39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for navi17

can anyone tell me difference between scripting type language and any other language? thanks in advance

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for tanmoy_india

anyone can give me code for a php hit counter for my website...that will count every user's click...plzz give with database & code...

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for ROTC89

ok so i am trying to fill a 2d array with random numbers and find the max size in each row. i don't know what is wrong with my code. here is the code [code=php] <html> <body> <title>Assign 2</title> </head> </body> <hr/><p/> <?php $arr=array(); $max_row=array(); function find_max_row() { global $max_row; …

Member Avatar for ROTC89
Member Avatar for nphoops

Hey all, I've found a lot of good help here on Daniweb, but this is my first post :) Here's my situation: I have a form that has 2 select boxes with multiple options. For the First dropdown, I have assigned IDs to each option (1,2,3,etc) For the Second dropdown, …

Member Avatar for djjjozsi
Member Avatar for jcanaway

alright i am working on jQuery - UI Sortable Portlets and im trying to pass serialize on to the php so i can update my database with each displays column, and position so it will save for my users i have what I've done so far below if anyone know …

Member Avatar for jcanaway
Member Avatar for Lhizzard

Hei again.. new problem. I would like to add "updating" stuff for this picture moderating. Like if there show.php?id=(numberofpic) then it opens show.php page, where is possible to moderate(over moderate)... I try, but I dont figure it out. As like I want to add this field, who have moderated this …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Josh Connerty

Hey guys, I have a new server :P I am currently configuring it and I ahve come across an issue. The issue being that PHP 5 does not support MySql from standard. I have managed to resolve an issue with the installation of PHP on IIS BUT I am strugling …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for liferentsus

I have this feed of classifieds that I need to convert to an .xml doc. I explode each string into an array (separated by a "|"). Everything work just fine except the string cuts off if there are any line breaks in the 5th section and everything after the break …

Member Avatar for liferentsus
Member Avatar for servis

i am getting the list of values from databas table, some values are null, i want to show the values, which are not null. example is as follow, [ICODE] //sql query while ($row =mysql_query($result)) { $carBrand =$row['brandName']; $carMod = $row['model']; $carModYear =$row['modYear']; $regCity =$row['regCity']; $demand =$row['demand']; //some of them are …

Member Avatar for djjjozsi
Member Avatar for HITMANOF44th

i am working on a script that uses a counter in order to display some things from a data base now when i submitt from one of the two form buttons it always returns the last variables that would have been in the index and i am trying to get …

Member Avatar for HITMANOF44th
Member Avatar for ace_dman

Does PHP Frameworks like CodeIgniter, helps a lot in buidling a websites?How? and the second question is Do I need to really a have depth understanding of OOP in PHP, so I can easily program in some php frameworks? and last is can a jQuery/AJAX work with the CodeIgniter?How?

Member Avatar for SteveREP
Member Avatar for dmotah

hi guyz im using phpmailer to send mails but into the message variable i cannot add an activation link? the link is send but is not hyperlinnked in any mails(hotmail,gmail etc) here is my code: [CODE]$mail = new PHPMailer(); //$body = $mail->getFile('contents.html'); //$body = eregi_replace("[\]",'',$body); $body = "Welcome $surname, $name …

Member Avatar for spiriad

Hello there, Is there any good online web based code (text) editor with syntax highlighting for different languages (C,C++,PHP, etc) and auto-completion .Or, with at least one of that options (better if both, especially auto-completion)? Seems that the results from gooogle aren't helping me so much. Thanks

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for dpatz

Hi, I know this is really easy to do because I did it before I just can't seem to find how... I'm using Joomla and I would like to pass a variable from an address line like [url]http://develop.acieap.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=60&Itemid=51[/url] I would want to get id and Itemid and just pass it …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for fightingwolf

Hi I'm new to php. I've been able to connect a flash project to a mysql database via amfphp. What i'd like to know is how can I filter out only one row from a table. This is the script I'm using: [code=php]<?php class CallWP { public function __construct() { …

Member Avatar for waelaltaqi

Hello All, PHP newbie here ... I have the following code working to retrive the last 50 records from a reservation database: [CODE=php] <?php /* Databasae Variables */ $username="user"; $password="pass"; $database="db"; /* Database Connection */ mysql_connect("",$username,$password); mysql_select_db($database) or die ('Unable to select database'); /* Select last 50 records */ $query …

Member Avatar for nikesh.yadav
Member Avatar for nish123

[B]is it possible to have Postback method on page Refresh.?? (Hold the values of a form on page refresh..!!) I have Two Columns for Example: Items | Price item1 | textbox(in which we fill price) item2 | textbox(in which we fill price) item3 | textbox(in which we fill price) Add …

Member Avatar for OmniX
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

this code isnt workin: [CODE]$newer = mysql_query("DELETE FROM messages WHERE id = '$rawr', user = '$rew', read = '$roll'"); [/CODE] this code works: [CODE]$newer = mysql_query("DELETE FROM messages WHERE id = '$rawr' AND user = '$rew'");[/CODE] the variable is the same that is included in the first, so its not …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for tiger86

Hi; I have been studying PHP and I'm coding it. I ran into an odd problem but I'm sure it is a newbie error. Whenever I run my php script on xampp I get parsing error line 103. I go to my code and the closing html tag is at …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for beertje

I have created a Flash CS4 survey form that uses a borrowed PHP3 form. I borrowed it since I have no PHP programming knowledge. The problem is that I am either missing something or doing something wrong with the PHP script. The Flash file works fine. I will be happy …

Member Avatar for beertje
Member Avatar for iversia

[code] <?php require("config.php"); if(isset($_GET['id']) == TRUE) { if(is_numeric($_GET['id']) == FALSE) { $error = 1; } if($error == 1) { header("Location: " . $config_basedir); } else { $validtopic = $_GET['id']; } } else { header("Location: " . $config_basedir); } require("header.php"); $topicsql = "SELECT topics.subject, topics.forum_id, forums.name FROM topics, forums WHERE topics.forum_id …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for Plyswthsqurles

Hey guys/gals, I literally just started teaching myself MySQL today and have started to write a email list script for mass emails. Ive got the adding emails and sending mail scripts working but i cannot figure out for the life of me what is wrong with the deleting script. I …

Member Avatar for Plyswthsqurles
Member Avatar for coolest_987

hii Everybody Please help me to solve below problem i have been doing this for three days. Warning: main(includes/languages/.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\www\cool\includes\application_top.php Any help will be deeply appreciated.

Member Avatar for nimitz1061
Member Avatar for bimaljr

Hi I have a website that controlled by an Admin section which I created before. Menu structure and articles are controlled by this Admin section by saving setting in DataBase. The frontend website is getting data from DataBase. Now my website urls are not SEF so I want to convert …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for jyotiu

Hi all I am adding a field to content type 'blog' in drupal 5.x but i can see only one field type and that is image in it. what is wrong? please see the screen shot of the page attached. see this article which tells how to add a field …

Member Avatar for dorien
Member Avatar for servis

i have four checkboxes, user have option to select all or any of them as per the nature of complaint. the html code is as follow.... [ICODE] <input type="checkbox" name="comp1" value="Abusive words are used"> <input type="checkbox" name="comp2" value="Attachments are vulgar"> <input type="checkbox" name="comp3" value="Provided links are not valid or open …

Member Avatar for servis
Member Avatar for ric1950

I have php 5.2.2 I have followed all the instructions for installing the mcrypt extenstion (changed php.ini to add the mcrypt extension which phpinfo.php says is installed: "mcrypt support enabled Version 2.5.7 Api No 20021217 Supported ciphers cast-128 gost rijndael-128 twofish arcfour cast-256 loki97 rijndael-192 saferplus wake blowfish-compat des rijndael-256 …

Member Avatar for ric1950
Member Avatar for neonle

I tried to login in my website with a new account after logging out from previous account but when it login in the previous account only. even after logout the previous account is showing. I don't know what is the problem please let me know...thanks

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for quibbie

I uploaded all my files through Cpanel to my public_html root folder and set my permissions but my page is still not displaying when I type in the URL. I have another domain name and this is an add on domain. I have MySQL version 5.0.77-community with a separate database …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for littlebear330

hi, I can displayed data from list/menu from 3 different tables in database in a table and in each row of the table I had a delete button. The problem is I did not know how to delete a single row when i click the button. Anyone can help? This …

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The End.