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87 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Narue

I love it! Would it be possible to make cin.get() save the string as well as the escape character (commonly '\n'). This way it wouldn't ever be 'nothing' because you'd always get the \n character at least. I also have much use for the \n character because its easy to …

Member Avatar for Smn
Member Avatar for u8sand

Ok so I've used function pointers for some time. I was trying to figure out if this was possible. First. It IS possible to convert a function pointer into an array of bytes. It is also possible to reconstruct that function with the bytes in that array. I would like …

Member Avatar for doug65536
Member Avatar for Ravic85

Well for one, you've never calculated perimeter and area, so its going to be the crazy value because the value was never set. However the other objects generating strenuous results with the length and width I'm not sure if they will remain when you fix the calculating of the perimeter …

Member Avatar for Ravic85
Member Avatar for u8sand

I programmed this vector class to support different types and different amount of dimensions. (class T,int D) D is the dimension. I don't use templates much and I'm running into an error, my constructors aren't working. Here is my class [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> template <class T,int D> class Vector …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for skatamatic

Well before you do anything, might wana fix a lil problem w/ ur game. Your pon can move 2 spaces even when its not its first move : / I recomend saying if the pon is not in the start y axis, then it can only move 1 space, else …

Member Avatar for robab
Member Avatar for u8sand

This may seems like a lame question but I have yet to find something online helping me with my problem. Many websites you go to (excluding this one) instead of putting bla.php?id=2 they will have a url that looks like its in a folder or something like: /bla/2 An example …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jeffpro

You want the mouse just to appear somewhere or do you want it to magically move across the screen?

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for u8sand

Hello, Recently I've been doing some Windows API programming and I came across a problem. I want to make a console program that accepts commands, when the command 'win' shows up it will create a window with some automated features. Lets say I had a command sendfile [file-path] [where]. I'd …

Member Avatar for nbaztec
Member Avatar for ronnieaka

Go to Project -> Project Options It opens a dialog box, go to parameters, under linker look for -lobjc When you find it delete it. That parameter was not found by the compiler.

Member Avatar for u8sand
Member Avatar for tonis

Firefox all the way. It's not the fastest though. Google Chrome is by-far faster than Firefox but still in it's BETA stage. ATM Firefox is the best possible browser to go with. It's open source, very well-known, many add-ons for it, fast, and stable. But no doubt Firefox is faster …

Member Avatar for jaikanth123
Member Avatar for godsgift2dagame

To be able to assign your object to various things you need to make some constructors, it will then be simple to implement your addition operator. Constructor being: [code] public: BigInt(); BigInt(const int); BigInt(const char*); BigInt(const BigInt&); [/code] Of course you can add more.. Then your operator+ is simply: [code] …

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for ChummyCakes

First of all, it would seem you have a Trojan Virus. It would also seem that it is re-running itself at startup. Whatever anti-virus you are using is not getting rid of it. When your anti-virus finds it, it should include a path. Attempt to navigate to that path and …

Member Avatar for ifigueroa
Member Avatar for fugnut

Your problem proves not that you don't have an understanding of arrays but that you do not have an understanding of how objects work. Notice at the beginning of your array declaration you put 'int' but then inside ALL of the data are STRINGS, not INTEGERS. Also if your going …

Member Avatar for u8sand
Member Avatar for u8sand

Hello guys, I'm creating my own website-it's coming along very well but I'm stuck. There is a login, so that you can login to your account. Each account has an access of 1-10, if your access is 0 you are not logged in. When you put your username and password …

Member Avatar for venkat0904
Member Avatar for dylank

[CODE] #define MAX_LENGTH 256 int main(void) { char userInput[MAX_LENGTH]; // use a character array not string cout << "Enter a string to be converted:" << endl; cin.get(userInput,256); // cin.get(char*,int) not cin >> ; cin.ignore(); // ignore the leading '\n' character for (int index = 0; index < strlen(userInput) /* strlen …

Member Avatar for dylank
Member Avatar for ninreznorgirl2

I'm sorry, I can't help you if I don't even see the class. Please post the contents of String2.cpp I'm assuming the class is named String? You probably get an error where it says "**** this is where error is ****" because of constructor issues. Anyway please post String2.cpp's contents, …

Member Avatar for u8sand
Member Avatar for u8sand

Hello everyone. Im sure this is a simple winsock question but maybe im wrong... I searched everywhere and keep hitting dead ends. Im just learning how to use winsock and still have yet to find a good tutorial. But i found a class which i will start with. Only problem …

Member Avatar for lashatt2
Member Avatar for francisabey

Why not just zip it and password protect/encrypt? Because system, read-only, archived, hidden files are annoying for the system, it keeps asking: "Are you sure?" on vista.

Member Avatar for ym_chaitu
Member Avatar for u8sand

Hello, I have my own website where I make programs and put them up on my web page, it has info on the programs ext.. I also allow other people to put up they just have to e-mail me with a specified template. But I want to make this easier …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for u8sand

Microsoft Update wants to install the latest version of Silverlight (KB970363) on my computer but every time it goes i get the same error. (A picture of the error is attached). I tried browsing to the folder, but it still did not work. I tryed uninstalling so i could just …

Member Avatar for siji44

I also may recommend framesets. You can look into that, i recommend for almost all web programming: [url][/url].

Member Avatar for bbqkaren
Member Avatar for Beastmanh

Win-Key is the same key that opens the start button. It is used for many windows shortcuts. Here's a list of them: Win-Key : Start Menu Win-Key + R : Run... Win-Key + D : Show Desktop Win-Key + F : Find Win-Key + L : Lock Win-Key + Tab …

Member Avatar for kaninelupus
Member Avatar for shealy

I once tried to do something like this with ONLY C++. Tried to take all the contents of a document and remake it with the same thing. The problem is though that there are some characters that may not show up (may not follow ascii char set) and their may …

Member Avatar for Krushnat
Member Avatar for jebinaelsie

CString is extict because it is from MFC which is extinct, they may have it available but it is not up to date with everything. Any bugs that they had when they were out are still there. There is no way you can fix that unless you reconstruct the whole …

Member Avatar for u8sand
Member Avatar for Ather14

I don't expect febonacci numbers to be negative, so why not use unsigned, it will give you twice the amount you can go. And %d calls an integer, not a long (so it will only show what an integer would show if it was at that value) I would also …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for Pokenerd

The atoi function returns an integer from a string. So: [code=cplusplus] char buf[256]; // Ask for input here cin.getline(buf,256); int num = atoi(buf); if(num == 0) cout << "Error"; [/code]

Member Avatar for Pokenerd
Member Avatar for somyasinha

Some compilers that are stupid the gaurds still wont work, if that is so try using pragma once at the top. [code=cplusplus] #pragma once [/code]

Member Avatar for u8sand
Member Avatar for didijc

Your going to have to provide us with the GeneralTreeNode class please. ------------ edit ----------------- oh its a structure didn't see.. one sec lemme look this over again. ------------ edit ----------------- The only thing i can think of is that you did not declare the integers in the GeneralTreeNode structure, …

Member Avatar for Laiq Ahmed
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

You won't be reinventing the wheel if your using dlls from other software to make it. It will just basically be organizing and making your own GUI. If you really want to "Reinvent the Wheel" then make EVERYTHING yourself. But it will be pretty hard to use the dlls unless …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for GooeyG

First of all, please surround your code with code tags or it makes it very hard for us to read. Second I would do this with array's, it seems it would make more sense, but this is an assignment.. Last, i would help you but you didn't do really anything …

Member Avatar for ithelp

The End.