39,326 Topics
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Hey everyone, I just have a question about limiting characters on a web page..I have a blog that I've made on my local server..for test purposes and I was wondering if there is a way to have the same thing display on another part of a page like a blog … | |
hello , can any one tell me how can i update a password using procedure in mysql , if the oldpassword is same other wise get any mgs by the procedure . plssssssssss help me out | |
Hello all . I am working on a small search for my website. It requires that i query the database and then display search results. In my database i have multiples. For example john on one row and john on the other. I want to display both of them. For … | |
Hi, I have 2 models in my cakePHP app - let's say ParentModel and ChildModel. They have hasMany association. The parent db table contains about 4000 records, but the child table about 90000 records. I want to delete related datas from tables by using this: [CODE]$this->ParentModel->deleteAll(array('ParentMode.somefield' => 'x'));[/CODE] Works well … | |
Hello I found this class which enables you to digitally sign PDF. [url]http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-10950?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel#issue-tabs[/url] I downloaded it and also Zend classes. Install openssl to my webserver. The problem is that it shows errors with file paths. my file directory looks like this -www +Zend -Certificate.php -ElementRaw.php and the rest of downloaded … | |
I have a page that lists records from a database call. I want to have an 'edit' link on each row that will popup a Jquery dialog so that the row can be edited. My question is how do I pass the data from the selected row to the jquery … | |
Dear all, I am a newbie in codeigniter. As I had downloaded n installed the codeigniter and it has displayed the default message. Now I had created the new file called hello inside the controllers folder as told in the codeigniter manual. And I browze my folder as [url]http://localhost/code/index.php/Hello[/url] but … | |
Hello all, being relatively new to PHP, I'm in search of some help regarding displaying data that is contained in my database. It's a very simple script that allows users to type in their alias and their comment on a website. Here's the code I'm using to display the data: … | |
hey i have a javascript datepicker working on my site but when i try to store the data on mysql im having trouble setting the primary key from the parent table into a new id_item. i pass the id in the url eg somepage.php?id=1 it still doesnt store the date … | |
Hi all, I am using IMAP PHP,I get(downloaded) the messages from the mail as well...But if the mail contains any [COLOR="Green"]attachments like PDF or HTML files[/COLOR] it throws a encoded form of the attachment...I need to the the decoded form of the output...If any one is having a piece of … | |
Could anyone tell me why the following is not working? [CODE] <html> <body> <? $link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'username', 'password'); if (!$link) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } echo 'Connected successfully'; mysql_select_db('database'); if(isset($_POST['username']) && !empty($_POST['username']) AND isset($_POST['password']) && !empty($_POST['password'])){ $username = ($_POST['username']); $password = ($_POST['password']); $search = mysql_query("SELECT username, … | |
Can anyone please tell me how can i keep the whole page in the center of the screen? please help!! | |
Hello,I've created a php file in textWrangler saved with .php extension on the desktop.But it does not open in the browser? Please help. | |
my code is following [CODE]<?php $conn = mysql_connect("localhost","rentwall_rentwal",")X7zlBx)XgZ5") or die ("Could not connect MySQL"); mysql_select_db('rentwall_rentwall',$conn) or die ("Could not open database"); function post($postname) { $posted = mysql_real_escape_string($postname); return $posted; } ?> [/CODE] it gives notification that Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'rentwall_rentwall'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in C:\wamp\www\site2\db.php on … | |
I just started learning PHP and I tried looking for answers, but couldn't find any. When i type in [CODE]<?php echo '<p>Order processed.[/CODE] embedded into HTML, it works fine, but when I put [CODE]<?php echo '<p>Order processed.</p>' ?>[/CODE] it always has the closing tag '?> shown in the browser. Is … | |
I have created an online form and am trying to post the info into a mysql database and I keep getting back a query error. Below is my PHP code. If anybody can help me, that would be great. Thanks a lot. [CODE] <?php $property_type = $_POST['property_type']; $number_of_bedrooms = $_POST['#_of_bedrooms']; … | |
Hello, Am new to php and I have a question that is probably very easy. I have been watching tutorials online to learn how to work with databases, but none of them speak on how to upload to server. This is my problem: am using vertrigoserv but specifically using PHPMyAdmin … | |
Hi I am using the following code to try and log out users but it is not working, any ideas why? [CODE] <?php session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['authenticated'])) unset($_SESSION['authenticated']); echo 'you are not logged in'; ?> [/CODE] The code I used to start the session is: [CODE] $_SESSION['authenticated']=true; [/CODE] And that seems to … | |
Hi Buddies, here is my happy new year greetings to all PHP friends. Love you and enjoy DW! $greetings = "Have nice year full of projects and less stress <br /> Enjoy!"; if(!$is_dead && $is_visiting_dw){ echo $greetings; }else{ die("Dead people do not browse internet!!"); } | |
I am making a website, and I would like to figure out what size the display portion of the browser is. Here is more of an idea of what I mean tabs and menu widgets if they have any browser window bottom portion of web browser I would like to … | |
I tought about cURL, but i couldn't wrote ascript that works. I need aphp script that makes like to agroup Thanks to helepers. | |
Hi, This is the website that I created: [url]http://www.masterlink.co.id/cgoods/index.php[/url] index.php [CODE] <?php //start session session_start(); //unset any session data until user submits valid username and password // this is correct way not unset($_SESSION), sorry my mistake // see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.session-unset.php session_unset(); session_destroy(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> … | |
Hi all, I am dealing a small issue. I am missing something silly :). My need is that I want the entire lines between <TABLE> </TABLE> with no modifications. [CODE]<?php $some_string = <<<STR <HR noShade size=2> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BGCOLOR="" > <TR BGCOLOR="c1ffcc"> <TH ALIGN="LEFT" COLSPAN=22> <font face="Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,Verdana" size="2" … | |
Hi, As part of a project i am developing a taxi booking system. A part of it i am struggling to even think of what to do for is knowing distances between two real addresses e.g. Birmingham and Manchester for reasons such as calculating prices. Obviously it would be impractible … | |
hi, i have a class file that have all values from a database fields. for example: class mospedidos extends mosDBTable { id = null; date =null; } class mosunder extends mosDBTable { id = null; name =null; } each time i creat a new field in the database i need … | |
Hi All ! I would like to ask about the security level in php websites.What are the various techniques which can be used to make the security level high? Thanks in advance... | |
I am having error in proseslogin.php Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/sloki/user/masterli/sites/masterlink.co.id/www/cgoods/proseslogin.php:3) in /home/sloki/user/masterli/sites/masterlink.co.id/www/cgoods/proseslogin.php on line 6 Di sini blok aplikasi setelah login dilakukan Anda berhasil menjalankan! Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at … | |
Wordpress should be the thing to make websites fast. But I already wasted 3 hours with it not finding, why it shows a blank page. What I did is I copied the files, even recopied the system files from fresh instalation, copied database from ftp to local server. Changed siter … | |
Connection String define('HOSTNAME', 'localhost'); define('USERNAME', 'khabarez_naveed'); define('PASSWORD', 'naveed'); define('DATABASE', 'khabarez_naveed'); $dbLink = mysql_connect(HOSTNAME, USERNAME, PASSWORD); mysql_query("SET character_set_results=utf8", $dbLink); mb_language('uni'); mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); mysql_select_db(DATABASE, $dbLink); mysql_query("set names 'utf8'",$dbLink); Select Query $query ="SELECT * FROM test"; $result=mysql_query($query) or die ("Connection to database table failed. 106." . mysql_error() ); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { //$result_no=mysql_query("select count(*) … | |
The End.