39,326 Topics
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Hi all, I am working on a project that requires themes much like the popular Content Management System, Drupal. I notice in their "info" files they use with their system to display information about the theme like its title, description, a snapshot of it, etc, my question is, would it … | |
Hello guys, So I wrote this code that fetch data from mysql table: [code]while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $src = ''; switch( $row['speed'] ) { case 'fast': $src = 'fast.png'; break; case 'slow': $src = 'slow.png'; break; default: $src = 'default.jpg';} } } echo "<tr>"; echo "<td><a href='http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . … | |
Hi I have a problem With the $_POST Here is the code i have i called this albums.php [CODE] <?php Echo" <table cellpadding='5' width='100%' border='1' bgcolor='white'> <tr> <td width='50%' align='left'> Usere Alben die schon bestehen. </td> <td align='right'> <form action='createalbum.php' method='POST'> <table> <tr> <td align='left'> <font face='arial' size='2'> Albumauswahlliste.</font> </td> … | |
Hello Anyone can recommend me the best php IDEs available which also provide support for frameworks like zend or codeigniter? | |
Hi i have the code i am not able to insert the datas into database while executing i got some error. i have tried many codes but no help .[[COLOR="red"]After entering the data[/COLOR]]when i click the submit button i got [COLOR="Red"]The Username is already taken![/COLOR]. [[COLOR="red"]Without entering the data[/COLOR]]when i … | |
Hey guys I am getting a random number using built in function in a given range of number, like between 300 to 10000. but i want to make sure random number should not be repeated, e.g. if rand() function has output 305 once, it should not come again, for this … | |
On Thursday the [URL="http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/09/17/eu_cookie_law/"]EU law[/URL](which the uk has passed verbatum) regarding cookies comes into effect. From my reading of it, any site that has among other things google analyitics present on it, will need to inform the user that cookies are present on the site, refer them to the sites … | |
Hello guys, I have this school project. There is one aspect that I'm not sure of. So, here's the project description. The project is chatting. Well, you know how chatting works. When I type a message, that message will appear on the other person's computer. Anyway, the part wherein Im … | |
Hi guys! This is a continuation post of my last thread regarding login with session..Now the main task is, the login form is now driven with Fancybox.. What i need to know is how to let the fancy box check/compare the value on mysql table if the username & password … | |
An Ajax function is not working ?? [B]selectBatch1[/B] is not replacing combobox [B]1.[/B] [CODE] <?php session_start(); if($_REQUEST['action']=='') $_REQUEST['action']="sp"; if(empty($_SESSION['uid']) && empty($_SESSION['username'])) { $url="index.php"; header('Location:'.$url); } else { if(isset($_COOKIE["PHPSESSID"])) { $uid=$_SESSION['uid']; $username=$_SESSION['username']; } } //DB Connection $con=mysql_connect('localhost', 'tak27310_admin','admin123'); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("tak27310_followup", $con); //Pagination … | |
Hi, I am working on this curl function.The problem is it is not executing. 1)When we use $URL value directly in browser its working fine & SMS is going to number. 2)When i am trying to call a function having some curl function its not working. Need help. Thanks [CODE]<?php … | |
Hey Guys, I need some assistance if possible. I am using MySQL & PHP, I have an "events" table with a row field called "Users_Attending" and can't seem to figure out the best way to add multiple users to an event rows "Users_Attending" field. I want to store user emails … | |
Hi I want to display the retrieved datas from database by using the search conditions.My search conditions are Age,gender .if user clicks the search button. the data should be display that satisfy both the conditions i need a mysql query and php code to retrieve the data Thank you | |
So I was asked to integrate live webcasting in the next version of this website and I have no Idea. I did little reasearch and bump, I only hit shoutcast. May I ask anyone with Idea on good webcasting software for live internet Audio and video broadcasts to throw out. … | |
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I'll take the crap for what its worth. Im really asking myself every day the same question: What programming language should I learn? I really need to clear some things up, first of all some questions: 1. Ruby on rails, I hear … | |
How to add control for marking area using points,lines and polygons on google map and how to store that area in mysql db? Becoz i need to give alert message when my vehicle cross that area in my vehicle tracking system. | |
l havinf problems sending individual emails with a loop within joomla The code is sending multiple emails to a single users something like its triggering an infinite loop. Please see code below [code] unction sendRequests() { $db = & JFactory::getDBO(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `#__quotehunter_hunt_quotes` WHERE `flag` = '0' … | |
[CODE]<td align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="checkbox[]" type="checkbox" id="checkbox[]" value="<? echo $row['Inq_id']; ?>"></td> <td colspan="5" align="left" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="delete" type="submit" id="delete" value="Delete"></td></tr> <?php foreach( $_GET['checkbox'] as $del_id ){ $sql = "DELETE FROM Inq_cat WHERE Inq_id='$del_id'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); } ?>[/CODE] | |
I am getting this error while working on curl code[CODE][/CODE] Warning: curl_setopt() expects parameter 1 to be resource, string given in C:\xampp\htdocs\ [CODE]<?php //initialize the request variable $request = ""; //this is the username of our TM4B account $param["username"] = "kacs"; //this is the password of our TM4B account $param["password"] … | |
Good day! I just to ask why require_once function display the content of the whole page in the second page? I have two pages index.php and mem_accnt.php. I have session in index.php. Now i need to get the session in index.php and display it in mem_accnt.php. In order to get … | |
I want to limit the length of text shown in php. What is the code in php? But i want to keep the full of text in database. | |
Hi, When i hit the F5 key on the keyboard after Insert into process, it adds same record into database again. How can solve this problem? Thanks | |
When the users login , i want to show the status is online in php. What is the code? Thanks! | |
How to call a PHP function on submit button My function is [CODE]function sendSMS($mobile, $msg, $sender, $sendPass, $sendID) { $msg=urlencode($msg); $ch = curl_init(); $url="abusms.com/pushsms.php?username=kas&password=6117&sender=SHRIA&to=$mobile&message=$msg"; //echo $url; $url=urlencode($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1)or die("error1"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curlPost); $data = curl_exec($ch); echo $data; echo curl_close($ch); … | |
Hi guys i was wondering if you guys could let me know how i can post a form field using jquery and then be declared in a variable after post. The code for the html: [CODE]<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td></td> <td>Name:</td> <td>Email:</td> </tr> <tr> <td><label for=fri accesskey=f>Friend 1</label></td> <td class="tablePadding"><input … | |
Hi. So I am using Sphider on my website. I was wondering, is there anyway that I can search within a category? Like the search filtering to just one category. Thanks. | |
hey guys, I need your help for mysql query.let me tell you one thing, it's a dynamic query whatever the user selects in another page, those value will be set in mysql query. The problem is that it's not giveing me any data from that query. So Please give me … | |
Hey guys! I know I'm bothering you and it's probably a dumb question anyway but i just can't seem to find a good tutorial on this... I'm creating a website and I'd like the admin of the site to be able to post to the site without having to change … | |
I have this script that I am using that work to upload a file and to make sure the file is either jpg, jpeg, or gif. However, I want to restrict the user with the image width no larger than 150px. Is there an easy way to implement in the … | |
i am reading file and getting content , on localhost it is working and displaying result. but after uploading on server , not displaying or echo relevant content of file? any help appre thnx [CODE]$tcnt = 0; $file = fopen("/home/uploads/date/".$list."_".$Type.".txt", "r") or exit("Unable to open file!"); $file_rl = $file; while(!feof($file)) … |
The End.