39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for gagan22

Hi all, I am making one application in which i need some PHP code . My means i want to upload an image that can be in .jpeg, .jpg or .gif format. That i want to upload from my system and after uploading that image and i want to show …

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Member Avatar for affee

i need to activate another script and pass 2 vars and have one returned. Have I got the syntax correct AND why does it not see the script? It is in the same directory as the php script. [code=php] $mysearch="cats"; $mytype = "zero"; passthru ("/home/bookie/testbed/perlSOAP.cgi?fieldvalue=$mysearch&fieldsearch=$mytype&" , $response); return $response; echo …

Member Avatar for affee
Member Avatar for Lhizzard

Hei, i need help with php code. So, I have a lots of pages - but it would be nicer to put them to ONE page, if this is possible with "_GET" and "IF" function.. and with "echo". Like when the page is "page.php?p=moderator" shows me moderators.. if this is …

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Member Avatar for raul66

Hi everybody, I want to join 3 tables and gain same data from these tables. 1.table: usr - user information usr_id 2.table: res- results res_usr_id res_exc_id res_result 3.table: exc- excercises exc_id exc_excercise_name Now I want print all results from one user and all excercises from one user.Can somebody help me?I …

Member Avatar for djjjozsi
Member Avatar for ouso

Hi gurus? I have problems with the search code. please help me to know why the code while($row=mysql_fetch_array($sql)) tells me that there is an invalid sql resource. please give other better search options.thanks

Member Avatar for djjjozsi
Member Avatar for shadow_kira
Member Avatar for djjjozsi
Member Avatar for Mandler

Hello, I have a simple HTML document that has a several DIVs... [code=html] <div id="17">Some content</div> <div id="2">Other content</div> <div id="23">And so on.</div>[/code] As you can see the IDs are not sequentially numbered because they're used by a JavaScript function that reads them and takes an appropriate action. That part …

Member Avatar for Baldy76
Member Avatar for m-hrt

i want this to be happen user can not go directly to the page i have step by step booking i dont want this to be happen user can enter direct page on address bar if a user do this it gives error how can i do this.... these are …

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Member Avatar for coolest_987

Hii Will anyone help me how to read website data in php. Please Help me i have been doing this for long time. Thanks for help

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for nigelburrell

I have a website using MySQL database. When I retrieve any user's email address from my user table and show (echo) it to the webpage it always appears as a link. How can I show user's email address as plain text? Thanks Nigel

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for gagan22

hi all, I have done one work in using multiple select box in which i am fetching value of select boxes from database. This all work i have done using ajax. Like when we select country form first select box then it will show state comes under country. But now …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for cp_almora

hi everybody actually i am new to zend framework. I know that i can return a value of a variable from a form to the controller. Can I also return a value from the controller to any form or any model? If this is possible then please tell me that …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for townders

I am learning php and reading Kevin Yanks book. I got to the first part of php - loaded up my page and immediately got: Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource blah blah I have checked the case in everything and they are all correct... …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for geny

[Urgent] Hi , I am trying to extract text from a website using file_get_contents('url'),no issues with that. Thing is that I am not getting expected output of it..And the reason I see is that ,if the url is generally opened,first home page flashes and while the page is still loading …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for arvindikchari

Hello, I want a simple Php script which does the following: (a) List all file names alphabetically such that the LAST 3 letters of the file name match with one of a few strings entered by the user at runtime For eg, two strings PDF and TXT are specified by …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for justted

Hello, I am really really stuck on a feature I am trying to do. I have a main page which contains an Iframe to a different script. I am trying to pass the username of the member to an iframe so that the script contained in the iframe can identify …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for MDGM

Hi guys, I have a simple registration form and have had trouble getting it to check if the username is already taken in the database. This is what I have at the moment: (the code i tried to use to make the check is about half way down) [CODE] <?php …

Member Avatar for allihoge
Member Avatar for uykusuz

Hello, I have a php script. there is user and admin sections. The information is displayed in the user side (displaying adding new article) when added from admin side. But when I add a new article and refresh page. it does not come but after 2-3 refreshes It comes. same …

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Member Avatar for Lee_Sonnenburg

I have a table that contains 144 records read in from a mysql database table. It's encapsulated in a div tag for the sole purpose of making the height fixed and scrollable. However, it seems that I can't place anything under the table. I wanted to put some contact information …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for rakeshkn123

Friends Good Afternoon, Friends i not used Wamp any time and now i am trying to use the wamp server iam getting the projects in the wamp but how to use mysql in that i am not getting can any one please help me in getting that iam not getting …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jacobus8

Hello all, I am brand new to PHP, MySQL and Apache but I have over 25 years of software development experience on other platforms and more than 15 years of client/server, object-oriented, GUI, and SQL back-end development experience, so I feel confident that I will be able to give back …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for gagan22

Hi All, I am making an application in PHP using ajax as i dicussed in my last forums about multiple select boxes . Now the problem is coming that my application is running well . Let me explain whole of this: Like i have made one application for country , …

Member Avatar for Baldy76
Member Avatar for cresults

ANY help is appreciated - I can't figure this stuff out and I'm not familiar with this end of things at all - not getting anywhere with the software developer on this one - I've been down for over a week! [B]This is now the error message on my site...[/B] …

Member Avatar for cresults
Member Avatar for cmaclennan

Hi guys, Im really hoping someone can shed some light and point me in the right direction, I have a form that works just fine but now im trying to make it so that the customer details section of the form can be automatically filled in by selecting from a …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for Makoshark55

Hello I am trying to run an exit survey when people leave my website. I really have no Idea how to got about it, so I have been piecing together PHP code and HTML. Hear is what I got so far. [CODE]<p>Thank you for visiting Niland's Place Campsite today. I …

Member Avatar for Makoshark55
Member Avatar for mjdiaz89

Hello DaniWeb users! Thank you for your time and interest in helping me out: I have a real quick question: I have a combobox: [CODE]<select name="bMinute" style="background-color:#000000; color:#FFFFFF"onChange="document.myform.formVar.value=this.value"> <option value="zero" selected>0</option> <option value="ten">10</option> <option value="twenty">20</option> <option value="thirty">30</option> <option value="forty">40</option> <option value="fifty">50</option> </select>[/CODE] How do I load the value chosen by …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for VernonDozier

I'm experimenting around with Server Side Includes. I have them working fine using a .html extension. Trial.html file is below: [code=HTML] <html> <body> <!--#include virtual="HelloWorld.html" --> </body> </html> [/code] The .htaccess file looks like this: [code] AddHandler server-parsed .shtml .html .htm Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes [/code] HelloWorld.html is just a …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for antwan1986

Hi all, hopefully my question is simple as I'm fairly new to OOP coding. I've found an RSS Parser on the internet (which is open source and I can adapt it to however I please yada yada). I want to hide certain variables. [CODE] <?php # RSSParser ## Using the …

Member Avatar for antwan1986
Member Avatar for KevT

Ok..here's a challenge (maybe not if you're really good I guess) for you PHP/MySQL gurus out there (may need javascript perhaps?) If you can point me to a solution that exists for this, that would be good. If you can implement one, I'd love to learn from it, tweak it, …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Edel_

I'm not really well versed in web development techniques so I'm not sure if I'm describing it properly. What I'd like to do is to be able to remotely access the content of a page that don't immediately appear when the page loads and don't show up on the page's …

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The End.