39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for Macko888

HI Everyone, Having a bit of trouble with some array`s... here is the situation: I need to get the contents of 1 array and compare them to another array and if numbers from the 2nd array are in the first array, i want to unset it from the 2nd array. …

Member Avatar for Macko888
Member Avatar for navi17

Hello, There will be two users on my site. one is free and other is paid. So for paid there will be seperate registratoin form having around 20 input fields. Now paid registration is around 97$. i am using 1shopping cart for payment. Now how the registration will work? Will …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for Sorcher

Hello guys, i got a small problem here. I can write and press "send" to submit a private message to a memeber, right... but if i refresh the page, the message gets sent again.. Anyone know a small php script i could put on top of the page to avoid …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for fadliraihana

i cant seem to solve this. how do i change the cell background color using php? this is what i got; <tr> <td ><span class="style2">1</span></td> <td >PERAK IP-F002</td> <td bgcolor=<? if($a1==1) echo "#00ff00"; else echo "#ff0000"; ?>>&nbsp;</td> <td bgcolor=<? if($a2==1) echo "#FF0000"; else echo "#00FF00"; ?>>&nbsp;</td> <td bgcolor=<? if($a3==1) echo …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for jacob21

Hi,I am working on a php ajax dropdownlist. What i am trying,When a user select january month it show 31 days similarly in march 31,april 30,may 31 n december. in feb month it should take leap year. Need suggestion

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for yongj

So I have two databases that have separate pieces of information that I need together. Instead of running queries on each database I was told that I can join the two databases together so that I can declare variables from both databases without worrying about which database was specified or …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for archb

Can I link a filled out form, to a new form? I want one user to fill a form with certain characteristics - for example, a patient. Then, I want another user to take this particular form (select it from a table) and then perhaps create another form - based …

Member Avatar for Ritesh_4
Member Avatar for Besherek

Hey guys, I'm trying to update an existing site and I'm having a few issues with an array in terms of sorting the results of an array into a simple div layout. It currently works and the output is working fine. However I want to define a category as a …

Member Avatar for Besherek
Member Avatar for didi00

Hi guys, I'm trying to modify the plaincart for my needs but I have problem with the cyrillic characters. When I call the data from the database, all I get is ???????. My database is ok, the collation is utf8_unicode_ci and I can see my characters correctly in phpMyAdmin. for …

Member Avatar for didi00
Member Avatar for nunos

Hello all. Even though my javascript/ajax knowledge is very low, I would like to be able to do the following, for which I ask you for help: I have a python script that runs from php with exec command. It takes about 5-10 seconds to complete. While the python script …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for dyingatmidnight

Hello hello. What I'm trying to do is show or hide div layers based upon the previous URL. I have a user panel for a library database project for school that lists all the books a user has out as well as fines, user info etc. When I go to …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Spyzker

i have echo error. code; [CODE] echo '<li>'; echo '<div>'; echo '<div class="author-image">'; echo '<img alt="gravatar" src="http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/8a567031a8d520b2f97089e715b64e00?s=50&amp;d=%3Cpath_to_url%3E&amp;r=G" class="avatar avatar-50 photo" height="50" width="50" />'; echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="comment-wrapper">'; echo '<div class="comment-inner">'; echo '<div class="comment-top">'; echo '<div class="comment-author">'; echo '<a href="http://www.outerspiceweb.com" rel="external nofollow" class="url" target="_blank" />'.$yorumlari_cek_yeni['yazan'].'</a>'; echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="comment-text">'; …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi, In one of my project there is a textarea for inserting data for users. In that Italics, Bold, Link options are added just like every forum text area. But when user clicks in italics or bold .. and leaves it with out closing then on render view full of …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for dyingatmidnight

hey there, what I want to do is transform search results into hyperlinks. This part isn't really the hard part I don't think. But what I would like it have a generic details.php page which would bring up everything associated with the url you clicked. For example, my database is …

Member Avatar for pbcomput
Member Avatar for geoamins2
Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for Thyvo

Hello, I looking for a piece of code to chop a string into a array with 2 or more delimiters example: this is the text and I want to chop [!FIRST!] here and a bit later [!LAST!] here and if its posible (its not required) [!OPTIONAL!] chop it here and …

Member Avatar for Thyvo
Member Avatar for rohittripathi

how to search in php by using alphabetic charecter in php i have code which show alphabetic like A to Z but how to search data by using thi alphabetic code is below:- <?php for ($i = 65 ; $i < 91 ; $i++) { printf ('<a href = "%s?result.php?$i=%s">%s</a> …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for branding4you

this has got me stumped, i have a simple few text boxes that users type in the hotel name. Some names have special char in them like: L 'Ermitage I have two tables, the Top3 table has data that i display to users The details are where the main data …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for Fresco Vivir

Greetings everyone i'm new to php and this is what i want to do if you can help me , i have a DB on my web server and there are two column one for the name of the product and the other for the id of the product , …

Member Avatar for Jiaxin
Member Avatar for jatpatel1

Hi there, I am currently facing some problems with return carriages. I have an address already in a table in the database which has return carriages. Now when you echo the address out it will loose the return carriages and instead will put it all on one line. I have …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for ibakir

guys chk out that link its really hard to solve :O [url]http://businessadmingroup.com/molham/edary.php[/url] i have windows 7 and calling my database from online SQL :'(

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for kalambe

Hi everybody , i'm newbie in this forum :) i wanna ask about how to make link in notification email like facebook's notification email? thanks

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for matthewkeating

Hello all, I have just converted from Windows to Mac and have been a longtime user and fan of NotePad++. I had heard of a way to run it on a Mac but am having the hardest time finding it. Is this possible? And if not, what are some FREE …

Member Avatar for dekarvn
Member Avatar for ayathullah

Hi, I am using the twitter api to retrieve some data. I'd like store my followers latest status tweet containing that hashtag #RT and the mention of my name. The staus ID can be retrieved via $xml->status->id. In the code below I'd like to php to search for certain words …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for Spyzker

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CASE in /home/redlimbc/public_html/M2H/article.php on line 757 [CODE]<?php break; case "yorumonay": $id = $_GET['id']; $yorum_adsoyad = str_replace("'", "'", $_POST['yazan']); $yorum_email = str_replace("'", "'", $_POST['mail']); $yorum_yorum = str_replace("'", "'", $_POST['yorum']); $tarih = date("d.m.Y"); if(($yorum_adsoyad == "") or ($yorum_email == "") or ($yorum_yorum == "")){ echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("Bo? …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Jollyyy100

Hi, im currently designing a form on dreamweaver and it allows a client to enter their Name, Email and Comments. At the same time i want this data to store in my mysql database which i created. The php code that i used is shown below, but the problem is …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for NuGG

Im new to php and have been struggling with this for some time, but I expect its something simple. Basically I have some code below which I want to use to display an events board. -Info for each event comes from a separate xml file for each event. -XML files …

Member Avatar for NuGG
Member Avatar for destroyerx15

hi im asking if it can insert form to submit and another form to be submit as the same record in db can any help to show how to make in code ? and tanx

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for xxgrplayer

Hello guys, i am a very beginner php developer (i know only the basics) and i am trying to create a website about betting which will retrieve info from mySql databases. the problem is that i have stored some variables (which are written in greek) in databases and then when …

Member Avatar for xxgrplayer
Member Avatar for destroyerx15

hi i want to update or insert to my exit db that have patient id and staff_id i make lke this for my form : [CODE]<table class="table"> <form action="cheekbox.php" method="post"> <tr> <th class="th">ORDER_DESC </th> </tr> <tr> <td class="td"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox[]" value="CSF"/> CSF </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="td"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox[]" value="LFT"/> …

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The End.