39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for spowel4

In Laravel 4, which I am just beginning to learn, I have this bit of logic in my controller: `$guid = Input::get('guid');`. I know that part works because I can echo out the value successfully. I am trying to pass the $guid value to a view through a redirect like …

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Member Avatar for vizz

How to follow and unfollow users? With following code, list of users appears. containing link to action.php If not following anyone goto action.php to follow that user from list or if following then show link for unfollow How to check from table **following** **condition check:** if ($following) { <a href='action.php?id=$uid&do=unfollow'>unfollow</a>"; …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ms061210

Hello, I need some help here. I cannot make the right query. In my code, I want to insert a data into my database. But the id_number will have different values. Id_number have different values because its from a group. So with that group of id_number I want to insert …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for ceeandcee

I have a form where the user can simpy enter the field they want to query and it takes them to an update page. In that page I define the variable as follows: <?php $tcode="$_POST[teamID]"; ?> Then in various places I can use $tcode to insert the result from the …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for dinhunzvi

i have a function which is supposed to check if a number is a floating-point number. this is the structure of the function function isValidFloat( $string ){ if( !preg_match( "/^[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?$/", $string ) ){ return false; } } for numbers such as 1 or 8 it's correctly validating but not for …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for mattyd

Hi, I finally figured out how to take a row from a table and display it on a page. Big deal, huh? That was not exactly my main goal, though. When a User submits a form I need *that data* to display. I've struggled with this. I now figure that …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for AARTI SHRIVAS
Member Avatar for matrixdevuk
Member Avatar for shakti_1

I want to search all record from database on multiple(comma separate) keyword like php,mysql or php with like . mydatabase record id skill 1 php,java 2 php 3 mysql 4 java,mysql,php if i search mysqlthen total record should be 2 and search php,java it should be total record should be …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Transcendent

If I had this: <html> <body> <form action="welcome.php" method="post"> Name: <input type="text" name="name"><br> E-mail: <input type="text" name="email"><br> <input type="submit"> </form> </body> </html> HOW DO I TAKE WHAT SOME TYPE INTO MYSQL. Do I create a table first ect. Examples pleases

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jacob21

Hi, Is there any tool that extract below from gmail and save in to csv. Name of Person to: Email id cc: Email id Time stamp - DD/MM/YYYY URL's in the email

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Abhinandan431

I am working for a project i need to store dicom file in database,then it will display in my browser browser , and do some basic opratin on that (.dcm file) like zoom,save etc. is any script for that ? .....please help me any one..

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for SevenKader

I tried explaining this but I don't think anyone understood, I have a lot of titles which are all different, what I'm trying to do, is get rid of every "Lyrics" word in the title, and also, everything that appears before the "-" symbol. I managed to do the lyrics …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Abhinandan431

is any script for dicom viewer in php. i need to store .dcm file in database and then it should be able to view in php application......if any solution ?? than please help me..

Member Avatar for Abhinandan431
Member Avatar for Sanket_3

I need to create a cron job which will execute a php file after every 5 sec on my Win7 machine. I have Tomcat installed on my machine also apace server for php in uwamp server and i have knowledge of c,c++,java,javascript and vbscript. Also i have some experience in …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for kimbokasteniv

I am using the openssl seal and open functions to store some encrypted data for later retrieval. After the data is sealed, I store the envelope and envelope key on the server along with the public and encrypted private key. Later, a user will enter the password which decrypts the …

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Guys, I got a quick question, I want to know what you guys use or what resources you have for a complete secure PHP login system. Using salts, hashes and sessions. No fancy Jquery stuff, just stripped down. Some limitations: -No use of PDO, the server I'm using has a …

Member Avatar for matrixdevuk
Member Avatar for RikTelner

There are things that can change image to base64. Is it same possible with videos? If yes, how? If not, is there any way, I could place video in format, that "would" be "safe".

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for sanjay_7

hi all here is my xml file note.xml file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <agents> <agent> <id>1</id> <image> img/primary-nav-logo.png</image> <name>Tommy Jenkin</name> <company>CJenkins Insurance</company> <street>Insurance150 S State Stree</street> <city>Linkend</city> <phone>(773) 561-4331</phone> </agent> <agent> <id>2</id> <image> img/primary-nav-logo.png</image> <name>Tommy Jenkin</name> <company>CJenkins Insurance</company> <street>Insurance150 S State Stree</street> <city>Linkend</city> <phone>(773) 561-4331</phone> </agent> </agents> and i have to …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for mattyd

I am using mysql_fetch_assoc to retrieve and display an array; This is what I recieve upon loading the page: *Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource* I have researched it and do not understand it. **Snippet* while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc('$result')) { echo $row["emp_name"]; echo $row["emp address"]; } Thank you, …

Member Avatar for mattyd
Member Avatar for iamthwee

This is going to sound really stupid, but I'm using 'plesk' and I've written the very simplest form of php mail function. However, it doesn't arrive in my email account. I've tried different email accounts and looked in my spam bin. I've waited days to be sure. I've checked everywhere …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for 2mhzbrain

<div> <?php include 'connect.php'; if(isset($_GET['id'])){ $page_id = $_GET['id']; $select_query = "SELECT * FROM articles WHERE articles_id='$page_id'"; $run_query = mysql_query($select_query); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($run_query)){ $articles_id = $row['articles_id']; $articles_date = $row['articles_date']; $articles_title = $row['articles_title']; $articles_category = $row['articles_category']; $articles_image = $row['articles_image']; $articles_content = $row['articles_content']; ?> <h3> <a href="articlespage.php?id=<?php echo $articles_id; ?>"> <?php echo $articles_title; ?> </a> …

Member Avatar for 2mhzbrain
Member Avatar for azegurb

hi there, this is my class that uses preg_replace_callback I know that when this function used in class i do like that **preg_replace_callback('|(\d{2}/\d{2}/)(\d{4})|',array(&$this, 'next_year'), $text); ** but i dont understand & in front of $this statement if i dont write the & reference operator in front of this it also …

Member Avatar for azegurb
Member Avatar for iamthwee

As title states my php mail function is NOT working with Gmail. However, it does work when sending to other domains such as hotmail and yahoo. I have checked my spam box. Any ideas. I have noticed that when I use phpmailer.php and link it to my gmail account as …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for BenWard

I had to map a network drive with specific credentials in my PHP script and it kept falling over because I'd already navigated to the drive in windows explorer. This snippet will unmap a network drive using COM regardless of whether or not there is a drive letter associated with …

Member Avatar for nawazsj

please help me to display the multiple image from mysql this id my file for uploading multiple image $valid_formats = array("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "zip", "bmp", "pdf", "doc", "docx"); $max_file_size = 100000*100; //100 kb $path = "uploads/"; // Upload directory $count = 0; extract($_REQUEST); // Loop $_FILES to execute all …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for dippy78

Hi Team, Please hekp me with the OCILogon error. Im using WampServer Version 2.2. I have a script which connects to 10g and 11g database and it works perfect from the browser. Now i want to automate the php script via batch file which will be windows 7 schedule task. …

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Member Avatar for xmas4evermine
Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for RikTelner

Main content <?php echo $test; include "index.php?test=solved"; echo $test; // expected: "solved" if (isset($_get["test"])){ $test = $_get["test"]; } ?> File ends here error starts here. Notice: Undefined variable: test in C:\-------\XAMPP\htdocs\index.php on line 4 Warning: include(index.php?test=solved): failed to open stream: No error in C:\-------\XAMPP\htdocs\index.php on line 5 Warning: include(): Failed …

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for nacedo

I am starting a new project and I dont have experience in PHP in general. To help me up and speed things up some of my coworkers told me about CakePHP and Yii. I want to make a hotel reservation system (frontend and backend) and I was wondering wich to …

Member Avatar for baig772
Member Avatar for LRNPHP

Hi All, I'm battling to get this query to work. I have a select form that allows user to select dates. When he submits it it needs to remove weekends from the request. $DateStart='2013-09-01'; $DateStart='2013-09-05'; $DateSTR=strtotime($DateStart); $DateSTO=strtotime($DateStop); for($i=$DateSTR; $i<=$DateSTO; $i++){ $NewDate=strtotime($i); $DateCalc=date('D', $NewDate); $TotalCount++; if($DateCalc == 'Sat' || $DateCalc == …

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The End.