39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for charvie

does anybody know how to do PAGING using PHP inside a table. you see, my page is divided into 2 (i used tables) the left side views the profile of a PATIENT(name,address...etc.) while on the right side of the table are dates when the patient received his/her check-up. Now, i …

Member Avatar for mrcniceguy
Member Avatar for ebabes

Is it possible to load two web pages at the same time without using a javascript? I want a pop up webpage to appear and I usually do it using javascript. But my problem is when a clients computer blocks a javascript, the page is unable to load. Is there …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ellabean

Hi everyone. I'm thiiis close to losing my wits over this. I'm working on carrying Session ID via the url (not secure, I know, but it's not meant to be) and I cannot for the life of me get this to work. This is a hangman script (pre-written by someone …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for OmniX

I use an array for the first time in a while loop without declaring it(as php does not need it) [code=syntax] $variable_array[] = $fetch_array['column']; [/code] As the while loop is repeating it increases the number of the array. Am I doing this right? Should I have before the loop some …

Member Avatar for OmniX
Member Avatar for mom_of_3

I have noticed that some people use public/ private for their vars and functions. I tried looking it up on php.net and then here, but only found one explanation of it on the C++ board. It says that if you declare private var then it is only accessible by that …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for SanMan121

Hi, I have a site and I want to put a forum on it. So, if I install phpbb3 for the forum, can I be able to change the layout as of my site. I have a vertical menu on the left on the site and so want to keep …

Member Avatar for blater
Member Avatar for rickarro

I'm trying to get this script to work and it is only giving me a blank white page, can someone take a look at it and see if you can tell whats wrong with it. [code] <?php // Show simple format of the records so person can choose the reference …

Member Avatar for rickarro
Member Avatar for kevin wood

is it possible to generate a random number and then use cookies to pass this number to other page? i cannot use session_start because it does not like my code for resizing the images that are uploaded and i cannot use get as the page the the random number is …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for bintang

Hi, straight to the pint, i am a newbie in php. and would anyone like to help me about the code of change password after i login. Please, i am waiting for your answer, thanks a lot

Member Avatar for Will Gresham
Member Avatar for Papa Awortwe

How do i store images on a mysql server and preview on a webpage using PHP. or how do i preview images using PHP on webpages.

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for jino

Hi all, I want to insert multiple records into a table using one query. And my query is INSERT INTO table2(id,message) SELECT id FROM table1 WHERE condn,'hello' but it displays an error.... Can you help me? Thanx in advance.... jino

Member Avatar for mike.prinsloo
Member Avatar for jinx_uk_98

Hi guys, Bit of n00b here but do have some HTML experience. Anyway I'm working on a small project at the moment where I require the user to enter the details of a varying number of people. How can I create input boxes on the fly? so that the user …

Member Avatar for jinx_uk_98
Member Avatar for narutosan_22

I want to know when the monitor of the user is off so that I can play a sound instead of making an alert. I know you can help :) Thanks.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for flashyflashy

I have 3 pages a.php ,b.php and c.php .How can I use the variable of b.php in c.php [B]a.php[/B] [ICODE]<script type="text/javascript"> var width; width = screen.width; if (width > 0) { location.href = "b.php?width=" + width; } else exit(); </script>[/ICODE] [B]b.php[/B] [ICODE]<?php if($_GET['width']) { public $screen_width; $screen_width=$_GET['width']; } else { …

Member Avatar for flashyflashy
Member Avatar for Borderline

The following code given to me in another forum, as a "simple photo gallery" code, but I'm still experiencing problems with it. I don't know how to make the two pages interact correctly. I am assuming the [REF] etc sections are causing the problems, but I don't know what they …

Member Avatar for Borderline
Member Avatar for anandbabukumar

hello friends, im a php developer, am buliding a online memorial site.where the customers will register their Date of birth in a registration form .it will probe through mysql db.and i hav to send a mail for their birthday wishes in forcoming years automatically from php scripts..is it possibel.. give …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for almualim

hi friends, i want to display data from mySQL database, and iam using two drop down list, displaying data in second drop down list depending on the selecting from first drop down list, for example: first drop down list contains states, and second drop down list contains cities.

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for OmniX

Pretty simple, just dont know how to find the solution XS. I have a combo box, that once u select the required attribute (A, B, C). It should display the apporiate text of A, B, C below it. So any ideas? Thanks, Regards X

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for Tess James

I am using IMG tag to display the graph. In the file(containing the graph code), I check some conditions and if true, then graph is displayed. Otherwise I need to display a warning(using echo). When this IMG tag is used, it is not displayed (obviously). So,is there any way to …

Member Avatar for davidwes

[B]The problem:[/B] I made a script that every minute - it restarts a program if it is told to in a mySQL database as well as if the program is not responding. I created it without a problem; it worked in the terminal, PHP and so on. Then why won't …

Member Avatar for davidwes
Member Avatar for mom_of_3

I have a question about using define(). I am using this function for other constants across my script ,but am looking at developing a set of language files. For example I was thinking of having one eng_defined.php and one fr_defined.php each containing the same named constants but the output would …

Member Avatar for mom_of_3
Member Avatar for antwan1986

Hi everyone and thanks for reading! I have a MySQL database with a table called "lessons". Inside lessons there are about six or seven fields holding information about piano lessons. The table looks like this: [CODE]vid int(10) (Primary Key) title varchar(50) date date teaser varchar(500) description varchar(2000) vurl varchar(50) extra …

Member Avatar for antwan1986
Member Avatar for kevin wood

i have created a website where the user is able to upload images and then they are displayed on and email which is then sent out to the people of there choice. the problem i am getting is that the images are being cached and then the new images are …

Member Avatar for kevin wood
Member Avatar for vganeshvenu

Hi All, Can any body help me out how to pass an array values from php file to mysql stored procedures as parameter list and how to use the array inside the stored procedure. Please help me out to solve this problem. Thank you.

Member Avatar for Tess James

i need to have a hyperlink on the page having the graph code which, when clicked takes me to another page.. what should i do..please help.... thanks in advance.. :)

Member Avatar for WCSO-IT

Hello all, I have been working on a simple web app but have run into a small problem. I am still fairly new to php and have found nothing on this topic searching google. I have a getimage.php page that fetches an image from a SQL Server Express 2005 database. …

Member Avatar for WCSO-IT
Member Avatar for webguru07

I know this question has come up before and i've researched headers and i know that you can't output anything to the browser then change the headers, so my question is, is there a way to redirect with PHP inside a HTML document?

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for anisa

An entire real and full web-application is to be delivered on Monday for the school project :scared: . The problem is that since me and my team are quite new to doing real big things we are quite at the beginning point. I believe i need an overview of all …

Member Avatar for CBnewbie

OK, I'm new to PHP, and working with someone else's code. Kinda got thrust into this. I keep getting these two errors everytime someone tries use a online application page: PHP Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in F:\home\admissions\application\appadmin\dataset.php on line 27 PHP Warning: mysql_free_result(): …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for scorpionz

Hi this is scorpionz Any response will be appreciated with great interest, can anyone have an idea regarding image upload through PHP+Ajax, i m using mysql as a db. Like the Process i want to do is that: I have create a field of image_name in DB table and just …

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine

The End.