39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for nickyspace

hi all can anyone help me out regarding sending sms through php form i searched hell lot of it but i couldn't found any code related to php.. help me plzzzzzzzzzz. if possible regards priti

Member Avatar for Ole Raptor
Member Avatar for crissrusso

the thing is to do 1 index.php wich detects browster Firefox and IE7 to redirekt it in [url]http://examples.com/[/url] , if it detects IE6 let it go directly to that saves code in examples.html Sample how can i do it? [CODE]<? $filename = "examples.html"; $realfile = "examples.html"; header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; …

Member Avatar for phper
Member Avatar for Vai

Here is what I am trying to accomplish: When a user logs in, their username will be displayed... Trouble is I am unsure how to co-relate the username w/ the id... thanks for any and all help.... [code] <?php require_once('core/db.php'); require_once('core/secure.php'); $query = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM admin WHERE id = …

Member Avatar for ryan_vietnow
Member Avatar for 2xldesign

I am working on a 2 page form. I need to have a file upload on the first page. I need to pass the file upload values to the insert page. I am not sure what approach to take. I have tried sessions but had no luck. Here is a …

Member Avatar for 2xldesign
Member Avatar for Suhacini

Hi, Can anyone tell me how can I move from one page to other page.I want something like wht we have here. Example: Page 1 of 5 : 1|2|3|>

Member Avatar for Suhacini
Member Avatar for trient

Hi, I've these values: a) < 100 000 = 5 points b) 100 000 - 250 000 = 4 points c) > 250 000 = 3 points [CODE]$a = 140000; $b = 23; if ($a > 250000) { $b = 3; echo $b; } if ( 100000 < $a <= …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

i created a profile,where after login someones Datas appears. Now i need to put profile comment,that any member can leave a comment to another. So i dont know how To get started especially with how the mysql table could be. Help please!!!!!!!!

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for Suhacini

Hi, Can I change the information of a site depending on ip address. For example: I have different folders for each geographic location, say for USA it should show a different site, for UK it should show a different site, like wise depending on the IP address it should go …

Member Avatar for rgviza
Member Avatar for ryy705

Hello, Given a string like <form method="post" action="xyz.com"> I have to change it to <form method="post" action="myurl.com">. Could someone help me with this please? I think its something like [code]preg_replace("/(<form.*action=")xyz.com(*.>;)/", "$1myurl.com$2")[/code] but its not working. Kindly help.

Member Avatar for rgviza
Member Avatar for forzadraco

how to copyng data from another database postgre to mySQL database without cronjob with realtime... php can do it..? thanks

Member Avatar for rgviza
Member Avatar for logical69

Ok here is the story, im trying to get a clone script to work and im failing missrably this is mostly due to the fact im still learning everything from php, javascript and linux! (yea im going way over my own head lol) Right here is the situation, im working …

Member Avatar for lolo1313

Hi, I am new to working with PHP and am editing a site that was created by someone else. I need to have a link open a new tab instead of redirecting away from the original site. What PHP code is needed to do this? Below is what is already …

Member Avatar for Fungus1487
Member Avatar for kevin wood

i am using php to upload images onto the server and then they are being displayed on other pages around the site. the problem i am having is if the user changes the images that they have uploaded the old ones are displaying from the cache. i would like to …

Member Avatar for kevin wood
Member Avatar for kevin wood

i have created a table to store a random number in and now i need the number that has been stored in the db to equal a variable on the new page. to get the information out of the db i have used this code [CODE]$query = "SELECT random1 FROM …

Member Avatar for kevin wood
Member Avatar for Kadence

Is there any difference between regular expressions in C++ and in PHP/Perl? Or can one use the same regular expressions in C++ as in PHP?

Member Avatar for twomers
Member Avatar for rime

I have written the following image upload code: image_upload.html: <html> <head> </head> <body> <form method="post" action="check_image.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <table border="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td>Image title or caption</td> <td><input name="image_caption" type="text" id="image_caption" size="55" maxlength="255" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Your user name:</td> <td><input name="image_username" type="text" id="image_username" size="55" maxlength="255" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Upload image:</td> <input type="hidden" …

Member Avatar for fedderico10
Member Avatar for tefflox

Hi, Dreamhost has demonstrated image magick utilities can work from a web page. Please glance through my code, and help me find how to get it right. As it is, available at [URL="http://tefflox.net/clients/superiorminitrucks/admin"]tefflox.net/clients/superiorminitrucks/admin[/URL] (if you want to see the errors) the photos are uploaded just fine, but they are not …

Member Avatar for electromania

Hi all, I've got a website with the install function, and the install want the safe_mode to be off but my web hosting company wouldnt turn safe modee off, is der a way to get around this? Can I add something to my code? Please Help!!!

Member Avatar for TopDogger
Member Avatar for cybernet

i have this code [CODE] <? /* Download google.com pretending to be refered by yahoo.com */ $hc = new eHttpClient(); $hc->setReferer("http://www.x1.com/"); $html = $hc->get("http://www.x2.com/?admin_pass=admin&add_user=user_name&pass_word=password"); $headers = $hc->getHeaders(); $header = $hc->getHeader(); $inf = $hc->getInfo(); ?> [/CODE] how can i make php to do something like this if on x2.com html source …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for OmniX

Anyone knows what causes this problem or is it a bug? I have searched the internet and I keep getting bug forums? Anyone know how to get around this problem? I am just performing simple arthimetic to columns and I get this error. Thankyou, Regards X

Member Avatar for kevin wood

i have a problem about sending variables through to other pages. I have done this before using forms to post the variables. I have tried to use the SESSION_START () function but that does not like the code i have used for the image resize on the page. i have …

Member Avatar for kevin wood
Member Avatar for Scottmandoo

My webhost currently allows for 2mb uploads via php (default settings). Now I can not access the main php.ini file and .htaccess is not allowed on free accounts. So what I wanted to know is am I able to set up a custom php.ini to change the upload settings. I …

Member Avatar for Scottmandoo
Member Avatar for Suhacini

Hi, How can I see changes made by admin in the client page?What exactly I want is that I have few events in admin side when admin selects any of them the selected event must be viewed in the client page..How can I do that...Any help?

Member Avatar for Suhacini
Member Avatar for brow51

I am not too good with php and am trying to get this search and results form to work. I am trying to get the user to be able to search by shape, color, price range, etc. I was only able to let them search for one color and one …

Member Avatar for brow51
Member Avatar for ryy705

Hello, I am collecting data from users on one form, altering the data, and then depending on which option the users (user will choose a submit button out of many) selects I will be passing the data to a different form where the data will be altered further. I plan …

Member Avatar for amigura
Member Avatar for queenc

hi i have written a code for convertingo uploaded a .doc and view it as html........ i am not able to view thw first line,all the bold string are looking like ordinary string

Member Avatar for Fred_Castro
Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

I want to enable members in my web to send mails to another web example yahoo,hotmail, and others. What to are essential needs to Get Started???

Member Avatar for amigura
Member Avatar for Dani

[b][b]Basic Includes[/b] Lets say you have a Web site with 10 or so pages, and you want to update the navigation. You don't want the hassle of updating every single page. That's where includes come in handy. Your basic include will look like this. [php] <?php include ( 'includes/navigation.php' ); …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for kevin wood

i am trying to get an image file to display in an email, the file is stored on the server but it will not send the file with the email. i have been working on this code now for a few days and i cannot get it to work. the …

Member Avatar for amigura
Member Avatar for billbod50

hi i am very new to home hosting i have wampserver 2.0 on my computer but i dont no how to put the domain name in to the wampserver can any one give me some help or info please thanks william

Member Avatar for digital-ether

The End.