39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for accra

Hi, am interfacing gps tracker TK106 with our online platform. The data we get from gps device is in this format (06667778889-9BP05000066677788899140815A0533.8206N00009.7045W000.0165936157.6200000000-L0000F51C) Instractions form [this site](http://sourceforge.net/p/opengts/patches/1/) explains the variours data sets in the string above, for example the first 11 digits 06667778889 is the device's programmable ID ,used in placed …

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Member Avatar for RonKevinT.Manuela

/*Ok so I have this code and it works fine but the problem is that it gives an out put like this one: 2014 June 2014 August Supposedly I would like to have august just below June...I tried putting the Group by Year(Postdate)..and it almost gave me the solution but …

Member Avatar for RonKevinT.Manuela
Member Avatar for Web_2

Hello, I am creating a newspaper website and I want to add e-paper option there too..something like this : http://epaper.bhaskar.com/jalandhar/56/04122012/cph/1/ actually I just want to know..how the area is selected automatically when we hover on some part of newspaper and when we click that part..it opens a new pop-up modal …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I am trying to set email from my web server which we hosted ourself. I already set my php.ini to smtp.indonusa.net.id and from email: davy@indonusa.net.id to: davy_yg@yahoo.com The program seems to works fine. Yet, I do not receive any email yet as I suppose to. Someone mentions to me …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for blueguy777

i've stored a line into string `$output='01/07/201521/08/201691754.0';` i want split the line as three different words & store into variables var1 var2 and var3. eg: var1=01/07/2015 var2=21/08/2016 var3=91754.0 hope someone will fix this issue.

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Member Avatar for terryds

I wonder how CMS(Wordpress) know the default template and plugins to run. Should I store the default value for template in MySQL database or just using file_put_content to store the default value for template/plugins ? Or, is there any better way ?

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for sharifmoskat

<!--php index code Start--> <?php include("includes/db.php"); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>My Shop</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/style.css" media="all" /> </head> <body> <!--Main Contanier Start--> <div class="main_wrapper"> <!--Header Starts--> <div class="header_wrapper"> <img src="images/Karis Shop Logo Neu 700x100 entwurf 3.jpg" style="float:left;"> <img src="images/cropped-banner41.jpg" style="float:right;"> </div> <!--Header Ends--> <!--Navaganation …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for aderene12

Using i5_query i selected data from our database and stored the results in $query. I then used the following to create an array variable: $row = array(i5_fetch_assoc($query,I5_READ_FIRST)); I then printed the array results using print_r($row), below is the results of print_r. Array ( [0] => Array ( [CUSTOMER] => 128500 …

Member Avatar for NoUserNameHere
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, How to store html tag in email message: $message = "Dear ".$data['stu_fname'].",".'<br><br>'. "Please click the link below to continue the registration progress: ". "http://www.website.com/registration3.php?student_id=".$data['student_id']; This is what I receive on email: Name: Guest Phone: 88888888 Email: guest@mail.com Dear Guest,<br><br>Please click the link below to continue the registration progress: http://www.website.com/registration3.php?student_id=53 …

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for ultmt.punisher

I am creating a table of my services or products where each product have their id next to it. I want to grab that product id into the URL of buy now button when customer click on that button, and when customer have done their shopping , that custom id …

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for neha05

hello all I need to set free shiping for some products (not for all products) in joomla via admin panel ,how we can set it?

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Member Avatar for Phanindra Reddy

I am facing a problem in opencart site.I am receiving some emails with dummy emails and phone numbers to mail.This is happening without interference of human. I have searched a lot in google. But everywhere I found asking that messages sent by users are delivering into spam folder. But my …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for charlie.kirk.140

Hi, The following code selects and displays a record from the "emailtbl" table as desired except for the the date and it doesn't update the "lastused" (date) field to the "numbers" table via "lastused.php" include. No error messages. I need help. <html><head> </head> <BODY> <?php include ("lastused.php"); include ("counter.php"); $id="''"; …

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Member Avatar for Acurapassion

Hey guys, so I'm having some issues putting my script together.. Basically, I'm trying to loop through my database and send each entry username to a url, and once through all entries, send 'done'. Using PHPStorm and getting an "Expecting statement' error. Here's what I have so far: <?php define('DB_NAME', …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Subrata_1

Hi all , I am trying to display order details when I clicked on in an order row view. On clicking view with respect to order id in order info respective order details will be displayed in a 'tr'in same page using ajax. Can any body post any link or …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for nadiam

hi, i have an import csv script but it does not get entered into the database. only "uploaded successfully" and the data is echoed but nothing in the database is something wrong with it? and is it sql injection safe? <?php if(isset($_SESSION['sess_user_id'])) { if (isset($_POST['ubmit'])) { require "connection.php"; $session = …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for santunu23

is it possible to move one mysql table data to another table after 1 or 2 days like we have 2 table one is tbl1 another one is tbl2 tbl1 contain column uname and performance i want to move uname and performance data in to tbl2 after 2 or 3 …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Saad Awan

hello every one i need a script for upload server to server after upload change dir and rename file please help me thanks

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Member Avatar for Pravesh_1

I am getting error while uploading from any pages. Folders are exists, file permissions are set to 755 but still getting error.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Viruthagiri

Hello everyone.. I have a open source remote file upload script. It is called file snatcher. We can directly upload the files to our server from another server. But the problem is we can upload only one file at a time. I mean if you have many url, you have …

Member Avatar for Saad Awan
Member Avatar for ultmt.punisher

I have created my payza IPN handler but I am not getting any messages or any changes into my db, and its even not redirecting me to my site. I have setup my IPN in my payza account to V2 and also enable EPD but that's also not sending any …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello, I want array in format $xyz[]=array($key=>'Some value here',$value=>array('value1','value2)); In below code, I want it in loop by checking if $ManagerGSID value is not in $xyz[] as $key then insert into it. (as key will $ManagerGSID and value will be array ($EmployeeGSID)) again if got the same $ManagerGSID then push …

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Member Avatar for sorintene

Hello, I saw on internet a link to www.daniweb.com that is advertising here can be find "PHP Questions with answers". I thought of this like a test to verify my knowledges but seems to be only a forum. Am I right? Did someone find what I mean? If yes please …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for mutaharpk

Dear Sir i would like to change the website Banner,I have 4 Banner in my Website(www.reliableindus.com) First Banner is Cuticle Nipper Second Banner Beauty Instruments Third Banner Nail Nipper ( Nail Nipper Spelling is missing in the web) Forth Banner Tweezer 2nd and third Banner i want to change. Kindly …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for rjusman90

this is my SESSION code i want to make function of it is this posible? i am new in php i want your help please guide me <?php include "connection.php"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM new WHERE Email='" . $_POST['email'] . "' and Password = '". $_POST['pass']."'"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

Hello, I have html table which displays content from email. this email content can be from any email client(browser , outlook ,thunderbird...). if this html is malformed it creates a mess in my html table. for eg: if the email content has any unclosed tags or malformed table in it …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for davy_yg

If I turn on : <?php $group_level = 'intermediate 1'; ?> Then it does lock the $group_level to intermediate 1. groupinfo_edit.php <tr> <td>Level</td> <td> <?php //$group_level = 'intermediate 1'; ?> <?php $row2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `level`") or die(mysql_error()); echo '<select name="group_level">'; while($data2 = mysql_fetch_array($row2)){ echo '<option value="'.$data2['level _name'].'"'; if($group_level …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for malatamil

validation for particular fields like input name="",textarea,select name="". <form method="post" id="myform" name="myform"> <tr><td width="170"><div align="left">Company Name<span style="color:#F00;">*</span> :</div></td><td width="317"> <input type="text" name="companyname" placeholder="Company Name" value="<?php echo ucwords(strtolower(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['companyname']))); ?>"/></td></tr> <tr><td><div align="left">Contact Person Name<span style="color:#F00;">*</span> :</div></td><td> <input type="text" name="conactperson" placeholder="Contact Person Name" value="<?php echo ucwords(strtolower(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['conactperson']))); ?>"/></td> </tr> </form> company name is mandatory …

Member Avatar for malatamil
Member Avatar for blueguy777

i've two files one is send-data.php which contains html form and another one is receive-data.php, i am converting the form value as session value into second file and printing using echo. but it's not printing the output. //send-data.php <?php session_start(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html …

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Member Avatar for blueguy777

I'm trying to pass the ac_no contained in my database table to a form that's displayed within a Bootstrap Modal upon clicking a button. My code is as follows. <?php $mydata = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM slabpay WHERE ac_no='$ac_no'"); while($record = mysql_fetch_array($mydata)) { $id=$record['id']; ?> <tr class='fired' id='<?php echo $record['id']; ?>'> …

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The End.