39,326 Topics
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hi i am sending request to a server using curl, the resonse of the request is zip file, i have to download it. but the data are show on the page on binarry format(junck character). this is he code. $ch =curl_init(); $headers=array("key: 2434jdfdf3433434"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://xyz.com/api/batches/1481307454804189100'); curl_setopt($ch, … | |
please what is that do and mean?? [CODE]message = ("HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\n" + "Location: http://" + redirectionAddress + "/\r\n" + "Content-Length: 0\r\n" + "Connection: close\r\n" + "Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-store, private\r\n" + "\r\n"); where redirectionAddress = nodeAddr + ":" + message; and message = "AuthKey" + ":" + "clientIP" + ":" … | |
I have a simple function to toggle visibility of whatever. I use it in many places and I know it works fine. [code=html]<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function toggle_visibility(id) { var e = document.getElementById(id); if (e.style.display == 'block') e.style.display = 'none'; else e.style.display = 'block'; } //--> </script>[/code] I'm now using this … | |
Hi.. I am in the middle of my project but i get stuck here. I want to make the friends linking process page.Which is upon registration, new user will be redirected to this page to find their friends that have registered on my site. I try to google it, but … | |
So i've got a little problem. I'm just running a website for fun, got it from a friend because he didn't need it anymore. Site is called: fapperd.nl Now i'm really happy with me installing a phpbb forum on my server and made a button for the forum as you … | |
hello... i have multiple records in databse. i want to create .xml file automatically. if there is any data in xml file, automatically rewrite that file. how to do this. sugguest me please thanks. | |
Hello, I am trying this code out but has error. Please help, This is my code. <?php include 'dbFunctions.php'; $result = mysql_query('select * from criteria_m'); if (!$result){ die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); } $i = 0; while ($i < mysql_num_fields($result)){ echo"information for column $i:<br />\n"; $meta = mysql_fetch_field($result, $i); if(!$meta){ … | |
Greetings! I'm trying to solve a little problem that occurs when I try to kinda make an associative array out of an associative array. I wish to associate 2 fields coming from mySQL so I can make a simple associated print for the records I want (and I do not … | |
POSTBACK.php [CODE=PHP] <?php $q=$_GET['q']; $words=explode(' ',$q); //$words2 = "'%".implode("%','%",$words)."%'"; //echo $words2; $con = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '')or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("ajax_demo", $con)or die('cannot connect'); //$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `ajax_demo_table` WHERE `FirstName` LIKE CONVERT(_utf8 '%'.$q.'%' USING latin1) COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci OR `LastName` LIKE CONVERT(_utf8 '%'.$q.'%' USING latin1) COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci'; … | |
I'm Editing little PHP and SQL script so if the code in the db is [CODE]`crystals` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',[/CODE] and in the php script is [CODE]$_POST['crystals']=(int) $_POST['crystals'];[/CODE] and other code in db is [CODE] `class` enum('Knight','Archer') NOT NULL default 'Knight',[/CODE] What the php script will be (in the … | |
G'd evening, So I built this script and figured that I had it all figured out, styled it with css only to find out something is messed up. The php script is set so that it retrieves a value from a mySQL database and if it is 0 the site … | |
Hi I'm trying to practise with this form, which will eventually be part of a much larger form. What I'm trying to do is to validate my reg_agent field in which a user can choose whether they are an agent or private. The validation is supposed to say that when … | |
Hello I want to convert the date formate from Wed Jun 15 2011 00:00:00 GMT 0530 (India Standard Time) to 06/06/2011 I have done something like this [CODE] $chkdt = "Wed Jun 15 2011 00:00:00 GMT 0530 (India Standard Time)"; $month = substr($chkdt,4,3); if($month == 'Jan') $month = '01'; else … | |
Its kind of complicated.well iam trying to create a search form,where the output will be like : Found (a number) results: Name: Surname: [View Button1] Name: Surname: [View Button2] and so on,depented on the results of query. i am calling a fun on pageload.in that i create the buttons,and i … | |
Ok i want freedomain to test on so i dont care if its domainname.blabla.com i just need some good domain to test on , i was testing on freehostia but they dont allow crons i want some one have php,sql (at least one free server allowed)and crons aaaaan no ads … | |
So for my website I'm trying to have a page where the user can type in literally anything and the page would output a list of stock symbols that are close to the input. Anything unrealistic (e.g. 3548 random letters) would obviously not work but if the user were to … | |
Hello all, I've been using Chrome to develop a database website for a school project and I've been having a couple of issues. The first being refreshing. When I logout or login I have to refresh the page for it to pick it up. Or if sometimes I'm logged in … | |
I recently moved a script I created for Google Maps over from my development site and I changed the information in the mysqli line and now I'm recieving an error mesage -- any idea what's going on here? Here's the error message: [CODE]Warning: mysqli::mysqli() [mysqli.mysqli]: (28000/1045): Access denied for user … | |
Urg, I will so happy when I'm finished this project, I feel like I'm spamming you guys every couple of days. So I have a couple date values in my tables. And I'm trying to do some calculations with them. Which are working fine. But I'm retuning the number of … | |
Hi, i have a login section made through layers and tables within dreamweaver. At the same place i have a login button (i have coded it and it works all right) but at the moment i have an issue, because when i sign in the login section which says enter … | |
HI all, I have a small problem regarding my php project. There is a page called [B]open_account.php[/B]. It contains all customer data such as NIC, full_name, date of birth, gender etc. When a user fills all the fields in that form it redirects to another page called [B]new_account.php[/B]. There are … | |
hello... i am developing one realestate website. in there the properties will syndicate in to another web sites like yahoo-realestate,zillow. so how can i syndicate my properties in these sites. thanks. | |
hello i need one of 2 things. either to make a table which changes its background color to black when the mouse enters the table and when the mouse is out, the background color should be transparent again OR i want a table with permanent transparent color like this site … | |
can you help me with this. i have used tcpdf but i dont know how to read the contents of the .doc, .pdf contents and put it in a single pdf for the user to download it. Please help me.. thanks | |
PHP..... I have a mysql table which has two columns: NAME, ADDRESS. i want to assign the both column names into variable. if i give one column name and it works as below. $yourfield = "NAME"; //it prints value of NAME column I want to retrive values of both column. … | |
Hi all, Can anybody help me out how to export multiple excel sheets in a single xls file using php and taking datas from mysql table. thank you | |
I don't have any syntax error with this code on my PHP file.. I have only a problem when it comes to output of the search query error messaging... here's the code postback.php [CODE=php]<?php $q=$_GET['q']; $words=explode(' ',$q); $con = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '')or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("ajax_demo", $con)or … | |
Here's my problem. I have a program that integrates HTML with PHP script by ending the PHP, and going with straight HTML code, and then going back to PHP. This should be all well and done, except for the part where after I start the PHP script, it doesn't display … | |
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/dhenter/public_html/zshop/index.php:6) How could i solve this issue? check this link please: [url]http://d-h-enterprise.com/zshop/[/url] |
The End.