39,388 Topics
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I have the following code for a wordpress theme. For some reason an arrow appears on the page. I originally thought it was because of the thumbnail but once I removed the thumbnail it still appeared but in a different spot. What I'm aiming for is have the blog post … | |
Dear all, My database cannot accept uploading file when filename contain single quote " ' ". Then it show the error. For example my filename testuploads'.xls Got the error message Error, query failed : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL … | |
In .php file i have $str = "I am in php file"; $str2; I want to copy specific amount of char in $str2. say suppose i want to copy " I am in" from $str. How to do? Is here any help??? | |
it always goes to echo "failed;" and print error: Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\xampp\htdocs\login_test\forgotpassword.php on line 49 failed $to = $email; $subject = "Forgot password"; $message = "Hi $firstname_db,\n Your … | |
I have this code: <?php foreach ($_options as $_option) : ?> <input id="xyys" type="hidden" name="xyys" value="<?php echo($_option['value']);echo ($_option['option_id']);?>" /> <?php if($_option['label'] != 'Corte'): ?> <?php $_formatedOptionValue = $this->getFormatedOptionValue($_option) ?> <dt><?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_option['label']) ?></dt> <dd<?php if (isset($_formatedOptionValue['full_view'])): ?> class="truncated"<?php endif; ?>><?php echo $_formatedOptionValue['value'] ?> <?php if (isset($_formatedOptionValue['full_view'])): ?> <div class="truncated_full_value"> <dl … | |
Hi, i trying to do a registration form (easiest thing ever) but i'm having trouble doing the validation :S <?php include 'db_connect.php'; ?> <html> <head> <title>Adminstração</title> </head> <body style="color=#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#666666"> <table width="100%" height="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <form method="post" action=""> <td align="center" valign="middle"> <table width="300px" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" style=" … | |
Hello forum! I was tinkering with a login script and I came accross the following error: Warning: mysql_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/content/79/9398479/html/abyss/dio.php on line 60 //Code here: <?php $sqlError = 'We are experiencing very temporary downtime, please refresh or try again in 10 minutes.'; … | |
i though i should try again.. i tring to display all the images of user who is loged in. my database called image: which has image_id user_id image(type long blob)(stores image here) image_full_name ---etc i have two files gallery.php where iam trying to display the images and it uses a … | |
Hello there, I've got a search box that finds the item that I look for but it doesn't display the id number when i put the mouse cursor on top on the item. instead of showing the id number it shows the variable ($id). Any idea why this is not … | |
Hello there, I have been looking on the internet for the past week or so but no luck. I have come accross few bits and pieces but nothing that really worked or too much for what I am looking for. I am looking to have a Accordion Menu with 3 … | |
Hi, Code below is just to print a message. Nothing more. Question is: Whether we have the line `return $this->myname;` or not, it works fine but why some people still use `return` in such cases? Is it just a matter of taste or I'm missing something about OOP? Example below … | |
Hi, I want to display my database records in <ul> <li> format. I have using a free template to design my front end. I am reading database data like this while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $categoryname = $row['category_name']; } and within the loop i have to display records like this … | |
Hi all. I have the following problem: I read this string from an XML file: "User Name ={$username}" and then store it in a local variable $test. I read this in a function, where I have a local variable $username. However the variable inside the string is not interpreted to … | |
Good day everyone, I want to know how to send email to outlook in php after signing up please give some example and discuss it to me clearly thanks very much .. :* | |
Dear experties, Actually I don't know how to specify what I'm trying to do. I only tell you thru this figure. I don't know how to come out report by this way. How can I do? What kind of method to get report like this in a table? Please help … | |
So I have a text file that has 4 items in each line. I would like to store these into an array. So this is an example of how they are stored: imgur.com | link.com | 60 | 468 Thanks in advance | |
I'm using PHP code from: [DetectMobileBrowsers.mobi](http://detectmobilebrowsers.mobi/) to redirect mobile users to a mobile site. I've got this code at the top of my page but I'm not experiencing any redirects. include('mobile_device_detect.php'); mobile_device_detect(true,true,true,true,'http://mydomain.com/mobile.php','http://mydomain.com/index.php'); I don't want to include the code from the website mentioned above because I believe it's copyright. Is … | |
Hi, I'm working on a website where i have to translate the pages and the way i have to do is a little confused. Here it goes: I have to create 2 files lang_pt.php and lang_en.php where i have common arrays where i do the translation. lang_pt.php: <?PHP $lang['Family Office']="Family … ![]() | |
Hi guys. Im a clueless hobbyist with a little problem I cant solve. I hope I can explain it well enought to be understood. I have been trying to use the substr() function to show a the first few line of my aricles and then give a link to the … | |
Hello. I've been viewing this site for a long time, but finally decided to join and ask for help. I'm using citrusDB and a sample code from authorize.net and I want to pass off some information from the citrus DB to the authorize.net code. I've been trying to do this … | |
<?php include('config.php'); include('functions.php'); sqlconnect(); // Passkey that got from link $passkey=$_GET['passkey']; //echo $passkey; $tbl_name1="tbltemp_subscriber"; // Retrieve data from table where row that match this passkey $sql1="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name1 WHERE confirmation_code ='$passkey'"; $result1=mysql_query($sql1); // If successfully queried if($result1){ // Count how many row has this passkey $count=mysql_num_rows($result1); // if found … | |
After around 20 years of not working with PHP\MySQL, it appears I am in need of a little assistance (as I have forgotten most of what I knew) to point me in the proper direction. What I have is a basic search field that automatically pulls information from MySQL once … | |
I want to create a php file that reads HTML file that is uplaoded daily to a folder on my web server, when ever I open the page it needs to read the HTML file and post only data i want to use, i have created some reader but it … | |
Hello there am working on a website where members can add event. Once the member select the event type, the form for that event will appear. below are the pages i did. I also included jquery-1.7.2.min.js. Once i select any event on the **add_event.php** it brings the right form as … | |
Hi all, I am having trouble figuring out a good way to go about looping my database results. Currently, my code looks something like the following (abbreviated for simplicity): $db_results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM table"); echo '<table><thead><th>Name</th><th>Number</th></thead>'; echo '<tbody>'; foreach ($db_results as $result) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>' .$result->name. '</td>'; … | |
if i have a given date so how can i find in what date sun and sat comming ... ? i store 0 for sat and 6 for sun in database. ![]() | |
hi guys working on a little basic forum for collage but i keep getting this error kinda driving me crazy i know its something small but i cant spot it. any help would be great [B]Notice: Undefined index: topic_id in /users/2014/daf1/public_html/cs1109/lab18/showit.php on line 14 Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not … | |
Hi, I'm using a javascript messagebox, but i'm having trouble with the delete: <html> <head> <title>Adminstração</title> <!----------------------------------------------> <script type="text/JavaScript"> function confirmDelete() { var agree=confirm("Tem a certeza que quer remover?"); if (agree) { return true; <?PHP $del="DELETE FROM content_lang WHERE id_content = '".$row_lang['id_content']."'"; $q_del=mysql_query ($del, $connect); ?> } else { return … | |
Hi I have a MYSQL DB hosted on a Win 2003 server on my LAN and a Mysql DB on a dedicated (linux) server at our ISP. I would like to dump a few tables to a .sql file and ftp it to the server and then import the .sql … | |
Hi People, need some help Actually I wanna block an IP address from a certain country... I don't want them to access my home page which is index.php.... so I've included a file "country-redirect.php" this file is placed at beginning of my index.php.... index.php code is like <?php require('country-redirect.php'); ?> … |
The End.