39,389 Topics

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Member Avatar for stylemessiah

okay, so i have a search form that has some optional fields, so when the form is submitted using the GET method to its processing php page, the resulting URL may have blank values in it, and it gets quite long. What id like to know is is there a …

Member Avatar for ana10192000
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

Hey people wats up . People ... I need your help . I want to learn php , ok i know the basics of php from w3schools but in w3schools all the php lessons are not too advanced , so if you know a website where i can learn advanced …

Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed
Member Avatar for Kadafiz

i made a PHP page that calculating bill of medical institute. i need to print the bill from this page. bt using window.print command it print whole page with buttons also.. bt i dont need no buttons.plz help me to print bill.. thnkuuu

Member Avatar for Kadafiz
Member Avatar for muthumari

hi , i am using server2go for "XAMPP" ,PHP(Front end) and Mysql(Back end). (ie) converting dynamic web page(Moodle) into CD-ROM. Actually it is working in the local machine(localhost).But when i am testing it in CD I am facing the problem of Drive problem.That is if my machine's CD drive is …

Member Avatar for ahromi
Member Avatar for ←Guybrush→

Ahoy Sailors! So I've been racking my brain lately trying to figure out how to serve multiple connections via sockets in PHP. For example so far if two Child scripts connect to my Parent script, The Parent will only start communicating with the earliest connected Child script, Which of course …

Member Avatar for dschuett

I have the following code to search my database, I would like to display the # of results found and display it in the line of code below that reads "Search Results:" - so it would look something like this... Search Results: 10 matches found. And 10 would be the …

Member Avatar for dschuett
Member Avatar for ayooshkasmth

Hi, I have two sets of checkboxes, which im planning to use for selecting items from a mysql database. The first set of checkboxes are the search criteria, which can be ticked or unticked according to user preferences. The second set of checkboxes contain the results of the use preferences, …

Member Avatar for dalip_007

Hi Guys i am working in a site say sample.com. which should have a search engine . this search engine should search videos from another site say sample2.com or youtube.com for example. it will only show thumbnail, views rating etc of the fetched video. and when user will click on …

Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man
Member Avatar for ceeandcee

Is it possible to create a hard page return in your PHP code so that wehn the user prints the output, the page break will occur where it is defined? If this is possible, how is it done. I have not found anything in my Google searches. Any help is …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for toydiaz

hi, i want select all values from tables, this code i have, desplay warning! I do not know why. can you guys help me!! [B]!Warning: mssql_query() [function.mssql-query]: message: Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '1t38123' to data type int. (severity 16) in C:\xampp\htdocs\SGFT\Dados.php on line 18[/B] [CODE]$fotog = "SELECT …

Member Avatar for phplover

Hi, I got some zip files on my server people can download and am having a strange problem. Can't remember if i ever checked in IE but in FireFox, Google Chrome, Opera everything is fine. When i download a file from my website in IE the file is getting corrupt. …

Member Avatar for phplover
Member Avatar for nertos

Hi, who knows how to check unavailable videos in Youtube API(php)? I'm looking for [url]http://code.google.com/intl/pl/apis/youtube/2.0/developers_guide_php.html[/url] but I can't find right code? Any ideas?:)

Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I want to connect to a external server to either copy image.jpg to my local computer or list all the files stored in a path. How can I do this? I think cURL is used but examples on the web are not working for me. Thanks in advance For …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for briandns1

Does anybody know any good open source live chat support modules I can integrate into my site? My company specializes in Seo. If you would like to view our website it is at <URL SNIPPED>seo tampa.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ksyz_1

Hello, I am trying to connect a unix server using ssh (phpseclib) and running an external program like 'C' program. I am using exec() to run .exe. My code looks this way [CODE]echo $ssh->exec('./demo.exe');[/CODE] demo.exe is a executable for program to add two numbers and the inputs are hardcoded within …

Member Avatar for ksyz_1
Member Avatar for Arsench

Hello, I’m just trying to get the link and id name passing to other page, but when moving on the link the mouse, it shows only the first word of the ID. Here is the example. [CODE] <?php $id ="CURSO DEL RITE(CALEFACCI&Oacute;N,CLIMATIZACI&Oacute;N Y ACS)"; $link = "http://www.ginerllinares.es/prog_curs/sem/inscribir.php"; $path = "<a …

Member Avatar for Arsench
Member Avatar for umandajayo

hei How I send online fax through php. we all know there is a very easy function called [CODE]mail() [/CODE] can use to easy mailing. but I am finding is there any solution for send a fax like mailing thank you

Member Avatar for umandajayo
Member Avatar for PhilEaton

Hey, I'm trying to find any tutorial on taking user inputted text and displaying, on that page or another. I know how to upload a file, or provide that service to the user so I figured it might be similar, but I couldn't find any help on this scanning google. …

Member Avatar for PhilEaton
Member Avatar for cali_dotcom

hi, i'm a newbie programmer and i just built a website with a poll. the page is completely in html and linked to the php script processing the poll result in the action attribute of the form tag. my problem is the results of the poll comes up in a …

Member Avatar for jibon57
Member Avatar for mindboggler2010

Hi I would like to ask some help if my DFD is correct or not. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and God bless.

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello... i am doing authors page. in this i want to display related authors of that site. in authors table author has a field author type. he can give more types by ',' separate. so i want to dispaly related authors who has matched his type. here i wrote my …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for lwaterfo

Hi, How do I change the query below to search in two fields instead of just one? For example, I want the query to search two fields: job_id and jobtype - instead of just job_id. [CODE]$query = "SELECT lastname, firstname, state, zip, jobtype, otherjobtype, nightavail, weekendavail, ptft, resume FROM data …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for QWaz

Hi, I have built an entire site with my localhost on my computer, as you do. and everything has worked fine. I have no issues. and still dont' However, I just uploaded it, and am getting this error: [CODE] Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output …

Member Avatar for QWaz
Member Avatar for PhilEaton

Hey guys, I'm trying to mix php and it's not working. I made a form that takes user input and changes the website they input to it's IP address. Next I tried to put that IP as a variable $ip and tried to put that variable in a link(href="") and …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for ceeandcee

Good Morning, I am building a hockey pool site and here is some background on my problem. Our league allows each player to be drafted twice. So we have given each player an A or B listing (ie Sydney Crosby A or Sydney Crosby B). In my database, I have …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for ceeandcee

I am wondering if anyone knows of a way to post information about the database on the site. What I am looking for is the php code to display the information below. For example: 1) This 'tableXX' in 'databaseXX' has XXX rows. 2) This 'tableXX' was last updated on 'DATE' …

Member Avatar for ceeandcee
Member Avatar for jasmeen kaur

hey pls suugest me code that can display advertisements using php source code. its urgent

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for asahmed

Hello, I'm new to Redirections in Apache web server, Can anyone tell me how to do the following: I want to redirect: [url]http://www.domain.com/index.php?product=(variable[/url]) To: [url]http://sub.domain.com/index.php?product=(variable[/url]) Variable is numeric, I only want a 301 permanent redirection from domain to subdomains just for that specific category. Hope someone will help

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for loll_l

When customers submit bookings on my website [url]http://www.n-v-m.co.uk/Booking.html[/url] most of the time the booking goes through fine but sometimes I get completely blank bookings sent through (even when I know the customer has filled the form out). Does anybody know why this could be happening? It is a very rare …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for phaedrusGhost

Hi all, I am trying to handle an sql query for multiple dropdowns where all won't neccessarily be active. EX: Dropdown1: CITY Dropdown2: STATE Dropdown3: COMPANY BUTTON: GO Need the ability to choose from one, two or all to make a query. Here is what I have now: Above the …

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The End.