39,388 Topics
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I am doing a system in drupal - and i am also coding in php in the drupal pages i create to connect to a database and display results for various requirements. How do you redirect a certian page to another page in drupal? do we use the node number … | |
Hi there, I'm setting up a multiple outlet online food ordering website and have a question regarding delivery charge options... Each individual outlet is going to have different delivery options, from FREE Delivery to £X cost. I simply would like to know how I include a simple piece of code … | |
How do you call a constructor for a parent class? | |
I'm stumped with a somewhat complicated 'lookup table' situation. I've tried many different methods to output the data I need (and in the order I need it) but I think I'm just going around in circles. Basically I'm trying to output a <select> dropdown form element, with serveral different <options> … | |
I want to upload files through a web application and it works as long as the files are under 8 mb. But anything greater gives the following error in the Apache error log: [INDENT]POST Content-Length of 8593520 bytes exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes[/INDENT] In php.ini I have: [INDENT]file_uploads = … | |
If anyone is interested I have put together a list of common MIME types formatted in CSV and XML You can get them at [url]http://www.cake-spoon.com/pdt/2010-03-12/csv-list-of-mime-types[/url] or via the attached .zip folder containing both =) | |
Hi, I want to create a scrapbook like orkut or in facebook. I am taking a text area on which the user have to write the text. The text can be any thing like "text with special characters as well as html codes. This text will be stored into mysql … | |
Explain the ternary conditional operator in PHP? | |
Why doesn’t the following code print the newline properly? | |
i installed wampserver yday and it worked fine when i typed in localhost in the browser. but today when i type localhost to see if apache was running without a problem - it displays the root directory that is the folders contained inside the www directory in a page named … | |
I wrote a small program in php for a website this code allows a user to upload a file and it emails it to whomever we declare as the recipient. This code works great on my windows server but when I put it on the Linux based server in fails … | |
Hi, I had changed an image to string using base64_encode() function. In now want to convert this string back to an image for saving it into a folder. Please help.... Jino | |
I have four forms one --> two ---> threee -----> four I used session here... when i go from one --- > the code works good then when i go from two ----> three also works good.. but in the third page, when i click back <----- and then from … | |
i have a web in which after member login, is able to publish blog post and only logged in members can comment. Now my problem comes in notification. 1.I need after someone comment then to send notification to the owner of the post. 2.Also if other members commented on the … | |
Hi, My problem is possibly easy to fix, I just can't see what's wrong. The following code outputs rows with product images, description AND a [B]textarea[/B] to write some comments to each of the rows. [CODE]$output[] = '<td align="center" width="100"><textarea name="comments" cols="35" rows="5">'.$_SESSION['comments'].'</textarea></td>';[/CODE] And this is wrapped in a form … | |
I see this question come through here quite frequently and I just happened to finish another login script so I figured I would post it and you can take what you want from it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. [CODE=php] <?php session_start(); //include pdo mysql db … | |
[code] <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } /* // Create database if (mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE admin",$con)) { echo "Database created"; } else { echo "Error creating database: " . mysql_error(); } */ /* CREATE TABLE `admin`.`payment_invoice` ( `CompanyName` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL … ![]() | |
<?php function list_cart($cart) { if (isset($cart)) { print("<table border='1'><thead><th>Foodlist_ID</th><th>Description</th><th>Price</th> foreach ($cart as $idx=>$num) $item=get_stock_item($idx); extract($item); print("<tr><td>$indx</td><td>$title</td><td>$price</td><td>$num</td></tr>"); { print("</tbody></table>"); { else print("<p>The cart is currently empty</p>"); } function generate_order($cart) { if (isset($cart)) { print("<table border='1'><thead><th>foodlist_id</th><th>description</th><th>Price</th> $total=0; foreach ($cart as $idx=>$num) { //Obtain details of cart item $item=get_stock_item($idx); extract($item); //Check that enough … | |
I am having trouble with a certain query. The problem is that I am using an INNER JOIN with two tables that both have a column called "id". I want the query to return ALL the column names but in addition I also want table1.id to be returned as id1 … | |
i have a website [URL snipped] which need a forum PHP code.. i am interested to start a forum on my website.. someone please post me a complete php code for that. ![]() | |
How to remember a radio button selection in the multi form ..? [CODE] <input type="radio" name="yesrno" id="radio" value="yes"<?php if($_SESSION['rad_radio']) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?> /> <input type="radio" name="yesrno" id="radio" value="no" <?php if($_SESSION['rad_radio']) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?> /> [/CODE] It keeps on appear the selection "NO". Any Help ? Thanks | |
I am failing to connect to my database , also i cant update items into my database, below is the code i am using HELP | |
I have images in the database, and I am looking to resize images whilst keeping the quality. This is link one, without image resize [URL="http://horble.com/test/test.php"]http://horble.com/test/test.php[/URL] This is linke two, with image resize. [URL="http://horble.com/test/test1.php"]http://horble.com/test/test1.php[/URL] As you can see, the resize image distorts the image, and for the image already displayed that … | |
Warning: require_once(../../GrBx/cw3/admin/application.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\GrBx\cw3\admin\ProductForm.php on line 2 Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '../../GrBx/cw3/admin/application.php' (include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\GrBx\cw3\admin\ProductForm.php on line 2 Can someone please explain this error message? I am using Cartweaver and I'm trying to change it in a … | |
Hi all! After a recent upgrade to PHP 5.3.1, I cannot get my apache http server to start. The only way I can seem to get it started is by commenting out the lines that make PHP work. Thinking, naturally, that the recent PHP was at fault, I reinstalled it. … | |
hello everyone.. im student from indonesia n im newbie ihave a problem n i need your help ihave data from table, like that: TGL || Tahun || semester || Keterangan 2010-1-1 || 2010 || Genap || LIbur tahun baru 2010-1-2 || 2010 || Genap || LIbur UAS 2010-1-3 || 2010 … | |
can anyone offer some help on this matter i have 5 session arrays and i want to merge all of them. however these session arrays are take from several multiple select list. while the code that i have done so far works fine, it has one small problem. in the … | |
hi everybody, I am doing pagination. if I set the limit to 5 and the no of result is 30, then 6 pages is shown as the overall page). however, only the first 5 results is shown. How should I change the code? many thanks [CODE] <?php /* call this … | |
here's my code [CODE] $sql=mysql_query("insert into guest (fname, lname, address, contactno, emailadd) values ('$fname', '$lname', '$country', '$contact', '$mail')"); $search = mysql_query("select * from guest order by code DESC limit 1"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($search); $lastnum = $row['code']; $number = $_POST["Rooms"]; $count = count($number); for ($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) { mysql_query("Insert Into rent … | |
ive already search in google and yahoo but i don't know how to add that code to my code. here's my code in displaying a data in the table [CODE] $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM rent where status = 'pending' order by cno asc"); $count = mysql_num_rows($result); <table border='1' cellspacing='0' … |
The End.