39,388 Topics
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I have an update form where there is a student record that has a picture as well as other info. It is with the picture that I am having a problem. The form has a file field with id="picture" name="picture" and then a simple dynamic record call to display the … ![]() | |
Hello! I'm needing some help integrating HighCharts into my CodeIgniter application and getting data from my MySQL database! I've followed a YouTube video on actually integrating HighCharts and it was extremely straightforward. However, that method included a hardcoded array and I'm needing to generate an array from data stored in … ![]() | |
Here is the code. I have trouble with the registration process here. thanks anyway. <?php session_start(); include("connect.php"); $b_name = $_POST["txtbusinessname"]; $b_add = $_POST["txtbusinessadd"]; $email = $_POST["txtemailadd"]; $contact = $_POST["txtcontact"]; $cell = $_POST['txtcontact']; $_SESSION["bname"]= $b_name; $_SESSION["badd"]= $b_add; $_SESSION["bemail"]= $email; $_SESSION["bcontact"]= $contact; $_SESSION["cell"] = $cell; $format_cell = "+639"; if($b_name=="") { echo("<script>alert('Business Name … | |
latest combination(combo) devices of computer.tell me those devices which works more than one?? | |
While learning php I found this common statement $add_tel_sql = "INSERT INTO telephone (master_id, date_added, date_modified, tel_number, type) VALUES ('".$master_id."', now(), now(), '".$safe_tel_number."', '".$_POST['tel_type']."')"; What I do not understand why in the '".$master_id."' we are using the " and also the dot. why we do not only use $master_id without … | |
i am developing a plugin where i need that on each post title a small icon added next to post title. my code is below. it is adding icon but i need both seperately clickable.(both icon and title is pointing to same url action). add_filter( 'the_title', 'modified_post_title'); function modified_post_title ($title) … | |
array( "bullony" => "one", "mcwhat" => "two", "daniweb" => "yay" ) How to use this data to say for example `bullony has variable one` or `mcwhat has variable two` or `daniweb has variable yay`. How do I get name of array listed? I know I could use `print_p();` but it … | |
Hai i am connect in live some problems are detected they are webcam ip address.......... my code is.... <param name="SRC" value="rtmps://"> any example plz..... ![]() | |
I am a beginner in php. And I want to know field level validation using php not by javascript or jquery. How to do this? My incorrect code: form method="POST" action="registrationp.php"> <input type="text" name="emailid"><?php session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['error'])) {echo $_SESSION['error']; } ?></br> <input type="submit" name="submit_form" value="Register"></form> session_start(); if (empty($_POST['emailid'])) { $emailid ="Please … | |
<?php session_start(); ob_start(); include 'database_connection.php'; if (isset($_POST['formsubmitted']) && $_POST['formsubmitted'] == TRUE) $error = array();//this aaray will store all error messages if (isset($_POST['email']) && empty($_POST['email'])) //if the email supplied is empty { $error[] = 'You forgot to enter your Email '; } else { if (preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9])+([a-zA-Z0-9\._-])*@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)+$/", $_POST['email'])) { $Email = $_POST['email']; … | |
I'm retriving a youtube link from mysql db with this code <?php //echo $embed; $yt_url=$embed; function get_youtube_id_from_url($url) { if (stristr($url,'youtu.be/')) { preg_match('/(https|http):\/\/(.*?)\/([a-zA-Z0-9_]{11})/i', $url, $final_ID);return $final_ID[3]; } else { preg_match('/(https|http):\/\/(.*?)\/(embed\/|watch\?v=|(.*?)&v=|v\/|e\/|.+\/|watch.*v=|)([a-zA-Z0-9_]{11})/i', $url, $IDD); return $IDD[5]; } } $variable= get_youtube_id_from_url($yt_url); ?> and extracting the id part of the link and placing it in … | |
..im new in PHP and and I want to know how to create html form that sends file(images) to phpmyadmin(database) consider that you have to choose the database first from the dropdown list of database.. then display it's table after choosen it.. please help.. here must be the sql flow.. … | |
Hi All, I need to create a couple of webservices, where I retrieve info from the database. Found this example on php.net while searching for examples: class MyClass { public function helloWorld() { return 'Hallo Welt '. print_r(func_get_args(), true); } } try { $server = new SOAPServer( NULL, array( 'uri' … | |
<?php include_once('includes/configuration.php'); if(isset($_POST['add'])) { if($_POST['student_id'] == "") { $message = 'Please Enter Srudent ID'; } else { $student_id = $_REQUEST['student_id']; $date = $_REQUEST['date']; $free_indoor_play = $_REQUEST['free_indoor_play']; $rhymes_session = $_REQUEST['rhymes_session']; $language = $_REQUEST['language']; $snaks = $_REQUEST['snaks']; $concept_gk = $_REQUEST['concept_gk']; $maths= $_REQUEST['maths']; $music_movements = $_REQUEST['music_movements']; $story_time = $_REQUEST['story_time']; $free_outdoor_play = $_REQUEST['free_outdoor_play']; $child_health … ![]() | |
i am trying to generate pdf file using fpdf selecting data from two different tables i.e. table custreg and table slabpay, but getting MySQL error: "Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in D:\inetpub\vhosts\kisan.net\httpdocs\greengold\exportpdf.php on line 124". Code: $strSQL = "SELECT custreg.mobno1, slabpay.ac_no, slabpay.cust_name, slabpay.install_no, GROUP_CONCAT(`slabpay.install_amt` … | |
Hi all; I just edited the oci8_driver in codeigniter and added the oci_bind_array_by_name since it was not included. But my codes does not work.. Hope somebody out there can help me. oci8_driver function for store procedure private function _bind_params($params) { if ( ! is_array($params) OR ! is_resource($this->stmt_id)) { return; } … | |
![]() | So I'm creating an online system. Just wondering should I allow for users to have a username or just use their email address as the primary logon? What are your thoughts? ![]() |
i have store an image into my database. but i am unable to display the image what i have done till now is under.... any help will be appreciated. thanks in advance! <? $query="SELECT * from testimonial"; $ret = mysqli_query($mysql,$query); if (isset($ret) && $ret->num_rows>0) { while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($ret)) { $body=$row['body']; $name=$row['name']; $image=$row['img']; … | |
I'm using Ubuntu server 12.04 LTS, nginx, PHP5, PHP5-fpm Recently I upgraded my PHP from v 5.3 to what I thought would be 5.4 but the package I used was further along than I thought and I ended up with v 5.5. It upgraded with no issues but I really … | |
Hi, How to preserve session in subdomain from main domain My domain is example.com. Where i log in and create a session. And i need to access the same in subdomain abc.example.com(which is in same server). | |
Hi I have an 'edit_profile' form. I'm having several issues with this form . There are some fields which are working fine and some aren't. This 1st issue is regarding the textarea fields When the user updates their profile, any field, the textarea adds characters which are bye<br /><br /><br … | |
Hello, How to style my message like : [Login invalid message](http://www.rustoleum-indonesia.com/message.jpg) You see, it appears for a few seconds then afterward it disappears. It also has that red box around it. Thanks before. | |
Hi everyone, I am looking for someone to help me with a htaccess file / rewrite rule I am working with. At the moment, my url is website/profile?id=12345678 now before I add the htaccess file, the webpage gets the id from the url and searches the database and retrieves the … | |
How to access ftp via wordpress? | |
Hii, when i select batchid from dropdown then related to that batchid information like technology,faclty name etc want to show on the text box of another page...............please give me solution. | |
[CODE]Hi Friends, I have written a code with some example script for generating report in PDF with PHP and MYSQL. But i am unable to fetch the data from my table. So Please help me to solve this issue. Thanks <?php $today=date('Y-m-d'); $hostname = "localhost"; $database = "bdname"; $username = … | |
I am inserting the csv file into the database but it not inserting in proper way,the coloums are merged into each other,im not getting where im doing mistake .please help me in that my code`Inline <?php //database connection details $connect = mysql_connect('localhost','root','123456'); if (!$connect) { die('Could not connect to MySQL: … | |
Hi I am trying to convert julian date in to date format. can any one please help me. **For Example:** Julian date - 114021 Output Should be as below 2014/01/21 - (YYYY/MM/DD) | |
Hi how can i comvert the string type for ex : 10/12/2012(d/m/Y) to date .. it changes date to month and month to date.. my expected format is d/m/Y format only... | |
Hi Friend I am trying to connect my MSSql server 2008 R2 server using php. I am getting an error as below `Fatal error: Call to undefined function sqlsrv_connect() in C:\xampp\htdocs\test\connect.php on line 4` and the code is below <?php $serverName = "servername\sqlexpress"; //serverName\instanceName $connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"dbname", "UID"=>"us", "PWD"=>"ps"); … |
The End.