39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for knrakesh

Hello I require a solution please the problem is the user register for an event at the admin side the admin can accept or reject is registration for event if admin clicked on accept a mail has to go saying that the registration has accepted else no mail please help …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for HITMANOF44th

i want to import a file and then use the items in variables i have the file imported i also turn it into chunks with explode now i tried preg_replace to get rid of certain charaters i need to get rid of " character from the file then split it …

Member Avatar for HITMANOF44th
Member Avatar for virspy

Hello Friends, I got a problem iam working on a module called employers in that the company people can only give the username and we have to place the possiblity that employer cant able to modify the username and emailid can anyone please help me. Thanks

Member Avatar for quibbie
Member Avatar for geny

Hi, There is this website -> [url]http://www.openrouteservice.org/[/url] ,where on querying and using this url-> [url]http://data.giub.uni-bonn.de/openrouteservice/index.php?start=7.0892567,50.7265543&end=7.0986258,50.7323634&pref=Fastest&lang=de[/url] ! I get Route Summary with Route instructions.Now,I want to grab it.How is that possible using PHP? To explain bit more,I have till now,created the required URL using text boxes and concatenating values and tried …

Member Avatar for geny
Member Avatar for caige

but I NEED to learn. I am a graphic designer and I am working on my first website.... I must find a php/mysql picture uploader with contact form to place on my web page. I have tried many from this site but I think I am illiterate when it comes …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for okieoilman

I need to add commas to my data.. Somehow I'm missing the mark on getting this done... Currently out putting building info with: [icode]<td><?php echo $row_DetailRS1['BuildingSize']; ?> </td> [/icode] I've use some variations of [icode]number_format($number);[/icode] without results. Should be easy but I'm not getting the results. Oh, and yes I'm …

Member Avatar for okieoilman
Member Avatar for gptArun

hi all, pls reply, is there any multiple format video player which can be used in php. OR any other idea??? thanks, Arun

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Josh Connerty

Hey guys, Basicly my nephew has just been born and I need to put soem images on my site for my grand parents (the great grad parents) to see. I can upload smaller galleries and all is well but for some reason if I upload a larger archive, for example …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for lamiv007

Hello, [CODE]<?php ######################################################## # Login information for the SMS Gateway ######################################################## $ozeki_user = "0013246594464"; $ozeki_password = "password"; $ozeki_url = "https://sms.xxxxx.com/send_sms.php?"; ######################################################## # Functions used to send the SMS message ######################################################## function httpRequest($url){ $pattern = "/http...([0-9a-zA-Z-.]*).([0-9]*).(.*)/"; preg_match($pattern,$url,$args); $in = ""; $fp = fsockopen($args[1], $args[2], $errno, $errstr, 60); if (!$fp) { return("$errstr …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for sohoit

Hi, I have just inherited a website with an existing contact us form. however, it isn't doing what is should and I can't work out why. Does anyone know of a simple script with 4 fields (Name, Phone, Email and Comments) which I can simply insert into the existing contact …

Member Avatar for sohoit
Member Avatar for peter6960

Hey all I have a request i need to help implement We have this company who has 10 packages they need to distribute for download to 21 departments via the internet Eg. User1 logs in, then he clicks on accept, and then goes to a page that shows he can …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for worldthreat

I usually dont have a problem with simple CRUD work, but these queries in particular are boggling my mind. looking at it now, i may have an extra foreach... anyone have any ideas how i can properly execute this? the code populates a form based on each distinct "dealer_id" (user) …

Member Avatar for worldthreat
Member Avatar for wattle99

Hi Everyone I am working through a book called Dreamweaver PHP Web Development. It has a tutorial for creating a booking system for a hotel. The because went out of publication in 2002 and there isn't a errata on the Glasshaus site for it . When creating the search page …

Member Avatar for fello
Member Avatar for whizzykid

i have this code,but it only displays the name but doesnt display other rows frm my database.i am very new to loop and arrays. thanks [CODE]mysql_select_db($database_profiles, $profiles); $query_Recordset2 = "SELECT * FROM biodata"; $Recordset2 = mysql_query($query_Recordset2, $profiles) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset2)){ $row_Recordset2 = $row ['Name'][/CODE]

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for genieuk

Hi, me again, I have a textbox that users can enter a url of there website. I have default value at http:// so when page loads the text box alreay displays http:// I am not sure what i do in PHP to check to make sure that the url starts …

Member Avatar for rahul.anand77
Member Avatar for tanmoy_india

Hi.. I want to simply upload a image to database..it may be the whole image or just the path or a html link of any image...and display it in another page..via a table...my main problem is I cant fetch & display it from database...I read and try some prevoius pages..but …

Member Avatar for rahul.anand77
Member Avatar for Yookaroo

HI all, hoping someone can help me I created a scratch card game with a mix of PHP and Flash, with over 250 installs I have barely ever had a problem, and none that I couldnt solve, but now I have user who can't get it to run and it …

Member Avatar for Yookaroo
Member Avatar for kambohg

hi every 1 i want know some help about logic and concept of php i know php but i cant have good logic and concept plz have u any idea which will make me 100% in php caz main job depaend on it and i have no time and i …

Member Avatar for kambohg
Member Avatar for pabzzmike

Hello, i would like to be saving images from an online form to a mysql database. what is the php syntax

Member Avatar for rahul.anand77
Member Avatar for Cheif Druid

Hi all, Can anyone please help? I have a .php user registration page that was created with the help of one of the many tutorials which works fine for the purposes of accessing/logging into an Intranet site. The registration writes 2 fields to a MySQL database a username and an …

Member Avatar for rahul.anand77
Member Avatar for dash1983

Hi, This might be more appropriate in the PHP section, I'm not sure - still a newb. I have read this problem in other threads, but can't seem to make the solutions work for me. I have a table that shows the results of a query for either pat_id or …

Member Avatar for rahul.anand77
Member Avatar for zido85

hi, i want to ask if anybody knows : i have a combobox where the values are obtained from MySql database. i want the user to choose one of those value to edit its field. for example if the user choose X from the combobox iwant all fields related to …

Member Avatar for rahul.anand77
Member Avatar for caps_lock

Using php mail function allows a user of a wesbite to send email without opening up ther mail client, information such as subject message reply-to email address can be included. With this could I also add fileds to send things such as booking time date, telephone number etc? Can this …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for Barefootsanders

Hi all, I plan on desining a PHP driven site. I was wondering what people used in terms of a framework (or none at all). I've looked into ones such as Cake PHP but I'm just not sure whats out there and am looking for suggestions/comments. Any feedback/input would be …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for Edel_

I'm just starting out with PHP so I thought I'd do something simple. I modified an existing bit of code but it doesn't seem to work: [code] <?php $url = $_GET['DLURL']; // Fetch page $string = FetchPage($url); // Regex that extracts the urls from links $links_regex = '/<a[^/>]*'. 'href=["|']([^javascript:].*)["|']/Ui'; preg_match_all($links_regex, …

Member Avatar for Edel_
Member Avatar for cooterbrown

Hi all, Although I have experience in other areas of IT and development, I'm very new to programming, so please excuse my obvious ignorance... I need to allow the user to send an active form (entire filled in form with fields, not just the data) the user will access from …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for candidz

Hello, i want to start free lancing in PHP, please suggest me some platform(marketplac) except w w w . R e n t a c o d e r . c o m

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for kained

I am designing a website for someone at the moment and they want a preview of thier wordpress blog on thier home page(not blog home page) Is there a good way to do this automatically so that it updates itself whenever a new blog is posted or will it be …

Member Avatar for kained
Member Avatar for caige

I can make you one heck of an HTML, I can even put a beautiful contact form and picture uploader in the file, but when it comes to the challenge of adding the php script to make this file upload the file to my server I am not very good. …

Member Avatar for OmniX
Member Avatar for Arunjit

Hi everyone, i have been struggling with passing multiple url parameters for quite some time and would be extremely grateful to receive some advice and guidance! What i ultimately would like to achieve is to pass two parameters in the url, one being the name of a table from a …

Member Avatar for Arunjit

The End.