39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for rutaba

hie.. I am developing an online application but want to make some pages of that for mobile too, so i want to know that using php can i do that ,or for that i have to move to asp.net? Need help urgently.. thanks..

Member Avatar for Will Gresham
Member Avatar for preetg

Hello all I am trying to do--Attendance of the month march and i want format for text file is like employeecode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8------30 E01 A P P P p P P P E02 -- -- -- I m using mysql database. My tables for …

Member Avatar for preetg
Member Avatar for jaque322

a friend of mine have instaled apache in other machine and i have stored my php scripts in htdocs but i dont know how connect remotely from other computer please if someone can help me

Member Avatar for i-hate-blue
Member Avatar for Mike516

The code should take the IDs and delete them from the tables but it isn't we are getting errors. Anyone see anything wrong? [code=php] <?php ############### # Prune.php # ############### //Variables $dbhost = "localhost"; //host name $dbuser = "root"; // username for db $dbname = "dbname"; // database name $dbpass …

Member Avatar for Mike516
Member Avatar for underwood88

Hey, In PHP and HTML i am trying to make a multi page registration form, collecting details such as Forename, Surname, password, and email on the first page. On the second address details, third any additional personal details. On the fourth a summary page showing what the user has entered …

Member Avatar for emhmk1
Member Avatar for electrogear

I'm struggling. I'm trying to make a website using the google weather API. Here's where I'm at: 1) I've got the PHP code working, and it gets the current temperature & images showing the forecast for the next 4 days. Simple enough 2) I decided I wanted to have a …

Member Avatar for electrogear
Member Avatar for help_lucky

Hello Everyone, I am banging my head since morning. please help me.. I am not so good at php..i am in learning phase... My requirement was to generate a popup once you immediately login. windows.alert('please call') then the popup should come for every 2 hrs. Even though you navigate to …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for prem2

Hi, I am new in php.I want to use goto statement inside my program.But when i execute the below coding the blank page appears.This is the example program i referred in site. Coding: goto a; echo 'Foo'; a: echo 'Bar'; Help me.. Thanks :-O

Member Avatar for Zagga
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I have code below works fine but I want links to be listed different way. If you want you can use my code, otherwise I am open for your codes. [COLOR="Red"]Original style: [/COLOR] Previous 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 Next If …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for MickeyP123

I am having issues with the following code of mysql when using the "not like" mysql command. My snippet looks like this [CODE]$name = something $sql = "Select * from table1 where table1.field1 not like ' $name ' ";[/CODE] What it should look like in phpmyadmin is [CODE]Select * from …

Member Avatar for as.bhanuprakash
Member Avatar for Vikijo

Hello, I am new on this website. I don't know rather I am in the right place or not. I am currently in college and study to be web developer. I am doing good so far! I really need help on this small part. We are working on Mulipulating Strings. …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I just installed Karmic Koala Ubuntu. I know that PHP4 (as CGI) and PHP5 (as module) can run at same time? There are some examples on the web but they are all old. I couldn't get around. Can anyone help me with this? I have LAMP already installed on …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for lisles
Member Avatar for san_cash

hi! Please help me in mailing the form data using tables. below is my code $message = " $todayis [EST] \n Subject: $attn \n Message: $notes \n From: $visitor \n Designation : $designation \n Employee ID: $empid \n Department : $department \n Head Quarters: $hd \n Tour Location: $tl \n …

Member Avatar for logonchristy
Member Avatar for karumi

Hi, I would like to ask you about how I can write a php code for 301 Redirection and how I use it in my hosting ( where to code, where to upload and how to configure it) . Thanks.

Member Avatar for jcanaway
Member Avatar for emhmk1

Hello again. I'm looking for a way of displaying the results of a search facility on a site im creating. The site is based on an animal sanctury and the database holds two key tables for searching 'blog' and 'animals' respectivly. Now, how would i go about displaying the results …

Member Avatar for emhmk1
Member Avatar for FC Jamison

I accidentally added the following line to my SQL database twice: [CODE]INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_birthdays_ahead', '7');[/CODE] How do I remove one of them?

Member Avatar for ZootAllures
Member Avatar for gsivaram11
Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Nadoosh

Am currently working on a PHP project..and am stuck with the calculation part and sending the results to my database table, am dealing with checkbox and my task is to allow members to tick all the suitable times and then to send each column to their table in my database …

Member Avatar for Nadoosh
Member Avatar for diafol

Anybody know how to do the following: id (PK/autoincrement) file_id (FK/int) - same file id pops up loads of times statement (varchar) - just some text from the file status (tinyint 0/1/2) - depending on the statement = 0 or 1 or 2 into a single record for each file_id, …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for digital-ether

I have a page that is under SSL. However, in IE6, I get a notification: "This page contains both secure and non-secure items" etc. I've looked at all the HTTP requests for that page in both Firebug and Wireshark, and none of it seems to be sent over plain HTTP, …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for solarb

hi first of all i want to create a linking with two tables in database: 1 table : id,name 1 nick 2 john 3 michael 2 table (i want to use this table for dropdown list) id,job 1 engineer 2 scientist 3 coder how can i link them both? the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I just want to know if this is possible with php? Basically what I want is to have a user upload an image. Two thumbs are created from this image, one with the original colours and one that's greyscale. I then want to take these two images and …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for elijahmangwe

Specification: I wrote most of the code separately but seems am having difficulties linking it to my database: Write a simple E-commerce application, which may be a bookshop, music shop, clothes store, or anything else you wish. There should be a “user” interface to allow customers to select and purchase …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for cane23

hey i am trying to execute a query statement here is my code below [CODE] $sel="SELECT course_name,course_code FROM courses WHERE course_name='$diff'"; if ($result2=mysql_query($sel)) {echo"nice"; } else { echo "shit"; } while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_row($result2)) { echo"row[0] : row[1] <br>"; }[/CODE] please note that the $diff variable is an array while …

Member Avatar for jstrain@gpc.edu
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello.... i am doing search concept. i am searching one word from all my web pages . actually i have only one table for 25 static pages. among this pages i want to search searching content. and also highlight the search content. how to do?

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for lll_ari_lll

hello folks, its Aritra here, a newbie in daniweb as well as in code world.. i am a student of BCA, and doing my major project now.. and facing enormous difficulties.. don't know sufficient php.. but studying through different tutorials. i have been told to redecorate an intranet website and …

Member Avatar for dominique7

Dear programming cracks! I set up a website and thought an email form would be nice, but I thought it would be easier to get it right! I got it quite ok with the easy example below which I found at: [url]http://www.freewebmasterhelp.com/tutorials/php/6[/url] [CODE]<? function checkOK($field) { if (eregi("\r",$field) || eregi("\n",$field)){ …

Member Avatar for dominique7
Member Avatar for StrikeFreedom

Hi I've been trying to make pagination for my search results and I have this problem: The first page displays ok but when the max result per page is achieved like $max_results = 2 and it reached 2 the links for the other pages shows but when clicked on it …

Member Avatar for blanche3
Member Avatar for Chjo

ok so i have a problem: ldap_bind without SSL works just fine but when i switch to SSL it doesn't bind. The simple code im testing this with looks like this [CODE] <?php // LDAP variables $ldaphost = "ldaps://myserver.com"; // your ldap servers $ldapport = 636; // your ldap server's …

Member Avatar for jstrain@gpc.edu

The End.