39,388 Topics
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On my website, users have the ability to post comments. Comments get inserted into my mysql database as plain text. When displaying the comments back, I am trying to use the php nl2br() function to allow it to display line breaks as <br /> tags, but it doesn't work. I've … | |
I create a three file attachment on the index i name it file attach,file attach2,file attach3 When i wan to upload it only upload one can some one help below is the code. [code=php]$fileatt = $_FILES['fileatt']['tmp_name']; $fileatt_type = $_FILES['fileatt']['type']; $fileatt_name = $_FILES['fileatt']['name']; $fileatt2 = $_FILES['fileatt2']['tmp_name']; $fileatt2_type = $_FILES['fileatt2']['type']; $fileatt2_name = … | |
Can anyone help me with the code why it is wrong . What Should i need to do to correct. Thank for your help . Pls help me [code=php]if (is_uploaded_file($fileatt3)) { $file = fopen($fileatt3,'rb'); $data = fread($file,filesize($fileatt3)); fclose($file); $semi_rand = md5(time()); $mime_boundary = "==Multipart_Boundary_x{$semi_rand}x"; $data = chunk_split(base64_encode($data)); $body .= "--{$mime_boundary}\n" … ![]() | |
I wan to the system to field up the ip address automatic then send it into the body message but it out error can help me about this [code=php]$fields{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}="IP Address"; $body = "Here is the following detail:\n\n"; foreach($fields as $a => $b){ $body .= sprintf("%20s: %s\n",$b,$_REQUEST[$a]); }[/code] Notice: Undefined index: … | |
I have no idea where to start. I have a website which sells products via a shopping cart - when someone places an order I want to have the order automatically printed in the despatch area. | |
I have what is probably a basic question, but am new to web development, so don't really know where to look for an answer. Any help is greatly appreciated as I have brick-walled on this one. I have a database of events that are organized by grandparent-parent-event_name structure. So Grandparent … | |
Hello all, Just wanted to see if I am leaving open some security hole in a script I have! When the user logs in it creates a session based on the id field of the users table! For example .... my id is 10 so a session is created with … | |
I'm developing a program in PHP. I'm still a beginner in PHP thus said I may ask some questions that may seem basic. How would you go around compressing PHP into a downloadable file for redistribution. | |
i just want to ask if the PHP is the best in creating online information system.. if not.. can you tell me what programming language i will use? thanks you very much for helping! | |
Can someone help me see what is wrong with this? I have pasted lines 218 to 237 below (the syntax error is on line 237): [code=php] function add_hook($definition) { if (!is_array($definition)) { $definition = array('__global', $definition); } $this->hooks[$definition[0]][$definition[1]] = array(); } /** * Remove function from the allowed hooks. * … | |
In a php script I'm using the Registration page only had fields for name and email address, basically. I added fields, just by copying the code on the page. I added Address1, Address2, City and State. Then I added those fields to the mysql db. However, I need help with … | |
Can anyone tell me is i want to post the $to with the select box how to do it i write the code [code=php]$to= $_POST['to']; if($to == ''1") {POST "address 1";} else { $to=="0" {POST "address 2"}}[/code] Then i mail will post to email address 1 or 0. But the … | |
Hello, as you all already know from my previous question I'm new in PHP(by the way,thanks again for the previous help), I am trying to build a simple "walking" program,so I'll have "forwards", "backeards","right" and "left" buttons and when I click on one of them the picture on the page … | |
Hi , I am a new in using codeigniter.I want to use a single show_404 page for both admin and user side.But in different way.i.e.if user try to change anything in URL he should be redirected to custom 404 page.this is not required in admin side.So how to differentiate between … | |
This is my first PHP script, so please excuse my clumsiness. I have a HTML page which consists of a form and a PHP page which deals with the variables that are outputted. The HTML page functions as a small box that asks to input an email account/password, and the … | |
Hi, I am lookiing for information as to what people are doing with PHP: Are you using just php in your work? Are you using a templating system like Smarty? Are you learning php? Do you find any of the books teaching php any good? Which one(s)? When an author … | |
Hi Everyone, I using EasyPHP now i find out it work every thing in my pc but when i open my things on other pc using the intranet i cant be display it Someone tell me why this happen? i already set the httpd.conf already but still can not. If … | |
Hi to all I have designed a entry page which is used to INSERT Data in a Daatabse table. I use meta fresh tag time =60seconds Now I want to show that in another page with 2 control buttons ACCEPT and REJECT. Problems: 1. I need to show only one … | |
Ive got the email program itself working fine. It interacts with a database to get the "subscriber list" as the people it sends it too. My problem now is i need to fix it to be able to send .pdf files. I have found a couple of scripts that work … | |
Hi, I am testing a PHP web site offline using XAMPP server application. The website runs great, but the only problem is that the .css is not running. The odd thing is that if I am online and I test the website locally the .css file works, but if I … | |
Hi PHP community. I have a PHP script on Linux (CentOS 5.2) which produces a "failed to open stream: No such file or directory" which I am out of ideas on how to solve. I am on the verge of reverting to Perl. The line generating the code is: [icode]$fh2 … | |
![]() | Hi folks, first of all sorry to say I ain't got any sample code and couldn't find anything obvious from Google and searching forums. Anyone got any ideas about integrating Joomla (latest version) session handling with a bog standard session_start/$_SESSION['user'] (etc) custom pages. Here's the explanation: I wrote a site … |
here is my code with problems: [code=php]$url = 'somesite/somepage'; $str = file_get_contents($url); preg_match('/\w(\d*).*?\$/',$str,$matches); print_r($matches[0]);[/code] the goal is to type in any webpage and get its source code into $str and then find the first appearance of the symbol $ in the string and return only the number closest to that … | |
hi, does anyone know a secure way to login to another page with username and password. i found numerous on google but i don't know which one is good. if anyone has any good source codes please help. | |
Hi all. I am just beginning with PHP and I'm having some trouble installing PHP5 with Apache 1.3.29. Both finally seem to be installed and running after some tweaking of the httpd.conf file AddModule comand. However when I run a php file in my browser (IE) I get a message … | |
Hi, There is this link -> [url]http://data.giub.uni-bonn.de/openrouteservice/php/DetermineRoute_rajan.php?Start=7.0892567,50.7265543&Via=&End=7.0986258,50.7323634&lang=en&distunit=YD&routepref=Fastest&avoidAreas=&useTMC=false&noMotorways=false&noTollways=false&instructions=true[/url] ! where I need to extract text, perhaps -> <xls:Instruction>[B]Drive half left on Kaiserstraße[/B]</xls:Instruction> <xls:distance value="[B]284[/B]" uom="YD"/> (bold text). On using something like this : [code] $url="url_just_shown_above"; $output = file_get_contents($url); $xml = simplexml_load_string($output); echo $xml->xls:RouteInstruction->xls:Instruction."<br />"; [/code] I am getting error -> Parse … | |
hello. i have a page where if you don't select an option an alert message is displayed(i'm using javascript and php). when the user clicks 'ok' the parent page is refreshed. i don't want this(the refreshing). can anyone tell me what to do? | |
I a newbie on using the phpmailer. Correct me if i wrong. I create a html index page that a submit form. When i fill up the detail on the form press send it will send mail to my email account using phpmailer function. Question why i cant recieve the … | |
I have 2 mysql tables companies and owner. 1 company can have multiple owners. So far I can insert the company and one owner just fine. But I am having a hard time inserting more owners on the same company. I don't fully understand how to get my value out … | |
Hi experts, I'm extreme beginner in PHP.My problem is that,i've an html page and there's combobox on it,I want to load the form according to the selection of items. The html page is [code=html] <form action="search.php" method="post"> <select name="option" size="1"> <option value="1">value1</option> <option value="2">value2</option> <option value="3">value3</option> <option value="4">value4</option> </select> <input … |
The End.