Working on a function that prints out all database rows that end with _n where n is single digit number 1 - 9 first and then prints rows that do not end in _n. So far I have been trying to use this code

$theQuery="SELECT * FROM tableContent"
            //DO WHAT IT DOES FOR this_1, this_2, this_3 first
            //DO WHAT IT DOES FOR this, that, andWHatHaveYou afterwords

I don't know why the !="_" doesn't get done.

This is the exact code I have implemented but doesnt work 100%

$query="SELECT * FROM rt_content";
$baseSection = (substr($row[0],-2,-1)=="_")? substr($row[0],0,-2):$row[0];
echo "<table class=\"lined\" style=\"width:100%\"><tr><td class=\"lined\">options</td><td class=\"lined\">contentName</td><td class=\"lined\">en</td><td class=\"lined\">es</td></tr>\n";
while( $row=mysql_fetch_array($contents,MYSQL_NUM) )
				if( substr($row[0],-2,1)=="_" )
											echo "<tr><td class=\"lined\"><a href=\"admin.html?content=edit;".$baseSection."\">EDIT</a></td><td class=\"lined\"><a href=\"admin.html?content=view;".$baseSection."\">".$row[0]."</a></td><td class=\"lined\">".$row[1]."</td><td class=\"lined\">".$row[2]."</td></tr>\n";
while( $row=mysql_fetch_array($contents,MYSQL_NUM) )
							if( substr($row[0],-2,1)!="_" )
								echo "<tr><td class=\"lined\"><a href=\"admin.html?content=edit;".$baseSection."\">EDIT</a></td><td class=\"lined\"><a href=\"admin.html?content=view;".$baseSection."\">".$row[0]."</a></td><td class=\"lined\">".$row[1]."</td><td class=\"lined\">".$row[2]."</td></tr>\n";
			echo "</table>\n";

Does anyone see anything wrong with this or can do it better?

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Take out the if condition and put some echos there to see what output you're getting.

I'm curious about the $baseSection = (substr($row[0],-2,-1)=="_") -1 here in line 5?

I put that on the wrong line. The array $row does not exist yet and I guess is equal to NULL and furthermore, that last minus 1 should just be one.
This will work anywhere within the while.

while( $row=mysql_fetch_array($whatever) ) //If not valid query fetch array should return null
$baseSection = (substr($row[0],-2,-1)=="_")? substr($row[0],0,-2):$row[0];
echo $baseSection;//This dumps first column contents.

I have also found another way to accomplish what I am talking about.
In this manner a new array is created, and populated with the elements for each element that does not meet the inital list. This is an example:

$theQuery="SELECT * FROM tableContent"
         if( substr($row[0],-3,1)=="_" || !(substr($row[0],-2,1)=="_") )
               array_push($singleElements,array($row[0],$row[1],$row[2]) );
      //DO WHAT IT DOES FOR this_1, this_2, this_3 first
          foreach($singleElements as $singleElement)
       	         echo "";

This one will work with X_n first( Where X is any string and n is number 1-9 ) and then display X_nn (where nn is two digit numbers) or uniquely named elements.
What do you think?

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Have you thought about using regular expressions.

I have read through a few articles about them
But I still haven't quite gotten the hang of them.

why dont you use if else if instead of checking the substring every time ?

if(substr($row[0],-2,1)=="_") { 
//$row[0] has only 1 digit after the underscore
} else if (substr($row[0],-3,1)=="_"){
      //$row[0] has 2 digits after the underscore
} else {
   // $row[0] doesnt have an underscore

This will work, i am sure.

Yeah, this works. A function could be made to perform the foreach statements instead of coding. Can this be made into a function that returns an array of the order of the elements.

return array($singleElements, $singleDigits, $doubleDigits);?

then the foreach statements could be made into a function that works on an array;

if(func_num_args()==0 || func_){
   foreach($func_get_arg(0) as $elements){
      foreach($elements as $singleElement){
         echo "List ".print_r($singleElement)."<br />";

Honestly I don't know if the above code would work, but below here does.
Thanks for the tips. Let me know what you think.

$theQuery="SELECT * FROM tableContent"
while( $row=mysql_query($theQuery) ){
      array_push( $singleDigits, array($row[0],$row[1],$row[2]) );
   } else if( substr($row[0],-3,1)=="_" ){
      array_push( $doubleDigits, array($row[0],$row[1],$row[2]) );
   else {
      array_push( $singleElements, array($row[0],$row[1],$row[2]) );
foreach($singleElements as $singleElement){
      echo "List ".print_r($singleElement)."<br />";
foreach($singleDigits as $singleDigit){
      echo "List ".print_r($singleDigit)."<br />";
foreach($doubleDigits as $doubleDigit){
      echo "List ".print_r($doubleDigit)."<br />";
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