Hi all,
Although I have experience in other areas of IT and development, I'm very new to programming, so please excuse my obvious ignorance...
I need to allow the user to send an active form (entire filled in form with fields, not just the data) the user will access from a website to a hard line fax machine. This hard line fax requirement is generated by the lack of expertise in even basic internet/email usage on the receiving end. The form is currently an active Word form, but it looks like a PDF may be a better way to go. I don't know how to accomplish this task without VB macros. I will however, learn whatever is necessary to accomplish the task. The end user is not flexible about the appearance of the form however.
There are multiple users of various level of "expertise" but only one recipient with a very low level of expertise.
So, I have tested the Word form submittal via a command button. The email to fax function works, but the form was submitted with a VB script and macros had to be allowed by the user, so I expect this will not be acceptable. Also, this was limited by the user's email client and dependent upon the client. It really needs to be independent of the user client if at all possible.
It appears this may be doable with PHP. I'm running up on a deadline so any help is appreciated.
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance.