39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for mfuada

hi guys could you tell me where did i go wrong with this code , i managed to connect the php with sql server but when i want to do a login code... it always failed even though i have input the correct username and password(it's like the php does …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus

I wrote this FSM to tokenize HTML for my syntax highlighter, it works pretty well and its fast but its currently ugly as all heck and could definitely use some love so if anyone is up for taking a whack at cleaning it up or giving me some speed hints …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for bmatexas

I don't have a clue how to do this. Have a PHP web site template, that has a 'submit ad' form. Works just fine for that web site. What I want to do, is to include a number of additional sub-domains, so that one can run the same ad on …

Member Avatar for bmatexas
Member Avatar for d0nut

Hello. I am attempting to try my luck at PHP. I can not figure out how to call the function in the PHP code. I keep getting a blank page. I am using a simple html form with an input field and a submit button. When you enter in a …

Member Avatar for d0nut
Member Avatar for dbayo

hello..im new in this forum and php language..i need a help..anybody know how to import excel data into mysql Database?..im a student for the final year and making a project..help me..tq so much..

Member Avatar for FreeGroup
Member Avatar for .Dev.

Hi Everyone, I'm new and i'm looking for a solution for my problem. There is an external website returning a value after the compilation of a two inputs form. I want to catch the page sending a value in my PHP page. My purpose is to verify if the external …

Member Avatar for .Dev.
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

is it possible to do some kind of str_replace and replace the thing with a php string. ex: [CODE]{name}[/CODE] to [CODE] <? myrow['name']; ?> [/CODE]

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for Rakesh Nagekar

Hello friends I am looking for rating my website i dont have any idea how to rating a site and writng code can any one please help me in Rating of my website Thank u

Member Avatar for bas_brain
Member Avatar for kevin wood

is it possible to change the max file upload and the memory limit allowed for file uploads in php with a .htaccess file. the server my website is held on will not give me access to the php.ini file and is running php 4.4.9

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for Rakesh Nagekar

Hello friends, Good Afternoon, I done the search process in PHP but when it comes to advance search the problem is comming can anyone help me in programming advance search and the search has to be performed on more than one table i require as in [url]http://www.naukri.com/[/url] Thank u

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for TrippyGrape

Help please... pretty please: I am trying to extract from the Description, please see bold. PLEASE someone, help me :) Thanks. TG [CODE]Objectgroup Object ( [_properties] => Array ( ) [_is_datasource] => IS [_is_driver] => mysql [obj] => IS_Objectgroup Object ( [ObjectgrpID] => Array ( [0] => 14 ) [Objectgrpparent] …

Member Avatar for TrippyGrape
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

its for showing a users folders. (for private messages) how can i select one of each folder name because i know that there will be more than 1 folder name that is the same. i have a mysql column called folder and there is a folder name in each row. …

Member Avatar for OmniX
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

last activity. the ultimate goal is to have an active user list. and a script to be run on every page that updates the users activity. and then have the inactive users logged out and removed from the active users table in mysql automatically. my problem is that i dont …

Member Avatar for leviathan185
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

i have this form that is php and it has some required fields. that get checked with php . but i know that javascript can be disabled so i want to keep the php code because it does all the error checking but i want to add javascript to look …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for ryuk

hey there I relise there's probably a few threads on here but theres none that answer my question. I have been writing a script for my web site where users can write in a thread and get the thread to display onto the main page, because this is done through …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for lonestar23

I am trying to merge two different RSS sources with the same structure into a single list concurrently. I have two foreach statements but would like to combine them. Problem I can not turn a DOM Method into an array... Thanks in Advance. ###### CODE BELOW Using DOM METHOD ##### …

Member Avatar for lonestar23
Member Avatar for gdrsujit

how to make a confirm e-mail for the client who submit the form in my website ?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sayakyi

Dear friend, I make a very simple dictionary script. Now I need to extend sound file in this script. My Initial database has only 2 colums {English,Bm} I forget to create the "ID" column. :) all 5000 sound files are stored in a folder [url]http://www.domain.com/files/sound/(english-word)*.mp3[/url] how can I link all …

Member Avatar for sayakyi
Member Avatar for iThaos

This may sound a bit newby but I was wondering if you can use methods and properties from a child object [code=php] class Father{ function Father(){ // echo the child's $message } } class Son extends Father{ $public $message = 'We're in the same family!'; } [/code] If you know …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for naju

[B]my file structure as:[/B] index.php signin.php profile/index.php profile/add.php and so on ... [B]my htaccess content as[/B] RewriteRule ^signin$ signin.php [QSA,L] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ rate/index.php?q=$1 [QSA,L] but my 'signin' is also rewritten by the second rule. i tried to stop my first rule with [L] last rule. but it is not working …

Member Avatar for lolodede

i need to put html login and php in same page and save it as loginphp can i do that [code] <?php require_once("nocache.php"); ?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>login.php</title> <?php if(isset($_POST['Submit'])) if (empty($id) || empty($pword)){ header("location: login.php"); }else{ …

Member Avatar for tweeeter
Member Avatar for ashcares

Hi, Can someone help provide directions on how i can add selective required fields on my [URL="http://www.pcmechanix.ca/request.htm"][B]make a request[/B][/URL] page? Basically I want to make place, email, contact and name a requirement while the rest is just optional! Thanks,

Member Avatar for Tulsa
Member Avatar for ficus

Please can someone help with passing of variable for the 3rd menu. The second menu is populating correctly from the first menu. The third menu doesn't work because it is not pulling the cat1 & cat2 values. I suspect it is the "checkNew" function, which I tried (with limited Javascript …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Pado

Hello everyone: I'm a bit frustrated because I'm getting an error on one website but not on another one for the same web page. This tells me there's something different about the PHP settings that is different, but I'm not sure where to begin. This is the error I get: …

Member Avatar for leviathan185
Member Avatar for chknabeel

I m having problem in using the php array values in javascript. I m not very good in javascript so i need a support from u.. [icode] $pr[]=array(date('y/m/d',strtotime($rev_date)),$w_s['status_percent']); [/icode] this is the php array i m using. I need to use its values in the following javascript code [CODE] <script …

Member Avatar for chknabeel
Member Avatar for gagan22

Hi all, I have made 2 drop down box naming client, project . All values in this drop down box are coming from database. I am fetching all value through sql query. First drop down box is showing all client which are in database. Second drop down box is also …

Member Avatar for gagan22
Member Avatar for mohiit

Hi, Can anyone know about what changes to be done to create customized breadcrumb link like daniweb site in custom page of VBulletin.

Member Avatar for arosemena

for example, the blogs, how they divide the entries in pages? i have kinda of a idea like if ur on page 2 and ur blog shows 5 post per page the $row=mysql_fetch_assoc would execute 5 times before starting to post, thats the only way i can think about, is …

Member Avatar for Tulsa
Member Avatar for newbiecoder

Hi all, I decided to learn PHP, I am an Ubuntu user, I installed, php5, mysql, apache2.2 and phpmyadmin. But I don't know where to put the files to see them on my web browser, when I write [CODE]http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/[/CODE] I get [CODE]Not Found The requested URL /phpMyAdmin/ was not found …

Member Avatar for Tulsa
Member Avatar for sarithak

Hi frnds.. this query having a small error at where condition....plz solve this.. [CODE] $sql="insert into customer (sizeindustry) values ('$sindustry') where (sno = '$sno')"; echo $sql; mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error()); [/CODE] $sql= insert into customer (sizeindustry) values ('Small') where (sno = '4') error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check …

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The End.