39,388 Topics
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Hello, it's my first post and I'm not sure if is the right place. I want to integrate some contact form into my website, but every page I have diferent email address and ID, 2 or 3 page it's ok, I can do manually, but it will be hundreds of … | |
By using the code seen below I am trying to produce a dynamic form. When the user selects an item for the product drop down menu I would like the product's barcode number to appear in the barcode box, I have been informed that this can be done using Javascript, … | |
Hi ... I am a total php newbie. As clients move about my site they may cause entries in a temporary sql table that includes a field for their session id. If they leave the site by logging out properly, the rows in the table associated with their session are … | |
Fatal error: Call to undefined function write_log() in /home/poetryba/public_html/install/inc/class.sql_import.php on line 105 here is my code <?php class Sql2Db { private $sql_file_name = ''; private $debug = ''; public $debug_filename = 'vshare_upgrade'; function Sql2Db($sql_file_name, $debug = 0) { $this->sql_file_name = $sql_file_name; $this->debug = $debug; } function import() { $comment = … | |
Hey Guys, I have a quick question. I want to make sure I am doing this right, according to my understanding of the PHP manual. Here's my question: If I have an "address" input field for my form and a user inputs their address and then this information is passed … | |
[CODE]if($firstname == '') {print "You have not entered your first name, please go back and try again.";}[/CODE] How do I make the text look like the entire site? Or even better - is it possible to get a popup window on this instead of opening a full sized page? Thank … ![]() | |
Hello, Any way of when a customer goes to [url]www.domain.com/testtest[/url] it stores the IP and then it automatically block that? or give me the opertunity to block it by htaccess? Thank you | |
im trying to install my youtube clone script i brought from Vshare.com on my server and this is the error message i keep getting. Warning: fopen(../include/config.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Is a directory in /home/poetryba/public_html/install/install_collect_info.php on line 86 Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in … | |
I'm looking to display only 1 line of text from a source where characters range from 0-255. I do not want the text to exceed 1 line, and if it would, I want to truncate and display "...". What is the best way to determine if text will exceed 1 … ![]() | |
I am fairly new to PHP-MYsql and HTML programming. So Please bear with me, I'm trying to create a function which will produce an array of 'Fields in a Table' and combine that array with an array of 'Column Headings' to produce an associative array like this; $labels= array('IDno' => … | |
Hi guys, I recently bought a template for a site that has an e-mail alert option. But I can't seem to figure out where I'm supposed to put my e-mail address so that I receive the e-mails. The code below is the only file associated with the e-mail form that … | |
Hey Everyone, I am getting an error with a PHP script made using the Authorize.net AIM (Advanced Integration Method) API for my donation form. I have gone over the code dozens of times and still do not know why it is not working. Everything works except the most important part...it … | |
Hello DaniWebbers, I've got several href's that take the user to different forms. However, in order to have access to the forms, they have to log in. So when they click the link, they are redirected to a login page if they have not already logged in, otherwise they are … | |
Hi, i have just opened the control panel of joomla 1.5 . [url]http://localhost/joomla/administrator/index.php[/url] i am getting the following error. I am using this more than one month .. But now suddenly its showing me the error . Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=28) state=1 in /home1/**/public_html/***/administrator/components/com_jaclplus/jaclplus.class.php on line 73 … | |
i have 3 form on a page and unfortunately i am not allowed to change that. the problem is when the third form is submitted, i would need to grab the data displayed from the second form to update the database incase the user changed anything on it. does anyone … ![]() | |
Hi and this function I wrote as part of a larger project and acts exactly like the php explode function. Although there a few slight differences between this function and the php explode function it can easily be tweaked to act identical. Also with this function it does not use … | |
I have a multi form, In a form, i have the <back and Next> button. So i used the form action in these to button, I also have a validation which i did using javascript , [CODE] <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function validate_name(field,alerttxt) { with (field) { if (value==null||value=="") {alert(alerttxt);return false} … ![]() | |
hai experts i am a beginner in php....how to create autosuggestion box in search page..and how to create search box... pls give me the solution.... | |
Hello All! How can I automatically change permissions just for files in current directory and not for other directories. I suppose that 'chmod -R 664 .' will change permission to all current directory content.. | |
Hi I wanted to get some data from a file on the web that is updated every 12 hours or so and store it as variables so I can then display the information elsewhere. Is this something I can do with PHP? Here is an example of the file: [URL="ftp://polar.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/waves/latest_run/akw.46001.bull"]ftp://polar.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/waves/latest_run/akw.46001.bull[/URL] … | |
hai i am new to php. i am getting this as error ---You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL--- can anyone tel wher is the error. Thank u..!! <html> <body> <form action="login.php" method="post"> <div> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td><img src="Logofinalcopy.gif"></td> </tr> <tr> … | |
Hi guys, I have one form contains img title and img name, also in database named as gallary. my prob is i cant store the name of img with extension using file field. plz, guide me. //admin.php <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); $db = mysql_select_db('admin'); $title = $_POST['title']; $file = $_POST['file2']; … | |
I started a comments page on my website and the comments work fine and go through. But after you submit the comment the out put displays like this on my webpage: comments: "heartbeaker" by: jamika @ 12:30:00 am on March 11, 2010. Fear<br /> There are two flip sides, to … | |
i m trying to make login page ... while runing that i got one Fatal error i m not able to understand even i tried .......... guide me plz here is :---- Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_real_escape_string() in c:\apache\htdocs\newhr\checklogin.php on line 14 plz help me to solve it...... … | |
Hi DaniWeb Team, I want to read the value of the below array, but i do no how to get the values. Array ( [0] => Zero [1] => One [2] => 9884127128 [3] => 98841254554 [4] => Four [5] => Array ( [[0]] => Delimiter ) [6] => 9554565545 … | |
I have a login page on the site I am building, it works fine but what I am trying to accomplish is: I have a number (10) of football clubs who require login access to their page by their members only. For instance, Club A has its own page, only … | |
ok so what i have going right now is a little system that takes a value of %address% and turns it into what is stored on the database. and i am using a str_replace example (note there are more in the array) [CODE] $searchArray = array("%address%"); $replaceArray = array($address); $content … | |
PDF file was not going to attach... The email body itself contains some text body ..i think may be it was that damaged pdf file...Can any 1 have some pointers regarding that | |
Hi people... ran some asp code thru a php translator and the php page displays nothing but this error message. I take out the php code and it displays. I've checked and rechecked and read tons of possible scenarios... but I don't see anything. Sometimes another set of eyes and … | |
I am trying to incorporate an existing php design into dreamweaver so I can work on copy and graphics. I have gone through and set up MAMP along with the ftp info and remote info for a local/php. The problem is: 1. I can't get all the PHP files to … |
The End.