39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for techyworld

hi i want to retrieve whole column from DB but store it in associative array. i write the code but its returning me only the last record. i want to return me the whole column. anyone can help? public function GetMarks(){ $query=mysql_query("SELECT name, marks FROM marks,users WHERE marks.id=users.id "); while($rows=mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for naphets

# I need help understanding how to pull data from a database # *(The database i have) & insert data into fields on my webpages. So I can edit the site from a mysql database.* *As far as I think understand, I have commented the code below...* Q-0= Please help …

Member Avatar for naphets
Member Avatar for Tomashqooo

So this is my code: <?php // Example in menu_skuska.html $buffer = ''; function addMenuHeader($header_name,$id,$distance_from_top,$distance_from_left) { global $buffer; $buffer = $buffer + '<div style="position:absolute; top:' + $distance_from_top + '; left:' + $distance_from_left + ';">'; $buffer = $buffer + '<p onClick="toggleMenu(' + $id + ')" id="menu_header">' + $header_name + '</p>'; $buffer …

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen
Member Avatar for afidah

Hi... I want to calculate marks.. I have create calculation and form... but, when i click the button it cannot calculate the marks... what the error in this code?

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for spluskhan

Hello Every One. i have a database name products id Pr_name price etc I want auto complete script that they retrive product name from (Pr_name). i want that my search enging display auto name from my database.

Member Avatar for spluskhan
Member Avatar for shaqib

Hello, I am trying to populate a listbox.here are my codes which works fine. <?php echo "<select name=name value=''>Exten Name</option>"; while($nt1=mysql_fetch_array($result_users)){//Array or records stored in $nt echo "<option value=$nt1[name]>$nt1[name]</option>"; /* Option values are added by looping through the array */ } echo "</select>";// Closing of list box ?> These data …

Member Avatar for phoenix_2000
Member Avatar for lewashby

I'M trying to output a message if the PHP query on the MySQL database come back empty. But when I uncomment this line `//echo "No result found for entry";` not only does it fail to output this message when there is no match but it also fails to load the …

Member Avatar for Geffory
Member Avatar for kimmi_baby

Hi guys I'm in way over my head here and have absolutely no idea how to fix this or why it's even there. I have a wordpress website and after comments were turned off in the posts page, I now receive an error where the comments box used to be. …

Member Avatar for kimmi_baby
Member Avatar for lttleastig

I have done some searching arround and found out that it is possible to do, Here is what I'm trying do, I want the user to be able to login to my site using ourschools websites' login and pass then fetch their grades, schedules, announcements etc. Any ideas on this?

Member Avatar for lttleastig
Member Avatar for icehiro

I'm trying to make website where user can upload a photo in a form. However somethings gone wrong in which keep telling me that I have a 'invalid file'. The information which the user typed in was actually uploaded to the database, but not the image. I've tried to saparate …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Shodow

on dropdown change i would like to put the price on the textbox "price" base on the selected value in dropdown function Price(data) { document.getElementById ("productprice").value = data.value; } <select name="product" onchange="Price(this)"> <option value="" disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Please select a product</option> <?php foreach ($product as $product) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $product['Product']?>" …

Member Avatar for Echo89
Member Avatar for siddiqui_1985

i'm creating my personal forum website, in create new topic page i have a HTML drop down, i populate this drop down from my categories table from my databse. the problem is that when i select any value from drop down it didn't it's id from database and due to …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for shaumic

This is my registration form page(Member_reg.php). <html><head> <script type="text/javascript"> function validateForm() var a=document.forms["form1"]["username"].value; var b=document.forms["form1"]["password"].value; var c=document.forms["form1"]["mailid"].value; var d=document.forms["form1"]["address"].value; var e=document.forms["form1"]["contact"].value; if (a==null || a=="") { alert("Username must be filled out"); return false; } else if (b==null || b=="") { alert("Password must be filled out"); return false; } else if …

Member Avatar for shaumic
Member Avatar for mjsmitten

Hello, I have urls like this: http://site/search/region,state and http://site/type/mytype I need to extract the last part and echo this. I used code below and for the first url it returns "region,state" (but I only need the last part). And what if behind the url is another character like a slash …

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Member Avatar for ehcraig

I am trying to get a site back up from an previous backup. I have started with a clean installation of Joomla 1.5.2 so that I can upgrade to 1.7 & do the automated upgrade to current from there. I have not touched the custom lp3 template code that will …

Member Avatar for ehcraig
Member Avatar for nishantgupta531
Member Avatar for dalilice

Hello guy, I have a website it's basicly a rss feed website. When a user click on a link they leave the page (with _blank). But i want to make a leave page something like www.domain.com/go/ they stay on this page for let's say 5 sec and they the script …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Gabryel

Hello guys, I have a school assignment and I need to develop a site with Microsoft Access database, but I have no clue how to set up and use that database, I searched eveywhere on the internet and I haven't found anything concludent, all explications are foggy and I can't …

Member Avatar for Webville312
Member Avatar for diether.silverious

Hi guys Good day, how to insert multiple data in the database? when i insert data that has multiple orders, only one item is inserted in the database. pls help me to put this on loop. Heres the code i use: foreach ($_SESSION["cart_array"] as $each_items){ $item_id = $each_items['item_id']; $quantity = …

Member Avatar for Webville312
Member Avatar for subrata_ushasi

Hi , I am struggling for two to make test payment through paypal sandbox but after entering user and password simply received this image attached.I want to pay through paypal using paypal's sandbox for testing and retrund to my website (localhost) giving confirmation in "confirm.php" , here is my paypal …

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Member Avatar for cyla

Hello, i'm kindly in a trouble. I was a newbie here and also not expert in php. So, my question maybe too easy and my english may broken. If you know the answer, tell me, I really need help. My question was about expiry date warning. I wish to make …

Member Avatar for simplypixie
Member Avatar for atikah8890

Hi all. I'm doing a page for multiple choice questions. The question and answer choice are in two separate database tables (question and answer). The layout of the page is like this: Question 1 Answer choice (4 or 2 radio buttons) Question 2 Answer choice (4 or 2 radio buttons) …

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Member Avatar for hlamster

I would like to display a file that is hidden from the user (& the internet in general). It will be a pdf file but I can't figure out any way to keep it completely hidden. I had tried using .htaccess but either I didn't create it properly or it …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for mahdiyazdani

I I am trying to convert php links with variables to html link so increase seo of my site, My links are like: http://site.com/pages/page1.php?v1=var1&v2=var2&v3=var3&v4=var4 or: http://site.com/pages/page1.var1.var2.var3.var4.html or some things like that it doesn't matter but the point is how to do that and alos be able to GET those variable …

Member Avatar for mahdiyazdani
Member Avatar for Shodow
Member Avatar for techyworld

I have a field dbscore in my database and it it an array of 5(5 level). lets say i have a new score for level 3. I want to update that score in the database for that particular level. the code below is updating the values but i think it's …

Member Avatar for techyworld
Member Avatar for dartiss

Hi, I have a couple of sites that are very much read-only (i.e. the sites are complete and not being modified). Is there a way, possibly via .htacces, to make these sites so that nothing could be uploaded to their directories maliciously? Basically, a way to lock the site down. …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for techyworld

Hi i have a table Users which have a field "score" to store the current score of the game. Now lets say the user have played a level and has obtain a highest score. So it should update it in the DB. How will i do this comparison? the highest …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for M4trixSh4d0w

Hi, I'm new to php, but I'm trying to implement a basic user system on my site. I'm having some trouble keeping a PHP session when I change pages (or something like that) where the logged in varible (`id`) isn't showing up as being defined, so a logged-in user doesn't …

Member Avatar for M4trixSh4d0w
Member Avatar for Atlanta15Braves

I need this program to record bugs into a MYSQL database. I need to create the database if it is not found. I have my html set up. I am posting pictures below of what I have, and what functionality I need the program to have. I have the html …

Member Avatar for IIM

The End.