39,316 Topics

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http://localhost/squprime/administrator/admin/%3Cbr%20/%3E%3Cb%3ENotice%3C/b%3E:%20%20Undefined%20variable:%20student_id%20in%20%3Cb%3EC:%5Cxampp%5Chtdocs%5Csquprime%5Cadministrator%5Cadmin%5Cadd_student_progtab.php%3C/b%3E%20on%20line%20%3Cb%3E164%3C/b%3E%3Cbr%20/%3E/squprime/administrator/admin/add_student_progtab.php?student_id= Undefined variable student_id, I wonder why? That url appears after I press save. add_student_progtab.php <?php // Check if session is not registered, redirect back to main page. // Put this code in first line of web page. session_start(); if(!isset($_SESSION['username'])) { header("location:index.php"); exit; } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML …

Member Avatar for scudzilla
Member Avatar for Samyx

Hello Everyone, I am trying to export data directly from the database to a downloadable Excel spreadsheet, the formatting is showing. However, the data is not displaying. Can anyone help me? Also, when opening the spreadsheet it gives me the message "We found a problem with some content in 'FileName'. …

Member Avatar for Samyx
Member Avatar for toxicandy

I have a basic query I was working on with optional search parameters. The query code is: $query = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM VolunDB " . $whereClause . " 1 = 1"); $query->execute(); $result = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); $table = $result->fname . " " . $result->lname; and $whereClause equals: WHERE general = General …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Ehsan_4

How to merge or join or map two arrays fetched from mysql db array full_name and array email to create one recipient list to be bcc for php mailer and then be able to use something like: $email= array(); $full_name= array(); while loop starts array_push($email, $row['email']); array_push($full_name, $row['full_name']); loop ends …

Member Avatar for Ehsan_4
Member Avatar for RAPIDFIRE0311

I can not get the values from the javascript add row to go dynamically as a row into MySql only the form values show up as the form below as one row. I made it as an array, but no such luck, I have tried this code around a multitude …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for chaitu11
Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to filter through an email to get all the details. Such as from, to, subject, body and a few other details but you get the idea. At the moment I just have a bunch of text but I want to …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for Clarkeez

Ok so I have this code to submit form to php without reloading page. It works perfectly, and makes sense. form.php <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>JQuery Form Example</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.microsoft.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.7/jquery.validate.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#myform").validate({ debug: false, rules: { name: "required", …

Member Avatar for udara86
Member Avatar for santunu23

This is my script when any registed user click on checkbox then he insert tbl1 table and we set a cookie and run events after 36 minute event will run and insert data in to another table called tbl2 my code is <form action="course01.php" method="POST"> <input type="checkbox" name="chk1" value="701" />I …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for santunu23

is it possible to run a php script using mysql event if so how to do that i mean syntex thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for santunu23

this is a php script for import .sql file in mysql but suddenly it doesn't work what i am doing wrong browser show false messege <?php //ENTER THE RELEVANT INFO BELOW $mysqlDatabaseName ='trigger'; $mysqlUserName ='username'; $mysqlPassword ='mypassword'; $mysqlHostName ='localhost'; $mysqlImportFilename ='event.sql'; $command='mysql -h' .$mysqlHostName .' -u' .$mysqlUserName .' -p' .$mysqlPassword …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for rrajeswari03

I am looking for some help on makings a dynamic organisation chart in PHP.Does anyone know where I could find a PHP class to generate organizational charts?

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for malatamil

here i have rc.RelatedCatagory like this (Flex Printing, Offset Printers, Digital Printers, Id Card Printers, Graphic Designers,News Papers) if i get this ($subcatagory = $_GET['subcatagory'];) from first page value as (Flex Printing), then i want to display only (Flex Printing ) companies. how to match with that value one by …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Acurapassion

Hey guys, so I'm considering moving my mysql scripts to be compliant with PHP 5.5 and above (mysqli). Is it a pretty staightforward transition? Can functions basically just be replaced with the new verions, or are there other things that have to be done as well? Also, I'm interested to …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for dlaniger

Hello, I have PHP 5 and Apache 24 installed. PHP doesn't appear in my Control Panel as an installed program. I have tried to Use **PHPIniDir c:/php** in my httpd.exe file and also **LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/ext/php5apache2_4.dll"** both of which crash the Apache server. I have searched Google for an answer …

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Member Avatar for gilgil2

Hi, I am having trouble with this page, it is completely blank. I have turned on error reporting but nothing happens, does anyone know what has happened to it? It has worked previously so maybe I have changed something but not sure what. <?php session_start(); ob_start(); if(!isset($_SESSION['authenticated'])) { header ("Location: …

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Member Avatar for chaitu11

I have a (2gb)txt file which has thousands of queries, i need to read those file queries and split those queries into n no. of txt files..and save them in a folder... can any one post an example or guide

Member Avatar for chaitu11
Member Avatar for Keyra Lee

hi guys...i need help from u guys..my prob is about select option..i'm not good in english. hopefully u guys would understand my english..:(..please help me..:'(..im still new in php.. i want to select a state then a branch will auto will appear if related..i only want if one state is …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for scarcella

Hi guys, so I need to know how to add Products programtically without getting this error. Fatal error: Call to a member function getPosition() on a non-object in \app\code\core\Mage\Bundle\Model\Product\Type.php on line 854 This is my code: class TCK_Forty_CartController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action { public function addAction() { $prdId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('product'); $cart = …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I am trying to find a way to push the admin footer down. How? admin/access.php <button type="button" onClick="parent.location='edit_teacher_access.php'">Add Teacher</button><br><br> <h3>Teacher Access:</h3><br> <table id="admintable" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="700px"> <tr> <th>Name</th><th>Username</th><th>Password</th><th>Access Level</th> </tr> <?php $i=0; while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $result2=($i%2)?'#DFA09D':'white'; //echo "<tr bgcolor='$result2'>"; //echo '<td>'.$data['page'].'</td>'; //echo "<td><a href='post.php?post_id=".$data['post_ID']."'><img src='../images/post.jpg'></a></td>"; //echo '</tr>'; …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I am trying to record a birthdate. I am looking for the right variable to do that. The only option in mysql database xampp is datetime: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss While I would like it to be: dd-mm-yyyy ? How? If I input the data dd-mm-yyyy will my database adapt to …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for siddiquedu

This the following code for member_account.php in the member_profile.php there is a link for member_account.php, after I login then i can see all information and in the headbar it shows username,account logout home link. but whenever i click to account I can see only logout and home link (i made …

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Member Avatar for berrykid

Hi all, i am hoping i will be able to get some quick help here. Ok i am basically building a web application where the user will be able to add,update,delete and edit fields in a database. So far i am on the Update part. I have a page called …

Member Avatar for dipalinigade
Member Avatar for centenond

hi, im just moving all my website that i created from localhost with xampp, i created links like http://website.com/folder/ and when i was working in localhost it worked, it get the index from that folder, but now i pas it to my website and wont work like that, is only …

Member Avatar for centenond
Member Avatar for itexamstube

i want to develop my website so i want to know what programming language is the best PHP or VB.NET?

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for malatamil

i want to display last 3 months of data. but this query is not working. it showing empty results. please some one help me. $sql8 = mysql_query("SELECT `orderlist_id`, `brandname`, `packsize`, `quantity`, `mrp`, `ourRate`, `Sum`,user_id,userName,date FROM `orderlist` WHERE `user_id`='$userid' AND `userName`='$usern' AND date=DATE(NOW()) - INTERVAL 3 MONTH"); $i=0; while($row8 = mysql_fetch_array($sql8)) …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for sushmaja.arumalla.9

Disabled or ReadOnly input field shows Stop symbol when mouse overs on it.How to get out of this problem.The look doesn't satisfied. Please help me how to show only cursor symbol when mouse overs on any disabled or read only input fields.

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for hanspeare_1

Hello Daniweb,, I have uploaded an image using the student_id as its filename. The student id is auto-incremented and unique per student_id. Now i am confused why it gives me problem to display it. I have tried. <?php print '<img src="uploads/'.$session_id.'" />' ?> <?php print '<img src="uploads/'.$session_id.".".$ext'" />' ?> <?php …

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Member Avatar for rjusman90

I HAVE ONE FORM IN THIS I AM INSERTING AND UPDATIONG BOTH, I WANT TO RETAIN the value of combox box when php validations occurs <td>Page Id</td> <td><select name='pageID' class="select"> <option value='0' >select any page</option> <?php $sql10 = "SELECT ID,Title FROM page"; $val=$PageId?:''; $rs = mysql_query($sql10) or die(mysql_error()); while($row = …

Member Avatar for Webville312
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, url: http://localhost/elearning/administrator/admin/study_progress_table.php?study_package_id=1 Error appears: Notice: Undefined index: delete in C:\xampp\htdocs\squprime\administrator\admin\study_progress_table.php on line 96 line 96: if (!empty($_REQUEST['study_package_id']) && $_REQUEST['delete']=='yes' && isset($_REQUEST['delete'])) How to fix it?

Member Avatar for pritaeas

The End.