39,323 Topics

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Member Avatar for vizz

How to null and/or alter the value of **referring URL?** I'm using **Google Analytics** and other some **Analytics** services. I found they are tracking **Referral URL.** So I want to hide **Referral URL** from **Traffic Analysis Tools** (e.g.:- modify **$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"];** value to facebook.com on localhost) **index.php** <a href="get_referer.php"> Click Here</a> …

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Member Avatar for showman13

OK, I'm lost... don't know if this is easy and I'm missing it, or it can't be done, but this is my favorite place to ask... I have a table data cell that I would like to have as the submit value (link) in a form in a php script. …

Member Avatar for showman13
Member Avatar for ebc3142

Hi, I'm developing an application which needs to check user-inputted credentials against a Mysql database running on a web server. Does anybody know how I could communicate between c++ and a PHP or Ruby on Rails page and then parse the results back to the client? Many Thanks

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for cceerpp

I have be given a site to manage that was developed with ZF. When I try to run it using the Zend Server I get the following errors: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Exception' with message 'Security check: Illegal character in filename' in C:\Program Files\Zend\ZendServer\share\ZendFramework\library\Zend\Loader.php:303 Stack trace: #0 C:\Program Files\Zend\ZendServer\share\ZendFramework\library\Zend\Loader.php(128): Zend_Loader::_securityCheck('C:\Program …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for adishardis

Hi, So far in me slowly learning webdevelopement (mostly thanks to all of you guys) I've used php to query the mysql database to calculate mean/mode/range/median values and to create arrays to visualize with highgraph. Now I've come to a point where I really need if possible, to skip the …

Member Avatar for adishardis
Member Avatar for Olyboy16

Hey guys! I am designing a chat room with php and the chat room is basically able to send messages and display messages<br/>##the chat is functioning basically##<br/> but the ooonnllyy problem is that, *i wanna display an alert box each time a new message comes in* #its a public chat …

Member Avatar for Octet
Member Avatar for ibakir

I just couldnt find a soluation for this. How to insert a one record inside one forum with muliple sql tables in one php page? Here is my code i have two insert button, i only need one for the both form <?php require_once('Connections/Omar.php'); ?> <?php if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) { function …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for kyriacos1986

I have installed WAMP server and workbench when I am trying the *phpinfo();* I get: J��� 5.5.29�"���q:k->.kP�ÿ÷!�€����������2EDfW^UlCH~d�mysql_native_password�!��ÿ„#08S01Got packets out of order my php file is located in the www folder http://localhost:3307/php1.php the wamp server is online Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong? thanks

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for PF2G

Hi, i'm working on a website where i have to edit products. but first i have to select a Simulator and inside that simulator i have a several products. What i want to do is, select a Simulator on a combobox and then in other combobox appears me all products …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Rasool Ahmed

Hi fellows, I have problem in php code and I had searched in days but I didn't found something good. The problem is when execute the following code and error occured: $sql = "CALL categoriesSelectByParent($CategId)"; if(!($result = $con->query($sql))) echo "Failed: (" . $con->errno . ") " . $con->error; else { …

Member Avatar for Rasool Ahmed
Member Avatar for johndohmen1963

Who can help me with the following. I have an allertbox with text in it but i want different languages for the text in the allertbox $lang = array(); $lang['ALERTBOX_A'] = 'To do this, you must first be logged in.'; onClick="alert(' <?php $lang['ALERTBOX_A']; ?>')" In this case the language is …

Member Avatar for radhakrishna.p
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

I am Core PHP Developer and very keen to learn ZF2. But, I did not get any good site or tutorials on the web. Can anybody help or help the same ?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for danielagaba

hi i am trying to, on a button click, display data retrieved from mysql database in a text area but having no success. Below is the code i used. All help given is appreciated [CODE] print "<center><TEXTAREA NAME=news ID=news COLS=70 ROWS=10>".$news."</TEXTAREA></center>"; if(isset($_POST['show2'])){ $cn = connect_db(); $cn_sql = "SELECT message from …

Member Avatar for php_dev
Member Avatar for TonyG_cyprus

I have to resurrect the article that I marked solved this am, 'cause it ain't! My code is: <?php if(isset($_POST['chest'])){ $pin=$_COOKIE['registered']; $game=$_POST['item']; foreach($game as $rep){ $link=sqlite_open('data/'.$pin.'.sqlite ',0666,$sqliteerror); sqlite_query($link,"INSERT INTO holding (item) VALUES('$rep')"); sqlite_query($link,"UPDATE players SET points = points+10"); header('location:entrance.php'); } } include('php/head.php'); ?> <div class="game"> <p><u>Chest</u></p> <p> The chest has …

Member Avatar for TonyG_cyprus
Member Avatar for Samerases

<? if(isset($_POST[b1])) { $m= new myclass(); $x=$m -> validlogin($_POST[t1],$_POST[t2]) # if ($x== true) # { $_SESSION[username]=$_POST[t1]; ?> <? include ("menu.php");?> <script type="text/javascript"> window.location = "cpanel.php"; </script> <? } else { echo "invaild login"; } } ?> } } ?>

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Shodow

how to get the class value? <select name="product" onchange="Price(this)"> <option value="" disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Please select a product</option> <?php foreach ($product as $product) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $product['Product']?>" id="<?php echo $product['Price']?>"><?php echo $product['Product'] . " Qty: " . $product['Quantity']?></option> <?php } ?> </select>

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for rexmatthew

Basically I got 2 calendar scripts from the same source. I saw a custom script before that merged these two but Everything I tried failed. Please help. Here are the 2 scripts. Script 1: $('#date3').DatePicker({ flat: true, date: ['2008-07-28','2008-07-31'], current: '2008-07-31', calendars: 3, mode: 'range', starts: 1 }); Script 2: …

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Member Avatar for PF2G

Hi, i'm working on a website where i in the backoffice i can choose what table the frontoffice will see. The objective is create a checkbox in the backoffice and if checked (prod_img="yes") the frontoffice sees the table with big_images (prod_img) if the checkbox is not checked (prod_img="no") the front …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Shodow

onchange i want this value to be executed how? or how to execute an query on dropbox change function quantity() { newValue = "<?php echo $product['Quantity']?>"; document.form.quantity.value = newValue; }

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for tshukela.george

I've upploade my php codes under the address http://george.freeoda.com, my problem is the calc link located on the http://george.freeoda.com/calc.php, this php files processess successfully on my server locally, what might be the problem? my full php codes are: <?php $n1 = &$_POST['n1']; // textbo1 declaration $n2 = &$_POST['n2']; // textbo2 …

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Member Avatar for cgull

Hello, I am searching the net for hours now trying to find a solution to my problem, found tutorials and forums posts but can't solve my problem. Please help. windows 7, WAMP 2.2 (apache 2.4.2) Trying to set up a virtual host outside of the wamp directory getting the error: …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Kniggles

Hi , I am trying to get a photo type base to work and have got stuck , I have 3 files , 1- the html - that takes the input called door.html 2- the connect.php to open the base. 3- the php to insert insert.php. 1= <FORM method=post action=insert.php><P> …

Member Avatar for Kniggles
Member Avatar for vizz

I have received many enquiries to **develope website using php/mysql or wordpress** which can earn **daily $25-$35 USD**, atleast **minimum $15 USD daily.** How is it possible? For which **AdSense** gives money, **displaying ads or clicks on ads** How to create such **revenue generating website?**

Member Avatar for James_Smith
Member Avatar for tamil.arivu.18

I want to add Joomla SEF Translate Module or Component to my php,html Website Page. how can i include this module and how to run this. please tell anyone Thanks advance

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Member Avatar for tolap21

hi everyone i need a help in my php project with mysql database connection. I have a form that contains Fname, lname, contact and my problem is when i press the submit button without filling up the form the query will execute which inserts the blank data to my database.

Member Avatar for Webville312
Member Avatar for GlenRogers

Hi. My page has a men that holds categories of products, some of these categoriees have subcategories, some dont. I have mysql tables category, subcategory and products. My code right now only adds products to the subcategories, it takes the id value of subcategory and puts it in the product_id …

Member Avatar for RvSon
Member Avatar for lttleastig

I need to extract the value of studentId just 1413 how could this be done? All this code below is stored in a single variable I think with regex it is possible but had no luck with it $(document).ready(function () { var getSchedule = function () { $.ajax({ type: 'GET', …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for dottomm

Hello and thanks in advance to anyone who can help me with my array problem. I've always struggled with arrays, and now I Need to understand how I can use them to solve my latest problem. I've created a test scenario to recreate what I'm trying to do in real-life. …

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Member Avatar for cssweb

hello i want to creat script "most viewed" so i want to select most topic that have been wached between two dates for instance from date 10,10,2012 to current date i mean from 10 days ago untill current time

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Member Avatar for New-Reign

I am currently working on a hotel booking system. There are 4 rooms types, 3 have 5 rooms and 1 has 10 rooms. I have everything working apart from the ability to check which are booked or not. The SQL I used to create the tables is listed below; CREATE …

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The End.