39,388 Topics
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html.html is below [CODE]<form action="734608271.php" method="POST" /> Carrier: <select> <option name="car" value="nothing">------------------------------</option> <option name="car" value="Alltel">Alltel</option> <option name="car" value="AT&T">AT&T</option> <option name="car" value="BoostMobile">Boost Mobile</option> <option name="car" value="CentennialWireless">Centennial Wireless</option> <option name="car" value="EinsteinPCS">Einstein PCS</option> <option name="car" value="Nextel">Nextel</option> <option name="car" value="Sprint">Sprint</option> <option name="car" value="T-Mobile">T-Mobile</option> <option name="car" value="US Cellular">US Cellular</option> <option name="car" value="VerizonWireless">Verizon Wireless</option> <option name="car" … ![]() | |
Currently I am trying to get a php script I wrote with the help of a programmer friend to work in a content management system page. After countless hours trying to study why the CMS is not working, I've determined that there must be something wrong with my php code. … | |
My phpthumb will not generate thumb nails on one of my sites. The other site seems to work(although sometimes only some thumbnails are generated). My first problem was, I was running my image paths like so: [CODE]<img border='0' src='http://domain.com/phpThumb.php?src=".$row['path']."&w=150&zc=1' /> //.$row['path']. = http://domain.com/path/to/image.jpg[/CODE] I was getting an error telling me … | |
Hi Guys, I really don't not know where I'm going wrong with this. I am learning PHP. I have been able to input a user birthday on registration on my website using a list menu such as is on facebook. I however just cant be able to extract the date, … | |
I have taken little CMS script. but there some lines in script it confises me. who can help me to understand this lines this is [B]index.php[/B] [CODE]<? //ə session_start(); $sid = md5('atlasmed.az'); define('_INCLUDED_', true); include_once('config.php'); include_once('class.php'); $class = new functions(); $id = $class->is_num($_GET['id']); $menu = $_GET['menu']; $menus = array ( … | |
Ok I'm having a problem with this code. The problem occures when I set the POST request and alert me with 411 error. Without this two lines [CODE]curl_setopt($session,CURLOPT_POST,true); curl_setopt($session,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$xml)[/CODE]this code output nice xml which shows all the info in my spreadsheet. With this two lines we should put in the … | |
Hello I am trying to develop a group site where a user can signup and create group and other user can signup and join the groups created by other users, each user will have a wall where the posts from the groups they joined will appear, I need help in … | |
Hi everyone, I am new to PHP and need help in making my script be able upload multiple images simultaneously. I need a large image and a thumb for each. I got this script from the web and made a few changes. I would really appreciate any help. The forms … | |
Hi all, I need help in the alert function. I'm using count in php in which if the item is less than or equal to 10,the alert function would pop up. However my code does not work.Below is my code. Part of the php code: [CODE]echo "<td>".$row['COUNT(item)']."</td>";[/CODE] Javascript code: [CODE]<script … | |
I don't know if this is more efficient or if it is just as quick to just code out a new page. But what I was wondering is how you create an index page and call on a new page, but the url usually says something like: index.php?page=contact instead of … | |
Hello. I want to create this address with php! [CODE] <?php $a = new dbclass(); $a->tablename->fieldname1('fieldvalue1')->fieldname2('fieldvalue2'); $a->delete(); //<<-- example! $a->insert(); //<<-- example! $a->update(); //<<-- example! ?>[/CODE] Please help me how to create class with this feature. thanks a lot. | |
I have a drop down box like this: [code] <select name="DateDropDown"> <option value="2010 selected">2010</option> <option value="2009">2009</option> <option value="2008">2008</option> </select> [/code] I use the value that the user selects to refresh the page and perform a query on a database. Is there a better way than the following to keep the … | |
Greetings All, You helped be greatly last time I was here, hoping for a repeat. I have a page at [URL="http://www.vfw10216.com/download_file.php"]http://www.vfw10216.com/download_file.php[/URL] that displays contents of my database that stores PDF files. The contents field is type 'mediumblob' and attributes is 'binary'. The field does contain data in every record, as … | |
[I]Not sure if this is the right place to post this.[/I] I'm currently working on my personal site, and was wondering how would I connect a desktop application to my site without entering my site on a browser. I'm not here to get any codes worked by someone but I … | |
i used this code for email [CODE]$to = "somebody@example.com"; $subject = "My subject"; $txt = "Hello world!"; $headers = "From: webmaster@example.com" . "\r\n" . "CC: somebodyelse@example.com"; mail($to,$subject,$txt,$headers);[/CODE] however this error shows up Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or … | |
Hi , I am design our website , and my requirement is to upload image. I want to upload image seperate for every user... when user register in my website a dynamic folder is created through his userid ..and photo is store in his directory.it is for every user seperetally.. … | |
Hi everyone, Well I have developed a site in PHP and now I want it make live. While talking to the hosting company, they have asked about the server configuration that I want. But actually I don't have any knowledge about hosting the website. So can anyone tell me the … | |
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Hi Guys, I am having trouble with my links, i am currently trying to use my $_SESSION['SESS_MEMBER_ID']; to automatically link it directly to the specific user page. However I always have this error: Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\xampp\htdocs\ThesisDB\DisplayThisUser.php on line 21 [CODE] … | |
Hey Guys! :) Sorry to bother you all I can't seem to get my code to work and I would be much obliged if you could help me out. So what I was trying to do was get a column from a table of my database and show only the … | |
Hi, I have dynamically created radio buttons. [CODE] $i=1; <input type="radio" name="qtn-$i" value="yes"> $i++; [/CODE] Now how to get the values of these buttons using post method? | |
Trying to use [URL="http://mythreads.sourceforge.net/demo/"]MyThreads links manager[/URL] to update links on our front page without having to directly edit the code. Here is the page we're trying to include on the home page: [URL="http://www.ealantamagazine.com/links/index.php3?category=1"]http://www.ealantamagazine.com/links/index.php3?category=1[/URL] and here is the home page: [URL="http://www.ealantamagazine.com/"]http://www.ealantamagazine.com/[/URL]. Notice that the original page shows up but the area … | |
I have one table that I need to pull data from to display. there are two fields that a user's id can be attached to. Field1 and Field2, but they are always either or. In addition, I have a couple of extra where clauses in my query. My experience in … | |
Hello, I am supposed to alphabetize an array created from an HTML entry form. The array is supposed to take the information entered and place it into individual strings which will them be placed into an array which I must then alphabetize by last names. This is the code for … | |
hiii ALL!! I have to match/compare fields of one table with the fields of another table. basically m i have to search a record from another tables using some fields of a different table. for exmple I have two tables. Table 1: newjobs table 2: employer form Table 1 newjobs … | |
hi all, have some question on displaying a countdown system i have the following code <?php date_default_timezone_set('Singapore'); // Define your target date here $targetYear = 2011; $targetMonth = 9; $targetDay = 10; $targetHour = 12; $targetMinute = 00; $targetSecond = 00; // End target date definition $targetDate = mktime($targetHour,$targetMinute,$targetSecond,$targetMonth,$targetDay,$targetYear); $actualDate … ![]() | |
[CODE]<?php ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); include("../config/dbconfig.php");//connect db $result = mysql_query('select * from salesreport'); $count = mysql_num_fields($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++){ $header .= mysql_field_name($result, $i)."\t"; } while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){ $line = ''; foreach($row as $value){ if(!isset($value) || $value == ""){ $value = "\t"; }else{ $value = str_replace('', '', $value); $value … | |
I have a database, test.db, with a table called Events. I tried this: [code] <?php try { // open the database $database = new PDO('sqlite:test.db'); $result = $db->query('SELECT * FROM Events'); foreach($result as $row) { // both of these lines produce a blank page //echo $row['EventName'] . ' | ' … | |
Error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in _-----___ on line 89 [CODE]<?php $connect = mysql_connect("","",""); if (!$connect) { die("MySQL could not connect!"); } $DB = mysql_select_db(''); if(!$DB) { die("My SQL could not select Database!"); } $Car = $_POST['car']; $Num = $POST['num']; if($Car == "Alltel") { $To = "$Num" . … | |
Title:CAn anyone provide me a very simple code for shopping cart? Good day, I am newbie in PHP. I wish to learn to implement a shopping cart. Since i start doing my final year project with the title "buy and sell books". I have to learn how to code the … |
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