39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for retareed

I have text in a MYSQL database like such: "2/22/10 - Called Lisa today. She emailed the app. 2/8/10 - No response to previous email. Forwarded again today. 1/27/10 - Emailed Lisa Gregory to see how soon we can start the application process." The thing I'd like to do is …

Member Avatar for retareed
Member Avatar for mvblhp

(I want to make free subscription area where members' info is deleted from mysql when 30 days old) I already have have a members login script.... but i have to manually delete users.....what i really need is to know how to make member expire after so many days with a …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for visualmonk

Hello, I'm just starting to use PHP after years of working with ASP, so pardon me if this sounds like a very basic question, but how do I get PHP to acknowledge zero (0) in a form field. Whenever the user enters "zero" and hits submit on the PHP form, …

Member Avatar for visualmonk
Member Avatar for bubbafunk1

Hi, I have a form with a field for an email address to be filled in and sent using a php script. i need help with the following 1: i want the an email to be sent to the email address that the user has just typed into the form …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for xwishmasterx

Hello I am not really good at php or programming and I need a llittle help: I need a value to be "converted" to an image; so if the value is "eg.3" it should show eg. "img3.gif" (the images are stored in a folder) The value is displayed with this …

Member Avatar for megan ellison
Member Avatar for jino

Dear, I am doing a site for chatting application. How can i detect the other person started typing for displaying he is typing... I also want to display an (alert) , what i mean is , if we typed a text and go to an another tab and if we …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for JuliaNell

Hi Guys Im developing an application and im inserting users to my database but i want to make sure that a username can only be one, no usernames are the same.. How wud i do that in PHP..

Member Avatar for liamfriel
Member Avatar for ageryckeh

please help out in figuring the code that opens a session for registered users after reading the input choices provided by the user and redirecting to a mysql query page that displays a list of data in check button options....my project intents to allow a user to select from a …

Member Avatar for manishmannan
Member Avatar for sting23

hi im still a beginner in PHP and this is the code i have so far and it only calculates value of two numbers put in manually. I want to generate two numbers and add the values. [code] <form name="form1" method="post" action=""> value1: <label> <input type="text" name="value1"> </label> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> …

Member Avatar for manishmannan
Member Avatar for prem2

Hi, I have large number of records in the database.Each page displays 5 records.I am using a query "select * from tablename limit 0,5";When ever user clicks next button the limit starting value increased by 5.When user click previous button the limit value decreased by 5.Now,my problem is i want …

Member Avatar for hashinclude
Member Avatar for manishmannan

Hello friends this is manish once again i am not new to php but i have got some problem in my code that is working on our previous server but now it is not working what should be the reason i have the following which work fine in our previous …

Member Avatar for manishmannan
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello, i am doing check all checkboxes in a single click. i have multiple groups is there in one page. but first block is working. from second block onwords it is not working. plz help me. here is my code [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> function checkstate(chkname,k) { //alert(chkname); //var chk="chkall"+k; //alert(document.getElementById("chkall"+k+"[]").checked) …

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi, I have installed NUSOAP and i get error messages 100% even from examples. My PHP knowledge is fair. Here is my situation (that cant be changed). A user on a 3rd party site clicks "BUY". The response to that is a URL to me containing a GUID and the …

Member Avatar for Ir$had

can any1 help me with my final year project :( plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz HELP EMAIL ME on <snipped>

Member Avatar for hashinclude
Member Avatar for masocha

l need to make the following which is a joomla result button open in a pop up window onclick="document.location.href='[php echo JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_poll&id=$poll->slug".$itemid); ]'" />

Member Avatar for taieb

hello I'm new to this I have not knowledge and I want to install a php script for classified web site but I can't find the connection string? some body help please, thank in advance TD.

Member Avatar for OS_dev
Member Avatar for niths

i am getting error at $sql = "SELECT role FROM users WHERE username = '$username' and password = '$password'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); as ----Query was Empty---- <html> <body> <form action="login.php" method="post"> <div> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td><img src="Logofinalcopy.gif"></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="aqua"><h2>Login</h2></td> </tr></table> <table align="right" style="width:40%"> <br> <tr> <td>username:</td> <td><input type="text" …

Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

I HOPE YOU ARE ALL FINE) In my web i`m using image magic or GD library to resize photos when someone upload them to the server. This makes me create alot of thumbnails for a single photo. So i`m asking if their is any function in PHP which can resize …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for elijahmangwe

Below is the the code where I am trying to to update my food items into the database but am failing to do it, any corrections will be helpful. Thanks in advance [code] <?php // set database server access variables: $host = "localhost"; $user = "root"; $pass = ""; $db …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for Monster Killer

I am making my own CMS website and the body content is echoed onto the page however some of the page content is php code but the actual code is echoed out. How can i make it so that it works properly. Code: [CODE]<div id="form"> </div> <h1>Form</h1> <br /> <?php …

Member Avatar for jonathanroy
Member Avatar for levsha

I have a textbox on my form. I type in some text, then I submit the form, and it seems that my script doesn't see the text in the input element and treats it like empty: [CODE] <?php $invname = $_POST['invname']; if($invname == '') {print "You have not entered the …

Member Avatar for levsha
Member Avatar for steven2

The web server is Apache. I want to rewrite URL so a user won't know the actual directory. For example: The original URL: [url]www.mydomainname.com/en/piecework/piecework.php?piecework_id=11[/url] Expected URL: piecework.mydomainname.com/en/11 I added the following statements in .htaccess: [CODE]RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(?!www)([^.]+)\.mydomainname\.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(w+)/(\d+)$ /$1/%1/%1.php?%1_id=$2 [L][/CODE] Of course I replaced mydomainname with my domain …

Member Avatar for futhonguy

Hi people, I have a huge data stored in my database server and am currently trying to work out a script in order to update my data in the server. This update comes from an Excel spreadsheet. I did search on Google/Yahoo and found websites like PHPExcelReader or PHPExcel. My …

Member Avatar for mama_rock

i have make my own system. the system is about application for a leave using online. the problem is, when i using Internet Explorer8 the submenu cannot be click. there is the coding that i have attach with. [B](admin_phpddm.php)[/B] [CODE=php]print "<!-- PHP Drop Down Menu 0.4 by Stefano SteO Arcidiacono …

Member Avatar for cwarn23

I thought I would let you's php gurus know that I am starting to come close to cracking the Sha1 algorithm. And surprisingly it is an easy one to crack. So I would recommend switching to something like the whirlpool algorithm.

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for BlackMamba24

Can someone tell me why I cant get anything to echo properly with this? <?php session_start(); $_SESSION['company'] = $_POST['company']; $_SESSION['firstName'] = $_POST['firstName']; $_SESSION['lastName'] = $_POST['lastName']; $_SESSION['phone'] = $_POST['phone']; $_SESSION['email'] = $_POST['email']; ?> ... This is on one page <h2><a href="Conference_Start.php">Personal Information</a></h2> <p>Company Name: <?php echo $_SESSION['company'] ?> <br />First Name: …

Member Avatar for BlackMamba24
Member Avatar for yun

i m newbie in web development plz help me to sort out the problem.. the problem is: in [B][U]edit.php[/U][/B] when control enters in if condition it never goes to else when i press the edit button. i want to get id from view.php and display category name in edit.php textbox …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for glenntamis

I need to design a site which has an iframe that links to pages on another site. the site would work as usuall in the iframe. the site when running directly works fine passing out all the session variables, but when working in the iframe the session variable loses out …

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for yun

i m newbie in web development plz help me to sort out the problem.. the problem is: in [B][U]edit.php[/U][/B] when control enters in if condition it never goes to else when i press the edit button. i want to get id from view.php and display category name in edit.php textbox …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for azegurb

Hi all I have simple PHP News publishing script and it has pagination system. This script also has an option to display only active news which activated by admin. it displays one big picture at the center and four little picture at the right side. but it has little shortage. …


The End.