run a forum site - groundtradesxchange.com. I have a portal page that I like very much, but it seems like the …

Member Avatar for DanceInstructor
Member Avatar for ruffy

Hi. I use Win2k PHP 4.3.1 MySql 4.1.9 [B]Trying to install phpBB 2.0.11[/B] My phpBB files are in C:\BB There I added the directory ..\BB\forum PROBLEM: I can't get past the html "start install" page. On that page - In Admin Configuration section: [B]a)[/B] Where it asks for ADMIN info; …

Member Avatar for madmatt
Member Avatar for Luckasoft

Dear friends! We are asking your opinion on beta-version of our PHP Editor 3. Some people ask what is the point of yet another editor. We see our niche as low cost solution-a set of several tools with everything a web-master might need. It is still a long way to …

Member Avatar for DanceInstructor
Member Avatar for pepsoft239

Hi All I have the following requirement to be implemented in PHP & My SQL database with Apache Server. I have to write a PHP which will get a HTTP request from Client and immediately respond back with a Token # (Random number). Once the Token number has been sent …

Member Avatar for zobier

The End.