39,326 Topics
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**Clearing up php retrieval of form variables** the basics on how to best submit and retrieve form values in php focusing on checkboxes because they seem to be the most diffucult to understand. When posting form data to another page your naming convention makes all the difference in the world … | |
{"Data":{"Date":"08:09 20-01-2014","SchoolID":"923214157777","Type":"1","Nic":{"3520135201001","3520135201002","3520135201003"}}} | |
I have the following code that craete homepage builder setting page under the appearance tab I am saving and retrieving the option successfuly but when I am echoing them to the hidden input type values I got NULL value why is that although the saving and retrieval is ok ? … | |
Hi Everyone, I am new to PDO PHP - I am getting to grips with the insert statements with bind_param. What I am a bit confused about is how to update a table where id = $var I have an image upload script that works fine, as it uploads the … | |
Hi, I've got a class in PHP with an array of objects in it. I need to loop through these objects and call 2 methods on them but I'm not sure of the best approach. When dealing with arrays, if you use foreach, you can't seem to update the actual … | |
Hi guys I'm rich and I'm new to this forum and I hope I can help you guys as well as helping me! I have been to staffs uni and got a 2:2 in applied it so I know almost all the in's and out's about IT and PHP, I … | |
In my website admin page. I post a new property.the details are posted in my facebook fan page wall. I am using PHP SDK. Some times its working fine. Sometimes it ask swith account. and redirect to my return url contains code parameter and stopped Anybody Help me | |
Hello Community, I have recently been having a big of a look into connecting to a database using PDO but I'm not too sure what I should stick with, the normal way to connect to a MySql database or should I start using PDO. What would be better to use? … | |
I have a website and i need to make a feature that when a user post a link(s) it will become short, by means of a url shortening service API. Here's the API using Php JSON $api_url="http://s.ourbyte.org/api?api=cSuPDdLzHmPq&url=$message"; $res= @json_decode(file_get_contents($api_url),TRUE); if($res["error"]){ echo $res["msg"]; }else{ echo $res["short"]; } } And here's the … | |
sorry for my code but this is only a practice code, i m trying to remove user access links, i displayed all the links that corresponds to the selected user access here's the code and database Select user levels <p class="left"><b>User Level Information</b></p><br> <table class="left"> <tr> <td id="TD3"><B>User Level ID</B></td> … | |
ello There, i want to ask, how can i customize this function to allow only certain email domain. like for instance A & B wants to register, A email = test@ymail.com B email = test@onlyalloweddomain.com how can i validate that? here's my function function validate_values() { // Create the array … | |
`The Red Fox jumped over the Lazy Dog` Could be translated to: `The%20Red%20Fox%20jumped%20over%20the%20Lazy%Dog` How to translate it to: `The_Red_Fox_jumped_over_the_Lazy_Dog`? To make it more eye friendly. | |
In Laravel 4, which I am just beginning to learn, I have this bit of logic in my controller: `$guid = Input::get('guid');`. I know that part works because I can echo out the value successfully. I am trying to pass the $guid value to a view through a redirect like … | |
How to follow and unfollow users? With following code, list of users appears. containing link to action.php If not following anyone goto action.php to follow that user from list or if following then show link for unfollow How to check from table **following** **condition check:** if ($following) { <a href='action.php?id=$uid&do=unfollow'>unfollow</a>"; … | |
Hello, I need some help here. I cannot make the right query. In my code, I want to insert a data into my database. But the id_number will have different values. Id_number have different values because its from a group. So with that group of id_number I want to insert … | |
I have a form where the user can simpy enter the field they want to query and it takes them to an update page. In that page I define the variable as follows: <?php $tcode="$_POST[teamID]"; ?> Then in various places I can use $tcode to insert the result from the … | |
i have a function which is supposed to check if a number is a floating-point number. this is the structure of the function function isValidFloat( $string ){ if( !preg_match( "/^[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?$/", $string ) ){ return false; } } for numbers such as 1 or 8 it's correctly validating but not for … | |
Hi, I finally figured out how to take a row from a table and display it on a page. Big deal, huh? That was not exactly my main goal, though. When a User submits a form I need *that data* to display. I've struggled with this. I now figure that … | |
how can I remove error messages without modify php.ini file | |
I want to search all record from database on multiple(comma separate) keyword like php,mysql or php with like . mydatabase record id skill 1 php,java 2 php 3 mysql 4 java,mysql,php if i search mysqlthen total record should be 2 and search php,java it should be total record should be … | |
If I had this: <html> <body> <form action="welcome.php" method="post"> Name: <input type="text" name="name"><br> E-mail: <input type="text" name="email"><br> <input type="submit"> </form> </body> </html> HOW DO I TAKE WHAT SOME TYPE INTO MYSQL. Do I create a table first ect. Examples pleases | |
Hi, Is there any tool that extract below from gmail and save in to csv. Name of Person to: Email id cc: Email id Time stamp - DD/MM/YYYY URL's in the email | |
I am working for a project i need to store dicom file in database,then it will display in my browser browser , and do some basic opratin on that (.dcm file) like zoom,save etc. is any script for that ? .....please help me any one.. | |
I tried explaining this but I don't think anyone understood, I have a lot of titles which are all different, what I'm trying to do, is get rid of every "Lyrics" word in the title, and also, everything that appears before the "-" symbol. I managed to do the lyrics … | |
is any script for dicom viewer in php. i need to store .dcm file in database and then it should be able to view in php application......if any solution ?? than please help me.. | |
I need to create a cron job which will execute a php file after every 5 sec on my Win7 machine. I have Tomcat installed on my machine also apace server for php in uwamp server and i have knowledge of c,c++,java,javascript and vbscript. Also i have some experience in … | |
I am using the openssl seal and open functions to store some encrypted data for later retrieval. After the data is sealed, I store the envelope and envelope key on the server along with the public and encrypted private key. Later, a user will enter the password which decrypts the … | |
| Guys, I got a quick question, I want to know what you guys use or what resources you have for a complete secure PHP login system. Using salts, hashes and sessions. No fancy Jquery stuff, just stripped down. Some limitations: -No use of PDO, the server I'm using has a … |
There are things that can change image to base64. Is it same possible with videos? If yes, how? If not, is there any way, I could place video in format, that "would" be "safe". | |
hi all here is my xml file note.xml file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <agents> <agent> <id>1</id> <image> img/primary-nav-logo.png</image> <name>Tommy Jenkin</name> <company>CJenkins Insurance</company> <street>Insurance150 S State Stree</street> <city>Linkend</city> <phone>(773) 561-4331</phone> </agent> <agent> <id>2</id> <image> img/primary-nav-logo.png</image> <name>Tommy Jenkin</name> <company>CJenkins Insurance</company> <street>Insurance150 S State Stree</street> <city>Linkend</city> <phone>(773) 561-4331</phone> </agent> </agents> and i have to … |
The End.