39,388 Topics
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Hi, I hav created html pages containing radio buttons and checkboxes. But how do I send the values of radio buttons and checkboxes and drop down button values to my database using POST. here are my radio buttons and drop down button: [code=html] <tr> <td>Marital Status</td> <td>:</td> <td>Single</td> <td><input type="radio" … | |
"You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near." Now this is a really stupid error. (yes that sums up the error S T U P I D) I am making an update to … | |
Hello everyone, just got a query regarding calculating I'm building a form and depending on how you fill it in you are given a score, currently i am using if/else statements. Here is an example $age is taken from the database after the form is completed (persons age) $mc is … | |
hello, i just asking if any body can help me to make a marquee display data from mysql data base like this web site [URL="http://www.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/F06E0D8B-BE98-445A-9752-8E7EA9DAD30F.htm"]http://www.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/F06E0D8B-BE98-445A-9752-8E7EA9DAD30F.htm[/URL] thx v. much | |
Hi, I've come across a sample of error checking for check boxes: $retail_checked = (isset($_POST['retail']) and $_POST['retail'] == "on"); where the $_POST[] == "on" , where this apply in <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="retail" $retail >1 ? How does the $retail store the value 1 there, does it pass the value … ![]() | |
i have created this piece of code to retrieve the path to a file from a mysql db, the file exists and can be displayed directly from the sql query. the code looks like this [CODE]$query = "SELECT broad1 FROM images_broad"; $result=mysql_query($query); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $image_path="{$row['broad1']}"; }[/CODE] i now want to display … | |
Hi. I'm a newbie to php and have created a login form that does not use an sql database. After inputing all the code I've tested it in IE and it doesn't work properly. If I leave the username and password blank but hit the submit button, it takes me … | |
i have store an image on the server from a file upload with a random number attached to it. i have then stored the random number in a mysql db for use on other pages to display the images. the problem i am having is that the image will not … | |
Please I need some help! When I am developing, these code below works fine: [code=php]<?php if($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] == '/aktuelle seite/index.php') { $style_home = 'style="background-color: #6C674F"'; } ?> <ul> <li class="linkLevel01"><a href="index.php" class="homy"<?php echo $style_home ?>>Home</a></li>[/code] But, when I put on the server : [code=php]<?php if($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] == '/bobo/index.php') //"bobo" is the name … ![]() | |
Hi, I've got a form with a few text fields, and only today I noticed that when i tried copying some text from an email and pasting it into one of the fields, after submitting to the database (and printing the query), i noticed that the name sent had something … | |
Hi All, I have a form with a submit button that enters the registration data into the MySQL DB...is there a way for a notification to be sent to the System Administrator notifying her about the registration? | |
Hi, Can anyone tell me what is wrong with my code? I am trying to have an email sent to the email addy hardcoded informing the the email receiver that the info was sent into the DB...and when I do add a user, no email was sent...only the registration data … | |
Hi All, I think I'm lost..... Here's my problem, I have a searchUser.php which allows the user to enter the Employee ID and submit (which searches for the user). The result is displayed from the chunk of code below. I want to allow the user to append a particular field, … | |
i am extemly newbie and don’t know whether I should post my problem here or somewhere else, however… i have following problem in one of my php-mysql application header link through browser is, "http://localhost/test/reply.php?id=852" and query is as follow, [ICODE] $name=$_POST['name']; //from the name form $q_id=$_GET['id']; $sql="INSERT INTO `test`.`reply`(`rid`,`tid`,`name`)VALUES(NULL,'$q_id','$name')"; $result=mysql_query($sql);[/ICODE] … | |
Please write echo statement from html statement below; <a href="javascript:ajaxpage('test.htm', 'contentarea');">test</a> | |
Hello I have been working on this script for a little while. All is working good(get all information into the xml). But I am needing to have the php code add an image to the xml for download. If anybody as any ideas i would greatly appreciate it. I have … | |
I have a variable in a variable. I have done this before but it is not working this time. I have it in a for loop so my code is: [code=php] $abc1 = one; $abc2 = two; for($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) { echo $$abc$i; } [/code] The … | |
Hi guys, I have this sql statement that is trying to insert data from some fields <?php $con = mysql_connect("xxx","xx","xx"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("xxx", $con); $sql="INSERT INTO guests (guest_name, guest_email) VALUES"; for($i=0;$i<sizeof($_POST);$i++){ $sql.="('".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[$i])."','".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[$i])."')"; if(!$i==sizeof($_POST)){ $sql.=","; } } // if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: ' … | |
for example : I have 4 check box with their own variables a,b,c,d How can I create query with condition using what users choose, where users can choose more than one check box thanks for your support | |
Hi I want to split a variable to check what type of user they are. If they are user type 1 their username will be in the form "LLL" where L is a letter. If they are user type 2 their username will be in the form "LLNNNNN" where L … | |
could anyone can give me some php site that can be uploaded the source code........ the best site for newbie..... and expert..^_^ any help would be appreciated......... thxxxxxxxxx in advance......... jaa | |
Hello, all: I need some help with a dynamically populated dropdown menu... I have managed to dynamically populate the dropdown menu from my item_categories table, and it works fine, EXCEPT once I have entered an item and want to bring it back into the form to UPDATE it, how do … | |
Hi! I'm trying to find a basic PHP code that uses an HTML form to upload an image to a specified directory and after that the image address can be called for displaying the image with PHP or putting it in a textarea box for linking. I know it seems … | |
ok lets make this a little simpler than my last topic. I found this [URL="http://wiki.dreamhost.com/index.php/PHP.ini"]site[/URL] which everyone who follows it seems to be getting results from, though it says "You are expected to be knowledgeable in the UNIX shell." which i have got no idea what that even is. I … | |
Hello I have just installed lamp on Debian and when I dropped my files in there is just sayed it worked lol so I deleated the files that said it worked and put the phpbb folder into it now it still says it works so if I go to [url]http://localhost/forum[/url] … | |
Hello everybody, The following code I found from another place, and it was in Java Script, so I changed it to PHP, and I dont know: 1. how it is work ? 2. is it work at all? 3. need the algorithm and procedure of it... [CODE] // PERSIAN_TO_JD -- … | |
i were working offline all the time with wampserver installed in my comp. but after i loaded it in school server i experienced a problem, in my web after login in your own profile appears also their is a link were you see other members profile. My problem is that … | |
Hello there, My intentions are to enter the employee id in the search page, and have the results displayed below the area to enter the search criteria with the select box and update button( i only want to update 1 field) here are the codes..... My problem is whenever i … | |
Hi guys, I did a quick tutorial on the internet on using php and mysql. It is my first ever time using it so forgive me if im being a bit of a "NOOB". anyways ill post the script below and can you give me a few pointers about where … | |
Hello, I am quite new to this, but I am attempting to create an update form that connects to a database. It pulls the information correctly, but it will not update...every time I hit update I get the following error(s): "No Primary Key Column was set. (UPD_NO_PK_SET)" ...for this error, … |
The End.