39,317 Topics

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Member Avatar for cliffcc

I have found some websites, they show the pictures like marquee, but not exaclty marquee. Not continuously moving from bottom to top. Instead, moving from bottom show one picture and then stop a few seconds and then moving again! What is that function and the code? Thanks!

Member Avatar for cliffcc
Member Avatar for Tenaciousmug

Ok, I have a variable ($incubation) set as 04:00:00. Then I have another variable ($starttime) set to the current time. Both are printing out fine. But I'm trying to get an $endtime from adding the incubation time to the start time. [CODE]$incubation = $row['incubation']; //IM GRABBING THIS TIME FROM THE …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for panotia

Hi friends. I install the REgional PHP Link Directory, and I was able to make the listings show the websites thumbnails but there is a link below them, "Read More" that when I click on them, they take me to the 404 server page. Something is wrong. 1)The url rewriter …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mangel.murti

hi all , if i want to fetch all image from specific part of webpage not whole webpage how to do it. for exam-http://www.cocoearly.com/homes/MA/Methuen/01844/899_Riverside_Drive/10171238256/index.html any help appre thankx

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for rayidi

Dear Friendzz, Problem to getting dynamic values in Javascript.. Please Helpme [CODE]// Java Script <script language="javascript"> function toggle(int) { var ele = document.getElementById(int); if(ele.style.display == "block") { ele.style.display = "block"; } else { ele.style.display = "block"; text.innerHTML = "hide"; } } </script> // HTML <div class="reply"> <a id="{$msg['id']}" href="javascript:toggle(this);">Reply</a> </div>[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for rajdevsohail

Hello , please help me making attracting forms for my website ( login and Register ) .. I Have Already made those for my website but they look quite boring . I Actually Want To Set A Form Background .. [B][U]I Googled It But The Results Were Below My Exceptation …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for abusive

Basically i have a script that outputs a list of information about a file, Here is a sample [CODE] File Size:15423 bytes File Name:Test.txt File Location:C:\home\Test.txt File MD5 Hash:1caf4a063526d84cd5b1ae6383a426d6 File SHA1 Hash:e79bfba095a8531adcb855d7c286f5c3ca93a535 [/CODE] My problem is that i want to split the data into two columns, For example "File Size:" …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Manny7

Hi there, I am thinking about the best way, how to update my records in database (MySQL) from XML feed. I have database and this database contains the daily offers from several sales portals. So now - about midnight I am deleting all records from my table and with using …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for jonadams51

I'm designing a new intranet system but the requirements have changed and I've now been asked to make it more scalable and to allow any content to be integrated into the site seamlessly. Currently, the site is very simple using the IIS URL Rewrite module (basically the IIS answer to …

Member Avatar for john.cooper
Member Avatar for ivan3510

Hi! I'm getting these warnings: Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Node no longer exists in (file) on line 2 Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at file:2) in file on line 2 Warning: Unknown: Node no longer exists in Unknown on line 0 I …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for programmer12

Hi, My codes at the moment are [CODE]mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE date = CURDATE()");[/CODE] It outputs the correct stuff that i want to show that has been uploaded that day (newest) but I want it to show it for 3 days or maybe even a week... Is there a …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for maxlipman

Hi, I want to learn php and how to develope my own code and stuff, how can i learn php fast amd easy? Does anyone reccomend a sertain book or website? Thanks

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for eduardc

I don´t understand the error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/eduardli/public_html/web_designer/insert.php on line 21 php file: [CODE]<html> <body> <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","eduardli_user","-z.x,c"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } $description = $_POST["description"]; $price = $_POST["price"]; $quantity = $_POST["quantity"]; mysql_select_db("eduardli_company", $con); mysql_query ("INSERT INTO Products (Description, …

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for bob on whidbey

PHP and MySQL problems with ' and " have been discussed ad nausea on the web. I still don't get it. For example my db has an Author's name field with someone called O'Brien. If I create the DB with phpMyAdmin by reading in a CSV file, that field will …

Member Avatar for bob on whidbey
Member Avatar for programmer12

Hi, I am trying to organize the way my episode titles output. At the moment it prints like this. (I want to be able to upload the newest episodes and also go back and upload the older shows but i want the newer shows to stay at the bottom in …

Member Avatar for technical_amit
Member Avatar for bufospro

Hi all, I am trying two days now to insert a cart link on my page. It is a e-shop bookstore. I save my books in a database : +-------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | bookid | int(11) | NO …

Member Avatar for bufospro
Member Avatar for weblexie

Hi, please help me with my code. Javascript function if (document.myform.Available.checked == false) { document.myform.Save.disabled = true; <?php $query = mysql_query("UPDATE rewarditems SET Available = 'Yes' WHERE RewardItemID = '{$_GET['item']}'",$link1) or die(mysql_error()); ?> } else if (document.myform.Available.checked == true) { document.myform.Save.disabled = false; <?php $query = mysql_query("UPDATE rewarditems SET Available …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for toskers25

I have a PHP object that I'd like to convert to XML so that I can use SimpleXML to run an xpath on the data. Can someone suggest some way to do this? Basically, I have the following PHP object and I need to be able to search for certin …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

I am no submitting form (i.e. no button usage), then How I can preserve the value of a control. I am using pagination.

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for danielsikes

Hi all, I am working on a project that requires themes much like the popular Content Management System, Drupal. I notice in their "info" files they use with their system to display information about the theme like its title, description, a snapshot of it, etc, my question is, would it …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for arsenalfun

Hello guys, So I wrote this code that fetch data from mysql table: [code]while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $src = ''; switch( $row['speed'] ) { case 'fast': $src = 'fast.png'; break; case 'slow': $src = 'slow.png'; break; default: $src = 'default.jpg';} } } echo "<tr>"; echo "<td><a href='http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for johndohmen1963

Hi I have a problem With the $_POST Here is the code i have i called this albums.php [CODE] <?php Echo" <table cellpadding='5' width='100%' border='1' bgcolor='white'> <tr> <td width='50%' align='left'> Usere Alben die schon bestehen. </td> <td align='right'> <form action='createalbum.php' method='POST'> <table> <tr> <td align='left'> <font face='arial' size='2'> Albumauswahlliste.</font> </td> …

Member Avatar for johndohmen1963
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Hello Anyone can recommend me the best php IDEs available which also provide support for frameworks like zend or codeigniter?

Member Avatar for Ritesh_4
Member Avatar for kali Annan

Hi i have the code i am not able to insert the datas into database while executing i got some error. i have tried many codes but no help .[[COLOR="red"]After entering the data[/COLOR]]when i click the submit button i got [COLOR="Red"]The Username is already taken![/COLOR]. [[COLOR="red"]Without entering the data[/COLOR]]when i …

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for dalip_007

Hey guys I am getting a random number using built in function in a given range of number, like between 300 to 10000. but i want to make sure random number should not be repeated, e.g. if rand() function has output 305 once, it should not come again, for this …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for kained

On Thursday the [URL="http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/09/17/eu_cookie_law/"]EU law[/URL](which the uk has passed verbatum) regarding cookies comes into effect. From my reading of it, any site that has among other things google analyitics present on it, will need to inform the user that cookies are present on the site, refer them to the sites …

Member Avatar for edwinhermann
Member Avatar for Whilliam

Hello guys, I have this school project. There is one aspect that I'm not sure of. So, here's the project description. The project is chatting. Well, you know how chatting works. When I type a message, that message will appear on the other person's computer. Anyway, the part wherein Im …

Member Avatar for maxlipman
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Hi guys! This is a continuation post of my last thread regarding login with session..Now the main task is, the login form is now driven with Fancybox.. What i need to know is how to let the fancy box check/compare the value on mysql table if the username & password …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

An Ajax function is not working ?? [B]selectBatch1[/B] is not replacing combobox [B]1.[/B] [CODE] <?php session_start(); if($_REQUEST['action']=='') $_REQUEST['action']="sp"; if(empty($_SESSION['uid']) && empty($_SESSION['username'])) { $url="index.php"; header('Location:'.$url); } else { if(isset($_COOKIE["PHPSESSID"])) { $uid=$_SESSION['uid']; $username=$_SESSION['username']; } } //DB Connection $con=mysql_connect('localhost', 'tak27310_admin','admin123'); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("tak27310_followup", $con); //Pagination …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for souravsikka

Hi, I am working on this curl function.The problem is it is not executing. 1)When we use $URL value directly in browser its working fine & SMS is going to number. 2)When i am trying to call a function having some curl function its not working. Need help. Thanks [CODE]<?php …

Member Avatar for hielo

The End.