39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for leviathan185

Hi, I was wondering if there was another way to redirect a user to an other page other that the header("Location: URL") function. My problem is that I am itterating through a buch of if statements and if i use the header function it gives me an error as the …

Member Avatar for leviathan185
Member Avatar for leviathan185

Hi. I am having problems getting PHP to insert data into a MYSQL data base. I am using the following variations of syntax. [code=php] mysql_query("INSERT INTO table member VALUES ('$var1', '$var2', '$var3')") or die("couldn't add new user"); [/code] and also with session variables as well [code=php] mysql_query("INSERT INTO table member …

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Member Avatar for sunilsinha

Hi all, I need to rotate image with transparent background. I am using PHP5.1 and GD2.1. I am creating a gif after rotation. Also tried to create png. but not getting transparent background. Also sometimes getting black background. can any one help on this. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for beeerlover
Member Avatar for algo_man

Hi there, I'm searching for a tool that access a website and acting as a client. I need this tools to do, 1. browse a website. 2. login as a normal client. 3. doing some activities for a specific time I defined. 4. eventually, logout Can anyone tells me where …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for vikter

Hi All, Assist me on how to insert and retrieve images to an oracle database with ordimage data type. Any help will be highly appreciated.

Member Avatar for peter_budo

One of my friends is trying to follow [URL="http://developer.sonyericsson.com/site/global/techsupport/tipstrickscode/java/p_post_javafile_webserver.jsp"]Sony Ericsson tutorial [/URL]on HTTP document upload from mobile device through Java Microedition. Here is an HTML example. [code=html]<form action="http://myserver/post.php" enctype ="multipart/form-data" method="post"> <input type="file" name="uploadedfile"> <input type="submit"> </form>[/code] Here is the php file receiving the posted file. [code=php]//post.php <?php $target_path = …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for mani11

how can i access my admin page with edit and delete buttons in (employers/jobseekers form)

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for kris82009

Hi Everybody ,i have a problem with DateTime class,I am using DateTime class in my program it works fine in php 5.2.6 .but the version in my server is php 5.1.6 so is there any class to replace the same functionality.please check the code below and if u find any …

Member Avatar for danishbacker
Member Avatar for juanki09

ok so this is what im trying to do. this is a products page and the products diplay but i want to create a filter so if they want to view only the in this case tvs that are sony they use the from that is in the coding to …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for csharplearner

Hi , I have a text field in a table and i would like to split it into pages for viewing pleasure. I know how to split it into set of pages if it is in rows. But i couldn't get clue how to split a lengthy text field into …

Member Avatar for sacarias40
Member Avatar for cs4monkey

Hi, I'm very new to php and i'm really struggling to work the following out. I have a link in one of my php pages [B]storeitems.php?cat=Foods&store=Yes[/B] that uses a recordset in the target page to display a list according to the above variables. How can I make my 1st variable …

Member Avatar for csharplearner
Member Avatar for iThaos

I was reading how having globals inside a method was not good. Something like this. [code=php] class one{ function one(){ return "Returned one"; } } $ones = new one; class two{ public $one; function two(){ $this->tree(); } function tree(){ global $ones; echo $ones->one(); } } $callme = new two; [/code] …

Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, What is wrong with this sql? It fails in php but doesn't fail in phpmyadmin! Thanks [code] <?php $connection=mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); if(!$connection) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } else { mysql_select_db("test", $connection) or die('Could not select the table.'); $sql="BEGIN;\n"; $sql.="SET AUTOCOMMIT=0;\n"; $sql.="INSERT INTO table1 (id, name) values …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for jesse.rosato

Ok, I'm real new to php, so I'm sorry if this is a stupid question. I've started building a blog using php and mySql and I'm having problems with updating my posts. My update page loads fine (with ?id=x attached to the end of the url), but when I hit …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for Rakesh Nagekar

Hello guys, iam a new bie in webdevelopment. can u please help me in writing code to the payment gateway please Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for nish123

hello frndz... . . i what to knw i their any method to hold the values of form after refreshing the page or gettin back again on same page..!!! . . for eg i create a form.. username frstname lastname...after submiting the form if username exits then it go back …

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Member Avatar for Argo54325

Hello, I'm a total newb to PHP and am just clueless here. I'm just trying to show all the data in a table but i'm getting some errors with my current code i'm getting "No Database Selected" and before a warning saying that something was wrong with my while statement. …

Member Avatar for nish123
Member Avatar for bettina702

Hi, I want to update a specific field in my database. My database has only one row with one field in it. How do I overwrite that field? This is what I have at this point, but its not working: [CODE]mysql_query(UPDATE Table SET column = "$item" WHERE column = "1") …

Member Avatar for bettina702
Member Avatar for charbel007

Dear Php Pro I have a small problem ; i cant echo the username in my script ;and i have tried all the echo and username is not being shown below my script i will put 2 files ;one is called login.php and the other is member.php; in member.php i …

Member Avatar for charbel007
Member Avatar for tanmoy_india

How to create a Rotating Image Frame with Navigation Menu like this: [URL="http://s3.amazonaws.com/satisfaction-production/s3_images/60603/MSPhotoNav_inline.jpg"]http://s3.amazonaws.com/satisfaction-production/s3_images/60603/MSPhotoNav_inline.jpg[/URL] from : [URL="http://www.marthastewart.com"]http://www.marthastewart.com[/URL] what is the code for creating image rotation like this?????plzzzzzzz

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for lamiv007

[CODE]<?php // This script and data application were generated by AppGini 4.3 // Download AppGini for free from http://www.bigprof.com/appgini/download/ include(dirname(__FILE__)."/defaultLang.php"); include(dirname(__FILE__)."/language.php"); include(dirname(__FILE__)."/lib.php"); include(dirname(__FILE__)."/tcg_dml.php"); // mm: can the current member access this page? $perm=getTablePermissions('tcg'); if(!$perm[0]){ echo StyleSheet(); echo "<div class=\"error\">".$Translation['tableAccessDenied']."</div>"; echo '<script language="javaScript">setInterval("window.location='index.php?signOut=1'", 2000);</script>'; exit; } $x = new DataList; $x->TableName …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for Cheif Druid

Hi everyone, I'm embarrased to ask as I am so new at this but here goes anyway: I have been trying to create a simple secure login screen that when successfully logged into, will allow the user access to other services. I found, modified a good tutorial and all works …

Member Avatar for Cheif Druid
Member Avatar for navi17

hi everyone. please tell me difference between mysql_connect & mysql_pconnect? and which is better and how?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for navi17

hi everyone. i just want to know about 3 tier architecture. can we achieve 3 tier architecture without frameworks. if yes how? give me a little example of it.. thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for navi17
Member Avatar for ahmksssv

Hi frnds... i have some problem regarding uploading a s/w when hosting a website... here i am doing project like stock market news...in this i had a software for updating share prices per every seconds.... where and how can i install software on my hosting panel?

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for odysea

lets say i have a cms and i'm giving it to the client, in the table i have various rows (each row is a page) now in each and every row has a field under the name of protected, the protected field can either have yes or no in it. …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for lamiv007

[CODE]<? include("db.php"); mysql_connect($host,$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die("Unable to connect to database"); $query="SELECT * FROM tcg"; $result=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_numrows($result); mysql_close(); echo "<center>Viewing Records</center>"; $i=0; while ($i < $num) { $client = mysql_result($result,$i,'ClientsName'); [B]$prgno = mysql_result($result,$i,'PrgNo'); this is line31[/B] $prgname = mysql_result($reslt,$i,'PrgName'); $trainername = mysql_result($result,$i,'TrainerName'); $dates = mysql_result($result,$i,'Dates'); $days = mysql_result($result,$i,'Days'); $proffee = mysql_result($result,$i,'ProfFee'); …

Member Avatar for dreamluverz
Member Avatar for divyadilip27

Hi I'm new to PHP. I installes wamp2. and wrote a sample code [code]<HTML><BODY> <? echo date("M-d-Y"); ?> </BODY></HTML> [/code] saved it in www folder. but now wen i click the saved file (hello.php) the file opens but nothing is getting display pls help me Divya

Member Avatar for dreamluverz
Member Avatar for lamiv007

Hello, I am retrieving two values from a database. I want to get the result after addition of the two values. the code I used is [CODE]echo "$client <br> $prgno <br> $prgname <br> $trainername <br> $dates <br> $days <br> $proffee <br> $trainerfee <br> $reimbexp<br> $handoutchg <br> $invoiceno <br> $totalinvamt <br> …

Member Avatar for lamiv007
Member Avatar for chandradyani

Dear all, I want to inform that the query return zero result? does anyone know how to revised my code so in case my query return zero result and it will echo "search result =0" here is my the code, I have try it but still it doesn't inform that …

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The End.