39,326 Topics
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Hi everybody , i'm newbie in this forum :) i wanna ask about how to make link in notification email like facebook's notification email? thanks | |
Hello all, I have just converted from Windows to Mac and have been a longtime user and fan of NotePad++. I had heard of a way to run it on a Mac but am having the hardest time finding it. Is this possible? And if not, what are some FREE … | |
Hi, I am using the twitter api to retrieve some data. I'd like store my followers latest status tweet containing that hashtag #RT and the mention of my name. The staus ID can be retrieved via $xml->status->id. In the code below I'd like to php to search for certain words … | |
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CASE in /home/redlimbc/public_html/M2H/article.php on line 757 [CODE]<?php break; case "yorumonay": $id = $_GET['id']; $yorum_adsoyad = str_replace("'", "'", $_POST['yazan']); $yorum_email = str_replace("'", "'", $_POST['mail']); $yorum_yorum = str_replace("'", "'", $_POST['yorum']); $tarih = date("d.m.Y"); if(($yorum_adsoyad == "") or ($yorum_email == "") or ($yorum_yorum == "")){ echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("Bo? … | |
Hi, im currently designing a form on dreamweaver and it allows a client to enter their Name, Email and Comments. At the same time i want this data to store in my mysql database which i created. The php code that i used is shown below, but the problem is … | |
Im new to php and have been struggling with this for some time, but I expect its something simple. Basically I have some code below which I want to use to display an events board. -Info for each event comes from a separate xml file for each event. -XML files … | |
hi im asking if it can insert form to submit and another form to be submit as the same record in db can any help to show how to make in code ? and tanx | |
Hello guys, i am a very beginner php developer (i know only the basics) and i am trying to create a website about betting which will retrieve info from mySql databases. the problem is that i have stored some variables (which are written in greek) in databases and then when … | |
hi i want to update or insert to my exit db that have patient id and staff_id i make lke this for my form : [CODE]<table class="table"> <form action="cheekbox.php" method="post"> <tr> <th class="th">ORDER_DESC </th> </tr> <tr> <td class="td"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox[]" value="CSF"/> CSF </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="td"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox[]" value="LFT"/> … | |
Hello, Could anyone help me with next problem: Visitors come to a website through a Clickbank affiliatelink http: //nick.vendor.hop.clickbank.net But they will land on different websites based on an URL parameter, for example http: //nick.vendor.hop.clickbank.net?x=prod1 they’ll go to www.websiteA.com http: //nick.vendor.hop.clickbank.net?x=prod2 they’ll go to www.websiteB.com http: //nick.vendor.hop.clickbank.net?x=prod3 they’ll go to … | |
Hey guys. A few days a go I bought my self a notebook and installed Ubuntu 10.10. I have not used Ubuntu before and recently started using PHP. I have used EclipsePHP as my IDE on my windows machine. Long story short, I want to implement SVN between my laptops … | |
Hi guys! I'm trying to make a PHP mailer and I have a little problem with the eregi() function. This is the code: [code] if (!eregi("^[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9._%-]+\.[A-Z]{2,6}$", $senders_email)) { $error = "1"; $info_error .= $lang_invalidemail . "<br>"; } [/code] and it gives me this error: Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in … | |
I want this javascript to directly compare the username and password of the user who login to mysql table that holds all the registered username and password.. [code=javascript] <script type="text/javascript"> $("#login_form").bind("submit", function() { if ($("#login_name").val().length < 1 || $("#login_pass").val().length < 1) { $("#login_error").show(); $.fancybox.resize(); return false; } $.fancybox.showActivity(); $.ajax({ type … | |
Good day! Ive been working with fancy box login and now Im almost at the point to accomplish it. I want to get the login username and password from the array that fancy box was created.. The main task is to pass the login username and password value from login … | |
Ive been trying to figure this out for 36 hours now. I have easyjobportal and everything works fine except when you try to apply for a posistion. When you click apply is redirects to "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" Please help... system_job_apply.php [CODE]<? $action = "apply"; setcookie("cjobs" , "-$job-" … | |
i got something really stange going on with mysql.look [CODE] <?php $numid=$_POST['numid']; $query1="select * FROM datatable LEFT JOIN datatable2 ON datatable.numid=datatable2.numid WHERE "; $connect=mysql_connect("xxx","xxx","xxx") or die ("Check your server connection"); $db_found = mysql_select_db("mydb",$connect); if ($db_found) { echo "Database FOUND <br>"; if (strlen($numid)>0){ $query1.="numid='$numid' AND "; } $query1=substr($query1,0,(strlen($query1)-4)); $result = mysql_query($query1); … | |
I need some help with this one guys. I made a small script that inputs only numbers with 4 digits. Now the trick is that I need to input only numbers higher than 0 (ranged from 1 to 9999). Easy enough, I said, if I only make this rule: $val<=0. … | |
Hello friends, I want to built a website in php but i am short of ideas? Target audience:- Youth Can any one help? Thanks navi | |
Hi Everyone! It's been a while since I've posted! Anyway, I'm building a website and I need one user to be able to pay another user, while a percentage of that money goes to me. Here's an example: Two Users: User A User B User A pays User B $100 … | |
hi i need to link my select to another page (form) i write : <? session_start(); if(!session_is_registered(myusername)){ header("location:main_login.php"); } ?> <html> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <body> Login Successful <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("project", $con); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM patient"); … | |
hi guys.. I mostly use resources variable when fetch data from database... But I don't have clear concept about resources variable , How it work , what is it's nature.. Can anybody tell me about it nature. | |
Occasionally I have had trouble sending emails using the builtin mail() function in PHP. Sometimes emails never reached their intended destination. Naturally I have assumed that there might be a problem with some spam filters used. However, lazy as I am, I have not given it a second thought. Instead … | |
Hi Guys...can anyone help me out? I just to have the list of topics. Example: About Nature About man About Society Now, this is what i want to do...if I will go to each of it. I can post comment of each of them. And when I view one of … | |
Undefined variable: no in C:\xampp\htdocs\war\cPanel\pollingTampil.php on line 28 [CODE]<head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Daftar Polling</title> </head> <body> <table width="702" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td width="58">no</td> <td width="232">pertanyaan</td> <td width="122">op1</td> <td width="104">op2</td> <td width="96">op3</td> <td width="59"> </td> </tr> <?php include "inc.session.php" ; include 'C:\xampp\htdocs\war\librari\inc.koneksi.php' ; $sqlTampil = "SELECT * FROM polling … | |
hi guys im beginning in php im using dream waver and php my admin i have problem for insert when in insert it give me two record i want to be in same record to insert for my form :[CODE] <table class="table"> <form action="11.php" method="post" name="form2"> <input type='hidden' name="ORDER_DESC" id='hidden' … | |
I need to join 3 tables (superseller, adexmart and generictable) and fetch following fields from above 3 tables: 1. url, price from table superseller, and 2. url, amount from table adexmart where 3. pid='somevale' from generictable a. superseller table url, price, id (fields) b. adexmart table url, mount, id (fields) … | |
Hi. I am trying to send the name of a file which is going to be launched for execution using a script from a *.js file. So in the original *.php file i have imported the *.js file like this: [CODE] <script type = "text/javascript" src = "getListsInfo.js"></script> [/CODE] Then, … | |
Hey guys, creating a simple script for registration and login. Managed to get the registration form working and adding users to a simple 4 table database. Having problems with the login form. I am not sure how to write the code that validates the user and password because every time … | |
Im thinking about taking on a chat room php based project. I want to make sure my logic is right though. This is very raw so please feel free to contribute if you see any problems that might occur. [B][U]MYSQL[/U][/B] [U]TABLES[/U] Username chatroom1 chatroom2 etc.. [B][U]PHP[/U][/B] [U]Sign up.php[/U] Insert username … | |
Hello I want to make cron job for php page Every day at 12 am how can i do that? |
The End.