39,326 Topics
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Hi guys Good day, how to insert multiple data in the database? when i insert data that has multiple orders, only one item is inserted in the database. pls help me to put this on loop. Heres the code i use: foreach ($_SESSION["cart_array"] as $each_items){ $item_id = $each_items['item_id']; $quantity = … | |
Hi , I am struggling for two to make test payment through paypal sandbox but after entering user and password simply received this image attached.I want to pay through paypal using paypal's sandbox for testing and retrund to my website (localhost) giving confirmation in "confirm.php" , here is my paypal … | |
Hello, i'm kindly in a trouble. I was a newbie here and also not expert in php. So, my question maybe too easy and my english may broken. If you know the answer, tell me, I really need help. My question was about expiry date warning. I wish to make … | |
Hi all. I'm doing a page for multiple choice questions. The question and answer choice are in two separate database tables (question and answer). The layout of the page is like this: Question 1 Answer choice (4 or 2 radio buttons) Question 2 Answer choice (4 or 2 radio buttons) … | |
I would like to display a file that is hidden from the user (& the internet in general). It will be a pdf file but I can't figure out any way to keep it completely hidden. I had tried using .htaccess but either I didn't create it properly or it … | |
I I am trying to convert php links with variables to html link so increase seo of my site, My links are like: http://site.com/pages/page1.php?v1=var1&v2=var2&v3=var3&v4=var4 or: http://site.com/pages/page1.var1.var2.var3.var4.html or some things like that it doesn't matter but the point is how to do that and alos be able to GET those variable … | |
I have a field dbscore in my database and it it an array of 5(5 level). lets say i have a new score for level 3. I want to update that score in the database for that particular level. the code below is updating the values but i think it's … | |
| Hi, I have a couple of sites that are very much read-only (i.e. the sites are complete and not being modified). Is there a way, possibly via .htacces, to make these sites so that nothing could be uploaded to their directories maliciously? Basically, a way to lock the site down. … |
Hi i have a table Users which have a field "score" to store the current score of the game. Now lets say the user have played a level and has obtain a highest score. So it should update it in the DB. How will i do this comparison? the highest … | |
Hi, I'm new to php, but I'm trying to implement a basic user system on my site. I'm having some trouble keeping a PHP session when I change pages (or something like that) where the logged in varible (`id`) isn't showing up as being defined, so a logged-in user doesn't … | |
I need this program to record bugs into a MYSQL database. I need to create the database if it is not found. I have my html set up. I am posting pictures below of what I have, and what functionality I need the program to have. I have the html … | |
how can i transper may database to other computer i use xampp and mySQL Admin please help me :( | |
Hi friends, I am trying to user nested foreach to insert data into table with three different column fields. Please look at that because i am getting error [syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')']. $cLists = $_POST['nd']; $Votes = $_POST['text']; $Votes_p = $_POST['text1']; $id = $_POST['invst_id']; //foreach($cLists as $nomineeid) foreach … | |
Hi All, This has become a very tedious process and I am hoping someone can help me simplify things. I run the below php command to retreive all the stock prices and then it prints it to the screen like this: stockcode price AAA $1 BBB $2 CCC $3 It … | |
The following 3 things made me realize that its actually the MySQl server which is crashing. 1. I have a php script that updates a database table as soon as i fill up a form through localhost. I am able to access my localhost homepage and then fill up the … | |
Hi guys, I've built a basic MVC framework for my app it works as follows the app is accessible using only one file which is index.php then it generates the pages required in the backend and then store it in a variable and then echos it out. so if i … | |
<div class="site_search"> <form method="get" action="<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>search.php"> <input type="hidden" name="active" /> <select name="by"> <optgroup> <option> Songs</option> <option> Singers</option> </optgroup> </select> <input name="search" placeholder="Search..." type="text"> <input type="submit" value="Search"> </form> </div> The Above is my Html Form Code after hitten the and inputting the data into search bar my form will … | |
I have the following code which works fine to format text from an SQL table. It seems a little long winded though. It will create paragraphs from the line breaks but ignore header and list tags (not wrap those in "p" tags. Can anyone see an obvious way to condense … | |
Hello guys, right now am trying to develope many php applications trying to learn php, now am good enough to start my own project, and am thinking to develope a games staticstis site for PS3 players I've done a leaderboard containe many players to get thier stats from Sony here … | |
To start off, thank you for your time and assistance. I recently bought a wordpress theme with a built in gallery. Here's the link to the theme's live preview, just click on the 'Fashion Model' link and the gallery will pop up: http://themeforest.net/item/mediabook-multimedia-wordpress-theme/full_screen_preview/3025192 As you can see it's a nice … | |
Hi, Is the any way I can populate a dropdown navigation menu with categories and subcategories i have in mysql?? This is what I have so far, with the categories and subcategories just hardcoded in the html. <div class="menu"> <ul id="verticalmenu" class="glossymenu"> <li><a href="#" >Ribbon</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">7/8</a></li> <li><a href="#">5/8</a></li> … | |
Hi Everyone Could someone assist me in a PHP / MySQL dropdown select menu. I want to pull info from my DB and display it, then when I select the option it need's to reload screen and add a second drop down select menu. When I select the 2nd one … | |
I'm trying to add the simplemodal login and an "add to wishlist feature" for all users just like thisiswhyimbroke.com. Does anyone know of any tutorials to program the wishlist feature? Thanks! | |
Hi, here I have another problem for you guys.I am doing this tutorial on mysql and php: http://repository.ui.ac.id/dokumen/lihat/3322.pd Now after I have reinstalled everything, MySql,phpMyAdmin and PHP everything works fine except I cannot log in as root.When I installed mySql I set a root password and also I created 2 … | |
Hai everybody, i have two different layout. this admin layout meta tag not display in my meta title,description.. what is the problem and i addded my action file inside,but not diplayed. plz help me. public function executeContactus(sfWebRequest $request) { $this->setLayout('adminlayout'); $response = $this->getResponse(); $response->setContentType('text/html'); $response->addMeta('title','Contact Us – Give us your … | |
Is any way to do user authentication without using mysql. One way I found is using session, but it is not recommended. Is it possible with text file? If possible how to do that and is secured? Thanks | |
Note that this is on a Linux machine. I'M just starting to learn PHP and MySQL. I wrote the following php program that executes from an html form. Note that at this point the date from the html form is not being used to query the MySQL database. At this … | |
Can anyone help me solve this problem, i tried everthing and googled all over everything, but still cant find solution, i hope somebody help me, ty, *sorry for my broken english $db=mysql_connect ("localhost", "root") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error()); $mydb=mysql_select_db("database"); $sql="SELECT ID, FirstName, … | |
hi can someone tell me what does this mean? if(isset($_POST["userid"])){ |
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