39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for my3h

Hi, I want to have multiple selection checkbox in my website, where user can check for the multiple options. But for checkbox i should get the data from the database table. $query2 = "select * from Products where CategoryID = '$CategoryName' "; mysql_query($query2) or die(mysql_error()); $array = array(); while($row = …

Member Avatar for my3h
Member Avatar for cdogstu99

Hello all, I have a wordpress site with a certain membership login plugin. When i have an expired user that logs in i get this message: (this same error repeats itself for about fifteen or so lines for pluggable-line 669, 670, 671...etc * Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers …

Member Avatar for madCoder
Member Avatar for himerus

The following script is a VERY simplified version of a script I've used to make my site more search engine friendly. To date, according to most reports, Google is one of the only search engine that will index URLs that are in the format: whatever.com/index.php?var1=value&var2=value Other Search Engine spiders may …

Member Avatar for tiggsy
Member Avatar for vindom

Hi! I have a form (which is in html(the rest of my coding done in PHP)) that prompts user to choose image, type in title and choose status and after pressing confirm button script uploads image and its details to MySQL database. I'm trying to fade whole screen or disable …

Member Avatar for vindom
Member Avatar for steven447

Hello, I have a website that uses Smarty. When I try `$oSmart->display("header.html");` I get a blank page without warnings and errors. I'v proven with `var_dump()` that the smarty object is succesfully created. I know to that the page is enterily rendered by using: echo "start"; //Smarty Stuff echo "end"; Also …

Member Avatar for steven447
Member Avatar for adsegzy

I have a popup login script in which once a visitor clicks on LOGIN link on any page, login form will popup. The script is as below. <style type="text/css"> #popupbox{ margin: 0; margin-left: 40%; margin-right: 40%; margin-top: 50px; padding-top: 10px; width: 20%; height: 150px; position: absolute; background: #FBFBF0; border: solid …

Member Avatar for moyk
Member Avatar for chris_huh

I am trying to set up a survey system. The survey questions themselves come from a database. I have created the page that pulls the questions from the mysql table into an html form but can't work out how to insert the responses into the database. I think i will …

Member Avatar for dany12
Member Avatar for uglykidjoe

I have 2 tables one storing sizes the other company names. I would like to alter my existing query to give out different results from the table depending on the product type so at the moment I have and assigning the aliases accordingly ` SELECT MAX(#__xyz_sizes.size) AS MAX, MIN(#__xyz_sizes.size) AS …

Member Avatar for Incognitus
Member Avatar for calebcook

Hi. I have been working on a project that displays data in an XML file. (It's kind of like an API). I know how to parse XML with PHP, and how to make an XML file in PHP, but they don't work together. :) Basically, I have two files: `parse.php` …

Member Avatar for Incognitus
Member Avatar for nyt1972

Hi Experts, below is my data file and I want to create form the basis of data returned by the following code. **getdata.php** <?php include ("dbConnect.php"); $examID = $_POST['examID']; $sql= mysql_query("select * from examsub where examID='1'); if(mysql_num_rows($sql)>0) { while($row=mysql_fetch_array($sql3)) { echo $row['examID'].$row['subject'].$row['thrymarks'].$row['pracmarks'].$row['subjectID']; } } ?> Below is the code from …

Member Avatar for dany12
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey I tried to access a cookie that has a [object HTMLImageElement] but when I try to echo it, it simply prints that out: [object HTMLImageElement] I want it to display the picture. How can I do this? Thanks

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for vibhaJ

Hi Friends, I want to develop a website like file manager. Where user register and will get fix disk space lets say 20MB. Now user can upload their pdf, doc, txt, jpeg etc files upto their disk limit. I can develop upto this using PHP. Now my issue is if …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey When I try to interpret thru PHP, a Java web service that returns a boolean type, this error (more like a warning) pops up: Notice: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to int in C:\testing\page.php on line 29 It seems this is something PHP related. How can …

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for BenzZz

Hi, I've just begun learning PHP and have purchased books etc and researched on websites different areas of the language however I've noticed that there is not much information available relating to the actual appearances of websites through PHP. I know the standard way is using HTML and CSS but …

Member Avatar for Ausopenxcell
Member Avatar for javacle

i'm trying to analyse this php, i noticed that whenever i enter values into textfield, like input type="text", and i retrieve the data, it is not showing in the address bar like, www.host.com/login.php?usermae="user"&password="pass". Please why is this happening, is it a new feature in php? or something else.

Member Avatar for |-|x
Member Avatar for mbarandao

Hello: Not sure if this the right forum for this question --my apology if I'm posting in error: However, I need to achieve the following implementation. I have complete php and ajax content file to outputs a multi-dropdown boxes with description to each items in the boxes. The code is …

Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes

HI everyone, I have a script running on a website that uses the facebook share.php file. <?php $title=urlencode(''.$numrows['title'].' | '. htmlentities(money_format("%10.2n", $numrows[price])).' '.$currency_code.''); $url=urlencode(''.$token.''); $summary=urlencode(''.$numrows['description'].''); $image=urlencode(''.$numrows['img1'].''); ?> <a id="button" onClick="window.open('http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?s=100&amp;p[title]=<?php echo $title;?>&amp;p[summary]=<?php echo $summary;?>&amp;p[url]=<?php echo $url; ?>&amp;&p[images][0]=<?php echo $image;?>', 'sharer', 'toolbar=0,status=0,width=550,height=400');" target="_parent" href="javascript: void(0)"> <input type='submit' class='btn' title='Share This Item …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sammry

I am using the followng code, to import csv into mysql. if($_POST['sform'] == "1") { $fname = $_FILES['upload']['name']; $chk_ext = explode(".",$fname); if(strtolower($chk_ext[1]) == "csv") { $filename = $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']; $row = 1; if (($handle = fopen($filename, "r")) !== FALSE) { while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) { $row++; $data_entries[] …

Member Avatar for sammry
Member Avatar for judyhicks

i pasted this code into my child theme's functions.php file (begining on line 5, //Custom CSS styles...), which is resulting in an unexpected T_string error on my site. any ideas how to fix? <?php add_theme_support( 'builder-3.0' ); // Custom CSS styles on WYSIWYG Editor – Start if ( ! function_exists( …

Member Avatar for judyhicks
Member Avatar for mbarandao

hello: I'm pulling mysql data and want to load into an array. I getting the data in like manner: $result = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT item2 FROM products"); echo "var option_array = new Array(num_of_cats);\n"; $count=1; echo"option_array[0] = new Array(\"Please Select a Merchandise\");"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo"option_array[".$count."] = new Array(\"--select One--\",\"\",\"\");"; $count++; …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for DarkMonarch

hey guys, im building a small prediction software, the GUI is in PHP and i want to do the data crushing in C. (sequence, matrix and multiple variables isolation) i know the basics in C, but im no C expert. Is it possible to pass from C to PHP other …

Member Avatar for DarkMonarch
Member Avatar for Patiodude

I recently converted all my .html files to .php, and while the stylesheet they're linked to (which hasn't changed) works almost perfectly, the <h1> through <h6> tags (headings) don't work with the new .php files. The font appears the same size as the body, which is too small to be …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for lse123

Warning: mysql_result() [function.mysql-result]: Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result index 4 in /yyyyyyy/BID-REF-URL-No-account.php on line 21 what is this about , any relation with "index"? I lookup everything but not find the bug?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Usman-Zulifiqar

Assaam-O-Alikum.! I am new Here. I Want to learn PHP and i want to have completely command on C++.

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for pawan768

I want to use a php variable into HTML tag id . For e.g. <?php $temp='123'; ?> Now i want to use $temp as a ID in DIV say <div id="$temp"></div> How i'm able to do this .

Member Avatar for dcdruck
Member Avatar for daniel36

If i removes error_reporting(0) function it gives error " undefined index tm ".can any one have solution sothat i can use this script without this function. <?php require '../zones/publisher_header.php'; ?> <Script language="JavaScript"> function goto(form) { var index=form.select.selectedIndex if (form.select.options[index].value != "0") { location=form.select.options[index].value;}} //--> </SCRIPT> <h2 style="padding:25px;border:1px solid red; width:90%;">Publisher …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for inni2626

Hello Everyone, Am working on a project with includes php and mysql database.Everything works fine but i fail to make the validation work or i guess don't know how. I got a form and i would like if the user input numeric or less character to submit an error message. …

Member Avatar for sftranna
Member Avatar for dheerajm

hello i am developing a website and i have a problem. when i enter a keyword in my search tab, it works fine and displays all the products matching with the keyword. when i click on a single product the product page opens fine also. but i want all the …

Member Avatar for senthilvignesh
Member Avatar for vijayram

Hi everybody, i asked many times.but i cannot get expected result.so i asked agian. anybody plz help me. this code,did not display fancy box.the requested content cannot be loaded message display. i created planmate url. $(document).ready(function(){ $(".planbooks").fancybox(); $('#planbook-content').bind('click',function() { $.ajax({ type :"post", catch:false, url : $("#planbook_planmate"), data :{title_name:'title_name',} success:function(data) { …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for newbie1234

I am writing html and css to design in php. But when i am opening in ie, chrome and firefox. every where its showing different. Means all dimension going to change. I am using % for body wrapper and em for fonts but its not working. Is here any help?? …

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The End.