39,323 Topics
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I am new to svg , I need to draw a inner or outer path for the svg editor generated svg path , i am unable to draw . I tried a lot but i cant . help me. | |
hello, i want to show mysql query results into a table on a web page...but can i pass variable values from html tp php script i wanna show as it is important for my project | |
Greetings guys can you point to me what is the problem here? This is the code that produces the error. That is in my views: <h7 id="header-label">Welcome, {{ $fname }} |</h7> This is the controller: class ProfileController extends BaseController { public function showProfile() { $items = DB::table('item_tbl')->get(); // Auth::check(); // … | |
I have a 3-tables 1-> categories = id,category_name 2-> statuses = id,status_name 3-> evnets = id,event_name,category_id,staus_id events is the main table which has the id`s of categories and statuses table I want to display events display where the names of categories and statuses is displayed instead of id it is … | |
How to enable Designer Mode in phpMyAdmin...i am on main server not on local server | |
I need code for upload images for php as well as to edit that image | |
hi all... how to rewrite this url http://mydomain.com/cms.php?cms_id=about to http://mydomain.com/about without any error using .htaccess rewriterule. pls help me to solve this.. tnx in advnc... | |
Can you guys help ? I have ssl perfectly working on my site until I updated my whmcs to the latest version and since then accessing the my website with https:// keep setting it back to http:// Please note this is only happening in Google Chrome and Opera. Can anyone … | |
Show body field in block programmatically in drupal I make content type testimonial and there is three field title,body and position. i would like to display this in block separately like <ul> <li>title: title here</li><li> body:body</li><li> position:position</li> </ul> | |
I have a form like the one below which is posted to processForm.php, and the user can dynamically add more with jquery. <input type="text" name="subject[]" /> <input type="text" name="grade[]" /> <input type="text" name="year[]" /> <input type="text" name="subject[]" /> <input type="text" name="grade[]" /> <input type="text" name="year[]" /> <input type="text" name="subject[]" /> … | |
Hi everyone, For a social system I am working on, I am in desperate need of being pointed in the right direction for how to create a live ajax feed which calls data from a database. Urgently needed, any help much appreciated! Cheers! Jack(Scaasiboi) | |
Greetings guys can you point to me what is the problem here? This is the code that produces the error. That is in my views: <h7 id="header-label">Welcome, {{ $fname }} |</h7> This is the controller: class ProfileController extends BaseController { public function showProfile() { $items = DB::table('item_tbl')->get(); // Auth::check(); // … | |
By default the page after login.php is authorize.php which just checks the information then sends it off to index.php. From index.php I cannot get to my page 'volunForm.php', it just redirects me back to the login page. This is my first ever login system and my first time using sessions. … | |
Hello, Can anyone help me troubleshoot this problem: This code suppose to work in someone else server, but when I place in my own server this code doesn't work I wonder why? I am using smtp.gmail.com and port 587. contact.php <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <!-- Basic --> <meta charset="utf-8"> … | |
I'm converting old MySQL code to MySQLi, and running into some questions. When selecting data from the database, is it necessary or strongly advised to use prepared statements, or can I safely escape my user-derived parameters like the sample below? In a perfect world I'd have all the time I … | |
hello, i wanna know whats the best way to show query results from mysql onto a webpage.. some says this can only be done in form of table.. but nowadays table less design is preferred..tell me teh most demanding way if somebody knows.. | |
Hey guys, I have a Table which utilises Twitches API where the offset needs to be in increments of 25. I want to make it so everytime you click next in a table of data it reloads the query but adds +25 to the offset. Here is what I have: … | |
Hi i need to use the below query in PHP to generate PDF but its not displaying what are all the supporting files i need to put for running the below (XML path) query in php,Its running successful in sql but when i put in php its not working can … | |
http://pastebin.com/6xbfquFz It answers with: ID is: . Resulting is: 1 Redirection failed. Please redirect yourself to main website. Redirection isn't a problem. I disabled auto-redirect so that I can see error at work. | |
i have an issue with this new form im using based roughly on a design template that i found online, it looks great for the purposes that i need it for, but the problem is i cant seem to get the input data from the form to pass to the … | |
I'm creating a query which checks if a client made payments for a given month and if not set charges of 20% of the agreed monthly payment. this is what i currently have: SELECT DAY(paydate) AS PayDay, clientid FROM transactions,clients where transactions.clientid=client.clientid and transactions.product=invoices.product and DAY(paydate)> 10 order by client.clientid … | |
I am building a selenium test suite which pulls a list of tests to run and then forks those tests to multiple parallel processes. Each process needs its own connection to the database because of two reasons: one, when the child process ends the connection is closed and two, when … | |
Hello to all, I am working on PHP, HTML, CSS and Joomla since 6 years, but now a days in INDIA many companies are looking for the Drupal Developers, I am lacking skills in Drupal, so can any one guide me to learn Drupal and start building websites using Drupal. … | |
It seems it only executes the first line in which for example in uploading a .PNG photo it changes the format to Jpeg....I guess it has something to do with my if elseif else statement.....help :p <?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $name= $_POST['name']; $album_id=$_POST['album']; $file=$_FILES['file']['name']; $file_type=$_FILES['file']['type']; $file_size=$_FILES['file']['size']; $file_tmp=$_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; $random_name=rand(); if(!empty($name) or … | |
hello :) I am new to PHP. I was going through the example on w3schools. i managed to retrive my data and display nicely. my problem is i don't know any code that i can use to paginate the data i am displaying. Please help me . the code from … | |
okay.. what I wanna do is, 1. upload an image into temp folder -- done 2. create a folder -- done 3. create an index.html in the new folder -- done 4. create thumbnail image in the new folder -- page dead without errors 5. copy(rename) the original image into … | |
Hi i am having an issue with my website. My friend wrote the codes using codeignitor. I am a beginer just to add up . now the index page is only visible and i cannot access any other page than that. Not the admin pages as well. The live codes … | |
Okay so a few days ago I finished a tutorial of photo gallery...I'm having problems of putting images other than jpg format...the one who made the tutorial said that you can add formats to be uploaded but he didnt show it..here was his code in his upload.php...I tried experimenting on … | |
image is uploading in directory and in db also but when i refresh image disappear database.php // i know i should not to use mysql but i have the it into mysqli so no big issue in this <?php //Connection $con=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if(!$con) echo "Failed to connect with MySQL.".mysql_error()."<br />"; //Create … |
The End.