39,388 Topics
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I want to know that is it possible to inter relate two PHP Frame Works ? If possible How ? Please Help me | |
Hello to evreyone, this is my first post, I create this topic in case to write down some question i have during a project i made right now, may is simple question but this will help me to learn the HTML and PHP language. My question i want to add … | |
I have a html form on another page that is automatically filled from data from the table. I then run the the following script on submit to update the row if any information is changed. Here is the code [CODE] <?php $db=mysql_connect ("connection info") or die ('I cannot connect to … | |
Hello! I want to create a script which mails emails to subscribers. I'm almost done, but I'd like it to say "Sent to # people". I've tried using: [CODE]<?php $dbc = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'username', 'password', 'database') or die('Error: Could not connect to database'); $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table"); $number = … | |
Hey Guys, I have an "events" table in my DB and a "default_events" table also. Every day I display one event. I check to see if any rows in the "events" table match todays date and then display that event, if no events match by date, I check the "default_events" … | |
hI all. I have a similar problem to another thread in this forum which did help somewhat but in my case all my records are updating and I cannot get it fixed despite searching around the web... I have searched and tried different things but am not getting anywhere. Maybe … | |
Hi hope someone can help me i have the folowing code [CODE]$weinachtfeier = $_POST['aname']; $mapbeschrijving = $_POST ['expl']; $slides="slides"; $thumbs="thumbs"; $new_height1=100; $new_width1=66; $new_height=66; $new_width=100; $allowed_types = array( 'image/pjpeg', 'image/jpg', 'image/png', 'image/jpeg'); $imagesize = $_FILES['pic']['size']; $imagetype = $_FILES['pic']['type']; $imagefile=$_FILES['pic']['name']; if(in_array($_FILES['pic']['type'], $allowed_types)) { copy ($_FILES['pic']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['pic']['name']) or die ("Could not copy"); $imagesize … | |
Hello everyone, I want to build on a project and make a website like youtube just for fun, nothing really special, can I get code already that has been programmed? Or should I go for a whole new code, ofcourse I don't want to copy youtube, just make a website … | |
![]() | [CODE]<?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if ($_POST['lang']=="") { echo "Dictionary name can't be emptry!"; } else { $name=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['lang']); include('db.php'); [B]$check=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = '$name'"); echo $count=mysql_num_rows($check);[/B] if ($count>0) { echo "That dictionary name already exists!"; } else { $go=mysql_query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $name ( `id` int(11) NOT … ![]() |
some subdirectories will display correctly and other wont... Also these are the folders i have [B]website[/B] [LIST] [*][B]admin[/B] [LIST] [*]add.user.php [*]index.php [*]login.php [/LIST] [*][B]css[/B] [LIST] [*]styles.css [/LIST] [*]footer.php [*]header.php [*]newsletter.php [/LIST] 1. [url]http://localhost/xampp/website/newsletter.php[/url] correct sub...[url]http://localhost/xampp/website/newsletter.php[/url] wrong sub...missing /admin after website [url]http://localhost/xampp/website/add.user.php[/url] wrong sub...missing /admin after website 2. [url]http://localhost/xampp/website/admin/[/url] wrong sub...[url]http://localhost/xampp/website/admin/newsletter.php[/url] … ![]() | |
Hi, I have to make a language (literal) converter in php from english to hindi. i dont want the hindi translation of the word. just typing the same words in hindi if i type 'baloon' in english, it will convert as it is into hindi ( बलून ) ् I … | |
Hi to All, Is this code can be done with link <a hef=''>? [code] <?php echo "<form action='page.php' method='post'>"; echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Go to Page'>"; echo "</form>"; if($_POST['submit']=="Go to Page") { } ?> [/code] in the code above, once the user click the button, the page load and execute … | |
i am new to PHP programming.. I cant access phpmyadmin and its says "You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server." when i tried to use the ipaddress of my computer instead of localhost... how to fix it can anybody help me??? | |
hi, just a quikkie.... i have an idea to build one of my sites as a facebook app...not just a basic app but i want the site to be run solely through facebook like a farmville or mafia app works. i have a complete site already built, is it possible … | |
Hello, does anybody know why below 2 echoes are providing diferent results [CODE] <?php $in ='textInputTest'; $key ='AAAABBBBAAAABBBB'; $iv ='AAAABBBB'; echo base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RC2, $key, $in, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv)) .":"; echo base64_encode(openssl_encrypt($in, 'rc2-cbc', $key, true, $iv)); ?> [/CODE] (results: I6twEgBKQEaNzeP0nMeLJg== : 7bJWXaOJf31WYcJn2UcDrg==) ... second result is the same that C# and some other … | |
Hi all! I'm wondering if you could look at my login code and tell me how secure it is. I know it seems to work pretty well, I'm just not very good at picking out security hazards. [B]Main login.php page:[/B] A simple form which submits to itself to check for … ![]() | |
How to increase the security of using the $_GET[ ]? Since it is easily discovered by the visitor and change the path and the edit the information? /albums.php?albums=1 /albums.php?albums=2 ![]() | |
Hi everyone! I've worked on a shopping cart and I have a small problem. When an order is made, it doesn't send a notification email. It all seems ok but I don't know why it doesn't work. Here is the code: [code]<?php header ('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); require_once 'utf.php'; require_once 'library/config.php'; … | |
Hi I have a developer working on a gift App for me, i have seen in for instance that the app bank were you can create your own gift APP all you do is upload a gif and when it is sent to the users wall page, there is a … | |
Hi everyone. I need a shopping cart script that uses PHP and MySQL that can be incorporated into site. I've already tried the PlainCart and seriously, that script just has too many issues that need to be solved, and I don't have the time. Also making my own is not … | |
For each of the step (even that specific as what editors and other software to use) included into building an application (for me mostly - web (php-mysql-html-javascript)) I really need tips on how to improve them so I could start working really really fast and be able to generate all … ![]() | |
I googled how to call dll from php. I found that I should use the COM extension to do this. I followed some examples that use the COM to call the Internet Explorer application and othee applications . $browser = new COM ("InternetExplorer.Application"); and run all these examples successsfuly. **But** … | |
hello, I have found a set of functions to return values from mysql queries. I have the array filled but I am not sure how I am going to display the data. Any help is greatly appreciated. [CODE] $db->select('awf_users'); print_r($db->result); [/CODE] my result is: Array ( [0] => Array ( … | |
![]() | [CODE]<script language = "javascript"> var XMLHttpRequestObject = false; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { XMLHttpRequestObject = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { XMLHttpRequestObject = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } function getData(dataSource, divID, data) { if(XMLHttpRequestObject) { var obj = document.getElementById(divID); XMLHttpRequestObject.open("POST", dataSource); XMLHttpRequestObject.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); XMLHttpRequestObject.onreadystatechange = function() { if (XMLHttpRequestObject.readyState == 4 && XMLHttpRequestObject.status … ![]() |
Hi guys, Recently moved into PHP for a personal application. Basically, it tries to connect some servers to see if they're online. It ultimately returns a string, which the caller echos. The main function is: [CODE] function IsServerOnline($IP, $checkforevent = TRUE, $ischannel = TRUE, $PORT = 11020) { global $UseGlobalOverride, … | |
Hi everyone! So far I managed to make the shopping cart to work with utf characters, but I came across another problem. When I add a new product from the admin, it puts the data into the database. But the cyrillic characters are shown like ?????????. When I change the … | |
Hi Friends I Am Facing The Problem When I Try To Login My Admin Panel In Cake PHP Please Help Me How To Solve This Problem... Fatal error: Call to undefined method UsersController::header() in /home/tsiplanm/public_html/secure/cake/libs/controller/controller.php on line 725 | |
So i am a very fluent C++ programmer, and am switching over to PHP/Javascript/MYSQL for some new work that I am doing. I know all the basics of C++ and some of the more advanced STL libraries. I know very basic PHP simply cuz I already know all the arrays, … | |
hey guys im new to joomla and i don't know what caused this problem, i had created a new template myself, and successfully installed it and it displays correctly, but when i try to edit the template in the backend it doesn't show any any html code it only shows … | |
Hey all, I'm making online web based game, but i have some thing wrong that the Armor that the character equip dont calculate in the fight :/ and i tryed to make NPC account with no armor and other account with the same stats and same everything but using armor … |
The End.