39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for sallecpt

the first image is what I have, the second image is what I want to achieve. below is my code. its basically displaying mysql data in columns. but I need to get rid of that huge gab. [CODE]<?php if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) { require_once ($FolderFunctions.'getvaluestring.php'); } mysql_select_db($database_classi, $classi); $query_docategories = "SELECT catID, …

Member Avatar for sallecpt
Member Avatar for sallecpt

First of all, love the purple theme! If anyone could help me with this. I have read and tried numerous samples from other forums, but all is the same as what I have done. I am building a small classifieds site for my church. I wanted to display data in …

Member Avatar for sallecpt
Member Avatar for mrjoli021

Why am i getting this error: Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /Users/Joli/Sites/TestSite/index.php on line 47 [code] $conn = mysqli_connect("localhost","sql","password","db") or die("Query died: Connect"); $checkSql="select count(id) as eCount from address"; $result = mysqli_query($conn,$checkSql); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); if($row['eCount'] == 6){ $disable = 1; } [/code]

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for bjeffries

is it possible to use PHP to update an RSS feed. I dont already have the RSS feed created, but my site is finished, well for now it is, and want to know if it is possible to do this. My site is scripted using PHP and and every time …

Member Avatar for bjeffries
Member Avatar for kram54

hi everybody .. i want to use post method but not working i dont send to data ... pls help me[code]//i want to send userID and roleID in database .. i use to this code ::: <?php echo "<table border='1'> <tr> <th><font color='white'><h3>User ID</font></th> <th><font color='white'><h3>User Name</font></th> <th><font color='white'>Roles</font></th> </tr>"; …

Member Avatar for kram54
Member Avatar for Checkerboz

Okay first of I want to apologize for the horrible title, I really couldn't come up with a decent title to be honest. Here's my problem, I am kind of new to all this but I'd like to try making (just for fun of course) a database. I have a …

Member Avatar for Checkerboz
Member Avatar for kram54

hi my code is not working when to running .. it create to mysql files but ..not create to my table and it created to table 0 byte ... why ?[code]this is backup code :: <?php $backup=$_POST['text']; $host = 'localhost'; $user = 'root'; $pass = ''; $backupDir = 'c:\'; $backupFileName …

Member Avatar for kram54
Member Avatar for rutaba

i want to know tha is object oriented php is better or simple php? n which version of php is better yet easy to learn? how much is it different from normal structured php?

Member Avatar for Usernamex235
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, I have 2 tables of data, 1 is countries and the other is provinces within those countries. My problem is that accents are showing up as special characters. eg. Trois Eveches is showing as Trois ?av?tmch?copys

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for ismael ahm@d

Hello Everybody... From last three days i m posting my queries but no one take it seriously, please if u people dont mind than plz help me.... i m be very thankful in future. In my database i have 6 fields and through html form i requested only three of …

Member Avatar for ismael ahm@d
Member Avatar for vho123

Hi guys i have this small class task that i'm having trouble with. I need to create a PHP file using SAX to generate the display shown below from an XML file. *** This is the xml source code from which i need to generate the display: *** [CODE] <orders> …

Member Avatar for saji.ka

Dear All, I am new to PHP. I would like to include video (Flash Videos) in the website using PHP. Can u please help by giving the code. Saji

Member Avatar for MalikAamir
Member Avatar for furqan219

Its working PERFECTLY In IE6 But in Chrome Back Button is not Working. Code for Back button [CODE]<td><a href="lims_New_North.php"><img name="lims_pages_r5_c2" src="images/lims_pages_r5_c2.jpg" width="74" height="23" border="0" id="lims_pages_r5_c2" alt="" /></a></td>[/CODE] There is no Issue with Pagination above Back link not work in Google chrome but work in IE6 code Pagination [CODE=php]<?php /* Place …

Member Avatar for bsse007

i have a [B]sign up [/B]page. when user signup ,his data moves to database'table having 4 colomns.1 is of username,2 of password, 3 of email & last for title. when he signsup,a page [B]choice.html[/B] opens that offers to login now or later. if the user login at that time ,he …

Member Avatar for Horacio91
Member Avatar for jhbalaji

I have written a licensing system for my script and now i saved it an file called lic.php in the root folder I am going to encrypt that with ioncube when giving to a client side and i will simply include [CODE]include "lic.php" [/CODE] to call the licensing system But …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for KBL

[ICODE]Hey I want when i click the submit button it runs a php script that then loads it to a local database where I can then use the entered data as a way for someone to login into the site but everytime i click the submit, it downloads the whole …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for kram54

hi everybody this project my graduate project pls help me .. i dont understand where is error and how to sending mail ?[code]mr.php------------- <html> <body> <table width="380" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" > <tr> <td width="33%"><strong>Enter your email : </strong></td> <td width="67%"><form name="form1" method="post" action="mm.php"> <input name="email_to" type="text" id="mail_to" size="25"> <input type="submit" …

Member Avatar for kram54
Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Can someone tell me why I am unable to update a table in mysql using php with session data. First of all, I have done some reading around daniweb and Im not sure if i should be using UPDATE or INSERT to update the table. I have session_start(); at the …

Member Avatar for LloydFarrell
Member Avatar for khaleel_rashid

I just want to create a max function in php. in this function i have to just write the table name and the columns name where i want to call the function and get the max values from the corresponding column of that table PHP Code: [CODE]function max1($column_name, $table_name) { …

Member Avatar for .watts.

Hello all, I've made my first wordpress theme from scratch and as expected I'm running into some trouble getting it to function. Here's the error message: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/seve4033/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/sevensharks/footer.php on line 35 ...line 35 is </html> so I'm lost as to what is unexpected. If …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for psank

Hello everyone, I am new to this forum. It would be a real help if someone could help me out for a problem I'm in from last 5 days. I am using TCPDF for generating PDF on the fly in php. I am using php5.2.6. I am using Multicell function …

Member Avatar for nadskap2

Hey there... I got a website which i want to work properly... But i cant make it work properly without image popup working properly... PHP and HTML code: [code] <?php if ($handle = opendir('./bsbilleder')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if(substr($file, 0, 1) != ".") { $bspic = …

Member Avatar for hno

HI every one I have tried 3 wysiwyg for my php web site , like ckeditor and openwysiwyg . I'm using the latest version but they have some problems and they didn't work good . I want a simple and good wysiwyg editor . What do you suggest ? thanks

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Olliepop

Hey guys So at the moment i'm making an online strategy game a bit like tribalwars.net. I'm having a problem with building construction, unit recruitment, travel times etc. For example.. When a user clicks "build" for a building, the building will be added to a queue and will be completed …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for WargRider

Hello everyone, so I am going to be developing a website for a friend of mine. He owns this business that allows people to come to his store, pay 20 dollars and play some games. He wants on his website, a paying system, where users can pay 15$ instead of …

Member Avatar for WargRider
Member Avatar for ismael ahm@d

*********test.php************** ****************************** <form action="/forums/test_records.php" method="post" name="test" id="test"> <table width="385" border="1" align="center"> <tr> <td width="120">Date: </td> <td width="249"><?PHP echo date("Y-m-d");?></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Particulars:</td> <td><input name="Particulars" type="text" size="40"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Debit:</td> <td><input name="Debit" type="text" size="40"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Credit:</td> <td><input name="Credit" type="text" size="40"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><div align="center"> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"> </div></td> …

Member Avatar for jayreis
Member Avatar for GeoffC

I have a parent table and a child table linked with an Id. The child table has two fields - ch_id and item. The parent table has a field which stores the value of ch_id for that row. I have set up a php script to generate a selection list …

Member Avatar for GeoffC
Member Avatar for Littlemanz

Hi I am from the UK and have been a keen web enthusiast for the past 5 years with a semi break of a few years,I am self taught and run a couple of websites [url snipped] is one and [url snipped] is another i am currently finishing them both …

Member Avatar for maceman
Member Avatar for Olsi009

Hey ppl, I have this assignment at school, where they asked me to create a simple site for uploading and watching videos. I must use PHP, Oracle (ORDVideo precisely), but I don't have much info online. Anyone can point me in the right direction? I am using ADOdb to connect …

Member Avatar for andygeurero
Member Avatar for Davife

I have a site which maintains a local message database and addressbook. What I would like to do is the following: When a user contacts another user a record of that message is stored in the message database and an email is also sent to that user. Any response to …

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The End.