39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for popinthecan

Ok, I came across this site :[url]http://www.pokebuddies.tk/[/url] and the images(pokemon) show how many times they have been clicked(their level) and You can only click it once every 24 hours per IP. How did they do that? I know they use PHP and MySQL.

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for starmikky

I need asistance on how to handle registration forms with picture upload, rename, then preview and store the record in MYSQL database

Member Avatar for canterorist
Member Avatar for bibiki

Can someone please explain why is the following code outputting some Chinese instead of breaking down the string passed in the function into an array. [CODE]<?php // define URL $url = "http://www.somewebsite.com:80/community/columns/trog/article.php?id=79&page=2"; // parse URL into associative array $data = parse_url($url); // print URL components foreach ($data as $k => …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for ceeandcee

I know how to limit the number of rows returned in a query: [code] $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM playerdb where CFHL_A = 'XMEN' OR CFHL_B = 'XMEN' order by field(pos,'LW','C','RW','D','G'), PTS0910 DESC LIMIT 0, 11") or die(mysql_error()); [/code] However, now I am looking to fix a table to 25 …

Member Avatar for MooGeek
Member Avatar for baudday

Hi, So I'm working on a shirt printing quoter for a client. Basically you fill out a few fields and it tells you how much it would cost to print your design on 24+ shirts. After you see your total, you can place your order by filling in contact info …

Member Avatar for ﻼim
Member Avatar for jkaye

I'm trying to write this query, but I don't know how to go about it. Say you have a table with a bunch of listings, with multiple listings per company. You have a status field in the table that is either complete or active. What I want to do is …

Member Avatar for ﻼim
Member Avatar for beforetheyknew

Hi guys, i'm using a php response once the javascript has validated the form. I've tested it from(/on?) the server and the the form is submitting so javascript is working fine, then it reaches the php and although it was working fine earlier, displaying the 'score' etc now after i …

Member Avatar for ﻼim
Member Avatar for ceeandcee

What I am trying to do is to run a query in my database and output a table to a php file. If the query yields 10 resuts or rows, I would like the far left column to read 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. What happens now is it outputs all 1's in the …

Member Avatar for ﻼim
Member Avatar for ivatanako

I am trying to make a website that uses fopen to open up text file. Something like this [url]http://somesite.com/readarticle.php?name=sample.txt[/url] [code]<?php $file = 'sample.txt'; $f = fopen($file, r); while ( $line = fgets($f, 1000) ) { print $line; } ?>[/code] The sample.txt is located on the web server, I was able …

Member Avatar for ndunks
Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello, I got my search engine working and it does show the number of results including the number of pages it should have. But I'm having trouble outputting the results when I click next. When I click the next page it doesn't show any results. [code]<?PHP global $search_term; global $location_term; …

Member Avatar for andrewliu
Member Avatar for hinfeyg2

Hi all, So I would like a else statement that would go like this: <?php if ($image=="none") echo "no image"; else <img src="../images/<?php echo $image; ?>"> ; ?> Obviously this does not work. Any suggestions on how to get it to work? So if $image's value is 'none' then it …

Member Avatar for hinfeyg2
Member Avatar for eefh01

Hi, I have been breaking my head to solve this. May be this is very simple. I am trying to convert date value to string and to merge with another string. [CODE] $dt=$_POST['formdate']; //$dt is in format of Y-m-d $msg = "The date entered is ".$dt; echo $msg; [/CODE] But …

Member Avatar for eefh01
Member Avatar for ultimatebuster

This script is something i wrote during work, as I often need to do this (concatenate strings via multiple lines so it's clearer). Hopefully you guys like it.

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for mpc123

I have this code part of a bigger table with different field names being echoed. [code=php] echo "<tr><td>"; echo $row['car']; echo "</td><td>"; echo $row['caravan']; echo "</td><td>"; [/code] I need 2 pieces of help please. I want to add an image of that car, the image is in a folder on …

Member Avatar for MooGeek
Member Avatar for ceeandcee

I am working on a Hockey Pool stat project. My PPG column is a calculation that divides PTS by GP. This works fine for anyone that has played a game. However, in the case of Rookies or the very beginning of the season the GP number is 0. As such, …

Member Avatar for ceeandcee
Member Avatar for redbeta99

I'm rather new to the whole PHP world and I know how to get a form (like an application) to send to an email when the Submit button is clicked, my question is. Is it possible to have it be submitted as a forum topic? So others can view it …

Member Avatar for ﻼim
Member Avatar for Rishikeshan

I am getting so much errors in php. I couldn't understand why. I re-checked all code but I am getting strange errors. The code below is provided to you under mit/x11 license for modification and distribution. ALL DERIVATIVES ARE WELCOME! :) Here is the code: [code=php] <html><head><link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Mike516

I have a pagination script but currently it echos out all the page numbers which is well over 1000, Can anyone tell me how I would make it like 1 2 3 .... 1000.. Like vb has it.

Member Avatar for Mike516
Member Avatar for u8sand

This may seems like a lame question but I have yet to find something online helping me with my problem. Many websites you go to (excluding this one) instead of putting bla.php?id=2 they will have a url that looks like its in a folder or something like: /bla/2 An example …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for dragonheart

HI, in my project, i have a table 'Orders' with orders submitted, where some have already completed and others are pending,,, The status of the order is denoted by a status ('completed' / 'pending') My problem is this,, I need to display the orders separately in two different sections in …

Member Avatar for ﻼim
Member Avatar for nick3592

Hi i have recently discovered that my site was on some one elses website, i have checked his source code so but it wasnt through iframes so it must be through server side technology. i was wondering if theres a way to block this from happening.

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for sam023

Hello Friends.. i have 2 folder in root directory DEMO1 and DEMO2 containing same kind of files. when i login in DEMO1 through localhost/demo1/index.php and it will direct me to welcome.php and after login when i change demo1 to demo2 from address bar.. I Still remain in SESSION or welcome …

Member Avatar for ﻼim
Member Avatar for lwaterfo

Hi, I have a php code that lists the contents of one of the tables in my database. At the bottom of the listing, there is code that takes you to the next 10 results. Problem is, when I test it out, I am being redirected to a comcast search …

Member Avatar for MooGeek
Member Avatar for sjeggels

Hi everyone. I am seeking help to display my query result (user list) into several pages. The code below retrieves user details successfully like a picture, accommodation name, address and a clickable link to a profile page related to specific details of user. This page is my users_list.php which displays …

Member Avatar for benjaminFowl87
Member Avatar for |DarkBerzerk™|

Dear Friends, I am not expert in php, but i am trying to make website easy to edit with its own cPanel i tryed this basic code to get the id of the page from the link and show the contents of the file.. and its working good..but how i …

Member Avatar for |DarkBerzerk™|
Member Avatar for eagled2

Hello. I am currently working on a website to post some articles I write for my friends. The problem I am currently having is with a dynamic redirect. I have a dropdown list that is populated dynamically from a mysql database. That part is working fine but I can't get …

Member Avatar for MooGeek
Member Avatar for CNIDog

I cannot get IE to cooperate with displaying an embedded Windows Media Player on a web page. The [icode]<embed>[/icode] tag works for other browsers, but I am having no luck with IE. I am running the code within a Joomla! module on the Gantry Zephyr template. The following code snippet …

Member Avatar for arthurav

I administrate a database with 3 main tables for a training company: course providers, lecturers and graduates. I have to create a database admininstration page with insertion, modification and search features. I am using php with mysql. I wanted everything to happen in the index.php (do not know if this …

Member Avatar for nkmswot
Member Avatar for digital-ether

A very simple MySQL database class. [B]Usage:[/B] [CODE]// connect $config = array( 'host' => $host, 'user' => $user, 'password' => $password, 'database' => $database); $DB = Database_MySQL::getInstance($config); // set query $DB->query("select * from table1 where col1 = %d and col2 = '%s' LIMIT 1", 5, 'a'); // get rows $rows …

Member Avatar for benjaminFowl87
Member Avatar for chiyankarthi

hi, How to make changing selection of radiobuttons respectively on dropdown menu selection with example in javascript... thank you, regards by, karthick.s

Member Avatar for ApocDen

The End.