39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for elanorejoseph

as we go inside a category the link shoul apear on the view page any one help.... i have done this much so far [code=php]<?php include("connectivity.php"); $parentid=$_REQUEST['parentid']; if(!$parentid) { $parentid=0; } $a=$_REQUEST['a']; if(!$a) { $a=0; } $qry=mysql_query("select * from category where iparentid='$parentid' limit $a,4"); $qrynum=mysql_query("select * from category where iparentid='$parentid'"); …

Member Avatar for OmniX
Member Avatar for jcanaway

can anybody point me in the right diction where i can download packages with U.S.A. zip codes for every city and towns to every state and also includes the latitude and longitude of each town and city

Member Avatar for jcanaway
Member Avatar for OmniX

I assuming it is unefficent to upload and stream a video with php. So this is a 2 part question (1. using php to upload the contents, 2. using php? flash? etc? to convert and play the video file). 1. How would I upload a video file? - Like a …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for concept22

Hi, Im pulling out what little hair i have left, and am beginning to remember why i did not become a developer professionally. but you guys rock. I have a website i'm working on example: [url]http://www.example.com[/url], I have a go daddy turbo SSL certificate installed and it is working properly …

Member Avatar for concept22
Member Avatar for blindkilla

Well i have script that inserts text a user submits into a database. I want to add a section that lets other users view the text submitted but others in a sort of paged gallery. Im completely stumped on how to make paged content. For example, it goes into the …

Member Avatar for Imagn
Member Avatar for Sanit

I am having a problem with some of this code: [code=php]<?php $q = "SELECT * FROM entries"; $r = mysql_query($q); if(mysql_num_rows($r)>0): while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)): $net_vote = $row['votes_up'] - $row['votes_down']; $row_id = $row['id']; ?> <div class='entry'> <span class='link'> <a href='<?php echo $row['link']; ?>'> <?php echo $row['title']; ?> </a> </span> <span class='votes_count' …

Member Avatar for Sanit
Member Avatar for 7gakki

Hi, anyone know how to update status in myspace and linkedin via PHP API? Is that possible?

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for Aamit

hi, [code] $array = array("amit", "hello", "amit", "world", "hello"); print_r(array_count_values($array)); [/code] out put Array ( [amit] => 2 [hello] => 2 [world] => 1 ) i want to find the index of amit i.e amit -> 0 and 2 hello -> 1 and 4 world -> 3 How to do …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for johny321

can anybody send me latest video tutorials of php & photoimpact.

Member Avatar for cool_gurl666

Hi, I need to display the countdown clock in my bidding site.The same countdown needs to be displayed when any user visits the site.Help?? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for coolvaneegurl

Hi, I am having a parse error with the codes below but my eyes just cant seem to find anything wrong. Hope somebody out there can help me. [CODE]<html> <head> <title>Using mysql_num_rows()</title> </head> <body> <?php $user = ""; $pass = ""; $db = ""; $link = mysql_connect( "localhost", $user, $pass …

Member Avatar for navi17
Member Avatar for nish123

hello friendz.. jst a small query.. i made simple userinput form as userform.php.... after submit the form..values are passed to adduser.php for inserting to database... i have a serverside validation tht username cant be same...!! [code]if(username is laready exist) { [B]header('location:userform.php?error=1');[/B]//user send back to userinput form.. } else { [B]header('location:login.php');[/B]//user …

Member Avatar for nish123
Member Avatar for nish123

i have some data in an Array but i want only a particular part of it..!! how can i get it.. for Example... [code]Array ( [0] => status=1&messages=xxxxxxxxx&credit=23.4; ) [/code] i just want to get status = 1 how can i get it..?? help me out...!! :(

Member Avatar for nish123
Member Avatar for UQ13A

Hi i'm currently having problems with my code. When i submit the form with the CAPTCHA Code submited it sends the email, but when i dont enter the code it still submits the form. Can you tell me what i'm doing wrong. thanks [code]<?php session_start(); ?> <form action="contact.php" method="post"> <?php …

Member Avatar for UQ13A
Member Avatar for moiseszaragoza

Thanks This is what i have [code=php]<?php function msort($array, $id="order") { echo($array); $temp_array = array(); while(count($array)>0) { $lowest_id = 0; $index=0; foreach ($array as $item) { if (isset($item[$id]) && $array[$lowest_id][$id]) { if ($item[$id]<$array[$lowest_id][$id]) { $lowest_id = $index; } } $index++; } $temp_array[] = $array[$lowest_id]; $array = array_merge(array_slice($array, 0,$lowest_id), array_slice($array, $lowest_id+1)); …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for retareed

I have a PHP script which checks and gets data from a MySQL database and then sends email. The emails received have one line of gibberish at the end: "...If you have received a renewal notice from the license/certificate issuer, please forward it to {snipped}. If you are due for …

Member Avatar for retareed
Member Avatar for Namibnat

I have been working on a site for a while now, and finally wanted to load it up to the server. I have been working on my own computer with xampplite. Everything was working just fine. When I uploaded it, after a few little things to resolve, I got most …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I'm learning OOP and I'm having a bit of trouble grasping the concepts. I'm trying to code a class that will connect to a database and have a function that will insert data into a table no matter how complex the insert is. For instance: Insert 1: INSERT …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for csharplearner

Hi I trying to implement pagination using LIMIT in MySQL. My problem is it works good for the first 3 results only and for later results it shows error saying [COLOR="Red"]check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIMIT 3, 3' …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for navi17
Member Avatar for navi17
Member Avatar for sanjaypandit

hello sir, i want one of the following, 1. i upload a excel file on server then i will display of its contents using php in various tables as requirement or 2 if i upload a excel file using php then after uploading excel files, mysql table automaticly update according …

Member Avatar for sanjaypandit
Member Avatar for Aamit

Hi, I want to clear or delete old values of array [COLOR="Red"]I attached my database dump with this post[/COLOR] my code is [code] require_once('includes/DbConnector.php'); require_once('includes/Validator.php'); require_once('includes/CommonUtility.php'); $z=0; $duplicateFlag=false; $qury="SELECT orders.order_id,users.company,users.minorderamt,vendororder.vendid FROM orders LEFT JOIN vendororder ON vendororder.orderid=orders.order_id LEFT JOIN users ON users.user_id=vendororder.vendid WHERE orders.status='C' AND orders.order_id='368' ORDER BY vendororder.vendid"; $qryR1=$connector->query($qury); …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for shena

Hi, I need help for this problem that i'm trying to solve for a while (i'm new in PHP). How do i submit the value into database? Here's the code: [code]<form name="Form1" method="POST" action="checkbox.php"> <p><input type="checkbox" name="floor tile"> Floor Tiles</p> <p><input type="checkbox" name="polished tile"> Polished Tiles</p> <p><input type="checkbox" name="homogeneous tile"> …

Member Avatar for shena
Member Avatar for lauriedk

My program needs to select a username based on the criteria of the userid being 2. The database holds a table with fields userid and username. How do I access that table? The database is mysql.

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for Ddywalgi

Can anyone please help.I am trying to add values to a table from 2 dropdown lists which are dynamically poulated. I have managed to achieve it for one drop list but have added a second and cannot create the correct syntax to add both values to the table. [CODE=php] // …

Member Avatar for Ddywalgi
Member Avatar for elajam

I have a simple php script that I want to use with GET mysite.com/script.php?site=value&amp;plug=value site will be a domain name plug will be a URL It works if I only pass 1 value: mysite.com/script.php?site=value But it fails when using both values. Get forbidden error. here is the code [code=php]&lt;?php include("dbconnect.php"); …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hai I had a mysql table and columns like name, address, phone, id. I need to select only name of a specified id. Now i am using this code: $sel=mysql_query("SELECT * from profile where id='$id'")or die(mysql_error()); $row=mysql_fetch_array($sel); $name=$row['name']; Please let me know whether this is a correct way. If not …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for HelenLF

I have a page which displays images for products whose product IDs are stored in a database table. The images are named by the product IDs. I have constructed a basic CMS so that my client can upload product prices etc and she then uploads files using FTP software. The …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for menew

hello to all as i am new to this, all i wants to know that what is required to learn PHP. these days i am on JavaScript and know some basics of it and i have knowledge of HTML and CSS...but i don't want to continue JavaScript and wanted to …

Member Avatar for csharplearner
Member Avatar for Sanit

Hi guys, I have a bit of a problem here. I have dynamic URLs which are changed using mod_rewrite from 'example.php?id=204' to '/example/title-of-story-from-db/'. My problem is that I need to call a function through a link on either the example.php page or another separate page which uses information from the …


The End.