Hi all,

Can anybody help me out how to export multiple excel sheets in a single xls file using php and taking datas from mysql table.

thank you


i'm new member in DANIwEB..

and read your THread..
i use PHP 5 with MySQL and apache
beside that i use A NAVICAT to manage my database.
and for your question how to export/import a database tables to excell u can use this NAVICAT..

hope this info can help u too...

hi mizteryq,

Thank you for your reply.

i haven't used NAVICAT and i don't know how it works. Can you plz explain how it manage database and how can i use this to solve my problem in detail.

Thanks in advance

it cannot be done

what do you mean about "EXPORT" you mean file uploading? I'm willing to help you just tell me

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