39,323 Topics

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Member Avatar for karthik_ppts

Hi frendz, In my vehicle tracking project, I need to draw the route (polyline) of my vehicle in google map. When the vehicle is moving away from that route, it should give alert msg. So how to specify the route line on google map?

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for ivan3510

Hi! I'm trying to send an email (automaticaly, when user register), but I don't get some different letters correct. Here's example code: [CODE] ... $message="Some message that contains č, ć, đ, ž, š"; //on the server, I can't write letters like č, ć etc.; I must write their code & …

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Member Avatar for Green-z

hello everyone I have the same problem that they talked about here before in this old thread: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/threads/94707[/url] I tried to find any solution for it but I couldn't this one "UPDATE table SET col_value = col_value + 1" doesn't work , so I hope that any one can tell …

Member Avatar for Green-z
Member Avatar for ankita.gupta17

I have a table named queries.there is an column named query. My teacher has asked me to make a form in which first page lists all the queries(with checkmarks) from the database.It has a submit button. Second page to delete the entries. Once entry is deleted redirect the second page …

Member Avatar for ankita.gupta17
Member Avatar for jacob21

Hi, I am working on this function.buts its not sending text message($msg) to user($to) [CODE] function sendSMS($mobile, $msg, $sender, $sendPass, $sendID) { $msg=urlencode($msg); $ch = curl_init(); $url="abksms.com/pushsms.php?username=cs&password=6117&sender=STIA&to=$mobile&message=$msg"; //echo $url; //$url=urlencode($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1)or die("error1"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curlPost); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); …

Member Avatar for jacob21
Member Avatar for Sinderone

I am trying to get a calendar that will pop out and then back fill a date block on a from. Also I want to make sure that the from can be e-mailed with-out having a DB on the back side.

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for diyez treze

please give me some ideas how to create a online reservation system for our thesis.. hope you'll help me all :)

Member Avatar for happytogether
Member Avatar for michaelzip

Hi. I don't know where the problem is. The next codes is working on Google Chome but not in IE. I haven't tested yet on Firefox. function.js [CODE]function getSheetCount() { var xmlhttp; if (window.XMLHttpRequest){ xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) { var …

Member Avatar for michaelzip
Member Avatar for ptara1

I would like to be able to create a script that displays whether or not a store is open when the user looks at the page. It would be simple if some didn't close for an hour during the day. I could set it up: MondayOpen 800 MondayClosed 1600 and …

Member Avatar for ptara1
Member Avatar for wolveirne2005

I need to show mysql result only for current month. Following is my for each loop [CODE] foreach($projects as &$project){ $project = $module->get_project($db,$project['project_id']); $project_statuses[$project['project_status']][] = $project; } [/CODE] I need add a if statement to print only result from this month. I tried using if variable == date('m'). Did not …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for sharathg.satya

i am not able to understand AJAX right from the beginning please help me to have some idea on AJAX

Member Avatar for sharathg.satya
Member Avatar for sharathg.satya

[CODE] <?php $first="rahul"; $second="shiva"; for($i=0;$i<strlen($first);$i++) { for($j=0;$j<strlen($second);$j++) { if($first[$i]==$second[$j]) { $first= "".substr($first,0,$i).substr($first,$i+1,strlen($first)); $second= "".substr($second,0,$j).substr($second,$j+1,strlen($second)); $i--; $j--; } } } $len= Strlen($first) + strlen($second); $f="friends"; $duplen=1; for($i=0;(strlen($f)!=1);) { if($len!=$duplen) { if($i==(strlen($f))) { $i=0; } else { $i++; } $duplen++; } else { $f=substr($f,0,$i).substr($f,$i+1,strlen($f)-1); } } ?> [/CODE] i am not finding …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sharathg.satya

hi friends. i have a problem with execution of the mail() of php its not sending messages to the specified mails. i need help to work it out so that i can complete the topic thanks in advance

Member Avatar for sharathg.satya
Member Avatar for noahshoa2

Hi, I have this vision: Someone clicks on a link that goes to my website. When they get my website, my website picks up the url that they just came from. With my code I have gotten that far. But what I want is for the page's url that they …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for lifeplayer

Hi DW Member, I am Facing one problem my all mails goes to spam i am not able to understand how solved these problem. Kindly suggest me what procedure should be applied. Thanks In Advance

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Member Avatar for ronnieaka

i'm gonna be building a website,for my summer training,but then later commercialize to earn a few bucks Main thing is, i want to make it as attractive GUI wise as possible with probably PHP only, and ajax and flash are allowed to get as many marks as possible and it …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for justted

Hello, I have been trying to set up this script for a charity website (animal sanctuary) in which members can upload a photo of their pets to the members log in area. I have so far managed to get the basic script working but would like to give each image …

Member Avatar for Green-z
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

I am passing value to AJAX function, but always shows undefined.. It works fine two days ago, but not today.. Checkbox <input type="checkbox" onclick="[B]disablebatch()[/B]; selectinactivecourse(this.checked); " id="inactive_check" name="inactive_check" <?php if(isset($_POST['inactive_check'])) echo "checked";?>> Combobox <select id="course" name="course" style="width:145px" onchange="selectBatch1(this.value, document.myform.inactive_batch.value);"> // [U]Where I am passing Checkbox's value[/U] <select id="course" name="course" style="width:145px" …

Member Avatar for abhi10kumar
Member Avatar for manu555

[CODE] <script language="javascript"> function add() { var divTag = document.createElement("div"); divTag.id = "div"; //alert(divTag.id); //divTag.setAttribute("align","center"); //divTag.style.margin = "0px auto"; divTag.className ="dynamicDiv"; var v1 =document.getElementById('ttlBoxes').value; var v2 =document.getElementById('boxno[]').value; var d1=parseInt(document.getElementById('ttlBoxes').value); var d2=parseInt(document.getElementById('boxno[]').value); if(v1!=""&& v2!="") { if(d2<d1) { divTag.innerHTML ='<br /><table width="101%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" class="entryTable" ><tr ><td width="150" class="label" ><select …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for drewpark88

Hey guys, I just need a bit of help figuring out what the best way to go about the following using PHP/MySQL: It's basically a registration component So I have a button, let's call it "add_to_list" and I need this button to control a couple of things. When a user …

Member Avatar for drewpark88
Member Avatar for weblexie

Hi guys, please help me. $GetList = mysql_query("SELECT ItemID, Available FROM rewarditems",$link1); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($GetList)) { $ItemID = $row['ItemID']; $Available = $row['Available']; echo("<form name='myform' method='post'>"); if ($Available == 'No') { echo("<td width='100' valign='top'><p class='ItemList'><input type='checkbox' name='$ItemID' value='process.php?action=Item Availability&item=&$ItemID&available=Yes' checked></p></td>"); } if ($Available == 'Yes') { echo("<td width='100' valign='top'><p class='ItemList'><input type='checkbox' …

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Member Avatar for reezox

i try to change this scrip into jsp but i stuck at switch statement - switch ($_GET['action'].. Please someone help me.. (T_T) [B]menu.php[/B] [ICODE]<li><a href="index.php?action=home">Home</a></a></li> <li><a href="index.php?action=aboutus">About Us</a></a></li>[/ICODE] [B]index.php[/B] [ICODE]<td width="20%" valign="top"> <?php include ('menu.php'); ?> </td> <td width="85%" valign="top"> <?php switch ($_GET['action']){ case 'aboutus': include 'aboutus.php'; break; case 'home': …

Member Avatar for reezox
Member Avatar for johndohmen1963

ihave a script for a multifile uoload my question is how can i create it so that i can upload only jpg files [CODE] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <title>multiple file upload</title> </head> <body> <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input name="files[]" …

Member Avatar for johndohmen1963
Member Avatar for kali Annan

Hi guys, i want to create a registration page which has the fields like name,username,gender,dateofbirth,maritalstatus,etc... i have already created the form using html. now i need to encrypt the php code to insert these datas into the database which i have already created. Additionly i need to validate these fields …

Member Avatar for kali Annan
Member Avatar for phpDave

Hi. I use DW cs4 for pagination in order to let users page through a record set. It always worked until I use a $variable in a SELECT statement. If I hard code something, it works, variables don't. Any solutions to this?

Member Avatar for phpDave
Member Avatar for sallecpt

Hey there I know one can use include [url]http://domain/page.php?var1=xxx&var2=xxx[/url] But I dont need an include This is what I need to do, and how on earth can I achieve this? I've burnt my brains already. Please help me. [CODE]$command = "/usr/bin/php5 -f /home/path/to/file/test.php?folder=777";[/CODE] then run the command. so, test.php needs …

Member Avatar for jnicholls92
Member Avatar for DarkVision

ok here my code [CODE] libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $objXML = simplexml_load_file('MainRelease.xml','my_node'); // load xml file if(!$objXML){ $errors = libxml_get_errors(); foreach($errors as $error) { echo $error->message,'<br />'; } } else { $Result = $objXML->xpath('AllRelease/Release/name[@rdate="'.$DATERELEASE.'"]'); if(empty($Result)){ $AllRelease = $objXML->xpath("//AllRelease"); $releas = $AllRelease[0]->prependChild2("Release"); $dat = $releas->prependChild2("name"); $dat->addAttribute("rdate",$DATERELEASE); $releas->prependChild("comment",$COMMENT); $Anime = $releas->prependChild2("Anime"); $Anime->prependChild("popup",$POPUP); $Anime->prependChild("Title",$VIDEONAME); $Anime->prependChild("VideoUrl",$dir); $objXML->asXML("MainRelease.xml"); …

Member Avatar for DarkVision
Member Avatar for IWDesigns

hi guys... ive been working with codeigniter for over a year now, but ive been taking scripts apart and fixing errors/adding new functions, ....now im coding something from scratch and its proving to be quite annoying as the new version has a lot of stuff changed, so im pretty much …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for timo2

Hi everyone, having a real problem with htaccess at the moment. If it can be done i bet its really simple but after hours of serching and trying ideas out i have got no where, any help would greatly be appreciated. ---- [B]problem:[/B] What i am trying to do is …

Member Avatar for khaleel_rashid

Hi i want to Color picker to wordpress website but unable to find any plugin to do it. i don't want it in admin section. i need it on my website.

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The End.