
I am having a one BLOB field in my table. I want to compare one BLOB value of one row with BOLB value of another row. I mean I want eliminate duplicate rows using the BLOB value. for this I want to write a tool using VB.Net can someone helps me HOW efficiently and fast I can do this.

Thanks in advance


id say the easiest way to check for duped blobs is to compare there hashes. so if you want it to be fast, add a hash column to the table, then generate like a md5 hash when you insert it.

Thanks for your message.

I am having large db like almost 50 crore records already with me, Do you want me to md5 hash on these or is there any other way to proceed to compare BLOB fields to find out dups in a efficient manner and fast to complete these as less time as possible.


id say the easiest way to check for duped blobs is to compare there hashes. so if you want it to be fast, add a hash column to the table, then generate like a md5 hash when you insert it.

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