39,388 Topics
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Hi all i new to MySQL and currenlty now is trying to do a database and upload it up to PHPMyadmin so that the page im am creating can use it but im facing a big problem here Error SQL query: # # Database structure for database 'database name' # … | |
hi can anybody help me i need to get the data from db through php script my code is : <?php $con=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("poll",$con); echo "DB SELECTED<br>"; $result=mysql_query("select question from pollquestions",$con); echo "QUERY EXECUTED<br>"; echo $result ; echo "<br>DATA DISPLAYED<br>"; mysql_close($con); … ![]() | |
I currently run your typical city guide web page and for this entire post i am going to use my artsandculture page with in this page i have sub pages of museums,wine,galleries when a user clicks on museums there is a list of all the museums in html format and … ![]() | |
I am looking for a set of buttons (CODE) for making a NAV set for php and mysql, I need next prev top bottom along with edit add delete reset, any one know of a good starting place to look at least? I would like for it to be working … | |
Hi, Wishes. I need a page with two frames or something. say questions list is in one and in another is for listing questions added by the user for a paper exam. Each frame should have checkbox which is selected across each options and when the move button is clicked … | |
Hello all...I am in a rut, confused. I have created an html/php web form it works fine, the user enters the info and submits it to a confirmation page and then when the user clicks ok I need for the information to be sent to 2 email address' one it … | |
Hi all, I'm having just a slight problem in that I have recently installed the PEAR unit, however when ever i try to use either; fetchRow() getRow() I get the following error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function fetchRow() or Fatal error: Call to undefined function getRow() I assuming this … | |
Good Morning, I'm trying to learn php, I was wondering if their is anyway I could practice the server side script on my windows xp home computer? I have a website that is on a linux server. I'm sure this has been asked many times, I tried looking, but could … | |
FPDF error: Some data has already been output, can't send PDF file. how can i solve it | |
Hi, please i want ot know more about PHP, i'm inexperience. Can anybody put me through? lets use email for better relationship. | |
iam new in php but i am trying to do my first project maby it is small for some of you but it is big step for me : iam trying to build advrtising magzine with articals i have to join both of theme in one page the artical and … | |
hi Ive created a simple shopping cart using arrays and a cookie. The cookie is used to store the number of orders that have been made yet, extracting that value from the cookie and using it in a loop should display all the products quantity, price and total cost...BUT THAT … | |
how can i verify the validity with the php pregmatch function. The string starts with a year, then a dash, followed by between 1-3 numbers, another dash,then betweek 1-5 letters, another dash, thenmore letters between 1-10, another dash and finally between 1-3 letters for example:[code]2007-03-DPE-MSK-001[/code]thanks | |
hi please give me some advice i have a registrar system that used for a small colleges and schools.the system now works fine but i want to enter the student grade authomatically by scanning method anyone would give me some advice or help i will appreciet it. thankes very much | |
My first PHP-MySQL project is to build a very simple web based index for archive issues of a small independently published journal. One problem that I'm struggling with involves the detailed display for a single article for a single issue of the journal (a page that the user reaches by … | |
Hi, I am new for PHP and MySQL, plz guide me for beginning, tnx Samad | |
Hey Does anyone knows how do I replace a " (double quote) in a string with nothing I tried the following but does not work [CODE]$message = str_replace(""","",$_REQUEST['txtMessage']); or $message = str_replace("""","",$_REQUEST['txtMessage']); or $message = str_replace("\"","",$_REQUEST['txtMessage']);[/CODE] Plz help Thanx ![]() | |
Hello, Anyone can suggest how put a contact form on my site or can you please recommend me a php script or some free form builder? | |
could anyone please be kind and help me with source code of a working pagination php script.thanks alot.. | |
I am trying to access an ftp server and read an XML file that I can then parse and write certain information to a database. I attempted to read the XML using Magpie but get an (HTTP Error: Invalid protocol "ftp") error when I attempt to connect to the server. … | |
well ive been doing some work with object oriented php and came across a question i couldnt answer. can you create a list i.e. similiar to a linkedlist in java or the like in php ? | |
Hello, I am working off my development machine (my home pc) and I just loaded the php-sdkfolder in my root directory and than ran php-sdk/install.php and got this message. INSTALLATION ERROR: One or more required PHP extensions is missing: openssl I am not sure where to look for a fix. … | |
Hi everyone I know that some people at this site getting nervous about program request or code request for any reason but i have to did it to friday.I have no php knowledge except making php forum with macromedia dreamviewer .I have to write or find a php code that … | |
Hello everyone! I have generated a txt file from the billing system. My problem is, whenever the transaction is cancelled the newly written data in the txt file must be erase. Is there a function that erases the content of the txtfile generated from the system? I have tried getting … | |
Hello everyone! I have a problem having loops in Php. The process is, it will take all the records in the database table through looping based on the date specified. For example the billing period is from February 01, 2007 to February 28, 2007. It will take all the records … | |
Hi guys, well as the thread title says, i've made a search engine for a property site that uses a form to specify what to search (ie. property status, type, location, bedrooms, price). And outputs as a table. The problem is i don't know how to make the function return … | |
hello. i would like to know how i can use the message box ok/cancel to confirm the delete os data in the database. as javascript is clientside and php in server side hw i can do it? how i can send it to php undestand that is to del the … | |
Good Morning, I'm starting to implement simple php into my website, basically for information redesign purposes, and I am very new to php, like out of the birth canal new. Ive created some php files that contain html and I redirect them with the simple include command. I was just … | |
hi, i had a problem with my cart values, i am doing like this choose product and select the value of quantity and then clickic the submit button of add to cart as: it goes as : [url]http://localhost/PPP_Cart/scart.php?quantity=7&pd=3[/url] i am using the following as: [code=php] <?php if (@$pd) { $cart[$pd]=$quantity; … | |
Hi, i want to create a website has a feature that when everyone has a Yahoo IM (login already) comes to my website, this feature know that and show their avatar in location i named it. How can i do to make it come true? plz help me. Thank you … |
The End.