39,326 Topics
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So, i enabled mod expires to my web page. Here's the code i used: <IfModule mod_expires.c> ExpiresDefault "access plus 2 months" ExpiresByType image/x-icon "access plus 1 month" ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1 month" ExpiresByType image/jpg "access plus 1 month" ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 month" ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 … | |
Onchange Select option how to display a another select option | |
hi. i want to load and read a file in php. i wrotte this code but it doesn't work. i want when the user loads a txt file, then it will be shown in the page. i can use fopen but i dont know its directory for example. any help … | |
Hi. I want to remove lines with same text. i wrote this code, but it doesnt work. where is the problem ? $total=$_GET['name']; $keyarr=explode("\n",$total); $int=sizeof($keyarr); for($a=0;$a<$keyarr;$a++){ for($b=$a+1;$b<5\$keyarr;$b++){ if($keyarr[$a]==$keyarr[$b]){ unset($keyarr[$b]); } } } echo $keyarr[$int-1]; foreach($keyarr as $new){ echo $new."<br>"; } | |
My code Search_restl.php <html> <body> <head> <font size="3"><strong> <?php // Connects to your Database mysql_connect("mysq.com", "bd", "pass") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("products") or die(mysql_error()); $q = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['query']); $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Products where name LIKE '%$q%'") or die(mysql_error()); while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $data )) { echo "Product Name: $info[name]<br>"; echo "Grade A: … | |
hello everyone i am facing a little problem I have a 3 dependent selectboxes and i want to save the selected values in the session so user can remember what category i selected before also it prints the last visited link here is my code pelase tell me what code … | |
I have cart that sends its information to paypal with the hidden html inputs. My problem is when the user finishes the payment in paypal my script the the paypal return sends its return url is not processing the information. When the user clicks pay in paypal it does redirect … | |
Hi Everyone, I have the following piece of code & I am trying to use to create an array of "Playing Cards" from a mysql db. I am just not sure how to one single complete array ! Thanks for looking and replying with your suggestions | |
How would I write a php script that gets article x from an rss feed? Thanks in advance | |
Hello! I was wondering if someone can take a look at the following if and else statement and point out what I have written incorrectly. In its current form, I cannot get it to work. So, essentially, I'm trying to construct an if conditional statement within another if statement. $var_test … | |
Hi I seem to be lost with this form validation When submited empty the error should display next the input field in red. Thanks in advance D <?php if (array_key_exists('submit',$_POST)){ //Form has been submitted // Fields that are on form $expected = array('name', 'email', 'comments'); // Set required fields $required … | |
Is there any method to detect location (viz. state) of the entered Mobile Number ? | |
The basic need of any website is content management,There are many CMS system, so help me in choosing one which is best suited for a web site for osCommerce Services. | |
Hello friends, I'm here with a another Question. I wants to redirect all users who are using mobile browsers to m.mydomain.com How can I do that? | |
$query = "SELECT encounter,amount1,amount2,posted1,posted2 FROM payments WHERE pid='$patient_id'"; $res = mysql_query($query); $max =25; $num_rows=mysql_num_rows($res); $x_count=0; while($row=sqlFetchArray($res)){ $encounter_id=$row['encounter']; //$method=$row['method']; $amount1=floatval($row['amount1']); $amount2=floatval($row['amount2']); $posted1=floatval($row['posted1']); $posted2=floatval($row['posted2']); $total_amount_paid=floatval($amount1+$amount2+$posted1+$posted2); for($x_count=0;$x_count<$num_rows;$x_count++){ //$encounter_id[$x_count]=$encounter_id; $query = "SELECT date,SUM(fee) AS totalcharges FROM billing WHERE pid='$patient_id' AND encounter=$encounter_id"; $res = mysql_query($query); while($row=sqlFetchArray($res)){ $date_fee=$row['date']; $total_charges=floatval($row['totalcharges']); $balance=floatval($total_charges-$total_amount_paid); $pdf->SetFillColor(254,254,254); $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->SetX(10); $pdf->Cell(50,4,$date_fee,1,0,'L',1); $pdf->Cell(40,4,$encounter_id,1,0,'L',1); $pdf->Cell(40,4,$total_charges,1,0,'L',1); … | |
## Introduction ## In this introduction I will try to explain basic object orientation (focused on PHP). It is by no means meant to be a complete guide. There are a lot of concepts I am avoiding for simplicity’s sake. I will try to give a theoretical explanation first, and … | |
Hello!Can somebody help me please with worpres to manage every admin have separate eatch useres . like in image ? [image link](http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/9712/usergroupsw.png) | |
Evening all I am working my way through Zend Framework 1.x, and seem to have an issue. I am trying to set the `doctype()` to HTML5: class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap { protected function __initDoctype() { $this->bootstrap('view'); $view = $this->getResources('view'); $view->doctype('HTML5'); } } I have check the documentation and using `doctype('HTML5')` … | |
Hi, I’m trying to insert multiple text fields into MySQL database. Each text field has a unique index key under a single user id. The number of indexes will depend on the user. Is this possible? I never had to do this before and I was wondering if anyone could … | |
I am trying to create a code that will generate a webpage. Here is what I have so far. I am looking to just take data that is queried from our server and display it on a page. Their is a form that is populating the ID on the query … | |
hello how are you, i have searched on every thing has a related with my issue here but it does not solve my problem. my problem with Facebook like button it does not pick the right image that i have assigned to my topic ,it picks random images but when … | |
Hello to everyone, I´m having problems on retrieving data from mysql to a textfield in html, the data appears with queston marks inside of a "black diamond"! I researched and followed the steps like putting the database charset utf8, the table too! When I insert for example Alimentação its goes … | |
Hi, my problem is as follows. My aim is when a user clicks 'comment' for a post, a `<div>` appears with the form, which I can get working just fine. However as moving on with my development, now when a user clicks 'comment', parameters are passed to change the url … | |
Hi, Can you set auto increment in phpmyadmin to be 2? So that it goes 1, 3, 5, 7etc? Thanks............... | |
what is the difference b/t PHP and ASP.net php is the server side scripting language and ASP.net is i think same as php but specific to Microsoft .am i right kindly explain differenc | |
I have seen a few different ways to solve this problem, but no solution has worked for me. I am logging into a database and incrementing a hit counter when someone goes to the page. I have two files, hitcounter.php and count visits.php Count visits is used by the visitor … | |
hello. I need to dedupe e text. meaning if i have an array with stored strings, it will check and compare each row of array with each other to test if text[i]==text[i+1]. to dot this i thougt to catch the text from an input, ex:text are and consider it as … | |
Ok I am working something that I have seen others do and that is to echo out a form table and what I am trying to do is to get the data that is not assigned to a user and allow the admin to assign it to the user. I … | |
# Guys help with this... are all this paths to the file. # I found this on google This is the link [Click Here](http://www.google.com/xjs/_/js/s/sy9,gf,lr,sy57,cwsc,wta,sy119,ntf,sy44,sy45,sy46,sy48,sy52,sy47,sy53,sy49,sy55,sy54,sy50,sy56,sy51,adct/rt=j/ver=V7Ny-OUsbvw.en_US./am=CA/d=0/sv=1/rs=AItRSTNTQEkMjnw5NEaDowS7vIR7ajYYrw) The Structure **https://www.google.com/xjs/_/js/s/sy9,gf,lr,sy57,cwsc,wta,sy119,ntf,sy44,sy45,sy46,sy48,sy52,sy47,sy53,sy49,sy55,sy54,sy50,sy56,sy51,adct/rt=j/ver=V7Ny-OUsbvw.en_US./am=CA/d=0/sv=1/rs=AItRSTNTQEkMjnw5NEaDowS7vIR7ajYYrw** This is the main file: **"rv=PretRSTNTQEkMjnw545454545Yrw"**. no extensions just plain but I want to ask if all this: **/xjs/_/...** are paths to that … | |
Dear Readers, I am creating dynamic URL-s, for example: **example.com/example.php?this=Something**. Inside this page, I use pagination, but after that my URL will look like this: **example.com/example.php?this=Something?page=2** It does not work. Can you give me some tips or advices or examples on how to make it work? Thank you, Tibor |
The End.